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Методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему"History of computers"

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Методическая разработка

по английскому языку

по теме



« History of computers»









                                           Новороссийск, 2016


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Данная разработка предназначена для расширенного изучения английского языка в области информационных технологий. Представленный материал позволяет не только углубить знания в английском языке, но и овладеть основами компьютерной грамотности. Разработка содержит тексты из оригинальной литературы, посвященные теме «Компьютеры и информационные системы», учебные задания, способствующие усвоению и запоминанию специальных терминов по компьютерным технологиям, задания для развития навыков чтения, свертывания и развертывания информации при составлении рефератов на английском языке.













Автор: Чатоева Ольга Михайловна,

               преподаватель английского языка.


 History of computers



Let us take a look at the history of computers that we know today. The very first calculating device used was the ten fingers of a man's hands. This, in fact, is why today we still count in tens and multiples of tens.

Then the abacus was invented. People went on using some form of abacus well into the 16th century, and it is still being used in some parts of the world because it can be understood with­out knowing how to read.

During the 17th and 18th centuries many people tried to find easy ways of calculating. J.Napier, a Scotsman, invented a me­chanical way of multiplying and dividing, which is now the modern slide rule works. Henry Briggs used Napier's ideas to produce logarithm tables which all mathematicians use today.

Calculus, another branch of mathematics, was independent­ly invented by both Sir Isaac Newton, an Englishman, and Leib­nitz, a German mathematician. The first real calculating machine appeared in 1820 as the result of several people's experiments.

In 1830 Charles Babbage, a gifted English mathematician, proposed to build a general-purpose problem-solving machine that he called "the analytical engine". This machine, which Babbage showed at the Paris Exhibition in 1855, was an attempt to cut out the human being altogether, except for providing the machine with the necessary facts about the problem to be solved. He never finished this work, but many of his ideas were the ba­sis for building today's computers.

By the early part of the twentieth century electromechani­cal machines had been developed and were used for business data processing. Dr. Herman Hollerith, a young statistician from the US Census Bureau successfully tabulated the 1890 census. Hollerith invented a means of coding the data by punching holes into cards. He built one machine to punch the holes and others to tabulate the collected data. Later Hollerith left the Census Bureau and established his own tabulating machine company. Through a series of merges the company eventually became the IBM Corporation.

Ознакомьтесь с терминами текста 1

Calculating device — вычислительное устройство

Multiple— кратный

Abacus— счеты

 Slide rule— логарифмическая линейка

 Logarithm table — логарифмическая таб­лица

  Calculus— исчисление; математический анализ

  General-purpose— общего назначения, универсальный

  To cut out the human being altogether — полностью исклю­чить человека

  To manipulate— обрабатывать, преобразо­вывать; управлять

 Data processing— обработка данных (ин­формации)  

 Tabulate the census — занести данные по переписи (на­селения) в таблицу

  Means of coding — средства кодиро­вания (шифровки)

  To punch the holes— пробивать отвер­стия

  Punched card— перфокарта

  To perform— выполнять, производить (дей­ствие); осуществлять;

   Unit of data — единица информации

   Keyboard terminals — терминал (вывод) с клавишным управлением

    Proliferation— размножение, быстрое уве­личение.



 1. Просмотрите текст еще раз. Ответьте на вопросы, ис­пользуя информацию текста.

1. What was the very first calculating device? 2. What is the abacus? 3. What is the modern slide rule? 4. Who gave the ideas for producing logarithm tables? 5. How did Newton and Leib­nitz contribute to the problem of calculation? 6. When did the first calculating machine appear? 7. What was the main idea of Ch.Babbage's machine? 8. How did electromechanical ma­chines appear and what were they used for? 9. What means of coding the data did Hollerith devise? 10. How were those elec­tromechanical machines called and why? 11. What kind of com­puters appeared later? 12. What new details had the computers of 1970s?

2.  Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

Вычислительное устройство; легкий способ вычисления; поэтому (вот почему); кратное десяти; изобрести механи­ческий  способ умножения и деления; логарифмическая линейка; составить таблицы логарифмов; математический анализ; изобрести независимо (друг от друга); в результа­те; полностью исключить человека; кроме (за исключени­ем); обработка деловой информации; средство кодирова­ния информации; перфокарты; пробивать отверстия; оформить собранные данные в таблицу; работать с данны­ми на перфокарте; устройство, записывающее информа­цию блоками; единица информации; выполнять вычисле­ния; для научных целей; клавишный терминал.

3. Вспомните значение следующих глаголов и подберите к ним производные. Например: to calculate — calculating, calculator, calculation.

To compute, to invent, to know, to multiply, to divide, to depend, to solve, to provide, to process, to code, to punch, to collect, to design, to store, to contribute, to use, to manipulate, to assemble, to connect, to consume, to rely, to divide, to in­form, to instruct, to discover, to operate.


4.  Переведите словосочетания, содержащие:

А. Причастие IParticiple I

Computers using vacuum tubes; the machine calculating mathematical problems; the computer keeping instructions in its memory; binary code storing data and instructions; the vac­uum tube controlling and amplifying electronic signals; com­puters performing computations in milliseconds; electronic pulses moving at the speed of light; students coding the infor­mation by using a binary code; devices printing the information; keyboard terminals replacing vacuum tubes.


Б. Причастие II Participle II

The given information; the name given to the machine; the coded data; the device used in World War II; the invention named ENIAC; the machine called EDVAC; instructions kept in the memory; the engine designed for storing data; data stored in a binary code; vacuum tubes invented by J. Neumann; the general-purpose machine proposed by Ch. Babbage; the ma­chine provided with the necessary facts.




In 1930 the first analog computer was built by American named Vannevar Bush. This device was used in World War II to

Many technical developments of electronic digital comput­ers took place in the 1940 and 1950s. Mark I, the name given to first digital computers, was completed in 1944.  The man response for this invention was Professor Howard Aiken. This was the first machine that could figure out long lists of mathe­matical problems at a very fast rate.

In 1946 two engineers at the University of Pennsylvania, J.Eckert and J.Maushly, built their digital computer with vacu­um tubes. They named their new invention ENIAC (the Elec­tronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator).

Another important achievement in developing computers came in 1947, when John von Neumann developed the idea of keeping in­structions for the computer inside the computer's memory. The con­tribution of John von Neumann was particularly significant. As con­trasted with Babbage's analytical engine, which was designed to store only data, von Neumann's ma­chine, called the Electronic Dis­crete Variable Computer, or ED-VAC, was able to store both data  John von Neumann and instructions. He also contribut­ed to the idea of storing data and instructions in a binary code that uses only ones and zeros. This simplified computer design. Thus computers use two conditions, high voltage, and low volt­age, to translate the symbols by which we communicate into unique combinations of electrical pulses. We refer to these com­binations as codes.

Neumann's stored program computers as well as other ma­chines of that time were made possible by the invention of the vacuum tube that could control and amplify electronic signals. Early computers, using vacuum tubes, could perform compu­tations in thousandths of seconds, called milliseconds, instead of seconds required by mechanical devices.


Ознакомьтесь с терминами текста 2.

Analog computer - аналоговый компьютер                                                              digital computer - цифровой компьютер                                                                                               to aim guns - наводить орудия на цель                                                                                              to figure out - вычислять

At a fast rate - с высокой скоростью.               

 Memory / storage - запоминающее устройство

To store data and instructions - запоминать информацию и команды                                                                                                                                                            stored program computer- компьютер с занесенной в память программой                                                                                                                                            binary code - двоичный код                                                                                             condition - режим, состояние, условие                                                                                  vacuum tube - электронная (вакуумная), трубка (лампа)                                                                                                                                                             to amplify – усиливать                                                                                                                             to perform computations - выпол­нять вычисления



1. Просмотрите текст еще раз и ответьте на вопросы, ис­пользуя информацию текста.

1. When was the first analog computer built? 2. Where and how was that computer used? 3. When did the first digital computers appear? 4. Who was the inventor of the first digital computer? 5. What could that device do? 6. What is ENIAC? Decode the word. 7. What was J.Neumann's contribution into the development of computers? 8. What were the advantages of EDVAC in comparison with ENIAC? 9. What does binary code mean? 10. Due to what invention could the first digital com­puters be built?

2. Найдите в тексте 2 английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний.

Цифровые компьютеры; технические усовершенствова­ния; совершенствование компьютеров; ответственный за изобретение; математические задачи; электронные трубки; важное достижение; запоминающее устройство; значи­тельный вклад; двоичный код; высокое напряжение; низ­кое напряжение; электрические импульсы; тысячная доля  секунды.

Происходить; завершать; вычислять; хранить команды внутри компьютера; запоминать информацию; запоминать команды; содействовать; использовать единицу и ноль; уп­рощать дизайн; усиливать сигналы; выполнять вычисления.


3. Составьте пары близких по значению слов из перечня, представленного ниже.

Verbs: to name, to complete, to calculate, to develop, to keep, to interpret, to communicate, to fulfill, to apply, to trans­late, to improve, to build, to call, to store, to communicate, to figure out, to perform, to use, to finish, to construct, to con­nect.

Nouns: speed, aim, storage, information, machine, signifi­cance, computation, data, device, rate, calculation, purpose, memory, importance.


4. Заполните пропуски необходимыми словами.

1. The first digital computer could          a lot of mathe­matical problems at a fast______2. Vannevar Bush built the first _____ computer in 1930. 3. Babbage's analytical engine was designed to____ data. 4. J.von Neumann invented a ma­chine that was able to_____ not only data but also_______.

5. Neumann______ the idea of storing data in a___________.

6.  Computers use two conditions for              symbols. 7. The invention of_____ made computers possible to control and_____ electronic signals. 8. Due to______ comput­ers could perform_____ much faster.


5. Переведите предложения или словосочетания, содер­жащие:

А. Инфинитив в функции обстоятельства

1. Computers were designed to perform thousands of com­putations per second. 2. To make computers more reliable tran­sistors were used. 3. They were applied to reduce computation-al time. 4. To integrate large numbers of circuit elements into a small chip, transistors should be reduced in size. 5. To use in­tegrated circuit technology new computers were built. 6. Ana­lytical engine was invented to store data.

Б. Инфинитив в функции определения

The problem to be solved; the work to be finished; the cards to be punched; calculations to be performed; the machine to be shown at the exhibition; the device to be provided with the nec­essary facts; computers to be used for data processing; efforts to increase reliability; electronics to connect systems and sub­systems; the speed of response to depend on the size of transis­tor; computers to perform thousands of calculations per second; vacuum tubes to control and amplify electric signals; these are circuits to use a large number of transistors; operations to be performed.


1. Babbage's Analytical Engine

In 1832, an English inventor and mathematician Charles Babbage was commissioned by the British government to develop a system for calculating the rise and fall of the tides.

Babbage designed a device and called it an analytical engine. It was the first programmable computer, complete with punched cards for data input. Babbage gave the en­gine the ability to perform different types of mathematical operations. The machine was not confined to simple addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. It had its own "memory", due to which the machine could use differ­ent combinations and sequences of operations to suit the pur­poses of the operator.

The machine of his dream was never realized in his life. Yet Babbage's idea didn't die with him. Other scientists made at- tempts to build mechanical, general-purpose, stored-program computers throughout the next century. In 1941 a relay com­puter was built in Germany by Conrad Zuse. It was a major step toward the realization of Babbage's dream.

2. The Mark I Computer (1937-1944)

In 1944 in the United States, International Business Ma­chines (IBM) built a machine in cooperation with scientists working at Harvard University under the direction of Prof. Aik­en. The machine, called Mark I Automatic Sequence-Con­trolled Calculator was built to perform calculations for the Manhattan Project, which led to the development of atomic bomb. It was the largest electromechanical calculator ever built. It used over 3000 electrically actuated switches to control its operations. Although its operations were not controlled elec­tronically, Aiken's machine is often classified as a computer because its instructions, which were entered by means of a punched paper tape, could be altered. The computer could cre­ate ballistic tables used by naval artillery.

The relay computer had its problems. Since relays are elec­tromechanical devices, the switching contacts operate by means of electromagnets and springs. They are slow, very noisy and consume a lot of power.


3. The ABC (1939-1942)

The work on introducing electronics into the design of com­puters was going on. The gadget that was the basis for the first computer revolu­tion was the vacuum tube, an electronic device invented early in the twentieth century. The vacuum tube was ideal for use in computers. It had no mechanical moving parts. It switched flows of electrons off and on at rates far faster than possible with any mechanical device. It was relatively reliable, and operated hun­dreds of hours before failure. The first vacuum tube computer was built at Iowa University at about the same time as the Mark I. The computer, capable to perform thousands of relat­ed computations, was called ABC, the Atanasoff-Berry Com­puter, after Dr. John Atanasoff, a professor of physics and his as­sistant, Clifford Berry. It used 45 vacuum tubes for internal logic and capacitors for storage. From the ABC a number of vacu­um-tube digital computers developed. Soon the British developed a computer with vacuum tubes and used it to decode German messages.


1. Выполните письменно перевод текста 3 по вариантам.

2. Поменяйтесь вариантами, прочтите текст и выразите одним-двумя предложениями основную мысль текстов, предложенных выше.



The first vacuum tubes computers are referred to as first gen­eration computers, and the approximate period of their use was from 1950 to 1959. UNIVAC 1 (Universal Automatic Com­puter) is an example of these computers which could perform thousands of calculations per second. Those devices were not only bulky, they were also unreliable. The thousands of vacuum tubes emitted large amounts of heat and burned out frequently.

The transistor, a smaller and more reliable successor to the vacuum tube, was invented in 1948. So-called second genera­tion computers, which used large numbers of transistors, were able to reduce computational time from milliseconds to microsec­onds, or millionths of seconds. Second-generation computers were smaller, faster and more reliable than first-generation com­puters.

Advances in electronics technology continued, and micro­electronics made it possible to reduce the size of transistors and integrate large numbers of circuit elements into very small chips of silicon. The computers that were designed to use integrated circuit technology were called third generation computers, and the approximate time span of these machines was from 1960 to 1979. They could perform many data processing operations in nanoseconds, which are billionths of seconds.

Fourth generation computers have now arrived, and the inte­grated circuits that are being developed have been greatly re­duced in size. This is due to microminiaturization, which means that the circuits are much smaller than before; as many as 100 tiny circuits are placed now on a single chip. A chip is a square or rectangular piece of silicon, usually from 1/10 to ¼ inch, upon which several layers of an integrated circuit are etched or  imprinted, after which the circuit is encapsulated in plastic or metal.


1. Подберите вместо пропусков подходящее по смыслу слово.

1.   British scientists invented a_____ way of multiplying and dividing.

a) mechanical; b) electrical; c) optical.

2.  A new branch of mathematics, _____, was invented in England and Germany independently.

a) mechanics; b) arithmetic’s; c) calculus.

3.  A young American clerk invented a means of coding _____by punched cards.

a) letters; b) data; c) numbers.

4.   Soon punched cards were replaced by       terminals, a) printer; b) scanner; c) keyboard.

5.   Mark 1 was the first____ computer that could solve mathematical problems.

a) analog; b) digital; c) mechanical.

6.  J. von Neumann simplified his computer by storing in­formation in a____ code.

a) analytical; b) numerical; c) binary.

7.  Vacuum tubes could control and____ electric signals.

a) calculate; b) amplify; c) generate.

8.  The first generation computers were____ and often burned out.

a) uncomfortable; b) uncommunicative; c) unreliable.

9.   Computers of the second generation used_____ which reduced computational time greatly.

a) transistors; b) integrated circuits; c) vacuum tubes.

10. Due to____ the development of the fourth generation computers became possible.

a) microelectronics; b) miniaturization; c) microminia­turization.


2. Выберите правильный перевод предложений, содержа­щих неличные формы глагола (Infinitive, Gerund, Participle I, Participle II).

1.  That was the machine provided with the necessary facts about the problem to be solved.

а)  Машину обеспечили необходимыми фактами, чтобы она решила проблему.

б)  То была машина, снабженная необходимой ин­формацией о задаче, которую предстояло решить.

в)  Эту машину обеспечили необходимой информа­цией о решаемой задаче.

2. The computers designed to use 1С were called third generation computers.

а) Компьютеры сконструировали для использования ИС и назвали их третьим поколением.

б)  Компьютеры назывались третьим поколением, потому что в них использовались ИС.

в) Компьютеры, сконструированные, чтобы исполь­зовать ИС, назывались компьютерами третьего по­коления.

3.  Mark I was the first machine to figure out mathematical problems.

а)  Первая машина для вычисления математических проблем была Марк I.

б) Марк I явилась первой машиной для вычисления математических задач.

в)  Марк I была первой машиной, которая вычисля­ла математические задачи.

4. Early computers using vacuum tubes could perform computations in milliseconds.

 а) Первые компьютеры, использующие электронные лампы, могли выполнять вычисления в течение мил­лисекунд.

б)  Ранние компьютеры использовали вакуумные лампы, которые выполняли вычисления за миллисе­кунды.

в) Рано компьютеры, использующие электронные трубки, выполняли вычисления за миллисекунды.

5. Vacuum tubes to control and amplify electric signals were invented by Neumann.

а) Изобретенные Нойманом вакуумные лампы регу­лировали и усиливали электрические сигналы.

б)  Нойман изобрел электронные лампы для управ­ления и усиления электрических сигналов.

в) Электронные лампы, которые регулировали и уси­ливали электрические сигналы, были изобретены Нойманом.

6.  Neumann's machine called the EDVAC was designed to store both data and instructions.

а)  Неймановскую машину, называемую EDVAC, сконструировали для хранения информации и ко­манд.

б) Машина Ноймана, названная EDVAC, была созда­на, чтобы запоминать как информацию, так и ко­манды.

в)  Машину Ноймана, которая хранила данные и инструкции, назвали EDVAC.

7.  Computers were developed to perform calculations for military and scientific purposes.

а)  Компьютеры были созданы, чтобы выполнять вычисления для военных и научных целей.

б) Компьютеры создали для выполнения военных и научных вычислений.

в)  Созданные компьютеры выполняли вычисления военного и научного назначения.

8.  An American clerk invented a means of coding the data by punching holes into cards.

а)  Американский служащий изобрел посредством кодирования информации перфокарту.

б)  Американский клерк изобрел перфокарту, коди­руя информацию.

в) Американский служащий изобрел средство шиф­рования информации путем пробивания отверстий в карте.


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  • Сейчас обучается 47 человек из 28 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 263 человека


Эффективное продвижение и организация проектов в сфере искусства

3 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Методы сохранения баланса в жизни

2 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 39 человек из 23 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 29 человек


Идеи эпохи Просвещения: педагогическое значение для современности

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе