Инфоурок Обществознание ПрезентацииНаучная работа « Water»

Научная работа « Water»

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  • Gymnasium school “Mirzakent”9th formRezhepova Aizhan  WaterThe teacher of E...

    1 слайд

    Gymnasium school “Mirzakent”
    9th form
    Rezhepova Aizhan
    The teacher of English: Musabaeva Gulnur

  • In this article written about the importance water. Water and salts stand fro...

    2 слайд

    In this article written about the importance water. Water and salts stand from 3\4 of human’s organism. Also researched that life without water is impossible. And ocean’s, river’s, lake’s water are useless to drink and what is the drinkable water complains off. Also discovered that ice become to steam, being steam changes to rain, it circle in four seasons.


  • В этой исследовательской работе рассматривается  о том что вода и соль состав...

    3 слайд

    В этой исследовательской работе рассматривается о том что вода и соль составляет 3\4 частей человеческой органа.
    К тому же написано что жизнь без отсутствий воды не возможно. Воды из море, рек, озер пить непригодно, и расследовались состав питьевой воды.
    И рассматривались что лёд тая, превращается в пару, а пар приведет дождя, и этот процесс повторяется в четырех сезонах.

  • Бұл ғылыми жұмыста судың өмірлік маңызға ие екендігі, барлық тірі затты...

    4 слайд

    Бұл ғылыми жұмыста судың өмірлік маңызға ие екендігі, барлық тірі заттың күн көру көзі болып табылатындығы, айтылған. Су және тұздар адам ағзасынының реттеушісі және адам ағзасының 3\4 судан тұрады. Тіршілік атаулының барлығына сусыз өмір жоқ екендігі дәлелденіп, теңіз, өзен, көл, сулары ішуге жарамсыз екендігі туралы айтылыла отырып ішуге жарамды сулардың құрамы зерттелген.
    Мұз еріп, буға айналады, бу өзгеріске ұшырап жаңбыр болып жауады, осы айналым төрт мезгілде қайталанып тұратыны қарастырылған.


  • Who am I?
I am tasteless, 
I am colourless , 
I am shapeless,
I am odourless...

    5 слайд

    Who am I?
    I am tasteless,
    I am colourless ,
    I am shapeless,
    I am odourless ,
    But without me, there’s no life.
    Can you tell me who am I? Yes! I ‘m …

  • Most people think of water as a simple substance that’s very common. But ther...

    6 слайд

    Most people think of water as a simple substance that’s very common. But there’s actually more to it than just a simple substance. Not only does it support life – it is regarded as life itself. People can live for weeks, even a month without food but not without water. That’s fact.
    It is because adult’s body is composed of 70 % of water and for infants at birth water is roughly 80 % of the infant’s weight. And around 70 to 75 percent of the earth surface is made of water.
    That is why it is without question that all living things rely on water.
    Hot water turns into ice faster than the cold

  • Introduction to WaterWater is the most common
 substance found on the Earth....

    7 слайд

    Introduction to Water
    Water is the most common
    substance found on the Earth.
    About 3/4 th of the Earth
    is covered with water.
    Water can be found in ponds,
    rivers, lakes, oceans and seas.

  •  Three Forms of WaterWhen cooled When heated When Frozen When heated When wat...

    8 слайд

    Three Forms of Water
    When cooled When heated When Frozen When heated When water is heated, it into steam changes or water water vapour. This water vapour is a gas, which can be changed into by cooling. When kept in the ‘freezer’ of a refrigerator, water will change into solid ice. If you keep the ice in a warm place, it will change into water.

  • Water is found in rivers, seas, oceans and lakes. It is also stored undergrou...

    9 слайд

    Water is found in rivers, seas, oceans and lakes. It is also stored underground.

    River :- It is a channel of water. Melting snow
    from the mountains and rain provides water to the rivers.
    Ocean :- The ocean water is salty , so we can not drink it .
    Sources of Water
    Rain :- When water vapour in the air cools ,
    it falls down as raindrops. Rain is the
    purest form of water

  • Sources of Water Water is found in rivers, seas, oceans and lakes. It is also...

    10 слайд

    Sources of Water
     Water is found in rivers, seas, oceans and lakes. It is also stored underground. Pond :- It is a small body of water. It usually has many animals living near or in it.
    Tap:- We get water from taps in our homes.

  • Uses of WaterLiving things needs water to survive  It is used for producing e...

    11 слайд

    Uses of Water
    Living things needs water to survive  
    It is used for producing electricity

  • Uses of Water
Living things needs water to survive It is used for producing e...

    12 слайд

    Uses of Water

    Living things needs water to survive It is used for producing electricity

    Uses of Water: 
    Uses of Water It is home to aquatic animals and plants Human beings need water to cook food It is used for washing and cleaning.

  • Water and HumanBeings The body uses water in many ways: Water helps in making...

    13 слайд

    Water and Human
    Beings The body uses water in many ways: Water helps in making blood. It keeps our body cool duringsummer by making us sweat. It throws wastes from our body in the form of urine. It quenches our thirst.

  • Water and Plantswater and plantsPlants also depend on water in many ways: 

    14 слайд

    Water and Plants
    water and plants
    Plants also depend on water in many ways:
    Plant need water for their survival and growth.
    They make their food with the help of water ,sunlight,
    carbondioxide and green pigment( chlorophyll)
    in their leaves.

  • Water and Animals  Just like Plants, animals too need water to live! Aquatic...

    15 слайд

    Water and Animals
      Just like Plants, animals too need water to live! Aquatic life: the word “aqua” means “water”. Plants and animals that live in water are called aquatic plants and aquatic animals respectively. Animals that live on land as well as water are called amphibians. Frogs and toads are amphibians. Here are some aquatic animals.

  • Water ConservationWater cycle Nature recycles and reuses its resources. Water...

    16 слайд

    Water Conservation
    Water cycle Nature recycles and reuses its resources. Water is one such resource which gets recycled in the water cycle.

  • Water , water – circle waterOn the ground – 3/4In plants - 4/5In the person–3/4

    17 слайд

    Water , water – circle water
    On the ground – 3/4
    In plants - 4/5
    In the person–3/4

  • Monsoons or RainySeason Rainwater Harvesting Rainwater harvesting means conse...

    18 слайд

    Monsoons or Rainy
    Season Rainwater Harvesting Rainwater harvesting means conserving rainwater. We need to save rainwater because rainwater is clean rainwater is a precious resource we can use this water for many useful purposes

  • Season How a rainbow is formed? 
A rainbow is one of the most beautiful 

    19 слайд

    Season How a rainbow is formed?
    A rainbow is one of the most beautiful
    marvels of nature.
    When sunlight passes through drops of rain,
    they spilt into seven colours of the rainbow.
    V- Violet I – Indigo B - Blue G - Green
    Y- Yellow O- Orange R- Red
    Monsoons or Rainy

  • People lack drinking water and sanitation

    20 слайд

    People lack drinking water and sanitation

  • ConclusionsWater  transfers heat and warms houses.
Water is necessary for tra...

    21 слайд

    Water transfers heat and warms houses.
    Water is necessary for transport.
    Water is necessary in the industry and an agriculture.
    Water is necessary for plants, animals, and people.
    Water is one of the most important resources of the Earth!

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Who am I? I am tasteless, I am colourless , I am shapeless, I am odourless , But without me, there’s no life. Can you tell me who am I? Yes! I ‘m … •         Most people think of water as a simple substance that’s very common. But there’s actually more to it than just a simple substance. Not only does it support life – it is regarded as life itself. People can live for weeks, even a month without food but not without water. That’s fact. •         It is because adult’s body is composed of 70 % of water and for infants at birth water is roughly 80 % of the infant’s weight. And around 70 to 75 percent of the earth surface is made of water. •         That is why it is without question that all living things rely on water. •         Hot water turns into ice faster than the cold •         Water is the most common  substance found on the Earth. •         About 3/4 th of the Earth is covered with water. •          Water can be found in ponds, rivers, lakes, oceans and seas. 

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    Musabaeva Gulnur Janabaevna
    Musabaeva Gulnur Janabaevna
    • На сайте: 9 лет и 5 месяцев
    • Подписчики: 0
    • Всего просмотров: 6355
    • Всего материалов: 4

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500/1000 ч.

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История и обществознание: теория и методика преподавания в профессиональном образовании

Преподаватель истории и обществознания

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Обществознание: теория и методика преподавания в образовательной организации

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300/600 ч.

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