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Методическая разработка по английскому языку урока-закрепления грамматики для старшеклассников

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Методическая разработка

 «Do you know Grammar»



Цели и задачи:

Активизировать повторение ранее изученного материала, закрепить приобретенные знания, умения и навыки. Грамматические задания призваны обеспечить умение студентов практически применить знания по грамматике английского языка, активизировать мыслительную деятельность, направленную на употребление грамматических конструкций в естественных ситуациях общения.

В конкурсе принимают участие две команды.

Любой конкурс требует определенной подготовки, поэтому команды заранее получают домашние задание:

1) подготовить приветствие соперникам (девиз, дать характеристику команде и отдельным ее представителям);

2) подготовить по две загадки (обязательно с письменными ответами);

3) подготовить стихотворение и песню на английском языке.


Ход мероприятия


Contest 1. "Blitz".

Команды задают друг другу по 10  вопросов, на которые нужно быстро от­ветить, так как учитываются не только правильность, но и быстрота ответа. Возможные вопросы.

Team 1

1.  What do we understand by the "tense" of a verb? (The tense of a verb shows the time (present, past, future) when the action takes place, took place or will take place.)

2.   Give the Simple Future Tense of the verbs be and have, (shall be, shall have, will be, will have).

3.   Put the following sentence in the Sim­ple Present Tense: You were very careless, weren't you? (You are very careless, aren't you?)

4.   How can you make the Present Parti­ciple of any verb? (by adding -ing to the infinitive)

5.   What do we call verbs that form their  past tense and past participle by changing their vowels? (irregular verbs)

6. What is the negative form of  will? (won't or will not)

7.  What is the Future Progressive of the verb to write? (shall be writing, will be wri­ting)

8.  How is the Future Perfect Tense made? (It is made by using the Future Simple Tense (shall/will), together with have and the Past Participle)

9. What is the Future Perfect of the verb to speak? (will have spoken, shall have spo­ken)

10. Which form is correct: A new hotel is built in the centre of Moscow now or A new hotel is being built in the centre of Moscow now? (is being built)

11. Which of the following verbs are nev­er used in continuous tenses: write, read, listen, look, and hear? (hear)

12. What tense is used when we are think­ing of an action completed in the past? (the Simple? Past Tense)

13.  How does the Present Perfect Tense form its negative? (by putting not after have/has)

14. Which of the following is never used in the plural: mile, page, information, and language? (information)

15. Which sentence is wrong: I am know­ing; or I  know (I am knowing)

16.  Is this sentence right or wrong? Cor­rect it if it is wrong.

I have always been wanting to read this book (wrong: I have always wanted to read this book)

17.  What is the singular of the word peo­ple? (person)

18. What tense do we use when we say how often we do things? (Present Simple)

19. What do we use in Past Simple ques­tions and negatives? (We use did/didn't + infinitive (speak, open, etc.)

20. What tense do we use with: This is the first time... It's the first time...? (the Present Perfect)

Team 2

1. What are the names of the main three tenses? (Past, Present, Future)

2. Name the Simple Past Tense of the verbs be and have? (was, were, had)

3.    Put the following sentence in the Fu­ture Tense: We were not able to do the dif­ficult exercise. (We shan't/won't be able to do the difficult exercise)

4.   What is the form of the verb that ends in -ing called (e. g. reading)? (It is called Present Participle.)

5.    What do we call verbs that form their Past Tense and Past Participle by adding d, -ed to the Present? (regular verbs)

6.    What is the negative form of shall? (shan't, shall not)

7.    What is the Future Progressive Nega­tive of the verb to write? (shall not be writ­ing, will not be writing)

8.    What tense expresses an action that will have been completed at or before a time in the future? (the Future Perfect Tense)

9.  What is the Future Perfect Negative of the verb to speak? (will not have spoken, shall not have spoken)

10. Which form is correct: I'm not look­ing forward to go to the dentist's or I'm not looking forward to going to the den­tist's? (to going to the dentist's)

11.  Which of the following verbs are nev­er used in continuous tenses: buy, become, believe, increase? (believe)

12.  What tense is used for an action that is just finished? (It is used when we are thinking more of the present result ("up to now") than about the past action.) (the Present Perfect Tense)

13.  Name the Past Simple Tense of  the verbs be and have (was, were, had)

14.  Which of the following is used only in the plural: screws, scissors, hammers, nails? (scissors)

15. What tense is used to express an ac­tion that will continue some time in the future? (the Future Progressive Tense)

16.  Is this sentence right or wrong? Correct it if it is wrong. How long do you know Ann? (wrong: How long have you known Ann?)

17.  What is the singular of the word chil­dren? (child)        

18.  What do we use to make questions and negative sentences? (do/does)

19.  We do not use it with the verb be (was/ were). What is it? (did: e. g. Why were you so angry?)

20. When do we use the Past Progressive (e. g. I was doing) and' the. Past Simple (e. g. I did) together? (to say that some­thing happened in the middle of something else: e. g. It was raining when I got up.)


Contest  2. "English Tense".

Участникам команд предлагается упот­ребить глаголы в предложениях в соответствующем времени. Разрешается до­бавлять и исключать слова, если необ­ходимо.

Обеим командам предлагается один и тот же текст.


The tense of a verb shows the time (pre­sent, past or future) when the action takes place, took place or will take place.

Put these sentences in the Past Simple/ Future Simple.

Add a word or phrase to some of them to show the past time/future time.

Leave out a word if necessary.


My Birthday

Today is my birthday, so I have a holiday today.

On my birthday I always do my work early in the morning so that I am free for the day.

This year my birthday is on a Tuesday.

I have a present for my birthday; here it is in my hand.

I am 16 today.


Past Теnse

 It was my birthday yesterday,  so I had a holiday then.

I did my work early in the morning so that I was free for the day. My birthday was on a Monday.

I had a present for my birthday; it was a CD.

I was 16 yesterday.




Future Tense

It will be my birthday tomorrow,  so I shall have a holiday then.

I shall do my work early in the morning so that I shall be free for the day. My birthday will be on a Wednesday this уeаг.  I shall have a party and I know that my parents: will give me a birthday present.

I shall be 16 tomorrow.


Contest 3. "Captains' Competition".
Каждому капитану предлагается по 3-5 вопросов; Учитываются количество
правильных ответов и затраченное на них время.


Captain 1    

 1. It  consists of two parts. The first part is some form of, the present tense of the verb to be (am, is,- are). The second part is the form of the verb that ends in -ing. (the Present Progressive)

2. It expresses an action that will have been completed at or before a time in the future (the Future Perfect)

3.   We use it to give new information or to announce a recent happening. But if we continue to talk about it, we normally use the Past Simple. (I did) (the Present Per­fect)

4.   It shows when an action takes place. (the tense of a verb)

5.   They show something of the feeling that is in the mind of the person using them. (words shall and will)

6.   It expresses Simple Futurity. (I shall, we shall)

Captain 2

1.    It is very often used to show that an action was going on (or continuing) at a time when something else happened, (the Past Progressive Tense: e. g. As I was com­ing to school this morning I saw a car run into a bus)

2.   It is formed by using the Simple Fu­ture (I shall, you will) with be and a Present Participle. (Future Continuous: e. g. I shall be walking)

3.   We form it with had and the Past Par­ticiple (gone, opened, etc.). (Past Perfect)

4.  It shows whether the action is finished or not. (the tense of a verb)

5.  It is a non-finite part of a verb. (Past Participle)

6. It expresses willingness, intention, promise or determination. (I will, we will)

Contest 4. "The Best Story".

Команды получают одинаковые зада­ния. Сначала предлагается раскрыть скобки (образовав нужную форму гла­гола), чтобы получился рассказ. Второе задание: закончить письмо.

При подведении итогов учитывается, чей рассказ лучше. Можно принять во внимание также фактор времени, затра­ченного на выполнение задания.

Task: Open the brackets, using the right verb forms. Complete the letter.

The Unfinished Letter

Dear Hilda,

I just (hear) that my mother isn't very well, and I (like) (go) and (see) her. The trouble (be) I (not, can) (take) my dog Tim with me. You (think) you (can) possibly (look) after him for a week? You (have) him for a week last year, you (remember), and you (say) he (be) no trouble, and (get) on well with your dog.

If you (can) (have) him, I (bring) him along any time that (suit) you. He (have) his-own bed and bowl, and I (bring) enough tinned dog food (last) him a week.

But-if  it (not be) convenient; (not hesi­tate) (say) so ... .

Key: 1) have just heard; 2) would/should like; 3) to go; 4) (to) see; 5) is; 6) can't/ cannot; 7) take; 8) Do you think...?; 9) could possibly; 10) look; 11) had; 12) remember; 13) said; 14) was/had been; 15) got/had got; 16) can; .17) to have; 18) will/shall bring; 19) suits; 20),has; 21) will bring; 22) to last; 23) is not; 24) don't hesitate; 25) to say.


Contest 5. “If-Problems".

Команды задают друг другу по три вопроса. Это могут быть загадки, шара­ды, проблемные задачки. Например:

If two cats are before a cat, and two cats are behind a cat, and a cat is in the middle, how many cats are there in all? (Three cats, one after another)


Contest  6. "My favourite poem".

Члены команд читают наизусть стихотворения на английском и русском языках.


Contest  7. "Sing a Song".

Команды исполняют подготовленные дома песни на английском языке.

Завершается конкурс подведением итогов. Можно определить не только команду победительницу, но и самого активного участника, зрителя.



Используемые материалы: Интернет-ресурсы, учебники английского языка

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 Данная методическая разработка по грамматике английского языка предназначена  для учащихся старших классов. Материал работы содержит много интересных  разнообразных  конкурсных  заданий, богатый языковой,лексико-грамматический,  музыкальный  ресурс. Это придаёт  своеобразие, создаёт творческую атмосферу на занятиии. Разработка может быть использована на этапе обобщающего повторения или как  мероприятие в рамках недели английского языка. Методическая работа может быть полезна в учебном процессе как учителям школ, так и преподавателям средних учебных заведений 

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