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Урок + презентация по английскому языку на тему: «My new friend»

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  • МОУ ООШ с.ТолбагаВыполнила: Истомина Т.И., 
учитель английского языка   2012...

    1 слайд

    МОУ ООШ с.Толбага
    Выполнила: Истомина Т.И.,
    учитель английского языка
    My new friend

  • Our motto	Say “Hello!“           Clap your hands! Don’t say “ No!“      Say p...

    2 слайд

    Our motto
    Say “Hello!“ Clap your hands! Don’t say “ No!“ Say please “Yes!"

  •       19     16     1     3     5Guess the word

    3 слайд

    19 16 1 3 5
    Guess the word


    4 слайд


  • Let’s fly!

    5 слайд

    Let’s fly!

  • Every morning at eight o’clock
You can hear the postman knock.  
 Up jumps...

    6 слайд

    Every morning at eight o’clock
    You can hear the postman knock.
    Up jumps Mary to open the door,
    One letter, two letters, three letters, four.

  • What are you going to be?	What are you going to be?      What are you going t...

    7 слайд

    What are you going to be?
    What are you going to be? What are you going to be? I’ll be a teacher, That’s the life for me. What are you going to be? What are you going to be? I’ll be a fireman, That’s the life for me.

  • 	*67{xU=sј_?(....)&3VfЉЊЋЏђђђњњњ•••Ѓ—‡^j‹ЊЊџњ™ЌЋЂ…29:?C~Ђw^S;=

    8 слайд


  • Tag 		questions

    9 слайд


  • They are busy,aren’t he?aren’t  they?didn’t they?didn’t they?are they?

    10 слайд

    They are busy,
    aren’t he?
    aren’t they?
    didn’t they?
    didn’t they?
    are they?

  • My friend isn’t sociable, isn’t he? is he? aren’t they? does he?can’t you?

    11 слайд

    My friend isn’t sociable,
    isn’t he?
    is he?
    aren’t they?
    does he?
    can’t you?

  • Mike’s hobbies are music and sport,aren’t  they?is he?can’t they?don’t they?d...

    12 слайд

    Mike’s hobbies are music and sport,
    aren’t they?
    is he?
    can’t they?
    don’t they?
    does he?

  • Project “My new friend”  His hobbies. Jobs. Family descriptions Traits of cha...

    13 слайд

    Project “My new friend”
    His hobbies. Jobs.
    Family descriptions
    Traits of character
    Appearance: head, face, nose, hair, eyes, ears, arms, legs

  • Resourceshttp://otoplenie-office.ssr-s.ru/?otoplenie

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Урок английского языка в 3-5 классах





Тема: Мой новый друг







     Истомина Татьяна Ивановна                                          учитель  английского языка                             МОУ ООШ

   с. Толбага Забайкальский край




 Тема:   My new friend (Мой новый друг)

 Цель урока: активизация речемыслительной деятельности учащихся



1)    воспитание умения работы в сотрудничестве друг с другом;

2)    воспитание чувства ответственности за порученное дело;



1)    закрепление изученной лексики по теме «Узнаем больше друг о друге», «Внешность» (черты характера, профессии, увлечения, описание семьи, внешность);

2)    обучение проектной работе, создание мини-проекта;

3)    совершенствование навыков устной речи по данным темам;

4)    формирование языковой догадки;


1)    развитие воображения, мышления;

2)    развитие творческих способностей детей;


Оборудование: учебник «Enjoy English» для 3, 5-6 классов, ноутбук, проектор, презентация в Power Point, макеты звезд, комет, музыкальный центр, картинки с изображением солнца, тучи, теремка, маски, фломастеры и бумага, алфавит с пронумерованными буквами.


Ход урока



1. Организационный момент

TGood morning, children! I’m glad to see you.

Cl: Good morning, teacher! We are glad to see you too.

T: The motto of our lesson is the following poem. Will you read it, please? (слайд 2)

 Say “Hello!”

Clap your hands!

Don’t say “No!”

Say please “Yes!”

What does it mean «yes» for you?

P1: We should speak English.

P2: We should read, translate.

P3: We should act out, ask and answer different questions etc.

T: I agree with you. If you want to work well, lets massage (делая точечный массаж, учащиеся считают до десяти). Now I want you to guess the word using the ABC (слайд 3, 4).                    

19,  16,  1,  3,  5

P1: The nineteenth letter is “S”.

P2: The sixteenth letter is “P”.

P3: The first letter is “A”.

P4: The third letter is “C”.

P5: The fifth letter is “E”.

Will you translate this word, please?

P1: Космос

T: Do you want to fly into space?

P2: Yes, of course.

T: Let’s fly! (слайд 5)

2. Фонетическая зарядка

T: You are in the spaceship. Look out of the windows.  You see a lof of beautiful stars of different colours. You see some symbols of the English sounds on the stars. Name them, please. [t], [w], [r] etc.(Дети называют звуки, написанные на макетах звезд)

Read the transcription of the English words on the comets.

[ru:d] [kri'eitiv] ['frendli] [breiv] [feis] [aiz] [blu:] etc.

T: Will you read and then recite the following poems, please!


 See my eyes.

 See my nose.

 See my fingers.

 See my toes.

 See my lips.

 See my knee.

 Now you see all of me.


Every morning at eight o’clock

You can hear the postman knock.

Up jumps Mary to open the door,

One letter, two letters, three letters, four.( стихотворения рассказывают учащиеся 3 класса)


Now listen to the poem and then be ready to recite it.

Учащиеся 5 класса прослушивают упр.22 стр. 47 «Enjoy English» 5-6 кл., самостоятельно читают  стихотворение на слайдах 6-7, затем рассказывают.

     Thank you! Well done! Clap your hands!

3. Речевая разминка

T: Yesterday I received a strange letter. Look at it! (слайд 8). I tried to read it. It is an alien’s invitation to his planet.

     Would you like to visit his planet?

P3: Sure!

T: What questions would you like to ask him?

P1: What’s your name?

P2: How old are you?

P3: What’s your hobby?

Р4: Have you got sisters and brothers?

Р5: Are your eyes blue or brown?

P1: Do you play any musical instrument?

P2: What foreign languages do you speak?

P3: Have you got a lot of friends? etc.

T: Thank you! Clap your hands!

4. Активизация лексико-грамматического материала.

T: I’ve received not only a letter but the task for you too. (слайды 9-12).

Ø Учащиеся 5 класса самостоятельно выполняют задания по теме tag-questions на ноутбуках.

Ø Т:( обращаясь к ученикам 3 класса) I think you like to play.                                                                          The task for you is to make up the words on the topic « Appearance».

·        Ro              ir

·        Da             und

·        Ha              ng

·        Lo              rk

·        No              rt

·        Sho            se


Ø Make up some sentences with these words.                                       

T: While we are flying, let’s play a game “The Milky Way”. Your aim is to create the longest way using as many words as you can on the topics “Learning more about each other” and “Appearance”

(ребята называют слова по изучаемым темам)




It’s time to have a rest.

Let’s recite the poem doing exercises.

Up, down, up, down,

(поднимаем руки вверх и вниз)

Which is the way

(разводим руки в стороны)

To space town?

Where? Where?

(поворачиваемся в стороны)

Up in the air,

( смотрим по сторонам)

Close your eyes-

(закрываем глаза)

And you are there!

(открываем глаза)

6.Совершенствование навыков устной речи.

T: I suppose, we should prepare a present for our alien. I offer you to act out  the play “A house in the wood”. (На данном этапе урока участвуют дети, посещающие драматический кружок на английском языке)

A House in the Wood.

Characters: Story-teller, Mouse, Frog, Cock, Hen, Fox


(A house in the wood. A mouse is running through the wood)


Here is the house in the wood, wood, wood,

A Mouse is running in through the wood, wood, wood.

She stops at the door, door, door,

She asks at the door, door, door.

Mouse: Who lives in this house, house, house?

Frog: I do. I am a Frog. And who are you?

Mouse: I am a mouse. May I live in your house?

Frog: Yes, you may. Come in, please.


Here is the house in the wood, wood, wood,

A Cock is running in through the wood, wood, wood.

He stops at the door, door, door,

He asks at the door, door, door.

Cock: Who lives in this house, house, house?

Frog and Mouse (together): We do, A Frog and a Mouse. And who are you?

Cock: I am a Cock. May I live in your house?

Frog and Mouse (together): Yes, you may. Come in, please.


Here is the house in the wood, wood, wood,

A Hen is running in through the wood, wood, wood.

She stops at the door, door, door,

She asks at the door, door, door.

Hen: Who lives in this house, house, house?

Frog, Mouse and Cock (together): We do, a Frog, a Cock and a Mouse. And who are you?

Hen: I am Hen. May I live in your house?

Frog, Mouse and Cock (together):  Yes, you may. Come in, please.


Here is the house in the wood, wood, wood,

A Fox is running in through the wood, wood, wood.

She stops at the door, door, door,

She asks at the door, door, door.

Fox: Who lives in this house, house, house?

Frog, Mouse, Cock and Hen (together): We do, a Frog, a Cock, a Hen and a Mouse.

Fox: My dear Frog and Cock, my dear Hen and Mouse, may I live in your house?

Frog, Mouse, Cock and Hen (together): But who are you?

Fox: I am a Fox.

Frog, Mouse, Cock and Hen (together): Oh, go away, go away!

T: Clap your hands, please! Good of you! Clap your hands!


7. Обучение выполнению минипроектов.

Звенит сотовый телефон. Учитель берет трубку, разговаривает и сообщает детям, что инопланетянин не сможет с ними встретиться. Дети возвращаются на Землю.

T: I’ve just spoken with the alien. He said he was very busy that day, so we have to come back. Don’t be upset! Let’s sing the song “Place to be”.

Cl: Everybody has a place to go,

      Everybody wants a place to be,

      When birds fly they’re swimming in the sky,

      While fish are swimming in the sea.


      Everybody has a place to go,

      Everybody wants to be somewhere,

      Lobsters live at the bottom of the sea,

      While I’m at the bottom of the air.


T: Welcome to the Earth! I want you to look at the pictures of some aliens. Please, take felt-tip pens and draw a picture of an alien with whom you would like to make a friend. (слайд 13). The first pupil will describe his hobbies, the second will speak about his traits of character and the third one will tell us about his family. The pupils of the third form will speak about his appearance. Дети выполняют задание и представляют свои проекты.


8. Подведение итогов.


1.Рефлексия. Если урок понравился, то нарисовать лучики солнца к макету солнца на доске. Если урок не понравился, то нарисовать капли дождя к макету тучи на доске.

2. Итог урока. Выставление оценок.





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Краткое описание документа:

Данный конспект урока предназначен для учителей, которые работают в малокомплектных школах. Урок объединяет несколько тем, изучаемых в третьем и пятом классах: «Внешность», «Хобби», «Профессии», «Черты характера». Урок проходит в форме путешествия на другую планету. Также большое внимание на уроке-путешествии уделяется лексико-грамматическому материалу. В презентации содержится несколько слайдов по теме «Разделительные вопросы». Во время «путешествия» учащиеся играют, поют песни, рассказывают стихи и разыгрывают сценку, которую приготовили в качестве подарка своему другу-инопланетянину. Урок заканчивается мини-проектом: нарисовать портрет нового друга с другой планеты, описать его внешность, хобби, семью, черты характера и т.д.

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