Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииМетодическая разработка" Клуб весёлых и находчивых по экологии".(2 курс)

Методическая разработка" Клуб весёлых и находчивых по экологии".(2 курс)

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • The club merry and ingenious boys and girls

    1 слайд

    The club merry and ingenious boys and girls

  • Цели:
1.Систематизировать лексический материал по теме «Ecology. The...

    2 слайд

    1.Систематизировать лексический материал по теме «Ecology. The planet cries SOS.»
    2.Научить обсуждать проблемы в группе, комментировать услышанное и увиденное.
    3.Высказывать собственную точку зрения относительно проблем экологии.
    4.Формировать у учащихся экологическое мышление
    Развитие личностной активности учащихся, развитие способности к анализу, обобщению и формулированию собственных выводов
    Радость совместного труда, создание ситуации успеха.
    Учить учащихся бережно относиться к окружающей среде, воспитывать активную жизненную позицию, формировать потребности и способности к сотрудничеству и взаимно помощи при работе в группе.
    Коллективное создание микро проекта.
    Показать различные учебные приемы, приемы совершенствования, навыков устной речи.
    1.Наглядный материал по теме
    3.Плакаты с высказываниями великих людей

  • Ход занятия:
1. Greeting
T. Good morning, everybody! Sit down, please. I hope...

    3 слайд

    Ход занятия:
    1. Greeting
    T. Good morning, everybody! Sit down, please. I hope you are OK today and ready to work hard and enthusiastic ally.
    The subject matter oy today’s lesson is «The Planet cries SOS». And I do hope this problem concerns each student of our college.

  • Look at the apple. Imagine it’s our Earth. I’m cutting it into 4 pieces. Thr...

    4 слайд

    Look at the apple. Imagine it’s our Earth. I’m cutting it into 4 pieces. Three quarters of the Earth surface is water and only ¼ is land.

  • One half of it is habitable. The rest of the land is the deserts, mountains,...

    5 слайд

    One half of it is habitable. The rest of the land is the deserts, mountains, frozen ice-caps and other places where people cannot live in. and now I’m cutting this half into four parts. It’s impossible to believe but only 1/32 gives us food and home. And it will be a catastrophe if we destroy it. I’d like you to think over this problem much more seriously and find out the ways to save our fragile planet.

  • T. We ask the members of judges to take their seats, please (music sounds «We...

    6 слайд

    T. We ask the members of judges to take their seats, please (music sounds «We shall over come»). We invite our teams to the scene. And would like to listen to your greetings and names.
    2. Warm up
    T. let’s begin our lesson from the revision of lexical material.
    What comes to your mind with the «ENVIRONMENT»?
    By the way, what the word «ecology» means?
    What is ecology?
    What does it study?
    What is environment?
    The protection of environment is an important problem. Isn’t it?
    Are there any ecology problems?
    What are they?

  • Translate the expressions from English language into Russian.
To the team «Gr...

    7 слайд

    Translate the expressions from English language into Russian.
    To the team «Greenpeace’s»
    1.To produce a lot of carbon dioxide.
    2.To cut down big areas of rainforests.
    3.Destruction of wildlife.
    4.Extinct animals.
    To the team of «Friends of the Earth»
    1.Endangered animals.
    2.Shortage of natural resources.
    3.The greenhouse effect.
    4.Our fragile planet needs protection.

  • Translate the expressions from Russian language into English.
B) To the team...

    8 слайд

    Translate the expressions from Russian language into English.
    B) To the team «Greenpeace’s»
    1.Защищать окружающую среду.
    2.Решать экологические проблемы.
    3.Загрязнение воздуха, воды, почвы.
    4. Выбрасывать тонны вредных веществ.
    To the team of «Friends of the Earth»
    1.Промышленные и ядерные отходы.
    2.Отравлять моря и реки.
    3.Использовать как свалку.
    4.Испытывать ядерное оружие.

  • a. A  gas in the atmosphere. The gas  that we breathe out.b. The Earth is be...

    9 слайд

    a. A gas in the atmosphere. The gas that we breathe out.
    b. The Earth is because there is too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
    c. The study of how living thing interact with each other.
    d. This is the atmosphere between 10 km and 60 km above the Earth. The ozone stops a lot of ultraviolet radiation from the sun.
    e. When the land, sea or air becomes dirty or poisonous.
    f. Part of sunlight.
    g. A place that provides animals and plants with food, water and shelter.
    h. It means simply what is around us.
    i. All the plants that grow in a region.
    j. The animals of a region.
    Match the words with definitions:
    Greenhouse effect
    Ozone layer
    Ultraviolet radiation

  • The competitions with fans.
V.A. While  the teams are working we’ll communica...

    10 слайд

    The competitions with fans.
    V.A. While the teams are working we’ll communicate with our fans.
    1.Hickery, pickery, my black cat
    Likes to sit in my blue hat.

  • 3. The competition for the best illustration to the audio text.
You listen to...

    11 слайд

    3. The competition for the best illustration to the audio text.
    You listen to the text and try to understand its
    content and draw the illustration to this text.
    Your time limit is 10 minutes.

  • Two men who come to the country for their holidays were walking in an orchard...

    12 слайд

    Two men who come to the country for their holidays were walking in an orchard. They saw that all the trees were bending under the heavy load of apples except one tree on which there were no apples as all. A small country boy was sitting near by. They called him.
    -Come here boy. Here is sixpence for you. Do you know why there are no apples on that tree?
    -Of course I do, sir, because it’s an oak tree.

  • 4. The competition with fans.
Your task is to make up the proverb from the gi...

    13 слайд

    4. The competition with fans.
    Your task is to make up the proverb from the given words.
    1 team
    late Better never than
    home East west best is or
    Indeed a friend is in need A friend
    2 team
    build a day was not Rome
    Money time is
    Weather ducks for Lovely

  • 5. Captains’ competitions
1. Long ears, long ears
Hop, hop, hop
Long ears, lo...

    14 слайд

    5. Captains’ competitions
    1. Long ears, long ears
    Hop, hop, hop
    Long ears, long ears never stop
    They like carrots, they like hay
    They grow longer
    From day to day.
    2. How long does the mouse live?
    3. What always goes to sleep wearing his shoes?
    4. What is the name of the insect: it gets up early; it works all day if it is not raining; it likes flowers; it lives in a hive?
    5. What is it that a cat has but no other animal can have?

  • 6. He lives in a forest. He is the king of the jungle because he is very stro...

    15 слайд

    6. He lives in a forest. He is the king of the jungle because he is very strong. When he is hungry, he begins to roar very loudly. What is it?
    7. What is the fastest of all animals?
    8. My beautiful tail is bushy,
    And the colour of it is red
    I hate the idea of it being worn
    Round your neck and upon your head.
    9. Hopper, hopper in the grass,
    Please don’t hop and let me pass
    But it hops, hops, hops, hops, hops
    Hops and hops and never stops.
    10. It can be big or small
    It is white or bright, it has a smell.
    There are many of them in spring and summer.
    It is a good present
    Girls and women like them very much.
    What is it?

  • 6. The competition «Protect nature»
Write down a poster “The protection of na...

    16 слайд

    6. The competition «Protect nature»
    Write down a poster “The protection of nature”.

  • Dear, friends!

Be kind to our beautiful nature.
Plant trees and flowers.

    17 слайд

    Dear, friends!

    Be kind to our beautiful nature.
    Plant trees and flowers.
    Place bird-houses in your yard.
    Leave scraps or other food for birds.
    Don’t disturb nesting sites.
    Watch, but don’t disturb wild animals.
    Be a friend to fish. Don’t throw rubbish into their homes.
    Recycle newspapers and other paper products.
    Save empty cans, plastic and glass for recycling.
    Protect wild Kingdom.
    All woods are home to animals, so we behaved like guests
    We only looked and never touched, the birds’ and rabbits’ nests.

  • 7. Homework 
Your task was to prepare the presentation about ecological probl...

    18 слайд

    7. Homework
    Your task was to prepare the presentation about ecological problems of our planet. And now you will show and tell us about them. Our just judges will appreciate your presentations.

  • 8. Conclusion 
Ecological alarm bell sounds every where, from all the ends of...

    19 слайд

    8. Conclusion
    Ecological alarm bell sounds every where, from all the ends of the Earth.
    «For whom the alarm bell sounds, it sounds by you» (Э. Хемингуэй)

  • The planet cries SOSThe signal SOS means «Save our souls»-Спасите наши души...

    20 слайд

    The planet cries SOS
    The signal SOS means «Save our souls»-
    Спасите наши души

    Спасите наши души!
    Мы бредим от удушья.
    Наш SOS все глуше, глуше…
    …И ужас режет уши
    (В. Высоцкий)

  • «We have no time neither complacency nor despair. We rather love our life to...

    21 слайд

    «We have no time neither complacency nor despair. We rather love our life to watch how it is disappearing, doing nothing.»
    These words are the motto of our lesson.
    The third millennium begins here, in the classroom.

  • And now you will see the clip about the measures to do for improving the ecol...

    22 слайд

    And now you will see the clip about the measures to do for improving the ecological situation on the planet.

  • Our Earth is so beautiful

    23 слайд

    Our Earth is so beautiful

  • Nature gives people its riches to live and enjoy. We cannot live without fres...

    24 слайд

    Nature gives people its riches to live and enjoy. We cannot live without fresh air, clean water. Sunshine and a lot of thing, which we take from the nature.

  • That’s why we must take care of it.

    25 слайд

    That’s why we must take care of it.

  • We must keep our rivers and lakes, forest and towns clean.

    26 слайд

    We must keep our rivers and lakes, forest and towns clean.

  • We must plant flowers- not to pick them, feed birds and animals in winter- no...

    27 слайд

    We must plant flowers- not to pick them, feed birds and animals in winter- not to kill them.

  • Then we will be happy to live on the most beautiful planet in the Universe.

    28 слайд

    Then we will be happy to live on the most beautiful planet in the Universe.

  • 2017 is the year of EcologyNature has its rights, and it is the duty of a ma...

    29 слайд

    2017 is the year of Ecology
    Nature has its rights, and it is the duty of a man to respect and defend these rights.

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