Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыКонспект урока по английскому языку на тему «To watch or not to watch TV»

Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему «To watch or not to watch TV»

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Конспект урока.

Класс: 9

Тема: To watch or not to watch TV (урок с применением технологии проблемного обучения).


Цель урока:  

развитие интеллектуальных способностей учащихся при помощи выполнения заданий проблемного типа.

Задачи урока:

1)    развивать навыки неподготовленной устной речи

2)    совершенствовать навыки просмотрового чтения с основным              пониманием прочитанного;

3)    формировать навыки письменной речи-эссе в формате части С2 (Единый Государственный Экзамен).


I. Pre-reading Activities


A. Discussion.

- Hello! Glad to see you again. The weather is fine today, isn’t it? Yesterday I was so impressed with the program on TV. I could not stop watching it in spite of the fact that I had some important things to do.

- How do you watch TV?

- Does it bring any benefits?

- Why do you watch the TV for?

- Does television make your life interesting?

- What functions does it play in our life?

B. Brainstorming.

- Lots of people can’t imagine their lives without television. Others consider it to be wasting of time. Who is right? Let’s discuss advantages and disadvantages of TV in our life

(Students give their ideas. Be on hand to offer your own ideas and guide the brainstorming.)




Watching interesting films and programs

Wasting of time

Getting the news

No censorship

Being up to date


Educational function

Too much rubbish on TV

Killing the time

TV can have bad influence on teenagers and children

Watching TV helps us relax

Harmful for our health

Listening to music

Too much violence

Improving foreign language skills (when we watch international programs)

Loosing social skills

Watching comedy shows cheering us up



C. Speaking. Work in pairs.

You enjoy watching TV but your friend is strongly against it and tells you the negative influence it has on our mind. Prove you opinion.


D. Speaking. Class discussion.

Express your own opinion in front of the class:

Do you believe TV is an essential part of our life or it can be sometimes even harmful?

(Encourage students to use long sentences and linkers)


Students’ answers:

Student 1.

Television now plays an essential role in our life. It is difficult to say if it is good or bad for us. It is clear, that television has its advantages and disadvantages. But are there more positive or negative sides? In the first place, television is an entertainment. But it is not just a convenient entertainment. For a typical  family, for example, it is more convenient and less expensive to sit comfortably at home than to go to the cinema, for example. They don't have to pay for tickets at the theatre or cinema. They turn on the TV-set and can enjoy watching  interesting films, concerts, football matches.

Student 2.

TV gives us a lot of opportunities. You can see plays and films with the best stars, operas and ballets, contests, quizzes and sporting events. A good serial can keep the whole family in front of the TV-sets for days and don’t we spend hours watching our favourite football or hockey team in an important international event?

         Student 3.

Without any doubt TV is one of the best inventions the man has ever made. Thanks to TV we get a lot of information/watching documentaries, science programs, and discussions. But TV encourages passive enjoyment. It is so easy to sit in our armchairs watching others working. Little by little TV cuts us off from the real word. It prevents us from communicating with each other. Children loose any interest for playing toys. Watching TV for a long time may lead to poor health and ruin eye-sight. Psychologists believe children should be informed about negative effects of TV.


II. Reading Activities


Teacher: To sum up, modern society can’t exist without TV as it gives a lot of benefits, but on the other hand, there are still some disadvantages which we should always take into consideration. It’s up to you to decide to watch or not to watch TV But some people discuss the other problem if cars should be banned from city centres.

A. Scanning.

     My family loves television. My earliest memories are of watching TV with my family. I think we had five or six television sets at home – the bedrooms, the kitchen, everywhere! At least one television was on all of the time.

     When I went to university, I lives in a dormitory my first year. Of course I had a TV, so I continued watching my favorite programs.  But after a while, I realized I had a problem. My courses were hard- much harder than high school- and there was a lot of homework. Also I felt stressed in my new environment. I started watching more TV to help me relax. Guess what? Soon I was spending more time watching TV that I was on homework. Plus, I didn’t have a lot of friends. Maybe a childhood full of television made me less social. At the end of my first year, my grades weren’t very good, and I was really disappointed in myself.

     At home that summer, I watched television with my family a lot. At first I thought it was great. But then I noticed something. We talked  all the time, but …. always about TV. Something was missing. Television brought us together, but in a way it also kept us apart.

     When I got back to university, I made up my mind to do better. I walked into my dormitory, and started to turn the TV on. But then an idea popped into my head: “Stop watching TV!” Suddenly it became crystal clear that my old friend television was really my enemy! It had kept me from getting good grades, and from making friends. I had to stop watching TV.

     I did. I quit.  I gave away my television, and I’ve never looked back. I started doing better in school, made more friends, and actually started having more energy.

     I don’t know if I’ll continue to lead a TV-free life. But if I do watch television again, it won’t be like before. I have vowed that television will never again be a major part of my life. 


III. Post-reading Activity

В. Answer the questions:

What problem did the main character face while living in the dorms?

How did he solve the problem?

What is his attitude to the television now?

C. Speaking. Take turns expressing your opinion about such a problem like TV addiction.


Students share their opinions.



IV. Writing.


You have had a class discussion about watching TV. Write an essay expressing your opinion about the role of TV in out life in the form of State Unified Exam


This task may be done as class activity or at home.

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Краткое описание документа:

"Урок  "применением "технологии "проблемного "обучения.

Цель урока: развитие интеллектуальных способностей учащихся при помощи выполнения заданий проблемного типа.

Задачи урока:

  1. развивать навыки неподготовленной устной речи
  2. совершенствовать навыки просмотрового чтения с основным пониманием прочитанного;
  3. формировать навыки письменной речи-эссе в формате части С2 (Единый Государственный Экзамен).
  • I. Pre-reading Activities

"A. Discussion.- Hello! Glad to see you again. The weather is fine today, isn’t it? Yesterday I was so impressed with the program on TV. I could not stop watching it in spite of the fact that I had some important things to do.

"- How do you watch TV?- Does it bring any benefits?

"- Why do you watch the TV for?

"- Does television make your life interesting?

"- What functions does it play in our life?

"B. Brainstorming.

"- Lots of people can’t imagine their lives without television. Others consider it to be wasting of time. Who is right? Let’s discuss advantages and disadvantages of TV in our life(Students give their ideas. Be on hand to offer your own ideas and guide the brainstorming.)

"pros cons

"Watching interesting films and programs Wasting of time

"Getting the news No censorship

"Being up to date TV-addiction

"Educational function Too much rubbish on TV

"Killing the time TV can have bad influence on teenagers and children

"Watching TV helps us relax Harmful for our health

"Listening to music Too much violence

"Improving foreign language skills (when we watch international programs)

"Loosing social skills

"Watching comedy shows cheering us up

"C. Speaking. Work in pairs.

"You enjoy watching TV but your friend is strongly against it and tells you the negative influence it has on our mind. Prove you opinion.

"D. Speaking. Class discussion.

"Express your own opinion in front of the class:

"Do you believe TV is an essential part of our life or it can be sometimes even harmful?(Encourage students to use long sentences and linkers)
Students’ answers: Student 1.

  • II. Reading Activities
  • III. Post-reading Activity

"В. Answer the questions:

"What problem did the main character face while living in the dorms?

"How did he solve the problem?

"What is his attitude to the television now?

"C. Speaking. Take turns expressing your opinion about such a problem like TV addiction.

"Students share their opinions.

  • IV. Writing.

"You have had a class discussion about watching TV. Write an essay expressing your opinion about the role of TV in out life in the form of State Unified Exam
This task may be done as class activity or at home.

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