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Методическая разработка урока английского языка Must a politician be kind? по учебнику В.П. Кузовлева, Н.М. Лапа и др. для 10 класса

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                                                      Методическая разработка урока английского языка

по теме “Роль Н.П. Резанова в истории России”- дополнительный материал в разделе : Must a politician be kind?

                                                по учебнику В.П. Кузовлева, Н.М. Лапа и др.                                               

в 10 «А» классе МКОУ «Ванаварская средняя общеобразовательная школа». 
Учитель высшей категории Брюханова Ольга Юрьевна.


  Цели урока:


1.Знакомство с некоторыми фактами из жизни и деятельности государственных деятелей России.

2.Развитие умений и навыков групповой работы с использованием технологии «Дебаты».


1.Развитие умения формулировать выводы из прочитанного, спорить по проблеме, высказывать свою точку зрения.


1.Формирование критического отношения к действительности, умения анализировать и давать оценку поступкам и событиям.

Задачи урока:


1. Активизация лексики по теме.

1. Совершенствовать навыки монологической и диалогической речи.

2. Совершенствовать грамматические навыки в составлении косвенных вопросов.


1.Формировать потребность в коллективной работе. 

2.Развивать умение оценивать свою работу в группе и работу противоположной группы.


Компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, экран, раздаточный дидактический материал  (карточки).

Подготовка детей: Перед уроком я сообщаю детям о том, что они будут работать в группах, как показано на экране. На экране показано как ученики будут  строить «дебаты» друг с другом. Дети уже имеют опыт групповой работы.






Ход урокa:

1. Организационный момент -2 мин (слайд №1 – портрет Н.П  Резанова)


The teacher: Children, do you recognize this man? Who is he?

Student 1: Yes, I do. This is N.P. Rezanov. We have read the text about him.

The teacher: And you Olga?

 Student 2: So, do I. You have already told us the story of his life.

The teacher: Yes, you are right. And this time we are going to have debates about his traits of character and his role in the history of  Russia.

The teacher: Let`s remember some facts from Rezanov`s life. Учитель показывает слайды и напоминает основные события из жизни Н.П Резанова (слайды1-20)





 2. Формирование произносительных навыков -2 мин. (Слайд № 21)


 The teacher: Please mind your pronounciation and repeat!

а nobleman, a statesman, an ambassador, Grand Chamberlain,  Alaska, California, America, Japan, Spain, Spanish settlements, San Francisco , Saint Petersburg, Siberia, China, Russian-American Company, colonization, Russian nobility, New Archangel, Governor, Concepcion Arguello, sister Maria Dominica

3. Основная часть урока:

Ocновная часть урока делится на две части: на проверку домашнего задания и «дебаты» о роли Н.П Резанова в истории России и его чертах характера.


Проверка домашнего задания:

 a) Проверка знаний лексики, из прочитанного дома текста -6 мин

(Каждая группа получает слова на перевод, таким образом упражнения имеют соревновательный характер) (cлайд № 22, №23)


The teacher: Group 1, translate the phrases please!


1…the first Russian ambassador to Japan  2. .. the private secretary to the Empress 3…  became interested in business  4. .. mastered five languages 5.  ..participated in the first circumnavigation of the globe 6. .. promoted the project of Russian colonization of Alaska7. .. provided valuable furs  8… proposed to trade 9…. became the leader of the wealthy business  10. .. lack of support and mismanagement 11. .. succeeded in getting food supplies 12. ..led to serious losses  13…  sailed for…14.  … a locket-a betrothal  gift   15.first native-born nun16…faints and dies from concussion   17… became a subject18… fell in love    19. ..fell ill  20… devoted her life to charities


The teacher:  Now group 2, translate the phrases please !


1. a Russian nobleman and a statesman 2. Grand Chamberlain3. Imperial inspector  4. .. as far as Kamchatka 5 the leader of the wealthy business 6… arranged a treaty 7. ..a lot of abuses to company`s laws 8. .to get the signature of the tsar  9..devoted  life to charities 10.. introduced schools and libraries 11.. was overwhelmed by cordial reception 12. .enemy`s territory  13..were starving and dying of scurvy 14….led to serious losses. 15… forbade colonies to trade 16… proposed to her 17… universally recognized beauty 18… displaying every evidence of wealth. 19… demonstrating generosity   20. Spanish  settlements


б) Проверка понимания текста.

Ученики выполняют упражнение на полное понимание текста. -6мин (слайд №24)


The teacher:  Now let`s check how you know the information about count Rezanov. ( True/ False exercise)

1) Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov was a Russian nobleman and statesman who promoted the project of Russian colonization of Alaska and California.


 2) Rezanov is remembered mostly for his role in the war with Napoleon.


3) Rezanov was born in Moscowhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Petersburg on March 28, 1764.


4) By the age of 20, he had mastered five languages.


5) He worked as the private secretary to the Empress.


6) At the death of Shelikhov in 1795, he became the leader of the wealthy     business.


7) The Russian-American company provided fish for Russian nobility.


8) They built outposts in Alaska and West coast of America.


9) Rezanov went to American colonies to marry a young girl.


10) He found a lot of abuses to company’s laws.


11) He introduced new laws.


12) At the end of winter people in the outpost Sitka were starving and dying of scurvy.


13) But the laws of Spain forbade her colonies to trade with foreign powers.


14) Rezanov  fell in love with the  daughter of the commandante of San Francisco and proposed to her.


15) As a member of the family he succeeded in getting the necessary food supplies.


16) Не died of fever and exhaustion  in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia on March the 8,1907




Для перехода к дебатам выполняются упражнения на активизацию лексики для описания характера. Одинаковые задания даны  группам в виде карточек и выполняются на скорость.


Задание на активизацию лексики -1 -5мин (Слайд №25)


Match the descriptions with adjectives

                    1. He distributed valuable presents.                                             risky

                    2. He always kept his word and belonged                                   generous

                        to upper society.

                    3. He always found a clever solution.                                          pliable

                    4. He never deceived people.                                                       ambitious

 5. He was never afraid of dangers.                                       intelligent

                    6. He was a diplomat and could                                                   honest

                        persuade people.

                    7. He always achieved his aims.                                                   tough

                    8. He was able to live in difficult conditions.                               noble


Ответ:  (Слайд №26)


                      1. He distributed valuable presents.                                          generous

                      2. He always kept his word and belonged to upper society      noble                                                               

                      3. He always found a clever solution.                                       intelligent

                      4. He never deceived people.                                                    honest

                     5. He was never afraid of dangers.                                             risky

                          6. He was a diplomat and could                                         pliable

                                             persuade people.

                          7. He always achieved his aims                                        ambitious.

                          8. He was able to live in difficult conditions                     tough




Задание на активизацию лексики - 2 (Слайд №27)


Match the opposites


                                  1    Sociable                                                        Selfish

                                  2   Determined (brave)                                       Reliable

                                  3  Unreliable                                                       Reserved

                                  4   Responsible                                                   Cowardly

                                  5   Sympathetic                                                  Hypocritical

                                  6    Hard-working                                              Weak-willed

                                  7    Strong-willed                                               Impolite

                                  8    Clever                                                           Stupid

                                  9     Honest                                                         Greedy

                                 10   Polite                                                            Lazy

                                 11   Generous                                                      Unkind

     12   Кind                                                     Irresponsible



Ответ: (Слайд №28)



                                  1  Sociable                                                         Reserved

                                  2  Determined (brave)                                       Cowardly

                                  3  Unreliable                                                      Reliable

                                  4  Responsible                                                   Irresponsible

                                  5  Sympathetic                                                  Selfish

                                  6  Hard-working                                                Lazy

                                  7  Strong-willed                                                 Weak-willed

                                  8  Clever                                                            Stupid

                                  9  Honest (frank)                                                Hypocritical                                     

                                 11 Generous                                                        Greedy (mean)

                                 10  Polite                                                             Impolite  

                                 12  Кind                                                              Unkind



   «Дебаты» по прочитанному тексту и по прослушанному материалу. -15-20мин

(текст читали дома, фильм смотрели на предыдущем уроке)


От каждой группы приглашается по одному человеку для участия в «дебатах», остальные будут дополнять ответы своего товарища. Одна группа получает карточку- утверждение, другая карточку-отрицание. Дается 5 минут на подготовку. Дома дети изучали исторический материал о противоречивой роли Н.П. Резанова в истории России. ( дети уже имеют опыт такой работы) (слайды 29,30)


The Teacher: You are supposed to work in 2 groups as it is shown on the screen.

The teacher:  What a real statesman should be?  Argue about Rezanov` traits of character. Prove your ideas.  Agree or disagree with each other. The phrases on the card and slides will help you.



Card 1                                                                                 Card 2


I think Rezanov was……                                          I disagree  that …..                                                                     

because….                                                                 On the contrary…..

and he also was…..                                                   But I think……                                                                                                                                                                            According to the  text..                                             According to the historical facts …                                                                                                                            I agree that…….                                                                                                 

To my mind ….                                                          But don’t you think …..

Do you know …..                                                       I wonder if you could tell me…..


4. Заключительный этап урока.

На заключительном этапе урока  подводится итог работы в группах, участия в дебатах. Делается вывод об исторической роли Н.П. Резанова, выставляются оценки. 4 мин (слайд 31)

The teacher: We finish our work here and I want you to discuss the work of each group and to make up a conclusion about Rezanov`s role in the history of Russia.

Student1: I think  Group 1 has worked very hard, all students answered very well.

Student 2: I think Group 2 was very convincing, especially Nastya.



Group 1

group 2

1.      The knowledge of the words

Very good!


2.      The knowledge of the text

Well done!

Well done!

3.      Exercises


 Very good!

4.      Debates

Very good!

Very good!

5.      Estimation of the work

Excellent! - 5

Very good!  -5


The teacher: Thank you for the work done. Home- Assignment is to write a composition (150-200 words) on the plan:

     1. Write about the conference you have visited ( the participants, countries, ets)

     2. Write about the books you have heard of.

     3. Write about your relation to this event.




Заключение:  Методическая разработка урока английского языка Must a politician be kind? по учебнику В.П. Кузовлева, Н.М. Лапа и др. для 10 класса

На уроке развиваются умения работать в команде, креативное  мышление, умение анализировать и давать оценку поступкам и событиям, умение оценивать свою работу в группе и работу противоположной  группы, используются дополнительные материалы, современные информационные технологии. На уроке  царит дружеская атмосфера и понимание, развивается  интерес к истории своей страны.



Использованные информационные ресурсы Интернет:



2. http://www.ru. wik.org./Резанов,Н.П



Приложение 1 Пример «Дебатов», составленных на уроке


Аргументы в пользу Н.П Резанова

Аргументы «против»

Student1: I think N.P. Rezanov played a great role in the history of Russia. He was gifted, generous, kind, caring. He introduced schools and libraries in Alaska. What can you tell me against it?





Student1: I partly agree here but do you remember that he tried to save people dying from scurvy. To my mind he was brave and determined because he had to act fast to bring them fresh food and grain. So, he was

mobile and risky. Do you agree?


Student1: Yes you are right , but don`t  forget

that he fell in love with Concha. At the same time Rezanov managed to persuade the Spanish government to trade with Russians. So, you can`t but agree that he was a real statesman, diplomatic and pliable. My opinion he was a patriotic man.


Student2: I agree that he was clever but  according to historical facts he didn`t introduced schools in Alaska. It had been done long before by volunteers of  Russian orthodox church. Besides he was dishonest with his comrades and soldiers. So, to my mind he was cunning, ruthless, and deceitful. What would you say?


Student 2: I agree that he was mobile and risky

But when studying historical documents we read that he also was bossy, he used power for his own needs and in California he also had his own benefits trying to marry a young girl.I think he was very ambitious. Am I right?




Student 2: I fully agree here. He was really patriotic. His character was very complex. It`s difficult to judge historical personalities.


   Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov (1764 – 1807) was a Russian nobleman and statesman who promoted the project of Russian colonization of Alaska and California. He was the first Russian ambassador to Japan (1804), and participated in the first Russian circumnavigation of the globe (1803), commanding the expedition himself as far as Kamchatka. He was also the author of a lexicon of the Japanese language and of several other works. But Rezanov is remembered mostly for his role in the great Russian American Company.

    Rezanov was born in Saint Petersburg on March 28, 1764. By the age of 14, he had mastered five languages. In 1791, he joined the staff of Gavrila Derzhavin and worked as the private secretary to the Empress. Several years earlier, meeting Grigory Shelikhov, of the Shelikhov-Golikov Fur Company, Rezanov became interested in business. He became a partner in the company. At the death of Shelikhov in 1795, he became the leader of the wealthy business.

  The Russian-American company provided valuable furs for Russian nobility. They built outposts in Alaska and West coast of America, but lack of support from the government and mismanagement led to the serious losses. Rezanov went to American colonies as Imperial Inspector on board a ship “Juno” in 1805. He found a lot of abuses to company’s laws. He introduced schools and libraries.

   At the end of winter people in the outpost Sitka were starving and dying of scurvy, so he had to find the way to bring them fresh food. So he sailed for the Spanish settlements in California, proposing to trade his cargo for food-stuffs, and to arrange a treaty by whose terms his colonies should be provisioned twice a year with the products of New Spain.

   But the laws of Spain forbade her colonies to trade with foreign powers. While Rezanov was waiting for the governor to arrive he fell in love with the daughter of the commandante of San Francisco and proposed to her. As a member of the family he succeeded in getting the necessary food supplies.

   Shortly after his arrival in New Archangel (Sitka), he proceeded by water to Kamchatka, then started for Saint Petersburg to get the signature of the tsar to the treaty.

   He died of fever and exhaustion in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, on March 8, 1807.

   His bride Concepcion Arguello learned about his death in 1808. She had never married. She devoted her life to charities and died in 1857. She rests as Sister Maria Dominica, California's first native-born nun.


  The romance between Nikolai Rezanov and a Spanish girl Conchita became the subject of several books. It inspired Russian poet Andrei Voznesensky and composer Alexei Rybnikov to create a rock opera “Juno and Avos”. In America, Candace Forest wrote lyrics and music to her opera “Viva Concha!” which was staged in May 2006 in San Francisco.


гос. деятель


Кругосветное плавание






 овладел. штат служащих

личный секретарь императрицы




Снабжала ценным мехом

Дворянство. Застава. недостаток поддержки

неправильное управление





  Поселение. груз корабля

организовать договор




сделал предложение

имел успех

Отправился дальше







монахиня, рожденная на этой земле





ставить на сцене



Text :  Nikolai Rezanov






Приложение 3 (Фотографии с открытого урока)
















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Методическая разработка урока английского языка Must a politician be kind? по учебнику В.П. Кузовлева, Н.М. Лапа и др. для 10 класса

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