Animals in our life
Разработка составлена по учебнику: М. З.
Биболетова, Н. В. Добрынина, Н. Н. Трубанева "Английский с
удовольствием"/ "Enjoy English" для 5-6 классов. Учебник
предназначен для учащихся общеобразовательных школ, в которых обучение английскому
языку начинается со второго класса.
· обучающие: формирование навыков
использования изученной лексики по теме «Животные» в речи; глаголов
в Present Simple;
· развивающие: развитие речевых
способностей (фонематического слуха, способности к догадке),
функций, связанных с речевой деятельностью (речевого мышления,
внимания, воображения), развитие мотивации к
дальнейшему овладению иноязычной культурой.
· воспитательные: формирование
позитивно–ориентированной личности, воспитывать любовь к животным,
экологическую культуру в целом.
1) активизировать речевые навыки на уровне представления информации о
2) использовать лексико-грамматические навыки.
3) реализовать умение использования информационно-коммуникационных
технологий на уроке.
4) приобщение к культуре страны изучаемого языка.
Ход урока.
T: Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you.
I hope you are ready to work hard at our lesson. I believe
the lesson will be interesting for you and you’ll enjoy it.
Look at the blackboard. What is the theme of the lesson?
P1: Animals
in our life.
T. Yes, you are right. Today we are going to speak about animals
and pets.
Let’s repeat the names of animals now. Look at the
blackboard and say: What animals can you see? As for me I can see a lion.
P1: I can see a… (лев, тигр, волк, обезьяна,
жираф, кошка, собака, лягушка, зебра,…)
T. Well done. What other names of animals do you know?
P. Donkeys, sheep, goats, camels, rabbits, elephants,
foxes ,pigs, cows, bears, dolphins, ducks, snakes, sharks, crocodiles,
eagles, rhinos…etc.
T: You know lots of animals.
T: Where do these animals live? Make up sentences.
in the mountains
in the seas and oceans
in/at the rivers
in the trees/the forests
in the zoo
in the country
at a farm
in the deserts
4 T:
Open your books page 110 ex.22. Give characteristics of the following animals
and birds:
Example: A
fox is cunning, strong, clever and independent. It runs very fast.
P1: A monkey is clever, funny and interesting. It jumps
P2: A dolphin is clever, interesting. It helps to save
P3: A horse is strong. It lives
on a farm.
P4: A whale is the biggest
animal in the world. It swims in the ocean.
P5: A bear is big and strong. It
lives in the forest. It sleeps in winter.
P6: A wolf is big. It is grey, strong and cruel. It can
run and jump. It likes meat.
P7: A rabbit can run very fast. It has long ears. It
likes carrots and cabbage.
P8: A snake has no legs. It can’t walk. It can swim. It
has a long tail.
P9: An eagle is very clever. It can fly well.
P10: A cow gives milk. It lives on a farm. It eats grass.
5 T:
Now you’ll agree or disagree with me. Listen to me carefully. If I am right
repeat my sentence. If I am not right disagree with me.
Cocks can swim. (Cocks can’t swim.)
Spiders have got seven legs. (Spiders have got eight legs.)
Lions can run. (Lions can run.)
Cats have got sharp teeth. (Cats have got sharp teeth.)
Rabbits have got short ears. (Rabbits have got long ears.)
Frogs can’t jump. (Frogs can jump.)
Mice have got short tails. (Mice have got long tails.)
T: You are wonderful children. It’s very good that you know
so much about animals.
T: Listen to the tape now. You will hear 6 short stories about
different animals. Number the pictures in the correct order.
T: I’m sure you have got pets at home. Who has got a pet? What pet have you
got? Tell us about them.
P1: I’ve got a hamster. It’s my favourite pet. His name is
Khoma. He is little and nice. He’s white and fluffy. He has got a short tail,
little legs and little black eyes. Khoma likes to eat fruits and vegetables.
P2: My pet is a turtle. It is a wild animal but it can live
in a house too. My turtle is very slow and likes to sleep very much. It likes
to eat fruits and grass. In summer when it’s warm I take it for a walk and it
eats flowers.
P3: …
T: Thank you very much for your stories.
T. I have got a pet, too. To know what it is you should do
a crossword. I’ll give you only 2 minutes. Start, please.
T. Yes, my pet is a parrot. It’s very nice.
8 T:
I have the Red Book. Do you know about this book? What animals are there in the
Red Book?
There are bats, woodpeckers. There is a brown bear, a
stoat, a ground squirrel, a hedgehog and other animals. We must protect these
T: None of us must ever forget that animals and birds
are our friends! And we must take care of them!
What must and mustn’t we do?
look after my pet
feed my pet
feed birds in winter
play with animals
take a dog for a walk
love pets
kill birds
give sweets to pets
feed animals at the zoo
hurt animals
P1: I must look after my pet.
P2: We mustn’t hurt animals.
P3: …
T: Children, you are brilliant today.
9 T:
Who knows the poem about animals?
I love all kinds of animals
Dogs and cats and rabbits.
I love all kinds of animals,
Despite their little habits.
If I had tons of money,
Do you know what I would do?
I would buy lots of animals
And have my own zoo.
But they wouldn't be in cages,
They would, be free to run around.
And there's one thing they would feel
And that is safe and sound.
10 T:
It’s time to watch the film “Animals and Pets”
11 T:
You were very active today. It was such a pleasure to work with you. The
lesson is over. Good-bye.
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