Инфоурок Иностранные языки Рабочие программыMетодичес кая разработка открытого урока по английскому языку на тему- "Пасха в Великобритании" (1 курсы).

Mетодичес кая разработка открытого урока по английскому языку на тему- "Пасха в Великобритании" (1 курсы).

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ГБУ ПОО  Калининградской области

 «Озерский техникум природообустройства»





Методическая разработка открытого  урока по           английскому языку                                                                    на тему                                                                                       Easter in Great Britain

(Пасха в Великобритании)




                                                                Автор разработки: Азарян Лусине Овиковна

       Преподаватель английского языка

ГБУ ПОО КО «Озёрский техникум природообустройства»









г. Озерск

2015 г.



Тема урока:  «Easter in Great Britain »



·       Обучающие:

·       формирование навыка восприятия  речи на слух и говорения;

·       формирование навыка чтения с пониманием общего содержания прочитанного;

·       формирование коммуникативной компетентности средствами английского языка в рамках запланированной темы.


·       формирование коммуникативной компетенции;

·       формирование опыта конструктивного, учебного диалога (на этапе работы в группе);

·       воспитание активности и заинтересованности студентов.


·       развитие фонетического слуха, памяти, мышления, языковой догадки, познавательного интереса;

·       развитие устойчивого интереса к изучению иностранного языка.


Вид урока: урок изучения нового материала.

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, презентация, распечатки

















План урока:


1. Организационная часть. Проверка готовности студентов к уроку: - явка студентов;

2. Начало урока. Вступительное слово преподавателя:

     T: – Good morning, everybody! I’m very glad to see you at today’s lesson. I am hope you are fine today.

    The theme of today′s lesson is “Easter”. It′s a religious holiday. The people celebrate it in many countries and in Russia too. You will know about Easter traditions and symbols. (Слайд №1)


3. Фонетическая  зарядка и введение новой лексики по теме:


T: -There are exercises that are useful not only for your body but also for your tongue. Now, look at the screen. There are some words. Listen and repeat after me. (Слайд №2)


              Easter                                                   Hot Cross Buns

              Egg                                                      Easter  Bunny

              Rabbit                                                  Spring flowers

             Jesus Christ                                          Christ is risen

             Celebrate                                              Bunny


 4. Ответы на вопросы.

  Answer the following questions! (Слайд №3)

    1) What do people celebrate on Easter day?

         2) What traditions of the celebrating Easter do you know?

    3) What are the main symbols of Easter?

    4) What Easter words do you know, beginning with letters E, A, S, T, E, R?



5.Пословицы на русском и английском языках. (Слайд №4)

 T.: There are o lot of proverbs, do you know any about  Easter?  Find the Russian equivalents for these English proverbs!

Better an egg today than                              Цыплят по осени

a hen tomorrow (Italian)                              считают


Don’t put all your eggs in                          Лучше синица в руках,

one basket (English)                                   чем журавль в небе


Don’t count your eggs                                 He клади всех яиц в одну

before they are laid                                       корзину (т. е. не рискуй

(Italian)                                                         всем, что у тебя есть).


6. Работа с текстом.

 Text. Easter in Great Britain.  (Слайды 5-7)

Read the text and answer the questions.


                                             Easter in Great Britain

From Scotland to the Channel, Britain is full of customs and traditions. A lot of them have very long histories. Some are funny, some are strange- But they're all interesting and are all part of the British way of life.
   Easter is the time for holidays, festivals and time for giving chocolate Easter eggs, the day of parties, and above all a celebration that Jesus raised from the dead and lives forever. Eggs play an important part in Easter celebration; they are predominantly given to children. The eggs are either hollow or have a filling, and are usually covered with brightly colored silver paper.
   Easter is
much more than ordinary holiday. It is the oldest and the most important Christian Festival, the celebration of the death and coming Jesus Christ to life again. For Christians, the dawn of Easter Sunday with its message of new life is the high point of the year.
   Easter is a feast that is not always held on the same date each year. Easter Day is celebrated on the first Sunday following the first full moon after the spring equinox.
   This means that Easter can fall as early as March 22 or as late as April 25.
   Like most Christian festivals, Easter has its origins in pre-Christian times. Our ancestors believed that the sun died in winter and was born anew in spring. The arrival of spring was celebrated all over the world long before the religious meaning became associated with Easter. Today, Easter celebrates the rebirth of Christ.
   The word Easter is thought to have derived from the goddess Eostre, an Anglo-Saxon Goddess.
   Even though Easter is associated with spring here in England, it is not so in countries in the Southern Hemisphere. In these countries Easter falls near the end of autumn. However, through out the world Easter is felt to be a time of new life and new beginnings.

    Everyone know something about the life of Jesus. As a boy he lived in the small town of Nazareth. When he was about thirty years old he began teaching and preaching and healing the sick. His fame spread quickly.

Soon he had twelve disciples or followers. Most of them were fishermen. They went with Jesus and learned from him as he walked through the countryside talking to the people.

   Crowds gathered to hear Jesus preach. They found new hope and strength in the words he spoke. Many people began to say that he was the king or Messiah; they had been waiting for.

Questions: (Слайд №8)

1. What is Easter?
2. What do people do during the holiday of Easter?
3. What is the most important part of Easter celebration?
4. Is Easter an ordinary feast?
5. What are the origins of Easter?
6. When does Easter take place?
7. What is the main idea of Easter celebration?
8. Does Easter take place only in spring?


7. Crossword. Read and answer the questions! (Слайд № 9)


Easter Crossword-Questions



 2. Instead of ringing bells, some churches have these.

 4. He gave us his only son to die for us.

 8. Pesah.

 10. Easter game where children push eggs with their noses without breaking them.

 11. One of the leading sports and entertainment companies in the world.

 15. On Easter morning, as soon as the sun's horizon appears in the East, many churches has an early _____ ceremony.

 16. They walked down this avenue in the "Easter Parade".

 17. A drug store that sells Easter paraphernalia (initials).

 18. Instead of buring candles at Easter, this type of lamp is burnt instead.

 22. A big pile of eggs made by the Easter Bunny.

 23. What the Easter Bunny might use to find his way around.

 25. Sun (Spanish).

 26. Female poultry that lays eggs.

 28. Not an avenue but a _____. (initials)

 29. These are put into baskets and are often made of jelly.

 34. Easter Bunny's monogram.

 35. The first meal of the day.

 36. What you send to your friends and family on Easter either via the US Mail or on-line.

 38. You bake Easter cookies in this.

 39. Keeping chocolate in the sun will make it do this.

 41. Bright, glowy colors or paint.

 42. The 1948 movie "Easter Parade" took place in this state.

 43. The name of the Easter Egg that broke in two. (song).


 1.What do ladies wear in the Easter Parade?

 2. A big piece of candy that is put into every Easter Basket.

 3. This actor starred in a movie called "Harvey" about a large bunny.

 5. She starred in the 1948 movie, "Easter Parade".

 6. This is a traditional meat served for Easter dinner.

 7. This color is the color of royalty and also considered an Easter color.

 9. A weather forecast you do not want for an Easter Parade.

 12. The Easter Bunny has eggs for boys and _____. (Popeye slang!)

 13.The cowboy who wrote and sang the Easter songs.

 14. These white, trumpet-shaped flowers are popular at Easter.

 17. House (Spanish)

 19. Most people eat this part of the chocolate bunny first.

 20. This animal is considered the Easter symbol because sacrificing it goes way back into biblical times.

 21. In Western Christianity, Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday following the first full Paschal ____.

 24. Mr. Cottontail's first name.

 27. 365 days.

 30. A test.

 31. Snacks that are twisted and said to represent folded arms across a chest.

 32. A popular Easter song says that this bunny had a powder puff what?

 33. What Jesus died for us on.

 36. People with good voices join these in church.

 37. What you dip your eggs in to color them.

 40. To make hand-crafted lace.

 44. If you don't have an Easter basket, you can put everything in this.











Кроссворд - ответы (Слайд №10)


11. SUM UP. Подведение итогов (Слайд №11)

Dear students , it’s a pity, but our lesson is over. Thank you for your work. Have you liked our lesson? Tell me, please. Use these sentences.

                   It was interesting because……..         

 I know about Easter traditions in Britain.

I liked the presentation about Easter in Britain.


12. Home task.

Домашняя работа

Write an assay about Easter traditions in your family.


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Темаурока:  «Easter in Great Britain »



·        Обучающие:

·        формирование навыка восприятия  речи на слух и говорения;

·        формирование навыка чтения с пониманием общего содержания прочитанного;

·        формирование коммуникативной компетентности средствами английского языка в рамках запланированной темы.


·        формирование коммуникативной компетенции;

·        формирование опыта конструктивного, учебного диалога (на этапе работы в группе);

·        воспитание активности и заинтересованности студентов.


·        развитие фонетического слуха, памяти, мышления, языковой догадки, познавательного интереса;

·        развитие устойчивого интереса к изучению иностранного языка.


Вид урока: урок изучения нового материала.

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