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1 слайд
Anastasia Hodakova and Irina Golyamova
The Greenhouse Effect.
2 слайд
Sunlight gives us heat. Some of the heat warms the atmosphere, and some of the heat escapes back into space.
3 слайд
During the last 100 years we have produced a huge amount of carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere works like the glass in a greenhouse.
4 слайд
It allows heat to get in, but it doesn’t allow much heat to get out. So the atmosphere becomes warmer because less heat can escape.
5 слайд
Where does carbon dioxide come from? People and animals breath in oxygen, and breath out carbon dioxide.
6 слайд
Trees take carbon dioxide from the air, and produce oxygen.
7 слайд
We produce carbon dioxide when we burn coal, oil, petrol, gas…or wood.
8 слайд
In the last few years, people have destroyed huge areas of rainforest. This means there are fewer trees, and, of course, more carbon dioxide.
9 слайд
The End
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Выбранный для просмотра документ открытый урок.экология@SEP@2. Water Pollution.pptx
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Oleg Naboichenko & Sofia Mkrtchan
Water Pollution
2 слайд
The planet Earth is mostly water. Oceans cover the biggest part of it and there are lakes, rivers streams, and even water underground. All life on the Earth - form the smallest bug to the biggest whale – depends on the water.
3 слайд
On this geographical map you can see the oil pollution of the World ocean. The worst situations are near the seasides where the biggest sea-ports and recycling factories are situated.
4 слайд
But we are not doing a very good job of keeping water clean. In many places the water has become polluted. Rivers and lakes are polluted by garbage or poisonous chemicals which are damped right into them.
5 слайд
On the 24th of March 1989 the American oil tanker Exxon hit a group of Rocks and 50 million litres of oil flew out of the ship and into the sea.
6 слайд
It was the worst oil-spill in American history. Millions of fish, sea birds and thousands of sea-others died.
The bodies of 16 whales were found
7 слайд
Underground water can be polluted by gasoline or by harmful liquids that seep into the ground. Some fertilizers and pesticides used in farming leak down through the dirt
8 слайд
We must save our water, keep it clean and healthy because people,
plants and animals always need something to drink.
Fish and other sea creatures need a place to live.
9 слайд
Keep Water
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Выбранный для просмотра документ открытый урок.экология@SEP@3. The ozone layer.pptx
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The ozone layer
Holes in the sky
2 слайд
Up in the sky, above the air we breathe, there’s a layer of gas called ozone. The ozone layer stops some of ultraviolet radiation from the sun.
3 слайд
Ultraviolet radiation causes a suntan but sometimes it can harm our skin. Too much ultraviolet radiation often causes skin cancer !!!
4 слайд
Now the ozone layer is being damaged by gases that people have made. The gases are called CFCs.
5 слайд
They are used in…
Air conditioners
Plastic foam
And some other things…
6 слайд
The CFCs float up to the top of the atmosphere where the ozone air is and ‘’eat up’’ the ozone
7 слайд
Scientists are very concerned about the ozone layer because a lot of it has gone away in just a few years. So it’s very important to do something about it.
8 слайд
was created
Ann Hmelevskaya and
Inessa Lomova
9 слайд
The end
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Выбранный для просмотра документ открытый урок.экология@SEP@Экология открытый урок.docx
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