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     Сабақтың мақсаты: оқушылардың ағылшын тілінен алған білімдерін, тақпақтарын, үйренген өлеңдерін қойылымдар қою арқылы көрсету; тілдік қорларын көбейту; ағылшын пәнін оқуға деген ынтасын арттыру; ағылшынша сөйлеу мәнеріне үйрету; екі елдің тілін құрметтеуге баулу; этикаға, рөлде ойнай білуге үйрету; жануарлырды қорғауға тәрбиелеу.

Әдісі: музыкалық қойылым

Көрнекілігі: аңдар суреттері, аңдар қуыршақтары,үйшік

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear guests, teachers and pupils!  Today we will show you our knowledge.  Now we will sing songs, show plays and read poems about animals.  Let’s begin with a song “Animals in the Zoo”. /Оқушылар әнді хормен айтады және әр аңның аты аталғанда қолдарындағы аңдардың суретін көрсетіп отырады./

 I. A song

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There are monkeys          and bears


And a big kangaroo


Lions and zebras                                       and elephants       too


MCj04300150000[1]MCj04300150000[1]Hippos and camels



And a talking cockatoo 



And lots more animals live in the Zoo.


-And now let’s listen poems about animals in the Zoo.


                                     The Monkeys

Visitors of all ages                         But you must remember too,

Like to laugh near these cages.      That the monkeys laugh at you.

                                               The Bear

The day is hot, the sun is bright,     He likes icebergs, we have none.

I see the bear, he is white,               I like the bear, he is nice,

He does not like the hot sun,           Shall I buy for him an ice?

                                  The Kangaroo

All the babies in the Zoo                You can only see his head,

Envy little Kangaroo,                      Mother’s bag is baby’s bed.

                                            The Lions

This little lion went to market,        This little lion had none,

This little lion stayed at home          And this little lion cried,

This little lion had roast beef,           I can’t find my way home


                                      The Elephant

The elephant has got a son,              But I am simply at a loss,

A little boy, a small one,                  This child is bigger than a horse.

                                          The Hippos

There is little hippo                        He catches the mosquito

He swims in the pond,                   But he cannot catch me!

                                         The Camel

The camel’s looking so sad,              And you again have brought some ice,

A week has passed since last he ate. Though you already had it twice!

                                               The Cockatoo

I wonder, have you ever heard,          Ha sleeps and eats and talks again.

A cockatoo? He is talking bird,          But he is dreaming of warm seas,

He says “a fool” to any man,              Of palm and some up known trees.

                                               At the Zoo /барлығы бірге/

I saw, I saw, I saw                                     I saw, I saw, I saw

A lion at the Zoo.                                      A grey big kangaroo.

I saw, I saw, I saw                                     I saw, I saw, I saw

A baby lion too.                                         I saw them in the Zoo.



 II. A play “The Cat    and the Mouse             ”


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 Little mouse, little mouse!                     Little mouse, little mouse!

 Where is your house?                              Come into my house!

f338     Little cat, little cat!                                             Little cat, little cat!

     I haven’t got a flat.                                             I cannot do that!

       I am a poor mouse                                              I am a poor mouse

             I haven’t got a house.                                         You want to eat me!    


 III. A song “Alouette”

1. Alouette, little Alouette!                                   3. Alouette, little Alouette!                               

Alouette, play the game with me!                            Alouette, play the game with me!

Put your finger on your head,                                   Put your finger on your nose

Put your finger on your head.                                   Put your finger on your nose,

On your head, on your head.                                     On your nose, on your nose

Don’t forget, Alouette!                                             On your eye, on your eye

                                                                                  On your head, on your head.                                       

2. Alouette, little Alouette!                                        Don’t forget, Alouette!

Alouette, play the game with me!

Put your finger on your eye,

Put your finger on your eye.

On your eye, on your eye

On your head, on your head

Don’t forget, Alouette!

 IV. A  play “The little house in the wood”.

«Ормандағы кішкентай үй» қуыршақтар театры. Әр бір аңның жеке музыкалық сүйемелдеуімен орындалады.

The personages of the play: a mouse, a frog, a cock, a hare, a snake, a little lion, a fox.

Narrator: This is a wooden house. It’s a very nice house. Look, the mouse is coming to the house.

Mouse: Pee-pee-pee! I’m the mouse, here is my house. Pee-pee-pee!

Narrator: Now, see, the frog is coming.

Frog: Croak, croak! I like it! I want to live in this house! Croak, croak! How do you do? Who are you?

Mouse: I’m the mouse, and who are you?

Frog: I’m the frog. May I live with you?

Mouse: Yes, you may, come in please.

Narrator: The frog and the mouse like to play together. And here is the cock coming.

Cock: Cock-a-doodle-doo! What a nice house!

          Cock-a-doodle-doo! How do you do? Who are you?

Mouse: I’m the mouse.

Frog: I’m the frog and who are you?

Cock: I’m the cock.

Mouse: What can you do?

Cock: I can sing. Cock-a-doodle-doo! Cock-a-doodle-doo! May I live with you?

Mouse and frog: Yes, you may, come in please.

Narrator: And here is the hare coming.

Hare: How do you do? Who are you?

Mouse: I’m the mouse.

Frog: I’m the frog.

Cock: I’m the cock.. And who are you?

Hare: I’m the hare. May I live with you?

Mouse and frog, cock: Yes, you may, come in please.

Narrator: Look, the snake is coming.

Snake: How do you do? Who are you?

Mouse: I’m the mouse.

Frog: I’m the frog.

Cock: I’m the cock..

Hare: I’m the hare. And who are you?

Snake: I am the snake, may I live with you?

Mouse and frog, cock, hare: Yes, you may, come in please.

Narrator: Now, see, the little lion is coming.

Little lion: What a nice house! I want to live in this house. Who lives in it?

Mouse: I’m the mouse.

Frog: I’m the frog.

Cock: I’m the cock.

Hare: I’m the hare.

Snake: I am the snake, and who are you?

Little lion: I’m the little lion. May I live with you?

Mouse and frog, cock, hare, snake: Yes, you may, come in please.

Narrator: And hare is the fox is coming.

Fox: How do you do, my dear friends? Who are you?

Mouse and frog, cock, hare, snake, little lion: And who are you?

Fox: I am your friend, the fox, may I live with you?

Mouse and frog, cock, hare, snake, little lion: Oh, no, no! You are a bad fox! You want to eat us? Go away? (The fox runs away)

Teacher: Now let’s introduce our pupils: the narrator is …., the mouse is…, the frog is…

V. A song. “Little chickens”

Teacher: And now listen to the song “Little chickens”,  “Шөжелерім

Ақ тауықтай боларсыңдар,                  You will grow very quickly,

Әлі-ақ өсіп толарсыңдар.                     As a white beautiful hen,

Әй, менің шөжелерім2                             Oh, my little chickens2

Шөп, шөп, шөжелерім2                           Shak, shak little chickens2

Мамық жүнді шөжелерім,                    Fine wool of little chickens

Нәзік үнді шөжелерім, шөп, шөп.       Low sounds of little chickens. Shak, shak.


Teacher: In conclusion of our lesson I would like to say animals our friends.

We should take care of them

Now our party is over. Thank you that you came. Good bye!


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     Сабақтың мақсаты: оқушылардың ағылшын тілінен алған білімдерін, тақпақтарын, үйренген өлеңдерін қойылымдар қою арқылы көрсету; тілдік қорларын көбейту; ағылшын пәнін оқуға деген ынтасын арттыру; ағылшынша сөйлеу мәнеріне үйрету; екі елдің тілін құрметтеуге баулу; этикаға, рөлде ойнай білуге үйрету; жануарлырды қорғауға тәрбиелеу. Әдісі: музыкалық қойылым Көрнекілігі: аңдар суреттері, аңдар қуыршақтары,үйшік Teacher: Good afternoon, dear guests, teachers and pupils!  Today we will show you our knowledge.  Now we will sing songs, show plays and read poems about animals.  Let’s begin with a song “Animals in the Zoo”. /Оқушылар әнді хормен айтады және әр аңның аты аталғанда қолдарындағы аңдардың суретін көрсетіп отырады./

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