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Методическая разработка тестовых заданий по теме: "Времена в английском языке"

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                                                                                              Хисамова Г.Д.






















Хисамова Гузалия Даниловна. Методическая разработка тестовых заданий по теме: Времена в английском языке. – ГБПОУ «ЮУМК», 2017 -













В методической разработке представлены 10 вариантов тестов по иностранному языку.

Тесты составлены с учетом программы по иностранному языку. Имеются ответы, которые позволяют проверить правильность выполнения заданий.

Методическая разработка рассчитана на студентов, преподавателей, а также всех, кто желает проверить свои знания по грамматике английского языка.












Одобрено Цикловой методической комиссией общеобразовательной и ОГСЭ дисциплин (Протокол №       от                       )























































































Грамматика – очень важный аспект изучения языка. Изучение грамматики содействует успешному усвоению иностранного языка, а также развитию интеллектуальных способностей.

Полноценная коммуникация не может происходить при отсутствии грамматики. Нет сомнения, что знание грамматических правил необходимо для успешного владения языком. Ни один из аспектов обучения языкам не был на протяжении многих лет предметом столь интенсивных обсуждений и дискуссий, как грамматика. Грамматика понималась по-разному, она играла и продолжает играть неодинаковую роль не только при обучении родным или иностранным языкам, но и вообще в системе образования отдельных стран мира.

Проверка знаний при помощи тестов дает возможность за сравнительно небольшой промежуток времени проверить умения и навыки студентов, дает достоверную информацию о достижениях в знаниях, а также дисциплинирует студентов.

Методическая разработка состоит из 10 тестов. Тесты составлены с учетом программы по иностранному языку. Имеются ответы, которые позволяют проверить правильность выполнения заданий.

Методическая разработка рассчитана на студентов, преподавателей, а также всех, кто желает проверить свои знания по грамматике английского языка.



























ТЕСТ 1. Выберите необходимую отрицательную форму глагола, превратив предложения в отрицательные.

  1. My sister (get up) early on Sundays.
  1. don’t;
  2. doesn’t;
  3. isn’t;
  4. aren’t.
  1. She (is sleeping) in her room now.
  1. don’t;
  2. doesn’t;
  3. isn’t;
  4. aren’t.
  1. Dad (watch) TV in the morning.
  1. don’t;
  2. doesn’t;
  3. isn’t;
  4. aren’t.
  1. They (spend) much time in the language laboratory.
  1. don’t ;
  2. doesn’t;
  3. isn’t;
  4. aren’t.
  1. My friend (understand) grammar rules well.
  1. don’t;
  2. doesn’t;
  3. isn’t;
  4. aren’t.
  1. They (are leaving) for St. Petersburg tonight.
  1. don’t;
  2. doesn’t;
  3. isn’t;
  4. aren’t.
  1. My parents often (pass) the time in the country.
  1. don’t;
  2. doesn’t;
  3. isn’t;
  4. aren’t.
  1. Pete (take) part in our concert.
  1. don’t;
  2. doesn’t;
  3. isn’t;
  4. aren’t.
  1. Mary (is walking) in the park now.
  1. don’t;
  2. doesn’t;
  3. isn’t;
  4. aren’t.
  1. These boys (study) Italian at school.
  1. don’t;
  2. doesn’t;
  3. isn’t;
  4. aren’t.

ТЕСТ 2. Раскройте скобки и выберите необходимую и выберите необходимую форму глагола (Present Indefinite или Present Continuous).

  1. I usually (1) tea in the morning, but now I (2) coffee.


      A) have;

      B) am having;

      C) has;


  1. drinks;
  2. drink;
  3. am drinking.


  1. My granny never (…) coffee.
  1. drink;
  2. drinks;
  3. is drinking.
  1. Put on your raincoat, it (…) heavily.
  1. rain;
  2. rains;
  3. is raining.
  1. It often (…) in autumn.
  1. rain;
  2. rains;
  3. is raining.
  1. Sometimes we (…) to the cinema.
  1. go;
  2. goes;
  3. are going.
  1. Where is Mummy? She (…) in the kitchen.
  1. cook;
  2. cooks;
  3. is cooking.
  1. Mike’s father usually (…) on Saturdays.
  1. work;
  2. works;
  3. is working.
  1. Why you (…)? What’s wrong?
  1. cry;
  2. cries;
  3. are crying.
  1. Don’t make noise, children. Kate (…) to music in that room.
  1. listen;
  2. listens;
  3. is listening.
  1. Ben always (…) home from school at two o’clock.
  1. come;
  2. comes;
  3. is coming.

ТЕСТ 3. Выберите правильную форму глагола.


1. Who ..... we have to report to?

- Do

- Does

2. ..... they live in London?

- Do

- Does

3. How long ..... it take you to get to work?

- Do

- Does

4. What ..... we have to do for homework?

- Do

- Does

5. What time ..... this class finish?

- Do

- Does

6. ..... Peter live in London?

- Do

- Does

7. Where ..... Susanne live?

- Do

- Does

8. ..... you speak English?

- Do

- Does

9. What ..... you usually eat for breakfast?

- Do

- Does

10. ..... you have a car?

- Do

- Does
















ТЕСТ 4. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. Will you … at your cousin’s next year in summertime?
a) be staying
b) staying
c) are stay
d) be stay

2. I … flowers in the street one of these days (на днях).
a) will sold
b) will sell
c) sell
d) will be selling

3. Why will they be … this time on Wednesday after work? Because they will be … guests just then.
a) spring-clean/ receive
b) spring-cleaning/ receiving
c) spring-cleaned/ receiving
d) spring-cleaning/ received

4. At this time the day after tomorrow we … in the sea.
a) will be swum
b) will be swimming
c) swim
d) will swim

5. Tomorrow at 6 pm they … us off the station (провожать).
a) will see
b) will be seeing
c) see
d) sees

6. At this time next month I …not be … to Canada.
a) will/fly
b) will/flew
c) will/flown
d) will/flying

7. Why will she be … yellow jacket tomorrow at this time? Because she wants to buy it.
a) tried on
b) trying on
c) try on
d) to try

8. This time next Friday my son … lessons in Maths.
a) will be taking
b) would be taking
c) will take
d) takes

9. How can I recognize you? I … a red scarf.
a) will be wearing
b) will wearing
c) might wear
d) wear

10. When I return home from work my kids … homework.
a) will do
b) will done
c) will be doing
d) will doing

ТЕСТ 5. Выберите правильный ответ.

1. All that summer I … Spanish.
a) were learning
b) learnt
c) was learning
d) learning

2. When we finally entered she … the guitar.
a) was playing
b) playing
c) play
d) were playing

3. While I was … they were … with each other.
a) danced/flirted
b) dancing/flirting
c) not danced/flirting
d) dancing/ flirt

4. What was she … from 9 to 10 am? Was she working?
a) done
b) did
c) doing
d) do

5. At 8 o’clock yesterday our team …soccer (football) on the field.
a) was playing
b) is playing
c) played
d) play

6. From morning till night we … not looking for you. We were watching TV.
a) was 
b) were
c) be
d) would

7. As I … along the street, I saw him buying a magazine on the corner.
a) were going
b) am going
c) is going
d) was going

8. All day miss Mary … a book. What kind of a book? Some recipe book I guess.
a) was read
b) was reading
c) were reading
d) read

9. When we came in he … something on the paper.
a) was writing
b) were writing
c) is writing
d) wrote

10. What … you … the whole morning? I couldn’t get through (дозвониться).
a) was/ doing
b) were/done
c) was/do
d) were/doing


ТЕСТ 6. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. Now I … in the club. And what about you? What are you doing?
a) am dancing
b) is dancing
c) are danced
d) dancing

2. Right now he … home. 
a) drives
b) is driving
c) are driving
d) will drive

3. Listen! Somebody … to break into our house! Call the police immediately.
a) is trying
b) are trying
c) tries
d) tried

4. Look! All the teachers … at him. He may be expelled from school in a little while (скоро).
a) is shouting
b) am shouting
c) shout
d) are shouting

5. More and more animals … extinct. We need to take care of nature.
a) is becoming
b) are becoming 
c) become
d) will become

6. She’s always … (ворчит) at me when she’s in a bad mood (в этом случае означает негодование).
a) nag
b) nagged
c) nagging
d) nags

7. At this instant we are not … down (скашивать) the grass, we … sowing (сеять).
a) mowing/ are
b) mowing/is
c) mown/ are
d) mowed/ is

8. Don’t talk so loudly. Our son … in his room.
a) are studying
b) studying
c) is studying
d) studies

9. My nephew … for another job these days. He wants to work at night.
a) are looking
b) look
c) looking
d) is looking

10. Just now we … the table (убираем посуду до стола) and washing up.
a) is clearing
b) are clearing
c) clear
d) clears

ТЕСТ 7. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. On Mondays her children never … in time. Therefore they are often late for classes.
a) wakes up
b) wake up
c) woke up
d) waking up

2. Every year our family … for the Black Sea so that we may get a suntan and rest from daily routine.
a) head
b) are heading
c) heading
d) heed

3. I … on the phone with my friend at the moment! Don’t disturb me!
a) am talking
b) talk
c) talked
d) are talking

4. We seldom … our grandparents. We are too busy to do it.
a) visiting
b) are visiting
c) visit
d) visits

5. Are you … anything special now? Do you mind coming with me to the concert?
a) do
b) doing
c) done
d) does

6. She … in New York at the moment (означает временное действие). Soon she will leave for Madrid.
a) are living
b) am living
c) live
d) is living

7. I will get a new car for you if you … properly.
a) behaves
b) behave
c) are behaving
d) will behave

8. Sometimes he … shopping himself but more often than not (почти всегда) he … it with his parents.
a) go/do
b) is going/is doing
c) are going/are doing
d) goes/does

9. Presently she … to the music. She have just bought a new disc.
a) is listening
b) are listening
c) listens
d) listen

10. They hardly ever (почти никогда) … sweets, chocolate and pastries. They think it to be bad for their health.
a) bought
b) are buying
c) buy
d) buys

ТЕСТ 8. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. … you finish any educational establishment next year? – No, I … only finish school in 2 years.
a) will/will
b) are/ won’t
c) will not/ do
d) will/ am

2. My cousins … … on us in two-three months. Let’s buy some gifts for them.
a) will be calling
b) will have called
c) will call
d) call

3. I … give you to hold my puppy in your arms (держать на руках) tomorrow because it’s afraid of other people, especially strangers.
a) not
b) will
c) won’t
d) will not 

4. I hope he … all the quarrels we have had for the last five years.
a) will forget
b) is forgetting
c) won’t forget
d) will forgotten

5. Do you have a credit card? If no, we can give it to you for free – No, I … cash.
a) will be paying
b) will have paid
c) am paying
d) will pay

6. We expect he … soon, otherwise we’ll be frozen. Then I’m sure we … cold.
a) will come/ will catch
b) would be/would catch
c) will come/would
d) comes/ catch

7. Next week my parents … from a long distance (дальнее) voyage.
a) will be returned
b) would return
c) will return
d) will have returned

8. In ten days he … healthy as usual if he sticks to the doctor’s rules and recommendations.
a) won’t
b) will
c) will have
d) will be

9. In several days she … a diploma and afterwards she … job-hunting.
a) Would get/would start
b) will have got/ will start
c) will get/will start
d) will be getting/starts

10. What … they … the day after tomorrow if they have no money.
a) will/bought
b) will/be buying
c) would/buy
d) will/buy

ТЕСТ 9. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. We usually … a bus or a taxi early in the morning to get to work.
a) took 
b) take
c) taken
d) were taking

2. Every day I … up, then … my teeth and … on my journey.
a) wake/ brush/ start
b) woke/ brush/ starting
c) waking/ brush/ start
d) wake/ brush/ started

3. When … the Sun rise? In the evening or in the morning?
a) do
b) are
c) is
d) does

4. As usual the Chinese … tea every single day. It’s their tradition and custom. 
a) drink
b) drinking
c) drinks
d) drunk

5. My sister seldom … our parents. She’s very busy and has no time at all.
a) visit
b) do visit
c) does visit
d) visits

6. … you … to dentists twice a year? – No, I … to go to them as rarely as possible. I’m afraid of them.
a) do – go/ try
b) does – go/ try
c) will – go/ try
d) do – goes/ tries

7. Our lessons … at 10 o’clock sharp so don’t be late.
a) would start
b) started
c) start
d) starts

8. I frequently … porridge in the morning to become strong and energetic.
a) eat
b) ate
c) eating
d) eated

9. At what time … your brother … up? Does he like being in a bed for a long time?
a) are/ waking
b) will/ be waking
c) does/ wake
d) do/ wake

10. He never … about marriage with us. I guess that he just … want to get married. 
a) talks/ doesn’t
b) talk/ do
c) talks/ does
d) taking/ not

ТЕСТ 10. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. He was very poor in 1998, but in 2001 he … for Canada and … rich.
a) leaved/ growed
b) left/ grew
c) had left/ grew
d) was leaving/ to grow

2. Last week I … in the vivid country known for “corrida”, in other words – bullfighting.
a) arrived
b) had arrived
c) was arrived
d) was arriving

3. Why … you…out my old clothes the day before yesterday? We should have given the clothing to the homeless.
a) are/ throw
b) did/ threw
c) have/ thrown
d) did/throw

4. Once upon the time (жил-был) there… a happy man. He was all alone and had nobody to support him.
a) was living
b) living
c) lived
d) live

5. I … her walk near my house the other day (на днях).
a) noticed
b) was noticing
c) notice
d) have noticed

6. … she … much time on you when you were close friends at school?
a) did/spend
b) did/spent
c) did/spending
d) was/ spending

7. Why … you… out of doors (выйти на улицу) yesterday so late at night?
a) do/ went
b) did/ went
c) do/ go
d) did/ go

8. I … to miss classes when I went to school. Teachers never loved me for it.
a) used
b) use
c) using
d) was using

9. Last year he … as a seller. He…jars (банки) of honey behind the counter (заприлавком).
a) was working/ selled
b) were worked/ sell
c) worked/ sold
d) worked/ selled

10. Where … you last summer during the holidays? … you spend your holidays at the sea resort or you stayed home?
a) was/ did
b) were/ are
c) were/ did
d) are/ do




1 – B. 2- C. 3- B. 4 - A. 5 – B. 6 – D. 7 – A. 8 – B. 9- C. 10 – A.



1 – A,C. 2 – B. 3 – C. 4 – B. 5 – A. 6 – C. 7 – B. 8 – C. 9 – C. 10 – A.



1– Do. 2 – Do. 3 – Does. 4 – Do. 5 – Does. 6 – Does. 7 – Does. 8 – Do. 9 – Do. 10 – Do.



1 – a. 2 – d. 3 – b. 4 – b. 5 – b. 6 – d. 7 – b. 8 – a. 9 – a. 10 – c.



1 – c. 2 – a. 3 – b. 4 – c. 5 – a. 6 – b. 7 – d. 8 – b. 9 – a. 10 – d.



1- a. 2 - b. 3 – a. 4 – d. 5 – b. 6 – c. 7 – a. 8 – c. 9 – d. 10 – b.



1 – b. 2 – a. 3 – a. 4 – c. 5 – b. 6 – d. 7 – b. 8 – d. 9 – a. 10 – c.



1 – a. 2 – c. 3 – c,d. 4 – a. 5 – d. 6 – a. 7 – c. 8 – d. 9 – c.10 – d.



1 – b. 2 – a. 3 – d. 4 – a. 5 – d. 6 - a. 7 – c. 8 – a. 9 – c. 10 – a.



1 – b. 2 – a. 3 – d. 4 – c. 5 – a. 6 – a. 7 – d. 8 – a. 9 – c. 10 – c.





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