Инфоурок Иностранные языки ТестыЛексико-грамматический тест по английскому языку, 8 класс

Лексико-грамматический тест по английскому языку, 8 класс

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1.      Present Simple Passive and Past Simple Passive (be+V3/ed)
Rewrite these sentences so that they are in the correct Passive form. Include 
by + agent  if it’s necessary.

a)      Workers still make some clothes from animal skins.

b)      They printed the first book in Germany.

c)      William Shakespeare wrote many great poems and plays.

d)      Each week, thousands of tourists visit The British Museum.

e)      Millions of people around the world listen to Madonna records.

2.      Conditional sentences
Use the verbs given to write sentences with if
+ present simple + will/won’t .

a)      If I (like) it / I (try) it again.

b)      You (not grow up) to be strong/if (not eat) your vegetables.

c)      The teacher (be) angry / if we (not do) our homework.

d)      We (not miss) bus/if you (run) fast.

e)      If she (ask) me / I (help) her.


3.      Might, will have to, will be able to
Put might, will have to or will be able to into the spaces in the sentences below, as appropriate.

a)      Sorry, but your homework is a mess! You ______do it again.

b)      Helen says she _______come to the party when she finishes her work.

c)      There’s a very long queue (очередь). We ______wait for about half an hour.

d)      There are problems with the buses, so I ________be late.

e)      I’m not sure, but I think this _____________be the house we are looking for.


4.      Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word below.

a)      The boys want to take part in football championship.


b)      John has got plans to play in the basketball team next Saturday.


c)      Susan can’t swim. Peter can’t swim.


d)      Steve runs fast. Jane runs fast.



5.      Present tense reporting

Write a Present Tense Report for each of the sentences below.

a)      Mike: ‘I’m going to school tomorrow.’

b)      Susan: ‘I haven’t finished yet.’

c)      John: ’I’ll see you on Saturday.’

d)      Andy: ‘I don’t believe you.’


6.      Speak, say, ask, tell
Put speak, say, ask or tell into the spaces in the sentences below, using the correct form.

a)    The man ______ me what time it was and I went home.

b)    My friend Paul _______ four languages!

c)    We’re lost! _______ that man how to get there!

d)    Mummy, please will you _____ me a story?

e)    ‘Hi, Steve!’ _____ John.


7.    ***Think/don’t think/believe/don’t believe/agree/don’t agree
Give your personal opinion about the following statements:

a)      Killing animals for food is wrong.

b)      Everyone needs a computer at home nowadays.

c)      Going to the cinema is better than watching TV.

d)      Football is the best game in the world.

e)      Aliens from space already live in our country.









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Представленный лексико-грамматический тест по английскому языку разработан к УМК »Smart. Intermediate» для обучающихся 8 класса.

Задания в проверочной работе разработаны для текущего контроля уровня развития лексико - грамматических навыков по темам:

  1. Present Simple Passive/Past Simple Passive,
  2. Conditional sentences 1,
  3. Might, will have to, will be able to,
  4. Present Tense Reporting,
  5. Speak, say, ask, tell,
  6. Think/don’t think/believe/don’t believe/agree/don’t agree,
  7. Neither, both.

Работа включает задания, типа:

  • Rewrite the sentences so that they are in the correct form;
  • Use the verbs given to write sentences;
  • Put the verbs into the spaces;
  • Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word below. Give your personal opinion about the statements.



1. Present Simple Passive and Past Simple Passive (be+V3/ed)
Rewrite these sentences so that they are in the correct Passive form. Include by + agent if it’s necessary.
a) Workers still make some clothes from animal skins.
b) They printed the first book in Germany.
c) William Shakespeare wrote many great poems and plays.
d) Each week, thousands of tourists visit The British Museum.
e) Millions of people around the world listen to Madonna records.

2. Conditional sentences
Use the verbs given to write sentences with if + present simple + will/won’t .
a) If I (like) it / I (try) it again.
b) You (not grow up) to be strong/if (not eat) your vegetables.
c) The teacher (be) angry / if we (not do) our homework.
d) We (not miss) bus/if you (run) fast.
e) If she (ask) me / I (help) her.

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