Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииПрезентация по английскому языку для 11 класса “Ballet”

Презентация по английскому языку для 11 класса “Ballet”

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  • Presentation on the topic of “Classical ballet" Work by Vlad    Osypenko ,Gro...

    1 слайд

    Presentation on the topic of “Classical ballet"
    Work by Vlad Osypenko ,Group 402
    Teacher: Ludmila Vitvitskaya

    Kherson College of Economy Journalism and Law

  • You will learn about:Ballet music genre 
The technique of ballet 
The history...

    2 слайд

    You will learn about:
    Ballet music genre
    The technique of ballet
    The history of the ballet
    Who composes ballet
    Who performs ballet
    Ballet tutu
    Pointe shoes
    Ballet movement to the music
    Stars of the world ballet

  • Ballet music genreBallet (from the Italian "ballo" dancing) - this is a kind...

    3 слайд

    Ballet music genre
    Ballet (from the Italian "ballo" dancing) - this is a kind of academic form of dance, technique and music.
    It usually includes dance, pantomime, action, music (usually orchestral, but sometimes vocal)
    In the basis of the ballet is some of the plot, dramatic plot called the libretto. The main types of dance in the ballet are classical dance and character dance. The important role is played by pantomime, with the help of which actors convey the feelings of the characters, their "conversation" between them, the essence of what is happening. In the modern ballet elements of gymnastics and acrobatics. are also widely used

  • The technique of ballet 	The ballet is the most famous dance action because...

    4 слайд

    The technique of ballet

    The ballet is the most famous dance action because of its unique features and methods:
    working in Pointe,
    turning feet
    big stretch marks,
    Elegant, smooth, accurate movement

  • The history of the balletThe main genre of the court entertainment in the 17t...

    5 слайд

    The history of the ballet
    The main genre of the court entertainment in the 17th century was the ballet. It was developed in Italy and France. These two countries have done a lot to choreography, especially France. For the first time dance performances were placed in France and dancers stood on toes, did jumps, spins, fast rush. Ballet was very popular and even the king Louis XIV danced the main parts in the ballets and was a central figure in the dances.

  • 6 слайд

  • Who composes balletComposer of the music.
The librettist - content.

    7 слайд

    Who composes ballet
    Composer of the music.
    The librettist - content.
    Choreographer - choreography.

  • Who performs balletBallerinas - soloists.
Dancers - soloists.
The corps – bal...

    8 слайд

    Who performs ballet
    Ballerinas - soloists.
    Dancers - soloists.
    The corps – ballet dancers.
    The conductor.
    A Symphony orchestra.

  • Ballet tutuTutu is a tight skirt, used by ballet dancers.The first pack was...

    9 слайд

    Ballet tutu
    Tutu is a tight skirt, used by ballet dancers.
    The first pack was made in 1839 for Mary Tallioni on the drawing of the artist Eugene Lami.
    The style and shape of the tutu changed over the centuries. At the end of the XIX century a pack of Anna Pavlova was very different from the modern, it was longer and thinner. In the beginning of the 20th century, the fashion on the packs, decorated with feathers and precious stones started. In the Soviet time tutu became short and wide.

  • 10 слайд

  • Pointe shoesThe word pointe shoes is derived from the French "tip". French ba...

    11 слайд

    Pointe shoes
    The word pointe shoes is derived from the French "tip". French ballerina could boast that could stand on the tips of his fingers and perform the complex elements. Pointes which fixed the leg and allowed the dancer to maintain the balance. began to be used to facilitate such a dance Modern Pointe shoes are made of satin & most often a pair of ballet shoes for a ballerina are ordered individually & personay by her. This is necessary to ensure that they are securely fastened to her feet.

  • Ballet movement to the musicIf the first ballet was a court dance, where ever...

    12 слайд

    Ballet movement to the music
    If the first ballet was a court dance, where everyone could boast of their ability to perform bizarre PA, later ballet became a kind of art, which became the prerogative of professionals.
    "Music is the soul of the dance" - said the French ballet master of the XVIII century Nover. "A well-written music should show, must speak. Dance, representing the melody is an echo, repeating what music says ". Music defines the character of the dance, creates the emotional atmosphere of the ballet.

  • 13 слайд

  • Star of the world balletEkaterina Maksimova

    14 слайд

    Star of the world ballet
    Ekaterina Maksimova

  • Star of the world balletAndris Liepa

    15 слайд

    Star of the world ballet
    Andris Liepa

  • Star of the world ballet Anastasia Volochkova

    16 слайд

    Star of the world ballet
    Anastasia Volochkova

  • The end

    17 слайд

    The end

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Краткое описание документа:

Презентация “Ballet” – это одна из презентаций из моего архива ученических работ к коллективному проекту «Мы любим танцевать!» учеников 11 класса Херсонского лицея Журналистики, Экономики и Правоведения.

Проект и презентация были выполнены учениками, как итоговое задание при изучении темы «Танцы» по учебнику New Opportunity Prep – Intermediate и использованы на интегрированном итоговом уроке, как результат изученной темы по английскому языку и практические задания по информатике «Создание презентаций в Power Point» и искусствознанию «Танцевальное искусство мира».


Проект состоит из восьми презентаций. План презентации “Ballet”:

  • Определение
  • Этимология
  • История
  • Основные характерные черты
  • Техника
  • Костюмы

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