Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииПрезентация по английскому языку для 11 класса по теме “Irish Dances”

Презентация по английскому языку для 11 класса по теме “Irish Dances”

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  • Irish dance Kherson College of Economy Journalism and LawCollective Project

    1 слайд

    Irish dance
    Kherson College of Economy Journalism and Law
    Collective Project
    Made by students of group 402
    Masha Vershina and Dash Melnichuk
    Teacher: L.Vitvitskaya

  • The dancing traditions of Ireland probably grew in close association with tra...

    2 слайд

    The dancing traditions of Ireland probably grew in close association with traditional Irish music. Although its origin is unclear, Irish dancing was later influenced by dance forms from the Continent, especially the Quadrille. Travelling dancing masters taught them all over Ireland, since 1900s.

  • Old-style step dancingThis old-style step dancing *evolved in the late 18th a...

    3 слайд

    Old-style step dancing
    This old-style step dancing *evolved in the late 18th and early 19th century from the dancing of traveling Irish dance masters. The dance masters slowly formalised and transformed both solo and social dances. Modern masters of old-style step dancing style can trace the lineage of their steps directly back to 18th century dancers.

  • Irish dance masters refined and codified Irish dance traditions. Rules emerge...

    4 слайд

    Irish dance masters refined and codified Irish dance traditions. Rules emerged about proper upper body and arms with quick foot movements. They danced in a limited space and made an emphasis on making percussive sound with their toes. Irish dance masters of this period also choreographed particular steps to particular tunes in traditional music creating the solo dances such as the Blackbird, St. Patrick's Day, and the Job of Journey Work, which also persist in modern Irish stepdancing.

  • Modern Irish solo stepdances fall into two broad categories based on the shoe...

    5 слайд

    Modern Irish solo stepdances fall into two broad categories based on the shoes worn by dancers : hard shoe (or heavy shoe) and soft shoe (or light shoe) dances:

  • Jig Jig is a dance to ancient Celtic melody and depending on the shoes in whi...

    6 слайд

    Jig is a dance to ancient Celtic melody and depending on the shoes in which former dancers danced is called light and heavy jig. Depending on the speed the dance is performed, there is a single and double jig and treble-jig-jig. Normal timing of these types of jig is 6/8. Apart is the perfect slip-jig, performed in a special 9/8 rhythm and only in soft shoes.

  • ReelReel appeared about the second half of XVIII century in Scotland. Normal...

    7 слайд

    Reel appeared about the second half of XVIII century in Scotland. Normal timing of reel is 4/4. Reel danced in soft shoes is light-reel and in hard shoes is trebl reel. Men's "soft" reel is danced in special shoes - with heels, but without metal on them (reel shoes)

  • Hornpipe Researchers believe that there was a hornpipe dance in England of El...

    8 слайд

    Researchers believe that there was a hornpipe dance in England of Elizabethan times, and it was performed as a stage action. In Ireland, it was danced quite differently, and from mid-eighteenth century, to the music of two quarters or four quarters. It was danced in tight shoes

  • CostumeSeveral generations ago, the appropriate dress for a competition was s...

    9 слайд

    Several generations ago, the appropriate dress for a competition was simply "Sunday best" (clothes one would wear to church). Irish Dance schools generally have school dresses, worn by lower-level competitors and in public performances. As dancers advance in competition or are given starring roles in public performances, they may get a solo dress of their own design and colors. In the 1970s and 1980s, ornamentally embroidered dresses became popular..
    Today even more ornamentation is used on girls' dresses. Solo dresses can be priced from about $400 to $5,000 and are unique to each dancer. Today most women and girls wear a wig or hairpiece for a competition, but some still curl their own hair. Most men wear a shirt, vest, and tie paired with black trousers

  •  In the XX and XXI centuries, Irish dance has become a "hallmark" of Ireland,...

    10 слайд

     In the XX and XXI centuries, Irish dance has become a "hallmark" of Ireland, as well as its music. In the 1990s and 2000s Riverdance, Lord of the Dance and other dance show groups got resounding success one after another.

  • Irish dancing has been popularised by the world-famous show Riverdance since...

    11 слайд

    Irish dancing has been popularised by the world-famous show Riverdance since 1994 and is notable for its rapid legs and feet movements while body and arms are kept largely stationary.

  • Riverdance group toured in Ukraine too, but unfortunately I saw their concert...

    12 слайд

    Riverdance group toured in Ukraine too, but unfortunately I saw their concert only on TV. Their concerts were great success.
    I’d like to go to their concet next time but they will hardly come again soon. Fortunately there are a lot of videos on the Internet and have downloaded many clips with Irish dances. I enjoy them any time I like . Here is one of my favourite ones.

  • Sites used for the project:Все что красным – ошибки. Добавьте адреса использо...

    13 слайд

    Sites used for the project:
    Все что красным – ошибки. Добавьте адреса использованных вами сайтов. Подберите видеоклип для презентации Хорошо почитайте и переведите презентацию. LAV.

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Краткое описание документа:

Презентация “Irish Dances” еще одна презентация из моего архива ученических работ к коллективному проекту «Мы любим танцевать!» учеников 11 класса Херсонского лицея Журналистики, Экономики и Правоведения.

Проект и презентация были выполнены учениками , как итоговое задание при изучении темы «Танцы» по учебнику New Opportunity Prep – Intermediate и использованы на интегрированном итоговом уроке, как результат изученной темы по английскому языку и практические задания по информатике «Создание презентаций в Power Point» и искусствознанию «Танцевальное искусство мира».


Проект состоит из восьми презентаций. Презентация “Irish Dances” знакомит с с национальными Ирландскими танцами джига и рилл согласно такого плана:

  • История. Основатели
  • Основные характерные черты
  • Костюмы

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