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1 слайд
American Landmarks
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The United States of America has many geographic and historical landmarks. Want to find out more? Check out these pages.
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The Capitol Building is the home of the United States Congress. The Congress consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives.
The Senate and the House of Representatives meet in the Capitol Building to make laws that govern the country.
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Look at this!
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The Golden Gate Bridge was built in 1937 to connect the city of San Francisco to Marin County across the Golden Gate Strait.
The total length of the bridge is 1.7 miles (8,981 ft or 2,737 m). The length of the suspension spans, including main span and side spans, is 1.2 miles (6,450 ft or 1,966 m).
The bridge is 220 feet about the strait, with the top of the tower at 746 feet about the water.
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The Lincoln Memorial was built to honor Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States.
Surrounding the monument are 36 marble columns representing the 36 states of the Union at the time of Abraham Lincoln's death.
Inside the monument is a 19 foot white marble statue of Abraham Lincoln. On the walls are etched the words of his Gettysburg Address calling for unity of the country,
"that government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth."
Also on the walls are the words of his Second Inaugural Address and murals portraying national unity and the freeing of the slaves.
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Lincoln is a good man!
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Carved into the granite wall of Mount Rushmore are the faces of 4 presidents: Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt. These presidents symbolize the United States ideals: Washington standing for independence; Jefferson for democracy; Lincoln for equality; and, Roosevelt for the role in world affairs.
Gutzon Borglum, a Danish sculptor, and a crew of over 360 people carved the
monument from
1927 to 1941.
The faces measure
60 feet from chin to
top of head, and
would be 465 feet
tall if the whole
bodies were built
to this scale
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Very good men
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The National Air and Space Museum
has many of the airplanes
and space craft.
Hanging from the
ceiling is the world's
first airplane built
by the Wright brothers.
Also there is
Charles Lindbergh's
"Spirit of St. Louis" which
was the
first airplane to fly
across the Atlantic
On the space front,
there are many
things from early space flights, including the Friendship 7 which was rode by John Glenn when he became the first America in space.
There are also many of the early space rockets, and other space equipment such as the sky lab.
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Big Building!
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The Statue of Liberty is one of the best known American landmarks. It was a gift to the United States from France to commemorate their alliance during the American Revolution. It is located in the New York harbor near Ellis Island.
The statue welcomed new
immigrants to the
United States who entered the
country through Ellis
Island between 1892 and 1954.
The statue is 111 feet,
1 inch tall and made from 225
tons of copper.
It was given to the people of the
United States by France
on July 4, 1884
to commemorate the
100 anniversary of the American
Revolution. It was dedicated
on October 28, 1886.
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Beautiful Mommy Of Liberty!
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War Memorials
The Iwo Jima Memorial honors the U.S. Marine and Navy corpsmen at the battle of Iwo Jima at the end of the Second World War.
The statue is based on Joe Rosenthal's Pulitzer Prize winning photograph of five marines and a navy corpsman raising an American flag on Mount Suribachi during the battle of Iwo Jima.
The Vietnam Memorial was built to honor the soldiers who died in the Vietnam War. It is a large black stone wall. On the wall are etched the names of all the United States soldiers who died in the Vietnam War.
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Iwo Jima…
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The Washington Monument was built to honor George Washington, commander-in-chief of the continental army, and first president of the United States.
The monument was completed and dedicated in 1885. It is a white marble structure 555 feet, 5-1/8 inches tall.
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Big and beautiful!
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The Whitehouse is the home of the United States president. It has been the home for every U.S. president, except George Washington.
Construction was started on October 13, 1792, on a site selected by George Washington. The house was not completed until 1800, when President John Adams moved in.
The original home
was burned
by the British
in 1814, during
the War of 1812.
The house was rebuilt
and painted white to
cover its fire-blackened
walls. This is how it
got the name the
20 слайд
That’s all!
Thank you for attention!
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Яркая и красочная презентация на тему: «Достопримечательности Америки» подойдёт для работы со старшими классами.
Изучая такую страну как Америка, нельзя не затронуть такую важную тему как достопримечательности, так как именно с помощью них мы можем ещё лучше узнать историю США и великих людей, творивших её.
Данная работа содержит иллюстрации и краткое описание самых главных мест Америки, мест, на которые ежегодно приезжают посмотреть тысячи туристов со всего мира.
Здесь вы найдете информацию о Капитолии, Мемориале Линкольна, статуе свободы, а также много других интересных фактов.
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