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Методическая разработка по теме «Пассивные элементы электрической цепи» для студентов 3курса

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Методическая разработка по теме

«Пассивные элементы электрической цепи»

 для студентов 3курса учреждений среднего профессионального технического образования








Апурина Любовь Кирилловна

преподаватель иностранного языка

















2021 г





В данная методическая разработка предназначена для студентов 3 курса образовательных учреждений среднего профессионального образования, обучающихся по инженерно-техническим специальностям.

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Basic elements of electric circuits.

The three basic elements used in electronic circuits are the resistor, capacitor, and inductor. They each play an important role in how an electronic circuit behaves. They also have their own standard symbols and units of measurement

Active vocabulary

restrict - ограничивать

flow - поток

electric current – электрический ток

resistance - сопротивление

amount - количество
determine - определить

equation - равенство

voltage - напряжение

inversely - обратно


What is resistance?

Restricting the flow of electrons or electric current to a certain level is called resistance and the device or component used to restrict the electric current is called resistor.

The amount of electric current restricted by the resistor is determined by using the Ohm’s Law equation.

where R = Resistance, V = Voltage, I = Electric current

The electric current flowing through a resistor is inversely proportional to the resistance of a resistor and directly proportional to the voltage applied across the resistor.

In other words, the amount of electric current flowing through the resistor decreases with increasing the resistance of a resistor (if voltage applied across resistor is kept constant) and increases with increasing the voltage applied across the resistor (if resistance of a resistor is kept constant) .


Georg Simon Ohm

 (16 March 1789 – 6 July 1854)

Discovered the relationship between voltage and current in electrical circuits “Ohm's Law”.


Put the words in the correct order

electric/ the amount/ the resistance / decreases/ current /of a resistor/increasing / with


Complete the following sentences:

1  According to Ohm's Law, current equals the voltage divided by the  …… . 
a. Power
b. Resistor
c. Constant
d. Resistance
e. Circuit

2   If voltage applied across resistor is kept constant and the resistance of a resistor grows the electric current flowing through the resistor  …… .

a decreases

b kept constant

c increases

d restricts

3  Resistor is a device that is used to …… .

a restrict  the electric current

b decrease the voltage

c determine the electric current



Active vocabulary

hence -  следовательно

reduce – уменьшить


figure рисунок

terminal – клемма

Insulator - изолятор

conductor - проводник

whereas – в то время как

сross sectional area – площадь поперечного сечения

сollide - сталкиваться


What is resistor?


Resistors are the most commonly used electronic components in the circuits. A resistor is an electronic component that reduces or restricts the flow of electrons or electric current to certain level.

How much electric current does a resistor blocks is depends on the resistance of a resistor. The resistors with more resistance will block large amount of electric current and allows very small amount of electric current. The resistors with less resistance will block very small amount of electric current and allows large amount of electric current. The electric current blocked by the resistor is wasted in the form of heat.

Resistors are the passive components. Hence, they cannot control the flow of electrons or electric current through them. However, they can restrict the electric current to certain level.

Resistor circuit symbol

       The symbol for resistance is a zigzag line as shown below. The letter "R" is used in equations. . The resistor consists of two terminals. The terminals of the resistors are used to connect with other components through an electrical wire.

Units of resistor

The amount of electric current blocked by the resistor is measured in ohms. The Ohm is often represented by the omega symbol: Ω
Ohm is the amount of electric current blocked by the resistor and allowed one ampere of electric current when an  applied voltage of one volt is kept constant.


Resistor belongs to which category: insulators or conductors

We know that materials are mainly classified into two types: insulators and conductors

Insulators blocks large amount of electric current and allows very small amount of electric current whereas conductors allows large amount of  electric current and blocks very small amount of electric current.

Resistors with more resistance act as insulators whereas the resistors with less resistance act as conductors.

Resistance of a resistor is mainly depends on two factors: length and cross sectional area

The resistance of a resistor is directly proportional to the length of a resistor. The long length resistors offer high resistance because the free electrons have to travel large distance. Hence, a large number of free electrons collide with the atoms. Therefore, large amount of energy or electric current will be wasted in the form of heat.

The short length resistors offer low resistance because the free electrons have to travel only a short distance. Hence, a small number of free electrons collides the atoms. Therefore, only a small amount of electric current is wasted in the form of heat.

The resistance of a resistor is inversely proportional to the cross sectional area of resistor. The resistors with large cross sectional area provide more space for the free electrons to move freely. Hence, the collision of free electrons with the atoms is less. Therefore, very small amount of electric current is wasted.

The resistors with small cross sectional area provide very small space for the free electrons. Hence, the collision of free electrons with the atoms is more. Therefore, large amount of electric current is wasted.

Advantages of resistors

Resistors are very small. Hence, it is very easy to carry them from one place to another place.

Resistors are very cheap. Hence, it is easy to replace them.

Resistors do not depend on the external source of voltage. Hence, external voltage or energy is not needed for operating the resistors.

Disadvantages of resistors

Resistors with high resistance will oppose large amount of electric current. Hence, large amount of energy is wasted in the form of heat.


Answer the following questions

1 Was the text interesting for you?  _______Y/ N

2 Was the text difficult for you? _______­­­­__Y/N

3 How many new words have learnt from this text?



Color Code System

Resistors are the passive components used in the electrical circuits to reduce the flow of electric current to certain level. The ability to restrict the flow of electric current is called resistance. The resistors with high resistance value will restricts large amount of electric current whereas the resistors with low resistance value will restricts only a small amount of electric current. The resistance of a resistor is measured in  Ohms (Ω), kilohms (1,000Ω=1kΩ) or Megohms (1,000,000Ω =1MΩ) Resistors can go in the circuit either way round.

The value is marked on the device with a colour code, or it can be measured with almost any multimeter. A

Generally, code refers to a representation of information in another form by using symbols, signals, and letters for the purposes of secrecy. Here, the signals or symbols act as codes. In the similar way, in resistors we use different colors as codes to specify the resistance (information) of the resistor. Here, the different colors coated on the resistor act as codes. 

The color codes are used not only in resistors but also in other electronic components such as capacitors and inductors. 

Specifying the values or ratings of electronic components such resistors, capacitors, and inductors by using the color codes printed on them is called electronic color code system. The electronic color code system was developed in the early 1920s by the radio manufactures association, which is now part of Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA).

The color-coding is done only in the fixed resistors but not in variable resistors because the color coding technique shows only a fixed resistance value. The variable resistors have varying resistance. Hence, it is not possible to use the color coding technique in variable resistors.

Why color codes are used in resistors instead of directly printing the resistance value?

drawback – недостаток

band – полоса, диапазон

coated - покрытый

Printing the numbers on large electronic components is very easy, but it is very difficult to print the numbers or resistance values on tiny components. Hence, instead of directly printing the numbers, we print the color codes or color bands. However, by using the latest printing technology we can directly print the numbers on resistors.

The color coding technique has some drawbacks. For blind people, it is impossible to find the resistance of the resistor, because they cannot see the colors coated on the resistor.

Another drawback is recognizing the difference between two colors in an overheated resistor is very difficult. When the resistor is overheated, the colors on the resistor changes slightly. Therefore, it becomes impossible to recognize the difference between brown color and red color or brown color and orange color.

Answer the following questions

1 What is an electronic color code system?

2 When was it developed?

3 What are the disadvantages of the color code technique?

4 In what components are the color codes used?

5 Is it possible to use the color coding technique in variable resistors ?


Match the words in the right and left columns

1 hence                    a       strip

2 reduce                   b      covered

3 band                      c      therefore

4 coated                   d     drawback

5 disadvantage         e     decrease


Answer the following questions

1 Was the text interesting for yo ?_______Y/ N

2 Was the text difficult for you? _______­­­­__Y/N

3 How many new words have learnt from this text?





                        Capacitor (1)

Find the international words in the text

c …. , s …. , e …. , c …., s …. , c …. , d …. , c …. , m …. .


A capacitor represents the amount of capacitance in a circuit. The capacitance is the ability of a component to store an electrical charge. You can think of it as the "capacity" to store a charge. The capacitance is defined by the equation 

C = q/V 
where q is the charge in coulombs and V is the voltage.

Capacitance is measured in Farads. ), but one Farad is much too big to be practical.

 Useful units are: Micro Farads (μF or uF) = 1/1,000,000th of a Farad , Nano Farads (nF) = 1/1,000,000,000th of a Farad , Pico Farads (pF) = 1/1,000,000,000,000th of a Farad

Capacitors less than 1uF can normally go in a circuit either way round. Larger capacitors normally have a polarity (normally the negative end is marked) and have to go in a circuit the right way round.

The symbol for capacitance is two parallel lines. Sometimes one of the lines is curved as shown below. The letter "C" is used in equations. 

Capacitor Symbol


Capacitors store and release small amounts of electrical charge.

In electronic circuits they are used to control the timing of circuits, “smooth out” electrical waveforms and to separate DC and AC components of a signal. In a DC circuit, a capacitor becomes an open circuit blocking any DC current from passing the capacitor. Only AC current will pass through a capacitor. 

Capacitors come in a many different types that are designed for different applications. For this circuit the type used isn't important so we've used the cheap and cheerful options. The small capacitors are “ceramic discs” and the large capacitors are “electrolytics”.

Several labelling schemes are in common use for capacitors. The ceramic discs used in these circuits are labelled with three digit codes. The first two digits are the value and the third digits is the number of zeros making up the capacitance in pF.

So: 10nF = 10,000 pF = “103” 100nF = 100,000pF = “104”









Michael Faraday

 (22 September 1791 – 25 August 1867)


 Discovered the fundamental relationship between electricity and magnetism (amongst many things).


Complete the sentences

1 Capacitors are used to ….  DC and AC  components of a signal.

2 Only …. current will pass through a capacitor. 

3 The capacitance is ….. propotional to the voltage in the circuit.

4 Capacitors …. and …. small amounts of electrical charge.

5 The ability of a component to store an electrical charge is called ….. .

6 The small capacitors are labeled with …. digit codes.

7 The number of zeros making up the capacitance in pF is shown with the …. digit.


Answer the following questions

1.      Was the text interesting for you ?_______Y/ N

2.      Was the text difficult for you? _______­­­­__Y/N

3.      How many new words have learnt from this text?


Inductor - Wikipedia

Find the international words in the text

i…. , c …. , r …., m …. , s ….. .


  An inductor represents the amount of inductance in a circuit. The inductance is the ability of a component to generate electromotive force due to a change in the flow of current.

 A simple inductor is made by looping a wire into a coil. When an electric current is passed through the coil, a magnetic field is formed around it. This magnetic field causes the inductor to resist changes in the amount of current passing through it.

  An inductor's ability to store magnetic energy is measured by its inductance, in units of henries. The inductance of a coil is directly proportional to the number of turns in the coil. Inductance also varies with the coil's radius and the material (or "core") around which the coil is wound.

Inductors are used in electronic circuits to reduce or oppose the change in electric current. 
In a DC circuit, an inductor looks like a wire. It has no affect when the current is constant. Inductance only has an effect when the current is changing as in an AC circuit. 
  Inductance is measured in Henrys. The symbol for inductance is a series of coils as shown below. The letter "L" is used in equations. 

Inductor Symbol

Answer the following questions

1.  What happens when an electric current passes through the wire coil?

2.  How will the inductance of a coil change if we increase the number turns in the coil?

3.  How is the ability of a component to generate electromotive force due to a change in the flow             of current called ?
4.  What do inductors do when the current in electronic circuit is constant?


Find the opposites in the text and complete the table




inversely proportional









Answer the questions

1 Was the text interesting for you ?_______Y/ N

2 Was the text difficult for you? _______­­­­__Y/N

3         How many new words have learnt from this text?




Interesting Facts about Resistors, Capacitors, and Inductors

  • The resistance of a material is the opposite or the inverse of the conductivity.
  • The Ohm is named after German physicist Georg Ohm.
  • The Farad is named after English physicist Michael Faraday.
  • The Henry is named after American scientist Joseph Henry.
  • Combinations of capacitors, inductors, and resistors are used to build passive filters that will only allow electronic signals of certain frequencies to pass through.

Test Quiz 1
Resistors, Capacitors, and Inductors

1. Which of the following represents the ability of a component to store an electrical charge? 
a. Resistance
b. Capacitance
c. Inductance
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
2. Which of the following represents the ability of a component to generate electromotive force due to a change in the flow of current? 
a. Resistance
b. Capacitance
c. Inductance
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
3. Which of the following represents the ability of a component to oppose the flow of current? 
a. Resistance
b. Capacitance
c. Inductance
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
4. What is the standard unit of measurement for resistance? 
a. Volt
b. Henry
c. Farad
d. Ampere
e. Ohm
5. What is the standard unit of measurement for capacitance? 
a. Volt
b. Henry
c. Farad
d. Ampere
e. Ohm
6. What is the standard unit of measurement for inductance? 
a. Volt
b. Henry
c. Farad
d. Ampere
e. Ohm
7. What does the schematic symbol for a capacitor look like? 
a. A zigzag line
b. A series of coils
c. Two parallel lines  
8. What does the schematic symbol for an inductor look like? 
a. A zigzag line
b. A series of coils
c. Two parallel lines 

9. What does the schematic symbol for a resistor look like? 
a. A zigzag line
b. A series of coils
c. Two parallel lines
10. According to Ohm's Law, current equals the voltage divided by the …….  . 
a. Power
b. Inductance
c. Capacitance
d. Resistance
e. Conductance







Список использованной литературы

Electronics For Dummies 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd



Интернет источники







Test Quiz 1

1b, 2c, 3a, 4e, 5c, 6b, 7c, 8b, 9a, 10d


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