Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыМетодическая разработка урока английского языка по теме "Забавные истории" (4 класс)

Методическая разработка урока английского языка по теме "Забавные истории" (4 класс)

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Методическая разработка учителя английского языка

филиала МБОУ Ржаксинской СОШ № 2

имени героя Советского Союза Г.А. Пономарева в с. Каменка

Чепиковой Марины Александровны

Тема: Забавные истории

4 класс

Учебно-методический комплекс:  Биболетова М.З., Трубанева Н.Н. УМК «Enjoy English - 4 » Обнинск: Титул, 2012

Цели проведения урока: развитие коммуникативной культуры и социально-культурной образованности обучающихся, позволяющих участвовать в социально-бытовой и учебной сфере

Задачи урока


создать условия для формирования грамматических навыков обучающихся;

применять ранее изученного материала в новых ситуациях общения – компенсаторная компетенция


развивать навыки монологической и диалогической речи;

развивать память и логическое мышление.


активизировать у обучающихся творческие способности;

воспитывать любви к Родине и уважительного отношения к представителям других государств

Оборудование: компьютер, презентация урока (формат .pptx), мультимедийный проектор, проекционный экран, “Clap your hands Video

Раздаточные материалы:

  • кроссворд «Adjectives»

  • таблица «Степени сравнения прилагательных»

  • карточки для составления предложений

  • картинки животных

  • смайлы разных цветов (зеленый, желтый, красный) для рефлексии

Место проведения урока: класс

Ход урока

I этап (вводный)

1.1 орг. момент

(The teacher says) Good morning, dear boys. Good morning, dear girls. I’m glad to see you. How are you?

(Children answer: “Fine, thank you”).

1 мин.

1.2 Целеполагание,




So we’re going to have a very unusual lesson. Please, read the topic of our lesson (slide 1) What do you think we are going to do?

We’re going to - sing songs

- read and make fairy tales

- do a very interesting task using computer


- play some games

(Children look at the screen)

(The teacher says) Let’s begin!

Today all of you are three teams. You’re the first team. You’re the second team. You are the third team. Look at your desks. There are some very nice things there. They’re your symbols. Take and put them around your neck. Well done!

(Children put on their symbols on their necks)

(The teacher says) So, the first team, what is your symbol? Who are you?

(The children answer) – We are the strongest!

(The teacher says)Yes, you’re right. The second team, look your symbol. Who are you? (The children answer) – We are the bravest!

(The teacher says) Thank you. The third team, who are you?

(The children answer) We are the kindest!

2 мин.

II Основной этап

2.1. Включение

учащихся в



(The teacher says) As usual I have some questions for you:

What date is it today?

What is the weather like today?

What season is it now?

What is the weather like today? (slide 2)

(The teacher says) You know in the English language as well as in Russian we have nouns, verbs, adjectives. Find the adjectives among these words. (slide 3)

Children name the adjectives

(The teacher says) And now some new questions:

What is the weather like in autumn?

Is the weather in spring warmer than in winter?

What is the hottest season of the year? (slide 4)

Children answer the questions.

What adjectives did you use answering the questions? So we are going to speak about the degrees of comparison (slide 5)

Let’s revise the rule.

Children explain the rule using visual support. (slide 6)

5 мин.

2.2. Фонетическая разминка

(The teacher says) We have a puzzle. You should find as more adjectives as possible.

Children write down adjectives.

(The teacher says) Well done! Let’s check (slide 7)

5 мин.

2.3. Систематизация ранее изученного материала

(The teacher says )Now fill in the gaps in the table.

(Children fill in the gaps using comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives)

(The teacher says) Well done! Now change your works and check the notes of another team.

Children check the works themselves, correct mistakes using visual support. (slide 7)

5 мин.

2.4 Активизация устной речи

(The teacher says)Do you like fairy tales? Of course, you do. Do you know the main heroes of the fairy tale “The Little House”?

Children name the heroes.

(The teacher says) Now make up sentences about them.

Children put the words on the cards in the correct order

(The teacher says)Well done. Now compare the heroes. Make up your own sentences.

Children make sentences using pictures.

(The teacher says) Now let’s make up a fairy tale. You know it very well.

(Children read the text turn by turn and choose the right words to complete it)

Bear’s House

There are three bears: Michail Ivanovich, Nastasya Potapovna and Mishutka.

Mishutka is tall.

Nastasya Potapovna is (taller) than Mishutka.

Michail Ivanovich is (the tallest).

Bears have got a (house).

In the house there is a (living room).

In the living-room there are three (chairs).

Mishutka’s chair is high.

Nastasya Potapovna’s chair is (higher) than Mishutka’s chair.

Michail Ivanovich’s chair is (the highest).

On the table there are three (bowls).

Mishutka’s bowl is big.

Nastasya Potapovna’s bowl is (bigger) than Mishutka’s bowl.

Michail Ivanovich’s bowl is (the biggest).

In the house there is a (bedroom).

In the bedroom there are three (beds).

Mishutka’s bed is large.

Nastasya Petrovna’s bed is (larger) than Mishutka’s bed.

Michail Ivanovich’s bed is (the largest).

(slides 8-18)

5 мин.

Физкультминутка “Clap your hands” (slide 19)

5 мин.


Игра - викторина

(The teacher says) Now look at the screen. We are going to answer some questions.

(Children complete the tasks on the screen http://learningapps.org/display?v=p3mogx80j01) (slide 20)

5 мин.


Закрепление изученного грамматического правила в устной речи

(The teacher says)Do you know the fairy tale “The Turnip”? Let’s act it.

Who will be Grandfather? Grandfather should be the oldest.

Who will be Turnip? Turnip should be the biggest.

Who will be Grandmother? Grandmother should be the kindest.

Who will be Granddaughter? Granddaughter should be the funniest.

Who will be Dog? Dog should be the bravest.

Who will be Cat? Cat should be the cleanest.

Who will be Mouse? Mouse should be the smallest.

Children choose the appropriate role, answer the questions, using the superlative degree, put the costumes on, try to pull the turnip.

All together

One, two, three…(slides 21-30)

7 мин.

III Завершающий

3.1 Подведение итогов, оценка урока учащимися

Now look at your desks. There are some balls. Green, yellow and red. You should take a green ball if you liked the lesson and have understood everything, a yellow ball if you have some mistakes and a red one if you have understood nothing.

(The teacher takes a hat and comes to the pupils. Children take balls and put them into the hat)

(The teacher says) Great! Now let’s look at the hat and count our balls.

(The teacher says) Well done Now I see you liked the lesson. It’s great! And you really work hard and succeeded. You sang songs, played games, made presentations and, of course spoke English!

4 мин.

3.2 Домашнее


Well done! Now it’s time for our home task. You should write down five sentences comparing different animals.

So, our lesson is over. Goodbye, dear girls. Goodbye, dear boys.

Have a good day!

1 мин.

Использованная литература:

 Биболетова М.З., Трубанева Н.Н. УМК «Enjoy English - 4 » Обнинск: Титул, 2012











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