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1 слайд
Daily routines
In the afternoon
In the morning
In the evening
at night
2 слайд
Evenings and weekends
3 слайд
go out
4 слайд
stay in
5 слайд
eat out
6 слайд
Go for a drink
7 слайд
Go to the cinema
8 слайд
Go to concerts
9 слайд
Go shopping
10 слайд
phone friends\ family
11 слайд
visit friends\family
12 слайд
have coffee with friends\family
13 слайд
do sport
14 слайд
watch TV
15 слайд
Present Simple: negative (I\you\we\they\)
16 слайд
Present Simple: yes\no questions and short answers (I\you\we\they)
17 слайд
the morning
nine O’clock
18 слайд
Clap your hands
19 слайд
Scrambled words:
og uot
go out
2) tasy ni
stay in
3) aet uot
eat out
4) og orf rinkd
go for a drink
5) og ot eth nemaci
go to the cinema
6) og ot certcons
go to the concerts
20 слайд
7) og oppinghs
go shopping
8) oneph riefnds
phone friends
9) sivit riendfs
visit friends
10) veha ffecoe thwi rienfds
have coffee with friends
11) od sptor
do sports
12) tchwa VT
watch TV
21 слайд
I feel (happiness, success, joy, surprise, satisfaction).
I feel sadness
It was difficult for me to do the tasks but I did it.
It was borring at the lesson.
I feel (unsatisfaction, fear).
22 слайд
Home task:
To make up a topic «My Evenings and weekends»
23 слайд
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Скачать материал "Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему «Evenings and weekends» (1 курс колледжа)"
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Рабочие листы
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Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему «Evenings and weekends» . Архив включает в себя подробный план урока, презентацию, аудио файлы, видео ролик с музыкальной физ.минуткой. План урока разработан на основе учебного комплекта Face 2 Face. Урок - комбинированный.Состоит из повторения пройденного материла, введения новой темы и закрепления новых ЗУН. План урока предполагает использование инновационных технологий (интерактивная программа Face 2 Face, Интерактивная доска, компьютеры, наушники). В плане урока отображается использование различных методов и приемов работы на уроке. (работа в группах, работа в парах, фронтальный метод работы, дифференцированный метод работы). ВЫДЕРЖКА ИЗ ТЕКСТА »1) Organization moment - Good morning students. Sit down, please. How are you? Who is absent today? What is the date today? What is the day of the week today? 2) Check up homework - Your homework was: to learn the words upon the theme “Daily routines” and to make up the dialogue on this theme, using the new words. Let’s check up the words. Let’s work with groups. 1st group takes routines which can be done in the morning, 2nd group takes routines which can be done in the afternoon, 3rd group – in the evening and the last one at night. - And now let’s work in pairs in order to check up your dialogues. You will play the dialogues near the interactive board.1. 3) Introduction of the new material The theme of our lesson is “Evenings and weekends”. Today we will work with new words/phrases, continue to speak about Present Simple – negative and yes/no questions. Pay attention to the interactive board. /here is the presentation of the new words. Let’s work with new words. Tick the words you know. You should see the picture and try to guess the word. It will help you to understand the meaning of unknown words. Listen to the pronunciation of these words and write these words in your vocabularies; at home don’t forget to write transcription. «
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