Инфоурок Другое Cценарий праздника «Hаllowе’en»

Cценарий праздника «Hаllowе’en»

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Школьный спектакль «Hаllowе’en»

         Для учащихся нашей школы мы подготовили инсценировку «Hаllowе’en» на английском языке. Она предназначена для внеклассной работы.

         Цель постановки: объединить учащихся различных возрастных групп с разным уровнем знаний английского языка в совместной творческой работе и тем самым способствовать выработке языкового общения детей и раскрытию их индивидуальных творческих способностей.

         Основная идея спектакля связывает отдельные его части, которые могут быть изменены в зависимости от аудитории: возраста детей, их индивидуальных способностей, а также изученного материала.

         В сценарий включены стихи и песни. Действие спектакля развёртывается на музыкальном фоне. Специально подобранная музыка помогает передать настроение героев, развивает у учащихся умение слушать, ознакомиться с культурой страны изучаемого языка.

         Инсценировка праздника «Hаllowе’en», где в одно целое соединены английский язык, музыка, изготовление костюмов, общение детей разного возраста, эмоциональные переживания – всё это способствует повышению интереса ребёнка к английскому языку, раскрытию и развитию его творческих способностей, учит общению и совместной деятельности. Далее привожу инсценировку праздника «Hаllowе’en».







Сценарий праздника «Hаllowе’en»

         Время 40 минут

         Участники: Alice - a daughter, a mother, a father and evil ghosts.

         Музыка тревожная на фортепьяно заканчивается и на сцену со свечой выходит один из духов в соответствующем одеянии, гриме.

         At last: Our time is coming! Today is the last day of October, the last time for getting full freedom. The forces of evil, shirts, devils – my brothers and sisters!

- It’s time to show these cruel people who is stronger – we are or they are. Come on, my dear. We have only one night, and this night has come.


Сцена укладывания в постель: дочка и мама.

Дочка: Oh, mummy, I don’t want to go to bed. It’s too early. I’d like to stay with you and Daddy for a little time.

With you let me?

Мама: Of course, not. My darling, look at the window and at the calendar. October is up, the winter darkness is beginning to night. All good children go to bed earlier now than usually.

Дочка: (crying) Darkness? I don’t want darkness. I don’t like it. I’m afraid to be alone. Oh, mummy, it seems, there is somebody in the room. Oh, don’t leave me, please. I’m going to die from horror.

Мама: Will, my dear listen to me! There is nothing horrible in the world until we are together. Is it cosy for you in your bed? I’ll sing a song to you and you will get asleep.

(Поёт колыбельную песню).

         Sleep my baby

         Do not cry

         I shall sing a lullaby

         Put your nose into your pillow

         Shut your eyes and sleep, sleep, sleep.

F: (coming). Well, my dear. Are you ready? Ok, come on. The holiday program is beginning on TV. Let’s go to watch it.

M: And Alice? What about her?

F: To my mind, it’s not for her age. In addition to it, she is sleeping, as her as I see. Well, we’ll have a nice party today. Come on. (Уходят).

E: (appearing). Nice party, you say? Yes, just so. You will have it, no doubt. This silly woman believes there is nothing horrible is something. Yes, there is mistaken. There is something. Yes, there is. She will see it. She will see it tonight.

Сцена M and F are watching TV (Духи танцуют). (Зевая)

F: What a silly program we are shown. Nothing interesting I envy Alice, she is watching beautiful dreams, and we are watching this box only.

M: You are right. This entertainment bored me. Let’s finish now. I advice you to shave, and I’ll take a bath. Come on. Turn off the TV set.

F: Stop, Mary. Did you listen anything?

M: What?

F: Oh, nothing. I’m too tired. It seemed me I listened something in Alice’s bedroom.

M: I said. That’ll do to watch it! All’s quite! But I’ll see her in. A few minutes. (Уходят).

В спальне Алисы. Соответствующая музыка. Появляются духи, поздравляя друг друга.

         Good holiday, good holiday.

         Oh, you see. A nice girl! Wake her up. Let her join our holiday.

         She is too young. Let her stay here. It’s more interesting. Let her stay here. It’s more interesting to watch Alice’s reaction.

         You are wrong. We’ll take her. They will have no choice then.

         Good idea. Let’s dance then

(They are dancing and to the end of the dance they call «Alice! Alice»).

A: Who is here! Oh, my God!

E 1: Don’t pronounce this word. No God, he is now where and we are here now.

A: (shivering) But who are you?

E 2: Your friends, no doubt. Do you like us?

A: It depends. I want my mother to see.

E 1: I’m your mother (обнимаются).

E 2: I’m your father then (обнимаются).


A: Oh, go away, please. You are like awful frogs: (врывается, измазанная).

E 1: Are we? And you? Look the mirror. How do you find your appearance? (смотрит)

A: Oh, saint Alice what happened? Who is this girl?

E 2: You are, you are!!!

A: Oh, my dear guests. Help me, please. I don’t want to be. Be cruel. Help me.

E 2: That’s not very hard to do. Eat this apple and you will be as you were before.

A: Apple? OK. At least I’ll die and that’s all. It’s better to go to help than to live with face like this.

E 2: But you must caw without your hands helping.

A: But now?

E 2: That’s up to you decide! To eat or not to eat.

A: I’m ready now.

(Сценка с поеданием яблок в тазу. После.)

E: Oh, so good you are. Look at the mirror again. What’s your mind now?

A: I’m the most beautiful girl in the world. I must be shown to my mother just now. (Танцует, распустив волосы).

E 2: OK! Do it! She will like you.

A: Are you sure?

E 2: Don’t mind, she will be very glad. This way, please.

E 2: Mother will be the next. But we are hungry. It’s time to go to the kitchen.

(Сцена: In the kitchen.)

E: Готовит что-то в двух кастрюлях.

E 1,2: Oh, here you are already! Good of you! Is our holiday full ready?

E: Quite right. You’ll enjoy it. But we must say something.

    «Sweet porridge, sweet soup.

    We shall eat from all the group.»

Mother: (coming) Oh, Alec, Alec. Good chosen (balling on the floor).

Evils поднимают её, гладят, красят и целуют накрашенными губами.

M: Go away, dirty pigs. Take your hands away!

Es: Dirty pigs? So you are!

M: What?!?

Es: There is no difference between us.

M: Pigs, pigs, pigs!

Es: You are not very polite and hospitable. You are owner, we are guests. You must give us something to eat. But it’s our holiday today that why, we shall give you some food.

M: Some food. I don’t want, let me go. Police, police!

E 1: Eat it! Have a try!

M: What is this?

Es: It’s jumpy, delicious, lovely!

M: But I can’t.

Es: You can and you will. But you can refuse if you solve what it is.

M: What’s to be done now. Help me, please (к зрителям).

Es: Have you any relatives?

M: Oh, my sister.

Es: Find her, she’ll help you, of course.

      (Далее сценка со зрителями и мамой: в тазах грязная и чистая вода; угадывают, поют, брызгают.)

Es: OK! Now you are like we, like dirty pigs.

M: And quests: there is nothing horrible in it. I want to have songs, dances and poems!!!

Es: It’s not time for songs now, but poems! Everything is for you! Brothers and sisters. Visit us! We are wanted to be here:

      Come to this place!

(Под музыку влетают размалёванные духи и Алиса).

M: Alice!

A: Mummy!

M: How pretty they are.

A: And this one like Daddy!

M: Daddy! Oh, what will my husband say?

E 1: Your husband? Do you miss him?

M: Not very much. But I’m afraid.

E 2: Don’t be afraid. He will come in time. But if you want to see relatives we’ll do it.

M: Oh, yes. My aunt Rosa! I want to see my dear aunt just this moment.

Es: No problem.

      (Духи бегут в зал, тащат «тётю» из гостей, мама обнимается, все тоже лезут тётя - грязная).

Es: Is that she?

M: She is, no doubt.

Es: We shall check, up now. Do you know any verses about relatives.

(Заставляют рассказывать стихотворение «My family»)

A: Oh, mummy I want my granny to be here.

Es: I’m at your service.

      (тащат бабушку с тем же мазанием).

Es: Are you this girls grandmother?

     - What’s your name? Sing this song.

(Заставляют бабушку петь песню «What is your name?»)

A: What a wonderful night: I mustn’t learn this awful English, I can forget the English alphabet even.

Es: Yes, you may. Yes, you may. Do you want to have a servant a shave, who will tell the alphabet for you?

A: It goes without saying.

Es: Choose her!

      (Алиса спускается в зал и выбирает служанку, которую ведут на сценку, где она поёт «ABC», за что её мажут и отпускают).

M: To my mind, the slaver must be black.

E: What a prejudice!

M: No, I want a black servant for me.

Es: Just a minute (из зала тащат человека и спрашивают Виктора).

      - Are you a negro?

      - No, I am not.

      - (к залу) Is he a negro?

      - Yes, he is (к маме).

      - This negro is a servant for you.

      - Let him go now. We are at your service all the night.

M: All’s fire, but it’s cold a little.

E: Yes, November comes in to power. The best season, the best month.

E: Somebody must tell the poem about the season.

(тащат ещё одного, все повтор).

         Spring is green

         Summer is bright

         Autumn is yellow

         Winter is white

A: I know, autumn is the best time for apples. By the way mummy, I have already eaten some apples tonight.

M: Have you? You shouldn’t eat during the night.

E: Stop teach her! The child is always night. No doubt, autumn is the best time for apples. But attention, brothers and sisters. Look at the watch. It’s a midnight! Yet ready. Our king. His time for appearing.

(на колени): King of ghosts comes to us

                     Comes to us, comes to us

                     He has no car, has no bus

                     1, 2, 3, do you see?

(зажигают свечи и «бьют» 2 раза: 1 group: «bim», 2 group: «bom»)

King: The holiday of all night comes to up. Happy Halloween to you.

Es: Happy Halloween.

A: (whispering): Halloween? What’s this, mummy?

M: I’ll explain you later. Keep silence, Alice.

A: Oh, Mummy: I can’t. This man, King, I mean… Don’t you recognize him?

M: Why? What’s the matter?

A: Daddy!!!

M: Oh, God. My husband, my husband. He is the ghost’s King.

A: Don’t cry, mummy. Don’t forget, you are a Queen of them.

M: Silly girl, stop talking.

A: May be I’m silly, but I’m a princess them.

M: Miserable child, what you are.

King: Glad to see you, my brothers and sisters. What kind of night do you have?

E: Goоd, fine, wonderful …

K: Excellent. I happy to see new members of our society.

K: Oh, is that all? Where are presents for me?

Es (to the M, A, guests): They are our presents for you.

King: Your majesty, to our shame, we were not ready to invite you.

M: I see and your (K, M, A).

K: You must be always ready. OK! It’s a holiday and I’ve for given you. Tell me, please. Who has eaten the apples today?

A: I have, your majesty.

K: But I haven’t

M: Just a moment, your majesty

K: Don’t worry. They’ll do everything. Then I brothers and sisters to have apples. Well, my brothers and sisters. Do you have any bananas today?

E: Do you have bananas?

E: Sorry, your majesty, but…

K: That’s clear. Then you must sing something about this fruit, will you.

Es: Everything, you like, your majesty.

      (Выстраиваются и танцуют и поют песню. «Oh, yes, we have no bananas».)

M: Oh, my darling (королю). You are so brave and handsome like my husband.

K: Nice to know about this.

M: I promise you to buy a million tons of bananas for the next year.

K: OK, agreed, but you must remember, bananas are very expensive, yes, but friendship, high spirits a laughter is more important, am I right?

M, A, Es: As usual, as usual, our best king and friend.

A: And Daddy…

K: The whole year will pass. It will pass without us, remember us.

Все: Don’t forget to buy bananas (все исчезают)

Alice and mother (вдвоём)

(опускаются на стулья, утомлённо закрывают глаза и засыпают).

(Составила: Зиннатуллина Гульфия Рушановна, учитель английского языка МБОУ «Сикертанская основная общеобразовательная школа имени Г.Камала» Арского муниципального района Республики Татарстан)       







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Внеклассная работа Школьный спектакль «Hаllowе’en» Для учащихся нашей школы мы подготовили инсценировку «Hаllowе’en» на английском языке. Она предназначена для внеклассной работы. Цель постановки: объединить учащихся различных возрастных групп с разным уровнем знаний английского языка в совместной творческой работе и тем самым способствовать выработке языкового общения детей и раскрытию их индивидуальных творческих способностей. Основная идея спектакля связывает отдельные его части, которые могут быть изменены в зависимости от аудитории: возраста детей, их индивидуальных способностей, а также изученного материала. В сценарий включены стихи и песни. Действие спектакля развёртывается на музыкальном фоне. Специально подобранная музыка помогает передать настроение героев, развивает у учащихся умение слушать, ознакомиться с культурой страны изучаемого языка. Инсценировка праздника «Hаllowе’en», где в одно целое соединены английский язык, музыка, изготовление костюмов, общение детей разного возраста, эмоциональные переживания – всё это способствует повышению интереса ребёнка к английскому языку, раскрытию и развитию его творческих способностей, учит общению и совместной деятельности. Далее привожу инсценировку праздника «Hаllowе’en». Сценарий праздника «Hаllowе’en» Время 40 минут Участники: Alice - a daughter, a mother, a father and evil ghosts. Музыка тревожная на фортепьяно заканчивается и на сцену со свечой выходит один из духов в соответствующем одеянии, гриме. At last: Our time is coming! Today is the last day of October, the last time for getting full freedom. The forces of evil, shirts, devils – my brothers and sisters! - It’s time to show these cruel people who is stronger – we are or they are. Come on, my dear. We have only one night, and this night has come. (Уходит) Сцена укладывания в постель: дочка и мама. Дочка: Oh, mummy, I don’t want to go to bed. It’s too early. I’d like to stay with you and Daddy for a little time. With you let me? Мама: Of course, not. My darling, look at the window and at the calendar. October is up, the winter darkness is beginning to night. All good children go to bed earlier now than usually. Дочка: (crying) Darkness? I don’t want darkness. I don’t like it. I’m afraid to be alone. Oh, mummy, it seems, there is somebody in the room. Oh, don’t leave me, please. I’m going to die from horror. Мама: Will, my dear listen to me! There is nothing horrible in the world until we are together. Is it cosy for you in your bed? I’ll sing a song to you and you will get asleep. (Поёт колыбельную песню). Sleep my baby Do not cry I shall sing a lullaby Put your nose into your pillow Shut your eyes and sleep, sleep, sleep. F: (coming). Well, my dear. Are you ready? Ok, come on. The holiday program is beginning on TV. Let’s go to watch it. M: And Alice? What about her? F: To my mind, it’s not for her age. In addition to it, she is sleeping, as her as I see. Well, we’ll have a nice party today. Come on. (Уходят). E: (appearing). Nice party, you say? Yes, just so. You will have it, no doubt. This silly woman believes there is nothing horrible is something. Yes, there is mistaken. There is something. Yes, there is. She will see it. She will see it tonight. Сцена M and F are watching TV (Духи танцуют). (Зевая) F: What a silly program we are shown. Nothing interesting I envy Alice, she is watching beautiful dreams, and we are watching this box only. M: You are right. This entertainment bored me. Let’s finish now. I advice you to shave, and I’ll take a bath. Come on. Turn off the TV set. F: Stop, Mary. Did you listen anything? M: What? F: Oh, nothing. I’m too tired. It seemed me I listened something in Alice’s bedroom. M: I said. That’ll do to watch it! All’s quite! But I’ll see her in. A few minutes. (Уходят). A: Oh, my dear guests. Help me, please. I don’t want to be. Be cruel. Help me.

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