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Презентация по английскому языку «Your Game»

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It lives in Jungle. It likes bananas.

(A monkey)

It is a very big Animal. It has a long nose and the big ears. It is afraid of mice. (An elephant)

It might be brown, black or white. It likes fish and honey.

(A bear)

This animal has red wool. According to fairytale it is very cunning.

 (A fox)

This animal lives in the forest. He hunted in packs.

(A wolf)

This animal lives in China. It likes a bamboo.

 (A panda)

It is a national animal of Australia. It has a bug where it grows a child till 9 months.

(A kangaroo)


It is long and green. People often put it in salad.

(A cucumber)

This vegetable is round and red. The sauce is made from it.

(A tomato)

It is always present on Halloween. (A pumpkin)

It  riches of vitamin A and vitamin E. (A carrot)

This vegetable was brought to Russia from Holland by Peter I.

(A potato)

When a man peels it he usually cries. (An onion)

This vegetable won the first place for his monstrosity in English vegetables’ competition.

(A parsnip)


It is yellow and sour.

(A lemon)

It reminds of a light bulb.

 (A pear)

It riches of vitamin C. (An orange)

It grows on a tree. Its skin is yellow. Don’t stand on it if you don’t want to fall.

(A banana)

A younger brother of an orange.

(A mandarin)

This fruit reminds of rugby’s ball. (A melon)

These two fruits are recommended for treatment anemia.

(An apple and a pomegranate)

Pets (Domestic Animals)

It is the man’s best friend.

(A dog)

It likes milk. All mice afraid of it.

(A cat)

This pet gives eggs. Her “husband” is a cock.

(A hen)

Its nose is a snout. Its tail is a hook.

 (A pig)

It is a sacred animal in India. It is a crime to kill this animal. (A cow)

This animal is used in biological and medical experiences. Some people keep it as a home pet. (A white mouse)

This animal was highly thought of by Russian people some centuries ago. (A horse)

Countries and Cities

The capital of Great Britain. (London)

Washington is a capital of … (The  USA)

How many countries The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of? (4 countries)

The Capital of Scotland? (Edinburg)

Where does Canberra stand as a capital?

(In Australia)

The Capital of Wales? (Cardiff) 

How many states the USA consists of? (50 states)


It is passed in pools. (Swimming)

There are two teams. Each team has 11 players. They kick the round ball.

(A football)

The main England game.

(A golf)

It is a winter game. There are two teams, sticks and puck.

(A hockey)

This kind of sport helps to keep fit. You only need a pair of trainers and a long distance.


The main sport club NBA leads by this sport. (A basketball)

Water and a ball could give the great chance for doing this sport. (A water-polo)


He sings songs.

(A singer)

He works with students or pupils.

 (A teacher)

He works at hospitals.

 (A doctor)

The “right hand” of a headmaster. (A secretary) 

He has his own farm.

(A farmer)

He is a “servant of a law”. (A policeman)

A show leader on TV.

(A showman)


The main London’s square. (Trafalgar Square)

The USA president’s residence. (The White House)

The USA’s symbol of freedom. (The Statue of Liberty)

The famous English Clock. (Big Ben)

Where does the famous House Opera stand? (In Australia)

The famous Scotland Castle is known for their ghosts. (The Glams Castle)

The famous sight of London which famous for his cruel history. It was a prison some centuries ago.

(The Tower)


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    Animals 100

  • Animals 150

    5 слайд

    Animals 150

  • Animals 200

    6 слайд

    Animals 200

  • Animals 250

    7 слайд

    Animals 250

  • Animals 300

    8 слайд

    Animals 300

  • Animals 500

    9 слайд

    Animals 500

  • Vegetables 50

    10 слайд

    Vegetables 50

  • Vegetables 100

    11 слайд

    Vegetables 100

  • Vegetables 150

    12 слайд

    Vegetables 150

  • Vegetables 200

    13 слайд

    Vegetables 200

  • Vegetables 250

    14 слайд

    Vegetables 250

  • Vegetables 300

    15 слайд

    Vegetables 300

  • Vegetables 500

    16 слайд

    Vegetables 500

  • Fruits 50

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    Fruits 50

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    18 слайд

    Fruits 100

  • Fruits 150

    19 слайд

    Fruits 150

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    Fruits 200

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    21 слайд

    Fruits 250

  • Fruits 300

    22 слайд

    Fruits 300

  • Fruits 500

    23 слайд

    Fruits 500

  • Pets (Domestic Animals) 50

    24 слайд

    Pets (Domestic Animals) 50

  • Pets (Domestic Animals) 100

    25 слайд

    Pets (Domestic Animals) 100

  • Pets (Domestic Animals) 150

    26 слайд

    Pets (Domestic Animals) 150

  • Pets (Domestic Animals) 200

    27 слайд

    Pets (Domestic Animals) 200

  • Pets (Domestic Animals) 250

    28 слайд

    Pets (Domestic Animals) 250

  • Pets (Domestic Animals) 300

    29 слайд

    Pets (Domestic Animals) 300

  • Pets (Domestic Animals) 500

    30 слайд

    Pets (Domestic Animals) 500

  • Countries and Cities 50

    31 слайд

    Countries and Cities 50

  • Countries and Cities 100

    32 слайд

    Countries and Cities 100

  • Countries and Cities 150EnglandNorthern Ireland4

    33 слайд

    Countries and Cities 150
    Northern Ireland

  • Countries and Cities 200Edinburg

    34 слайд

    Countries and Cities 200

  • Countries and Cities 250

    35 слайд

    Countries and Cities 250

  • Countries and Cities 300

    36 слайд

    Countries and Cities 300

  • Countries and Cities 50050 states

    37 слайд

    Countries and Cities 500
    50 states

  • Sport 50

    38 слайд

    Sport 50

  • Sport 100

    39 слайд

    Sport 100

  • Sport 150

    40 слайд

    Sport 150

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    41 слайд

    Sport 200

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    42 слайд

    Sport 250

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    Sport 300

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    Sport 500

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    Professions 50

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    46 слайд

    Professions 100

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    47 слайд

    Professions 150

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    48 слайд

    Professions 200

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    49 слайд

    Professions 250

  • Professions 300

    50 слайд

    Professions 300

  • Professions 500

    51 слайд

    Professions 500

  • Sights 50

    52 слайд

    Sights 50

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    53 слайд

    Sights 100

  • Sights 150

    54 слайд

    Sights 150

  • Sights 200

    55 слайд

    Sights 200

  • Sights 250

    56 слайд

    Sights 250

  • Sights 300Glams Castle

    57 слайд

    Sights 300
    Glams Castle

  • Sights 500Tower of London

    58 слайд

    Sights 500
    Tower of London


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Краткое описание документа:

Презентация + приложение - станут незаменимым помощником для учителя при проведении внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку.

Мероприятие создано по мотивам известной интеллектуальной игры «Своя Игра». Внеклассное мероприятие подходит для проведения на начальном и среднем этапе. Мероприятие актуально среди учащихся.

Презентация включает в себя таблицу, красочные изображения, которые позволяют привлечь «живой» интерес учащихся. Дополнительное приложение содержит вопросы к таблице.

Вопросы распределены по следующим категориям: Animals, Fruits, Vegetables, Pets, Sights, Countries, Cities, Professions. Сложность вопросов варьируется в зависимости от игровых очков.

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