Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыМетодическая разработка – конспект урока для 6 класса по теме "Праздники""

Методическая разработка – конспект урока для 6 класса по теме "Праздники""

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Тема: Celebrations Module 5

Класс: 6

Дата: 25.12.18

Учитель: Давыдовская И.В.

Тип урока: урок повторения

Цель урока

  • повторить и закрепить лексический материал по теме.
  • закрепить грамматические формы настоящего продолженного времени, повторить грамматические формы настоящего простого времени.

Задачи урока:


  • формирование лексических умений и навыков в устной речи (умение рассказывать о праздниках, используя настоящее простое время).
  • формирование грамматических навыков на материале настоящего продолженного времени
  • отработка произносительных навыков.


  • развивать владение всеми видами речевой деятельности (аудирование, говорение, чтение, письмо).


  • прививать любовь и интерес к иностранному языку;
  • воспитывать умение работать в парах, группах, самостоятельно, по цепочке.
  • Прививать толерантное отношение к культуре и языку других стран.


  • Учебник “Английский язык. Английский в фокусе” – для 6 кл. общеобразоват. учреждений / (Ю. Е. Ваулина, Дж. Дули, О. Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс),
  • раздаточный материал
  • a) упражнение на соотнесение названий русских и английских праздников,
  • b) текст “Christmas
  • компьютер
  • проектор
  • карта –план урока
  • шары из бумаги 3х цветов – красный желтый, зеленый.



(ход урока)

1)    Организационный этап.

Приветствие учителя. T:Hello! Pupils all together: Hello!

Are you fine?

Are you fine, Danila? (- Yes, I am)

How are you, Polina? (- Fine, thank you)

 And you, Masha? (I’m fine, too)

T: Great! Sit down, please. Let’s start our lesson

2)    Постановка цели и задач урока. Мотивация учебной деятельности учащихся.

Карта – план урока. 5 этапов+ рефлексия, по которым ученики передвигаются от задания к заданию, что бы достигнуть цели – помочь Деду Морозу зажечь (нарядить) елку в классе.

Look at the board. You can see the title of our lesson. Celebrations. I am sure you know much about celebrations because we already read some information about celebrations in different countries of the world.

3)    Актуализация знаний.

  • Do you like celebrations? Вы любите праздники?
  • Do you celebrate any holidays? Вы отмечаете праздники?
  • What holidays do you know? Какие праздники вы знаете?

Ответы: Ps: Christmas, New Year’s day, Victory Day, St Valentine’s Day...

T:My favorite celebration is New Year’s Day. And what about you? What holiday do you like most of all? Мой любимы праздник НГ, а ваш? Что вы больше всего любите в НГ?


When are other holidays? Когда отмечаются другие праздники?

Работа с карточками

T: Look at the cards, please. Match the names of the holidays with datesTake your pencils or pens and do the task. I give you half a minute. ..... Ready? Let’s check. So, number ‘1’, letter ‘с’, number ‘2’, letter .....? (TP1, P2, P3 ...)

Соедините название праздника с датой празднования и составьте предложение по образцу.

Карточка 1              Some well-known holidays in the world

1. Highland games

2. The Festival of Lights

3. Christmas

4. New Year’s Day

5. Saint Valentine’s Day

6. Halloween

a) 14 th of February

b) 25 th of December

c) the first Saturday of September

d) In late autumn

e) the 31st of October

f) The 31 st of December

Well, will you read all sentences, please? (one by one)

Образец We celebrate........... on …………..   . (P1, P2, P3 ...)



Работа в группах. Раздаются загадки, ребята читают, соединяют с картинками и атрибутами праздника.

Викторина A Guessing Game (the riddles about some holidays)

T: Well, children, I am sure you already know something about these popular holidays, now listen to me attentively and give the name of the holiday which I describe – guess the riddles.


1. This festival lasts for five days People put up colourful decorations in our homes. In the evening, they light Diwali lamp sand pray to the goddess of wealth. (The Festival of Lights, India)

T: We don’t have such a holiday in Russia.

2. The traditional emblem of this holiday is a red heart. It's a holiday of love and friendship. People offer flowers, sweets and postcards your favorite people without signature. But almost all of Valentine cards say “Be my Valentine”.

3. The most known customs is the tradition of dressing costume. When it was believed that ghosts came back to the earthly world, people thought that they would encounter ghosts if they left their houses.

4. Musicians wear traditional Scottish clothing on that holiday. There are a lot of different sport competitions on that day. Tickets always sell months before the games start.

5. It is a very famous celebration in our city and lately of over the world. It takes place in summer – when nights are short and days are long. People walk along embankments wait for appearance of the ship with scarlet sails.

6. People decorate the houses with bright lights. They exchange postcards and gifts. Children like this holiday very much, because they always find presents early in the morning.

7. It is a family holiday. It is in winter. The best part of the day is when we make our promises for future .

T: You see, in America and England people celebrate Christmas in December, but in Russia it’s in January.

7) Повторение грамматики. Видео образования времени (Обучающий ролик British council).

8) Дифференцированное задание по грамматике (на выбор учеников)

1 группа выполняет задание 9 заданий более легкого уровня

2 группа 2 задания (легкий и более сложный уровень)

- The next task of our lesson is writing. You should use the Present Continuous. I give you three minutes for the task.

The athletes is running/ are running  a heavy tree trunk.

My mother am preparing/ is preparing the holiday dinner.

We are decorate/ are decorating our home for New Year.

I is hanging/ am hanging colorful lamps on New Year tree.

My father is bringing/ are bringing the New Year tree in our house.

He is doing/ are doing the last minute shopping.

We am writing/ are writing a letter to Santa Claus.

My mum is doing/ am doing the washing up.

My grandma is making/am making a cake.

What is that funny? Why you are laughing/ are you laughing?

Look how nervous that girl is. I think she is waiting/ isn’t waiting for somebody.

Where is Anna? -  Is she doing/ She is doing her homework.

What you are doing/ are you doing now?


ФИЗКУЛЬТМИНУТКА (Рождественская песня)

9) Чтение


T: Now, boys and girls, it’s time for reading. You will get some more information about Christmas in the UK.

But, please, look at the blackboard, there are some words here which will help you to understand the texts better. Repeat after me


Santa Claus



Trafalgar Square

T: Now, work in pairs. In your copies you have the texts about Christmas in the UK.

Look at this picture. Where is this Christmas tree? Look through the text and answer this question

b)You must read your text and then answer my questions. Is the task clear? I give you 5 minutes to do the task.


The 25th of December' is Christmas Day. It's a happy holiday for many people in the UK.

Some weeks before Christmas English people are busy People want to buy presents for their family and friends.

Every year there is a very big Christmas tree in the center of London, in Trafalgar Square. This is a present from the people of Norway to the people of Great Britain. They send it to Londoners every year and Londoners decorate the Christmas tree.

In the evening before Christmas people like to come to Trafalgar Square to look at the tree. On Christmas Eve, the streets in London are decorated, too.

On Christmas Eve, people put their presents under the tree. When children go to bed, they put their stockings near their beds.

At night Santa Clause comes. He has a big bag of presents for children. He puts the presents in the children's stockings.

On Christmas people, wish their family and friends a merry Christmas.

T: (In five minutes) well, friends, I hope you are through. It’s time to check your answers.

Answer my questions, please. 

1.     When do people celebrate Christmas?

2.     Why are people busy before the Christmas?

3.     Where is there a very big Christmas tree every year?

4.     Who send a very big Christmas tree every year?

1.     When do people like to go to Trafalgar Square?

2.     What do people do On Christmas Eve?

3.     Who brings a big bag of presents for children?

4.     What do people wish their dearest and nearest?

What is your favorite holiday?

10) Making a postcard

Обучающиеся получают конверты с элементами открытки, приклеивают их и вписывают недостающие слова в открытку в парах.(Более сильный ученик может вписывать слова, более слабый - клеить).

Now, boys and girls, it’ s time for creative work. You will make postcards to your friends.

There are many pieces for work on the table. You must collect your postcards and make them with glue. I give you 3 minutes to do the task.

But before you must decide what postcard you will make. (New Year’s Day, Christmas, Birthday, Halloween)

Через пять минут представитель от каждой команды рассказывает об открытке.

What is your favorite holiday?

It’s postcard on …


1.     With lots of love

I am sending you sweet

Birthday wishes!

Have a very Happy Birthday!

2.     May prosperity and successes

Be with you this year

Аnd always!

Happy New Year!

3.      Best wishes for an amazing year ahead!

May the sunshine of happiness always shine above you!

May your days be merry

May you have a lovely new year!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!


4. Give us cookies, fruit and gum, 
Hurry up and give us some. 
You had better do it quick 
Or we'll surely play a trick. 
Trick or treat, trick or treat, 
Give us something good to eat.


11) 6. Revision Рефлексия (подведение итогов занятия)

Собранную гирлянду из шаров вешают на елку по очереди и проговаривают чему научились на уроке по образцу:

Now I can talk about…..

Now I know about…..

Дополнительно, если будет время. Карточки

T: Look at the cards, please. Match the names of celebrations with activitiesTake your pencils or pens and do the task. I give you a minute. ..... Ready? Let’s check. So, number ‘1’, letter ‘f’, number ‘2’, letter…? (T — P1, P2, P3 ...)

1.The Festival of Lights

a)Visitors from all over the world travel to Saint-Petersburg

2.Highland games

b)People offer flowers and sweets your favorite people without signature


c)Athletes travel to Scotland each year to take part in the games.

4.New Year‘s Day

d)People light their Diwali lamps and pray to the goddess of wealth

5.Saint Valentine’s Day

e)People dress up as witch and making a pumpkin with candle

6.The White nights

f)People exchange gifts and wish their family and friends merry Christmas


g)People make their New Year promises

Well, will you read all sentences, please? (one by one)

Visitors from all over the world travel to Saint-Petersburg on the White nights.

T:Домашнее задание.  Now, children, will you open your diaries and write down your homework for the next lesson. You should make your own postcards. It may be New Year, Christmas, Birthday cards. (T — Сl)

7.Giving marks:Оценивание

8. Прощание Saying ‘Good bye’

T: Well, thank you for your work, boys and girls. You were so active, clever and friendly today. Stand up, please. (T — Сl)

‘Good-bye!’ (in chorus)







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