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ФИО автора: Клюева Наталья Владимировна
Место проживания: г. Владикавказ, РСО-Алания
Название учебного учреждения: МБОУ СОШ№27 им.Ю.С.Кучиева
Дисциплина: Английский язык
Учебник: Английский язык. XI класс./ О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева. – М.: Просвещение, 2013. – 253 с.
Продолжительность урока: 40 минут
Презентация к интегрированному уроку
«Latin – lingua franca», 11 класс
2 слайд
The origin of the Latin language
Latin developed around 900 BC in the area of Latium, that is why the language is referred to as Latin and not Roman. The language did not entirely originate in Italy, but is one of the languages contained in the family of Indo-European languages that also includes Celtic, German, Greek and Persian. Of all the languages that make up this group, Latin has more of a leaning towards Greek than any other languages. As Britain was already inhabited by Celtic tribes at the time of the Roman invasion, it is clear to see that the British and Roman languages did have similarities that made communication slightly easier. In any case, the natives of any country the Romans invaded and made a Roman province, were expected to learn and use Latin
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The Latin alphabet
The Latin language originally had just 21 letters, but during the time of the great writer Cicero, two extra letters, Y and Z were added. The reason for the addition of these letters lies in the basis of Latin, which was mostly Greek and two extra letters were needed to translate many Greek words into Latin.
The Latin alphabet is:
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V X Y Z.
It is noticeable that inscriptions and writings in Latin are all in capitals. This is no accident, as Latin consisted only of capital letters until the Middle ages, some 1000 years later when smaller, lowercase letters were added.
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Lingua franca
A lingua franca is a language systematically used to make communication possible between people not sharing a mother tongue.
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Parturiunt montes, nascetur ridiculus mus - рус. «Гора родила мышь»
Panem et circenses! – рус. «Хлеба и зрелищ»
Nec plus ultra – рус. «Дальше некуда, крайний предел»
8 слайд
Alea jacta est –
рус. «Жребий брошен»
Licet barbam auream habeas –
pус. «Будь ты хоть семи пядей
во лбу»
Cornu copiae –
рус. «Рог изобилия»
9 слайд
Mens sana in corpore sano –
рус. «В здоровом теле –
здоровый дух»
Si vivis Romae, romano vivito more –
рус. «В чужой монастырь
со своим уставом не ходят»
Si quis dat mannos, ne quaer(e) in dentibus annos - рус. «Дареному коню в зубы не смотрят»
10 слайд
Malum nullum est sine aliquo bono – рус. «Нет худа без добра»
Scientia est potentia – рус.«Знание – сила»
11 слайд
Match the Russian idioms with their English equivalents.
12 слайд
Check up
Keys: 1f, 2a, 3h, 4l, 5b, 6j, 7n, 8c, 9d, 10g, 11m, 12i, 13e, 14k.
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14 слайд
1. Letters or packages that are delivered toy your house, office, etc.
3. A man, woman or child.
5. An area or town where ships arrive and leave from.
7. In the Christian religion a spirit who lives with God in heaven; someone who is very good and kind.
9. One of the sides of a room or building; a narrow brick or stone structure that is built around an area of land or between two areas.
11. A garden flower that smells sweet and has sharp parts called thorns.
15 слайд
2. A thin material that you use for writing on or for wrapping things in.
4. A place where children are taught.
6. Everything in the world that is not made or caused by humans, for example animals, plants and the weather.
8. A round flat shape like the letter o, or a group of people or things arranged in this shape.
10. A large animal that lives in the desert and is used for carrying people and things.
12. A container for putting things in.
16 слайд
Check up
1. post; Lat. postis
3. person; Lat. persona
5. port; Lat. portus
7. angel; Lat. angelus
9. wall; Lat. vallum
11. rose; Lat. Rosa
2. paper; Lat. papyrus
4. school; Lat. schola
6. nature; Lat. natura
8. circle; Lat. circulus
10. camel; Lat. camelus
12. box; Lat. buxus
17 слайд
Calendar (календарь) – came to us from the Latin calendarium, which was an account book, used by money lenders.
Calculate (вычислять) – it is from the Latin calculus ‘a small stone, a pebble’. To calculate was to reckon by pebbles. The Greeks recorded their votes by dropping pebbles into an urn.
Hallucination (галлюцинация) – from the Latin alucinari ‘to wander in mind’.
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Client (клиент) – in ancient Rome a client was a plebeian under the patronage of a patrician. He performed certain services for the patron who was thereby obliged to protect his life and interests.
January (январь) – the Romans dedicated this month to the Daity Janus. The God presided over the beginnings of things, being the patron of birth, and thus of the first month of the year. Janus possessed two heads, so that he could look backwards at the past year, and forwards into the current year.
Legend (легенда) – is the Latin legenda, from legere ‘to read’; and the Legenda was a book containing the narratives of the lives of the Saints, tales of miracles, read in the religious houses of olden days.
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Opera (опера) – means, in its original Latin, ‘labours, works’. It is the plural of opus ‘a work’.
Paper (бумага) – from the Latin papyrus, an Egyptian reed, the stalks of which, opened out and dried, furnished material for writing upon.
20 слайд
Pen, pencil (перо, карандаш) –
a pen was in Latin penna,
meaning ‘a feather’.
The earliest pens were feathers
cut into the form of pens with a pen-knife. A pencil
in Latin was penicellum ‘a paint-brush’.
This will come as no surprise to artists, since
their brushes are still referred to in works on art as ‘pencils’.
Umbrella (зонтик) – comes to us
from the Latin umbra ‘shade’.
University (университет) –
comes from the Latin
universatis ‘the whole’.
21 слайд
Find fourteen medical terms
hidden in the grid.
22 слайд
Check up
23 слайд
Medical recipes
Выписать 100 мл официнального раствора перекиси водорода (Solutio Hydrogenii peroxydi diluta). Назначить для полоскания (1 столовую ложку раствора на стакан воды).
Rp.: Solutionis Hydrogenii peroxydi dilutae 100 ml D.S. Развести 1 столовую ложку в стакане воды. Для полоскания.
Выписать 200 мл отвара из коры дуба (cortex Quercus). Назначить для полоскания.
Rp.: Decocti corticis Quercus 200 ml D.S. Для полоскания.
24 слайд
25 слайд
Comment on the following statement: “Some people think that children should learn Latin at school”. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200-250 words.
26 слайд
Список использованной литературы
1. Брускина Т.Л., Шитова Л.Ф. Краткий русско-английский фразеологический словарь. - СПб.: Лань, 1999. - 256 с.
2. Васильева Т.Д. Краткий словарь крылатых латинских выражений. - СПб.: Золотой век, 2003. - 336 с.
3. Харкевич Д. А. Фармакология: учебник. - 10-е изд., испр., перераб. и доп. - 2010. - 752 с.
4. Longman WordWise Dictionary
27 слайд
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Тема: Latin - lingua franca
Тип урока: интегрированный комбинированный урок
Цель урока: Формирование речевой компетенции учащихся посредством интеграции содержания латинского и английского языков.
Задачи урока:
Оснащение урока: технические средства: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор; дидактический материал: словари, презентация.
План урока
I. Вводный этап. Мотивация учащихся к учебной деятельности.
II. Основной этап. Употребление латинского языка.
III. Завершающий этап. Рефлексия учебной деятельности.
IV. Домашнее задание.
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