государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
«Рязанский медицинский колледж»
дисциплина ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык
«Выдающиеся изобретения»
студентов 1 курса всех специальностей
преподаватель Гуськова И.Ю.
Тема занятия: «Выдающиеся
момент, объявление темы и цели занятия,
мотивация____________________________________________ 3 мин.
исходного уровня знаний _____________________ 5 мин.
знаний _________________________________ 5 мин.
и управление учебно-познавательной деятельностью 60мин.
контроль ___________________________________ 10 мин.
___________________________________________ 3 мин.
итогов ____________________________________ 2 мин.
задание ____________________________________ 2 мин.
проведения занятия:
проведения занятия:
обобщающее повторение лексики, речевых образцов применительно теме.
Развитие умений и навыков устной речи путем обмена информацией, с элементами
описания с опорой на речевые образцы. Развитие навыков в изучающем чтении. Контроль уровня
сформированности грамматических навыков.
кругозора за счет сведений о знаменитых ученых и изобретателях, развитие
познавательной активности, развитие образного мышления, памяти, развитие умений участвовать в
беседе на знакомую тему.
коммуникативных умений, воспитание активности, самостоятельности, чувства
самоутверждения в процессе решения речевых задач.
1. Активизировать
лексические единицы по данной тематике.
2. Развивать
навыки устной речи.
3. Обучать
чтению текстов с извлечением детальной информации.
4. Развивать
умение анализировать, обобщать, выделять главное в процессе учебной
5. Формировать
познавательный интерес к изучаемой теме.
После изучения темы
студент должен:
уметь: читать
и переводить текст с помощью словаря, вести диалог по прочитанному материалу,
грамотно строить предложения на английском языке;
опорную лексику по теме, правила чтения, основные принципы перевода.
учебного взаимодействия:
студент - преподаватель;
студент - студент;
студент - учебный материал.
занятия: 90 мин.
Средства обучения:
мультимедийный проектор, экран, словари, доска, дидактический раздаточный
материал, учебное пособие, справочная литература, индивидуальные задания
разного уровня сложности для самостоятельной работы учащихся.
внутрипредметных связей темы:
Внутрипредметные связи:
ранее изученные темы в рамках дисциплины «Иностранный язык».
1 Приветствие. Задачи урока.
Good morning,
girls and boys. I am glad to see you. Sit down please! Who is absent today?
Today we have
an unusual lesson. I want you to look at the blackboard and say what we are
going to talk about.
The aim of the lesson is to teach you
to speak about the greatest inventions and innovations choosing the necessary
Look at
the blackboard. Listen to me and repeat after me the words:
inventor, digital, achievement, scientist, units and machines, gadget
3. Answer the questions:
- Can we imagine our life without inventions?
- Will
they change the world?
- What
modern inventions do you know?
- How
often do you use them?
- What
are the world greatest inventions for you?
- Do
inventions make our life easier?
Ask each other what do you use in different
What units and machines
do you use in your household?
What do you use
for watching films?
What do you use
for calling somebody who is far from you?
What do you use
for cleaning rooms?
What gadget do
you use for taking photos?
What do you use
for listening to music?
(a microwave oven- микроволновая
a washing machine, a kettle-чайник,
a meat chopper- мясорубка, a blender, a
mixer, a coffee-maker, a vacuum cleaner, a TV set, a mobile telephone, a
digital camera, a MP3 player or a walkman)
5. Match the words and definitions:
1. a TV
set a. to take
2. a
car b. to receive or make calls around
the home 3. a
computer c. to perform everyday cleaning
4. a video
player d. to move fast and quick around the world
5. a
camera e. to watch pre-recorded videos
a vacuum cleaner f. to keep food fresh for a long time
7. a
fridge g. to have fun and to entertain
8. a mobile
telephone h. a system for sending or receiving speech over
long distance
9. a
plane i. to write programs, play games, find
and use information
a telephone j. to move wherever you want by yourself
6. Important
inventions were made in different countries. What are some of these inventions?
Who Invented them and where? Today we’ll speak about inventions and inventors. We have
learned some facts about useful inventions which were made in the long history
of mankind. Most of them have really brought us comfort and convenience. We
cannot imagine our life without electric lamps, cars or telephones, television
or computers. You have known about talented inventors, some of them are
Russians and we can be proud of their achievements. Now, let’s practice in
reading and translating. Translate the following sentences into Russian:
1. Joseph
Niépce from France pioneered photography in 1829.
2. In 1876
Alexander Graham Bell, an American engineer, invented telephone.
3. Karl Benz produced the world’s
first petrol-driven car in Germany in 1878. В 1878 в
4. In 1895
the Lumiere brothers patented their cinematography and opened the world’s first
cinema in Paris.
5. In 1908
James M. Spangler from the USA built the first vacuum cleaner.
6. In 1908 US
automobile manufacturer Henry Ford created the world’s first car assembly line.
7. John Baird from Scotland invented television in 1926.
8. The first
Russia’s automobile was designed by P.A. Frez and E.A. Yakovlev. By May 1896
the car had been built.
9. The first
ballpoint pen was produced in 1940 though it had been invented by L. Biro, a
Hungarian artist and journalist, in 1905.
10. Akio
Morita (Japan) developed the first personal stereo – Sony Walkman in 1957.
11. In 1981
Bill Gates (USA) created Microsoft-DOS (Disk Operating System).
12. Scottish
scientist Ian Wilmat developed the idea of cloning in 1997.
7. Read and translate 3 short texts:
How did Eli Whitney and the cotton
gin change the world?
What was unique at the time was, cotton was a very unique product and
they were just learning how to spool it but when you look at the cotton
manufacture, cotton harvesting process it was laborious because you have to
take out these cotton seeds so he invented a very unique machine at the time
with very little resources that enabled him to process acres of cotton in hours
versus weeks and that gave rise to the garment textile industry and enabled
cotton farmers to provide cotton for everything that we wear today. So without
Eli we wouldn't be wearing these cool clothes and it would be, and if we did it
would be very expensive so he was able to find out, find a process to produce
more efficiencies in the marketplace with mechanized machinery versus labor.
How did Alexander Graham
Bell and the telephone change the world?
telephones, we would be in the stone age. Telephones in the beginning, were a
very unique way of communicating. People still, to this day, accept it as part
of our life. It was actually invented less than a hundred years ago, when it
was brought to market. Now I can take a cell phone and call anywhere in the
world, crystal clear. Alexander Graham Bell was the father of communication,
and with communication you have a better exchange of ideas in addition to
better information.
How did Louis Pasteur and
Pasteurization change the world?
A lot of
people don't realize that up until Louis Pasteur and his science work, we
didn't know why we were getting sick, because there's basically problems with
food. Bacteria. And he was able to determine that a lot of our food groups and
food products needed to be refrigerated, and he also came up with a number of
different medicines and ideas to help us live a healthier life. So without
Louis Pasteur, we would still be eating tainted foods and tainted milk and
having tremendous sickness from that.
Answer the questions:
1) How did Eli Whitney and the cotton
gin change the world?
2) How did Alexander Graham
Bell and the telephone change the world?
3) How did Louis Pasteur and
Pasteurization change the world?
8. Итоги
Our lesson has come to the end. What were the most
important inventions? What new information have you got?
Good-bye. Thank you for your lesson. The lesson is over. See you
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