Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыКонспект урока и презентацияпо английскому языку «Round-the-World»

Конспект урока и презентацияпо английскому языку «Round-the-World»

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Round-the-World Tour

    1 слайд

    Round-the-World Tour

  • Guess which English speaking countries will be visited by the winners of the...

    2 слайд

    Guess which English speaking countries will be visited by the winners of the Teenagers’ Competition?

  • Describe one of the English speaking countries in a few words or sentences:

    3 слайд

    Describe one of the English speaking countries in a few words or sentences:
    Official languages
    What is famous for

  • How many English speaking countries will be visited by the winners of the Tee...

    4 слайд

    How many English speaking countries will be visited by the winners of the Teenagers’ Competition?
    How many continents will be visited by the winners of the Teenagers’ Competition?
    What are the participants of the conference going to do during their tour?

    Answer the questions before you will read the text about Round-the-World-Tour and fill in the left column of the table.

  • How many English speaking countries will be visited by the winners of the Tee...

    5 слайд

    How many English speaking countries will be visited by the winners of the Teenagers’ Competition?
    How many continents will be visited by the winners of the Teenagers’ Competition?
    What are the participants of the conference going to do during their tour?

    Answer the questions after your reading the text about Round-the-World-Tour and fill in the right column of the table.

  • Bread and milk are bought every Friday in our local shop.
English and French...

    6 слайд

    Bread and milk are bought every Friday in our local shop.
    English and French are spoken in Canada.
    Russian is spoken by many millions of people.
    English and Maori are spoken in New Zealand.
    Who will be asked at Maths lesson today?
    Our new English textbook will be published next year.
    Read and translate the sentences into Russian

  • English and German are taught in lots of schools.
The letters were sent a wee...

    7 слайд

    English and German are taught in lots of schools.
    The letters were sent a week ago.
    English and Hindi are spoken in India.
    Africa will not be visited by the winners.
    The first stations of the London Tube were built more than a hundred years ago.
    The film was shown last year.

    Read and translate the sentences into Russian

  • Thank you for your participation at the lesson!

    8 слайд

    Thank you for your participation at the lesson!

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Выбранный для просмотра документ Урок в 7 классе Путешествие по англоговорящим странам.doc

Тема урока: «Round-the-World Tour»

Цели и задачи урока:

1)       Совершенствование употребления грамматических структур «Passive Voice».

2)       Способствовать развитию умений высказывать своё мнение по проблемным вопросам по теме «Англоговорящие страны», умений слушать своих одноклассников, давать оценку их ответов.

3)       Практиковать учащихся в чтении с целью извлечения специальной информации и умении находить ответы  в прочитанном тексте.

4)       Введение и отработка употребления нового лексического материала.

5)       Воспитание вежливости и уважения к мнению других людей средствами английского языка.

Оборудование: Учебник, компьютерная презентация, карточки для проведения фонетической зарядки, для проведения структур “Quiz-quiz-trade”, “AR Guide” , таймер для работы со структурами “Timed Round Robin”  



I.                   Introduction

1)    Greeting.          

T: Good morning boys and girls. How are you?       S1: I am OK!   S2: I am fine!    Etc.

2)    Talk to students.

T: At the previous lessons you learnt some information about English speaking countries and some new grammar Passive Voice. What will we speak about today? Can you guess?  Look at the board! The slide can help you to formulate the topic of our lesson.

P1: It is about tour to some countries. P2: It is about travelling. Etc.

T: Yes, you are right. Today we’ll speak about travelling to English speaking countries by the winners of the Teenagers’ Competition.

II.                Phonetic drill.

T: Before speaking on this topic let’s revise three forms of the irregular verbs and their meanings in Russian. Look at the card, read the first form of the verb and then name the second and the third and translate into Russian. Let’s start: Teacher shows the cards and students name them. Sts: buy-bought-bought (покупать), write-wrote-written, take-took-taken, have-had-had, find-found-found, show-shoed-shown, speak-spoke-spoken, build-built-built, teach-taught-taught, send-sent-sent, shake-shook-shaken, come-came-come, do-did-done, see-saw-seen, tell-told-told, break-broke-broken, give-gave-given, sell-sold-sold, bring-brought-brought, be-was/were-been, know-knew-known, read-read-read, find-found-found, lose-lost-lost.


III.             Speaking practice on the topic “Round – the – World Tour”

Structure “Timed-Round-Robin”

T: Look at the map in your textbook at p.52-53. Look at the board and guess which English speaking countries will be visited by the winners of the Teenagers’ Competition.

Tell your guessing to your table’s partners. You have 20 seconds to express your opinion. The student 1A starts to speak. (after 20 seconds). The student 2Б starts speaking (after 20 seconds). The student 3A starts speaking (after 20 seconds). The student 4Б starts speaking.

T: Now let’s listen to table 2 student number3 - which English speaking countries will be visited by the winners of the Teenagers’ Competition?

S3: I think Great Britain will be visited by the winners of the Teenagers’ Competition. T: Thank you for your answer.

T: Now let’s listen to table 3 student number1 - which English speaking countries will be visited by the winners of the Teenagers’ Competition?

S1: I guess the USA will be visited by the winners of the Teenagers’ Competition. T: Thank you for your answer.

T: Now let’s listen to table 1 student number4 - which English speaking countries will be visited by the winners of the Teenagers’ Competition?

S4: I guess Australia will be visited by the winners of the Teenagers’ Competition. T: Thank you for your answer. Etc.

T: Let’s continue our talk about English speaking countries. Look at the board and describe one of the English speaking countries in a few words.


Structure “Think-Write-Round-Robin

T: First think during 30 seconds. (after 30 seconds) Now write your thoughts during 1 minute. (after 1 minute) Tell your table’s partners about your choice. Students number 2Б start first. You have 20 seconds to speak about your chosen country. (after 20 seconds). The students 3A continue. Etc.

T: Now table number 3 student 1 can you tell us what information did your partner 4 tell you? He told about New Zealand. It is located on the island. The capital is Wellington and the official languages are Maori and English.

T: Thank you. Etc.


IV.            Reading practice (for specific information)

Structure A/R Guide

T: We are going to read some information about the future travelling to the English speaking countries by the winners of the Teenagers’ Competition.

Take the card and answer the questions and fill in the first column before reading.

Before reading


After reading


How many English speaking countries will be visited by the winners of the Teenagers’ Competition?



How many continents will be visited by the winners of the Teenagers’ Competition?



What are the participants of the conference going to do during their tour?



T: Now open the textbook ex.74p.52 and read the text during 2 minutes.

T: Now answer the questions again and fill in the column after reading.

T: Ramil, did your answer change much? If yes, what question and how?


V.  Grammar practice “Passive Voice”. 

T: Now we’ll revise using the grammar “Passive Voice”. At home you should translate some sentences from English into Russian with grammar structure “Passive Voice”

Now we do it using the structure “Quiz-Quiz-Trade”. You have a card with one sentence in English on one side and on the other side you have the translation of this sentence into Russian.

T: Stand up! Push your chair in, move four steps, high five and find the nearest partner, but not from your table. Show your card to your partner. He or she should read your sentence and translate it into Russian. You should praise your partner or tip-tip if he or she can’t answer correct. Say thank you for the answer. Then your partner will show her or his card and you should do the same as he or she does. Then you should change your cards and do high five and find new partner for your practice.

Students do these steps some times.

T: Now let’s check how you can translate some sentences with Passive Voice construction. Look at the board and read the sentence and translate them into Russian.

- English and Hindi are spoken in India.

- Who will be asked at Maths lesson today?

- South America will not be visited by the winners.

- Our new English textbook will be published next year.

-The vegetable were bought at the market on Sunday morning. Etc.


VI. Learning new vocabulary (People or peoples)

1) T: Today we’ll learn the differences between the words “people” and “peoples”.

Read the information of ex.76p.52 and translate it and remember.

2)    T: Let’s practice in the usage of new material. Ex.77p.52. Put in: people or peoples.


VII. The result of the lesson.

T: Today you work hard. I like your answers. Let’s revise what have you learned today?

S1: We have learned ….. S2 ….

T: OK! I’ll give some mark. Five… four…

VIII. Home work

T: Now open your day book and write down your home task.

1) Ex.78p.53 (in oral way)

2) Ex.31p.59 (in written form)

Thank you for the lesson and good bye!


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"Описание материала:

Материалы конспекта и презентации урока “Round-the-World Tour” разработаны на основе применения новых методов (структур) преподавания по Сингапурской технологии.

В данном 7 классе используется УМК под редакцией М.З. Биболетовой. Учащиеся совершенствуют навыки употребления грамматической структуры “Passive Voice”, которую они освоили два урока ранее.

Кроме этого учащиеся развивают способности формулировать свою точку зрения по предложенной проблеме, учатся работать в группе, стараясь понять идею своих одногрупников, и учатся умению давать оценку их мнений.

На уроке развиваются навыки чтения с целью извлечения специальной информации, вводится новый лексический материал.

На уроке используются структуры “Quiz-quiz-trade”, “AR Guide”, “Timed Round Robin”.

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