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Урок «British Holidays» для 11 класса

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  • British Holidays

    1 слайд

    British Holidays

  • The 1st of October

    2 слайд

    The 1st of October

  • The 31st of October

    3 слайд

    The 31st of October

  • The 24th of December

    4 слайд

    The 24th of December

  • The 14th  of February

    5 слайд

    The 14th of February


    6 слайд


  • The 12th of May

    7 слайд

    The 12th of May

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Конспект урока по теме

«British Holidays»

для 11 класса



Учитель английского языка Т.В. Комашкова











2012 год

Цели урока:

Повторение лексики по теме Праздники,

Обзор традиций, обычаев по теме Праздники

Развитие навыков чтения в формате ЕГЭ





Проектор, компьютер, костюмы для сценок, картинки для оформления класса, карточки с заданиями по чтению №1 и №2, карточки с домашним заданием



















Ход урока

Hello, boys and girls! How are you? I’m fine, thank you. Sit down.

Today we have an unusual lesson. We remember about the British holidays. What British holidays do you know?

There are many interesting and amazing holidays in Britain and each of them has its own traditions and customs

-         What do you remember about them?  What are these holidays associated with? You have a cards, match the 1 and the 2nd columns:

Go to church


To watch fireworks

Guy Fawkes’ Night

Go to bed after midnight

New year

To give roses

St. Valentine’s Day

Dress up as the witches


Chocolate eggs


Hang stockings near the fireplace


Hug and kiss each other

New Year


-         Find the mistakes

New Year’s Day

25 December

St. Valentine’s Day

1 April


31 October


March or November

Fool’s day

1 January


14 February


. And what would it happen when all holidays were one day? Would we be happy?

Театрализованная сценка:

В комнате сидит скучающая девочка, к ней приходит подруга

-hello! How are you?

- fine…. And you?

- I am fine. It is a very boring day today. there is nothing to do. It is raining all day long. What shall we do?

Let’s listen to the songs. (включает магнитофон, а там грустная мелодия «Lemon Tree» beatles)

-         Oh, what it is? This song is about us and about this boring day.

-         There is a holiday today?

-         No, there isn’t. there are many amazing holidays in Britain, for example Easter, Christmas, Halloween…

-         St.Valentine’s day, Fool’s day. I like British holidays. Oh, if they all were today, it would be really great.


Звучит таинственная музыка.

What the matter?

Look at the Calendar/ it is the 31st of October, it is Halloween.

-         Early this day was called the Day of all Saints. It was belived that the dead could come to this World to speak with the alive. So we could see our relatives.

-         Today it is a fanny holiday when children go from house to house, wearing scary costumes and get sweets.

Звучит музыка. Стук в дверь. Входят хэоолуинцы.

Trick or treat, trick or treat

Give us something good to eat

Give us candy, give us cake,

Give us something good to take

Trick or treat

-         Trick

Хэллоуинцы подшучивают над детьми.

- let’s frighten them, tell a scary story.

Oh, it is my favorite!!!

-         In the dark-dark city, in the dark-dark house……

Звучит музыка.

-it is time to go.

- What the matter?

- we haven’t enough time.


-         Look at the calendar. It is 24th of December. It is Christmas Eve.

-         What it is?

-         It is Christmas Carols. The children going from house to house, sing songs in honor of Jesus Christ.  Let’s listen to them? And give them some sweets.

-         Christmas is a favorite children’s holiday. It is Sants Clause, Christmas Cards, Christmas tree

Стук в дверь

-         - Oh, these are Christmas cards from my grandma, my aunt, my cousin.

-          And Christmas present. I like them best of all. Look there are a presents for us…..


Звучит музыка, подарки исчезают.


What it is? Hearts, flowers…

-         St. Valentine’s Day. I like this holiday. We write and get Valentine Cards. This is Day of love and flowers….

-         Let’s write Valentine’s Cards!

Делают валенки.

Стук в дверь. Valentine’s Cards for you.

Oh, our Valentine’s Cards…

Подходят к корзине. Таинственная музыка. Валентинки исчезают.

- who sent them? We’ll never find it out!


Look/ the 1st of April. April Fools Day.

 Входит полицейский с клоунским носом.

- hello? I am a fool Policeman/ you are arrested for your mood.

- And what is wrong?

- you are very sad. And today everybody should be happy and a bit crazy. Today is April fool’s Day. And What should we do?

- you should dance and sing to be happy.

Звучит музыка. Девочки начинают танцевать. Веселеют, но всё обрывается. Полицейский уходит.

Look. It’s 12th of May. It’s my birthday.

Входят друзья с тортом в колпаках и поют “Happy birthday to you”

-         Your Wish…

-         I wish all holidays were on their places, at their time. We have opportunity to enjoy them.


Match the titles with the texts

a)      The word’s  holiday owes its name and many of its customs to a pageant festival hold eostre which is the name of Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring time. Every spring European peoples celebrated the festival to honour the awakening of new life in nature. Christians related the rising of the sun to the resurrection of Jesus and their old spiritual rebirth. This "holy" day is celebrated in many countries of the world

b)      It is also called All Saints’ Eve. It has ancient roots in the polytheistic Celtic harvest festival of Samhain (pronounced /sɑːwɪn/) and the Christian holy day of All Saints, but is today largely a secular celebration. Holiday’s activities include trick-or-treating , wearing costumes and attending costume parties, carving jack-o'-lanterns, ghost tours, bonfires, apple bobbing, visiting haunted attractions, pranks, telling scary stories, and watching horror films.

c)      In England it is the most important of all the bank holidays of the year. It is celebrated much the same way as in the United States of America. On December 26, the Boxing Day, traditionally people give each other presents, which used to come in boxes. It is a very pleasant custom indeed. London remains one of the world’s strongholds of pageantry much of which is centered on traditional observances connected with the Royal family. They are always attracting large crowds of spectators, native Londoners as well as foreign visitors. Here are two of them.

d)      It  is celebrated in different countries on April 1 every year. It is not a national holiday, but is widely recognized and celebrated as a day when people play practical jokes and hoaxes on each other. The earliest recorded association between April 1 and foolishness can be found in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (1392).

e)      Comic Relief is an operating British charity, founded in 1985 by the comedy scriptwriter Richard Curtis and comedian Lenny Henry in response to famine in Ethiopia. The highlight of Comic Relief's appeal is a holiday, a biennial telethon held in March, alternating with sister project Sport Relief. Comic Relief is one of the two high profile telethon events held in the United Kingdom, the other being Children in Need, held annually in November. The charity states that its aim is to "bring about positive and lasting change in the lives of poor and disadvantaged people, which we believe requires investing in work that addresses people's immediate needs as well as tackling the root causes of poverty and injustice."

1) Red Nose Day

2)     Fools’ Day

3) Easter

4)      Christmas

5) Halloween

6) Birthday

1)      ____; 2) _____; 3) ______; 4) _____; 5) _____; extra _____.







Задание по чтению № 2 Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A-F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1-7. Одна из частей в списке 1-7 – лишняя. Занесите цифру, обозначающую с соответствующую часть предложения в таблицу.



Halloween was first celebrated A__________ called Druids. They observed the end of autumn and the beginning of winter. The Druids thought that Halloween was B_______ came out. As they were afraid C_____different clothes and paint their faces to deceive the evil spirits. They also placed food and small gifts near the doors of their houses for the witches. This was, as they say now, the beginning of the expression “Trick or treat” (meaning “Give me something or I shall play a trick on you”). It is considered that Halloween was brought D_______. In the 19th century they celebrated Halloween according to their own traditions (a lantern made of Pumpkin with holes in the forms of eyes, a nose and a mouth was part of the festival). As time went by, grown-up people lost interest in Halloween, and it E_____. Dressed very strangely, children held festivals. During their carnival F_____, groups of children visited houses and asked for candies. “Trick or treat! Trick or treat!” was heard everywhere.


1)    the night when the witches

2)    of the witches they put on

3)    many centuries ago in Ireland and Scotland by Celtic priests

4)    and after it

5)    to America by the immigrants from Ireland and Scotland

6)    was celebrated mostly by children

7)    on the 31st of October




Домашнее задание

Write answer to the John’s letter.

..Soon we’ll have a Halloween party. It will be great! Do you celebrate Halloween in Russia? What holidays do you have? What is your favorite holiday? Why? …

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"Данный урок "нацелен на развитие навыков чтения у учащихся в формате ЕГЭ. Уникальность данного урока в том, что для повторения лексики и её активизации на уроке используется элементы театрализация. Данный приём способствует привлечению внимания и интереса учащихся. Последующие задания полностью соответствуют требованиям заданий ЕГЭ по иностранному языку из раздела «Чтение», так как данный урок нацелен именно на развитие навыков чтения.

"Тема данного урока выбрана не случайно. Это способ вернуться к уже изученной ранее теме и обобщить знания по всем популярным праздникам Великобритании и увидеть как, казалось бы, «детская» тема может быть связана со «взрослым» ЕГЭ. Это поможет доказать детям, что нельзя пренебрегать никакой лексикой и никакими темами.

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