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6 класс





















Учитель английского языка Акулинина Л.М.

КГУ «Общеобразовательная Средняя школа №6»

г. Зыряновск, ул. Солнечная 13


       Урок английского языка в 6 классе

“Travelling to Astana and London”

По учебнику Т. Аяповой, З. Абильдаевой для 6 класса

Подготовила и провела учитель английского языка
КГУ «Средняя школа №6 г.Зыряновска»
Акулинина Л.М

Восточно-Казахстанская область, г. Зыряновск

Форма проведения: урок закрепления знаний, умений, навыков с презентацией проектов

Цели урока: закрепление знаний, умений и навыков на употребление лексики по теме, грамматических структур в Past Simple Tense;

развивать и закреплять навыки диалогической и монологической речи по теме;

воспитывать чувство любви и патриотизма к своей Родине, чувство уважения к стране изучаемого языка;

расширить кругозор о столице Родины Астане, о столице Соединенного Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии Лондоне.

Оборудование: компьютер, интерактивная доска, запись с текстом для аудирования “Robbies Grandfather”, карточки с неправильными (красный шрифт), правильными  (синий шрифт) глаголами, словарное лото, фотографии, открытки, коллажи, реквизит для разыгрывания диалогов и т.д.  



План проведения урока

1.Организационный момент.

Сообщение целей и темы урока. Ученики сами объявляют тему урока по просьбе учителя. Учитель говорит уч-ся о том, что перед презентацией проектов нужно провести подготовительную работу для того, чтобы лучше понимать друг друга.

Teacher: “Good morning, boys and girls. I am glad to see you today. I want you to read the theme of our lesson.”

One of the pupils reads the theme of the lesson.

Teacher: “So the theme of our lesson is “Travelling to Astana and London” and you will present your mini-projects on this theme. In order to understand each other well we shall repeat English sounds, words and grammar first of all.

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

Материалом фонетической зарядки служит песня в Past Simple Tense “The Bear Went Over the Mountain”

а. тренировка звуков |  |, |w| через лексику песни

|  | - the mountain, that,

the other

|w| - went, what, was;

Teacher: “Let’s do some phonetic exercises in order to understand each other better. Put your tip of the tongue between your teeth and buzz. Pronounce the sound |  |. Repeat the words after me: the mountain, that, the other. Protrude your lips and pronounce |w|. Repeat the words: went, what, was.”

b. чтение текста песни вместе с диктором;

Teacher: “Read line by line with the announcer.”

с. исполнение песни под музыку

Teacher: ”Let’s sing the song together.”

Текст песни

The bear went over the mountain,

The bear went over the mountain,

The bear went over the mountain

To see what he could see.

And all that he could see

Was the other side of the mountain,

The other side of the mountain,

The other side of the mountain

Was all that he could see.


3. Повторение глаголов в Past Indefinite Tense.

а. учащимся предлагается назвать все глаголы из песни;

Teacher: “Let’s repeat some verbs. Name the verbs from the song, please.”

б. повторение правильных и неправильных глаголов.

·         Учащиеся повторяют произношение и перевод правильных и неправильных глаголов по карточкам-молниям в Present Simple Tense , Past Simple Tense.

Teacher: “Now we’ll repeat some verbs. I’ll show you the cards. You’ll read and translate them as quickly as possible.

 Образцы карточек:









·         в. игра в лото в группах. Материалом для лото служат повторенные глаголы. В каждой группе есть ведущий, который называет глаголы на маленьких карточках  в 1-й и 2-й формах на русском языке. Участники группы должны закрыть этими карточками глаголы на английском языке.

Teacher: “Make groups in 5 or 6. Let’s play “Lotto”.”

Образец лото
















в. составление предложений в группах в Past Simple Tense.

Предложения составляются из слов, напечатанных на отдельных карточках.

Например, из набора слов took, the, to, to, went, car, by, we , then, we, and, train, Astana, Ustkamen” ученики должны составить предложение: “We went to Ustkamen by car and then we took the train to Astana.”

Teacher: “Let’s see which group is the quickest. Take the sets of words and make the sentences from them as soon as possible. Each group is to make one sentence. Begin, please.

4. Аудирование текста в Past Simple Tense.

 Перед аудированием текста учащимся предлагается обратить внимание на лексику, необходимую для более успешного понимания текста, и разобрать вопросы, на которые им нужно ответить после прослушивания. Карточки с лексикой выдаются каждому ученику, вопросы проецируются на экран.

Teacher: “Our English pen-friend Robbie has sent this sound letter to us. Here it is.”

Текст для аудирования

Мy grandfather likes to do many things, but he likes traveling most of all. He often goes to different cities and sometimes he goes to other countries too. He travels by sea, by train or flies. He likes voyages very much and often takes pictures on board the ship. He likes the sea and the wind.

Last month he travelled to Scotland. It was not a lucky trip. He nearly missed his train, because he arrived late at the railway station. On the train somebody stole his silver box in which he kept his tobacco. There was no bus or taxi to take him to the hotel where he wanted to stay so he had to go on foot. When he arrived at the hotel he was tired and went upstairs. However his luggage was not there. So, granddad went downstairs again, but couldn’t find it. When he did, it was midnight and the lift did not work. So he was very unhappy that night and slept badly.

а. работа с лексическими карточками;

Teacher: ”Pay attention to the words from the letter.”

б. чтение и перевод вопросов к тексту;

Teacher: “Read the questions, translate them and be ready to answer after listening to the letter.”

Вопросы к тексту

  1. What does Robbie’s grandfather like to do most of all?
  2. Where did he travel?
  3. Why was his trip not lucky?

в. аудирование текста;

Teacher: “Listen to Robbie’s letter, please.”

г. ответы на вопросы, обсуждение текста;

д. работа с карточками в парах.

Teacher: “Make pairs, please and complete the extract from Robbie’s letter with the verbs below.’

Ученикам предлагается отрывок из прослушанного текста на карточках, в который нужно вставить пропущенные глаголы.

Образец карточки

Last month he … to Scotland. It … not a lucky trip. He nearly … his train because he … late at the railway station. On the train somebody … his silver box in which he … his tobacco. There … no bus or taxi … him to the hotel where he … to stay and so he had … on foot. When he … at the hotel he … tired and … upstairs. However his luggage … not there. So, granddad … downstairs again but … not find it. When he …, it …midnight and the lift did not …. So he … very unhappy that night and … badly.

was, slept, did, was, work, went, could, was, arrived, was, went, was, to take, wanted, to go, stole, kept, missed, was, was, went     

5. Релаксация.

Teacher: “Let’s have a rest and do some exercises.”

Stand up.

Hands up,

Hands down,

Hands on hips,

Sit down.

One, two, three, hop.

One, two three, stop…

6. Защита проектов.

Ученики в группах представляют подготовленные мини-проекты.

Teacher: “Dear boys and girls, it’s time for presentation of your projects.”

ProjectGoing To Astana

1. We went to Astana for one week.  We drove to Ustkamen by car and then we took a train to Astana. We bought tickets for the train in Ustkamen.

2. Poem

Over the mountains,

Over the plains,

Over the rivers

 Hear come trains.

            Carrying passengers,

            Carrying mail,

Over the country

Here come trains.

3. Dialogue

-When is the train to Astana?

-3.15, madam.

-Which platform?

-Platform 1.

-How much is the ticket?

-Single or return?

-Return, please.

-That will be 5 thousand tenges.

-Here you are.

-Thank you, madam.

-Thank you.

4. We arrived at the Astana railway station and then went to the hotel. We stayed in the city for a week. We went sightseeing every day. Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. It is in the central part of our country, on the Ishim River.

5. President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Abishevitch Nazarbayev lives and works there. His place of work is Saltanat Saray. Popular buildings of Astana are: The Monument of Baiterek, President’ Museum, President’s Centre of Culture, Opera and Ballet Theatre, the Circus and  many others.

6. One legend tells that Baiterek is a life tree. It holds the ground and the sky. The legend became alive. The monument Baiterek is on the left side of the River Ishim. It is a very high and beautiful building. Its height is 105 metres.

7. Baiterek is a tree of peace. One part of Baiterek is under the ground. A cafe, some aquariums and a mini-art gallery are here.

8. You can get into the Sky Ball of Baitrek going up in the lift. There is a bar and Panorama Hall in the Ball.

We were in the Ball of Baiterek. We also were in the Museum of N. A. Nazarbayev, in the Centre of Culture of President, in the Kazakh Opera and Ballet Theatre, in the Circus and in the Entertaining Centre of Duman. Our capital is great.   

Project “Going To London”

1. We went to London by train for five days. We flew from Ustkamen to France and took the train to London. London is the capital of the UK. We stayed in the hotel in London and went sightseeing every day. On the first day we went to Trafalgar Square.

2. Dialogue

-Excuse me.


-Is there Trafalgar Square near here?

-Yes, there is.

-How can I get there?

-You can walk. First right, second left. It’ll take you about ten minutes to get there.

-Thank you.

-Thats all right.

3. The centre of London is Trafalgar Square. It is the most beautiful place in London. In the middle of the square stands a tall column. It is a monument to Admiral Nelson. Four bronze lions look at the square from the monument. There are two beautiful fountains in the square.

4. On the left of the Parliament Square you can see a long grey building. It is a Palace of Westminster.There are the Houses of Parliament in the Palace. In one of the towers of the Houses of Parliament you can see Big Ben. Big Ben is the name of the clock and the bell of the clock tower of the Houses of Parliament. You can hear the sound of Big Ben every hour in London.  The clock and the bell got their names after Sir Benjamin Hall. He was a tall man, whose nickname was Big Ben. So people know the clock as big Ben.

5. The Thames is behind the Houses of Parliament and the bridge across it  is Westminster Bridge. There are two towers on the Bridge. It is one of the historical places of London.

6. On the other side of Parliament Square is Westminster Abbey. It is one of the most beautiful and famous churches of London. It is more than nine hundred years old. There are so many monuments and statues there. Many kings, queens, poets, writers are buried there: for example Charles Dickens and Rudyard Kipling. The Abbey with its two tall towers is really wonderful.

7. Buckingham Palace. It is a wonderful building with a monument in front of it. It is the  Queen Victoria Memorial. It takes people ten or twenty minutes to get from Buckingham Palace to Trafalgar Square.

8. Many buses and cars go along the streets of London. Some buses have two decks. They are called double-deckers. You can go sightseeing in a double-decker.

9. London is famous for its museums. In the Madam Tussaud’s museum tourists can see wax figures of many famous people. Here is a figure of a famous politician Churchill.It is a figure of Johnny Depth. He starred in the filmPirates of the Caribbean Sea

 7. Обсуждение проектов.

Teacher: “Thank you for your interesting projects. You have worked very much. Have you got any questions?”

После презентации каждого проекта группы задают друг другу вопросы, выясняют непонятные моменты. Вопросы можно подготовить заранее.

Образцы вопросов

Did you have good holidays?

When did you go to ….?

Where were you in June/ July/ August?

What did you see in…?

Who were you with?

What did you do …?

What was the weather like …?

What was the food like?

8. Подведение итогов и оценка мини-проектов.

9. Домашнее задание: написать письмо английскому другу Робби о своей любимой поздке.

Teacher: “Each of you is to write a letter to Robbie about your favourite trip.”



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Урок «Путешествие в Лондон и Астану» рассчитан на учащихся 6 класса. Форма проведения: урок закрепления знаний, умений, навыков.Технологии, применяемые на уроке - ИКТ и метод проектов. Мини проекты, представленные детьми на уроке, подготовлены как домашнее задание. Оживляют проекты песни, стихи, фотографии, открытки, презентации.Подготовка учеников к уроку позволила расширить их кругозор о столице Казахстана Астане и о столице Англии Лондоне, усовершенствовать умения и навыки создания электронной презентации. 

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