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Практический курс английского языка.



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английского языка

Галиахметова А. Л.








Рабочая тетрадь предназначена в помощь студентам СПОУ при изучении  практического курса английского языка.

Рабочая тетрадь составлена в соответствии с требованиями ФГОС СПО и на основе рабочих программ «Английский язык» по всем специальностям.


Результатом освоения является овладение обучающимися следующими компетенциями:

 общекультурной  –  приобщение к диалогу культур по теме;

 учебно-познавательной – самостоятельная познавательная деятельность с элементами   

 логической, методологической работы;

 информационной  –  самостоятельный поиск, анализ и отбор необходимой информации;

 коммуникативной – навыки взаимодействия с окружающими, работы в группе;

 социально-трудовой – умение вести диалог.





В рабочей тетради для  выполнения  практических работ на занятии представлены различные варианты заданий:  аудирование,  воспроизведение изученного лексического и грамматического материала,  практическое применение полученных практических знаний,  развитие мыслительных операций, например: задания в тестовой форме, задания  на сопоставление, иллюстрации, типовые, развивающие и творческие задания и т.д.















Содержание рабочей тетради

 1. Контроль  уровня  основных  умений  студентов  

1.1.      Аудирование  и  говорение 

1.2.      Контрольное аудирование   

2. Изложение нового материала.

2.1.      Чтение и грамматика

2.2.      Говорение. Работа со словарем. Тема «Погода», «Известные люди»  

2.3.      Прослушивание  песни    

3. Закрепление изученного материала.

            Обсуждение  ответов практических заданий. Заполнение таблицы. 

4. Домашнее задание.


Ход занятия


  1. Фонетическая зарядка.
  2. Слушание, говорение, выполнение упражнений по услышанному. Проверка ответов (Приложение 1)
  3. Чтение и грамматика.
  4. Говорение и письмо  «Прогноз погоды».
  5. Работа со словарем «Известные люди о погоде»
  6. Музыкальная пауза. Прослушивание песни  (Приложение 2).
  7. Контрольное аудирование (Приложение 3).
  8. Объяснение домашнего задания.
  9. Заключение.








Phonetic drills

Read and practice your pronunciation one by one. Use as many verbs as you know. Mind your grammar.




- I went to London to see the Queen.

-And what did you see when you were there?

-          I saw some soldiers when I was there.

-And what did you buy when you were there?

-          I bought a new coat when I was there.

-And what did you drink when you were there?

-          I drank a coke when I was there.

-And what did you read when you were there?

-          I read a newspaper when I was there.

-And what did you …. when you were there?

- I ….. when I was there.




Listen to the short stories prepared by your groupmates and choose the right answer.



1.      The UK  consists of  ….. parts.                     a) four             b) fourteen      c) five

2.      …. is the central part  of Great Britain.         a) Wales          b) Scotland     c) England

3.      The capital of  Wales is ….               a) London       b) Edinburgh              c) Cardiff

4.      The capital of  Northern Ireland  is ….         a) Cardiff        b) Belfast        c) Edinburgh

5.      The highest peak  Ben Nevis is ….               a) 1344 m        b) 1434 m       c) 3040 m


British cities.


1.      Frolal clock is in ….   a) London       b) Edinburgh              c) Glasgow

2.      Glasgow is in …         a) Wales          b) Scotland                 c) England

3.      Cardiff is a big ….     a) university                b) port             c) airport

4.      Cambridge is the oldest ….   a) sea port       b) capital         c) university town


The most characteristic features of Englishmen.


1.      The English don’t ….                           a) talk much             b) eat much     c) drink much

2.      The English eat porridge for …                    a) breakfast     b) lunch           c) dinner

3.      British people are famous for their …           a) sports          b) politeness    c) animals

4.       English people are fond of …                      a) sports          b) humour       c) politeness

5.      They like to drink tea with  …                      a) lemon          b) milk            c) sugar






                                                                                                        READING & GRAMMAR

               Superlative adjectives

1.   Look at the photos and facts      about Britain. Compare your country.

                                                                                                     1. Is there a higher mountain than

                                                                                                        Ben Nevis?                           

         2. Is there a more popular museum

             than       the British Museum?

      3. Is there a longer river than the      



                       …  is higher than Ben Nevis







Read the сome2Britain facts and answer the questions.

         1. Where is Ben Nevis?

    2. How long is the River  Thames?

    3. How tall is the Canary Wharf Tower?

           4.  How many people visit The British Museum every year?

           5. How many international airports are there in London? Why is Heathrow 

               the busiest airport in the UK?

Some facts about Britain





     Ben Nevis in Scotland is the highest mountain Britain. It is 1,344 metres high.

     The River Severn in the south  of England is the longest in Britain. It is 354 km long. It is longer than the famous River Thames, 346 km!

     The most popular museum is the British Museum in London. Six million people visit it every year.

     The tallest building in Britain is Canary  in London. It's 244 metres tall.

     There are five international airports in London and the busiest airport in the UK is Heathrow with 67 million passengers every year.
















  3. Look at the text again:


a)      Circle the adjectives in the text that end in -est, e.g. the highest.


           b) Underline the adjectives with the most, e.g. the most popular.


c) Complete the table in Grammar2know with examples from the text.           




Superlative adjectives.








one syllable










the highest


two syllables


ending in –y                





the happiest

two or more




more exciting

more popular

the most exciting






the best

the worst











1.      Look at the weather map. Complete the weather forecast with the words below.

Смотри на карту и составь прогноз погоды с данными словами.

















snowy                                  Weather Forecast. Прогноз погоды

http://im8-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=67595019-26-72&n=21               Моnday, the twenty-first of April


                      Today in Scotland it will be cool. In Glasgow it will be c______

                            and in Edinburgh it will be r____. Please take your umbrellas today!

                            In Leeds it will be f______. In Birmingham it will be very  w_____

                             and in Wales the temperature will be cold and it will be s________

                             all day. It will be nice in London today – it will be s______all day.



2.      Make up the weather forecast for Russian cities.  












3.      Here are some quotations (1-6) of famous people about the weather. Read and find their Russian equivalents (a – f ).  


1.When two Englishmen meet, their first talk is of the weather. (Samuel Johnson1)

a) Климат - это то, что мы ожидаем, погода - то, что получаем.

2.Don't knock the weather; nine-tenths of the people couldn't start a conversation if it didn't change once in a while. (Kin Hubbard2)

b) Погода, как правительство, всегда не та, что нужна

3.Climate is what we expect, weather is what we get. (Mark Twain3)

c) Мы можем выбрать климат, но погода себя нам навязывает.

4.The weather is like the government, always in the wrong. (Jerome K. Jerome4)

d) Когда встречаются два англичанина, их первые слова всегда о погоде.

5.We may achieve climate, but weather is thrust upon us. (O. Henry5)

e) Если вам не нравится погода в Новой Англии, подождите несколько минут. 

6.If you don't like the weather in New England, just wait a few minutes. (Mark Twain)

f) Не браните погоду - если бы она не менялась, девять человек из десяти не смогли бы начать ни одного разговора.


1Johnson Semyuel (Johnson, Samuel) (1709–1784) is the English literary critic and essayist.

2Frank McKinney Hubbard (Kin Hubbard) (1868 - 1930) is the  American cartoonist, humorist, and journalist.

3 Samuel Langhorne Clemens (Mark Twain) (1835 - 1910) is the famous American writer. 

Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859 –1927)  is the  English writer and humorist.

5 William Sydney Porter (O. Henry) (1862 –1910) is the  American writer.









Beatles is the legendary band from England. Four young men from Liverpool in the early sixties shocked the world. George Harrison, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, John Lennon are their names (see the photo).






Let it Be                                                                    Пусть будет так


When I find myself in times of trouble                     Во времена тревог, когда я нашел себя,
Mother Mary comes to me                                       
Мама Mэри приходит ко мне,
Speaking words of wisdom let it be                         
Говоря мудрые слова:  пусть будет,
And in my hour of darkness                                     
И когда мне темно,
She is standing right in front of me                          
Она стоит справа от меня,
Speaking words of wisdom let it be                         
Говоря мудрые слова:  пусть будет так,

Let it be, let it be                                                      
Пусть случится так,  
Let it be, let it be                                                      
Пусть случится так,  
Whisper words of wisdom let it be                          
Шепчет мудрые слова: пусть будет.

And when the broken-hearted people                      
И когда разбитые сердца людей,
Living in the world agree                                         
Начнут жить в согласии,
There will be an answer let it be                              
Они поймут: пусть будет так,
For though they may be parted                                
Даже, если они в разлуке,
There is still a chance that they will see                   
Всегда есть шанс, что они найдут ответ,

There will be an answer let it be                                Будет ответ: пусть будет так.

Let it be, let it be                                                      
Пусть случится так,  
Let it be, let it be                                                      
Пусть случится так,  
Yeah there will be an answer let it be                      
Будет ответ: пусть будет так.
Let it be, let it be                                                      
Пусть случится так,  
Let it be, let it be                                                      
Пусть случится так,  
Whisper words of wisdom let it be                          
Шепчет мудрые слова: пусть будет.

And when the night is cloudy                                   И даже в облачную  ночь,
There is still a light that shines on me                      
Всегда для меня горит луч света   и
Shine until tomorrow let it be                                  
Будет светить, пока не наступит завтра.
I wake up to the sound of music                               
Я просыпаюсь под звуки музыки,             
Mother Mary comes to me                                       
И мама Мэри приходит ко мне,
Speaking words of wisdom let it be                         
Говоря мудрые слова:  пусть будет так

Let it be, let it be
Let it be, yeah let it be
Oh there will be an answer let it be
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, yeah let it be
Whisper words of wisdom let it be

Dear friends, this song tell us a simple but   wise  idea – Everything will be all right! Just believe!
Let the song  Let it Be be your hymn when you are in trouble…











1.      Listen to DJ Karen Mace talking to John Connelly. Underline the correct answer.  















1    John Connelly is Scottish / English.

2    Robbie Burns died in 1796 / 1967.

3    Robbie Burns was a writer / musician.

4    On Burn's Night they sing rock / folk songs.

5    Burn's Night is on 25th January / 20th January. 

6    Burn's Night is / isn't the Scottish New Year.

2. Listen again and choose the correct answer.

1    John Connelly is  ……….

a)  a Scottish writer.       b) a Scottish actor.        c) a   Scottish singer.

2    Robbie Burns wrote  ……….

a)   poetry and songs.               b) about Scottish songs.      

с) about Scottish food and drink.

3    For dinner on Burn's Night, Scottish people eat ………..

a)  meat and vegetables.          b)  cereals.            c)  haggis1.

4    After dinner they  ………….

a)       sing songs and drink whisky.                    b) dance and sing songs.

         с) read poetry and sing songs.

5    At the end of the evening there is  …………..

a) lots of dancing.                      b) lots of drinking.                c) lots of reading.

6    In Scotland they celebrate New Year   ………….

a)   in January.               b) on Burn's Night.                            c) in December.

7    For the street party in Edinburgh   ………………..

a) tickets are free.                     b) you need to buy a ticket.

c) you don't need a ticket.

8    The street party finishes at  ………..

a) at one o'clock in the morning.          b) at midnight.         с) the next day.

         1Haggis -  Sheep's heart, liver, lungs, and stomach (or sausage casing); onion, oatmeal,    

         suet, spices — национальное шотландское блюдо из бараньих потрохов (сердца,

         печени и легких)





1. Complete the text with the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.

Visit London, the  biggest (big) city in Britain. There is so much to see and do.

       Take a trip up Canary Wharf tower, the _________________    (tall) building in London,     

       where  you can see the   ______________         (beautiful) views of the city. Travel along

       the ____________          (long)      underground transport system in the world.

       London’s  Tate Modem art gallery  is  the __________   (popular) gallery for tourists to     


       The ____________(famous) tourist attraction  is  Madame Tussaud’s Museum of wax  

       figures of celebrities.  

       Shopping in London is fantastic! Oxford Street is  the ___________ (busy) shopping street

       in Britain. There are also some very expensive shops, where ________(rich) people in   

       Britain do their shopping.

        London  is  ___________(exciting) city in the world!



2.        Make up a story about Great Britain  (7-10  sentences) choosing the facts you have learned at the lesson.  


















         1. Complete the table on the screen  (slide 37)                        







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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  •    Great Britain

    1 слайд

    Great Britain

 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

    2 слайд

    The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

- I went to London to see the Queen.
-And what did you s...

    3 слайд

    - I went to London to see the Queen.
    -And what did you see when you were there?
    I saw some soldiers when I was there.
    -And what did you buy when you were there?
    I bought a new coat when I was there.
    -And what did you drink when you were there?
    I drank a coke when I was there.
    -And what did you read when you were there?
    I read a newspaper when I was there.
    -And what did you …. when you were there?
    - I ….. when I was there.

  • Great Britain

    4 слайд

    Great Britain

  • The English Channel

    5 слайд

    The English Channel

  • 6 слайд

  • London...

    7 слайд

    London Cardiff
    Edinburgh Belfast

  • The forests and plains of the Great Britain

    8 слайд

    The forests and plains of the Great Britain

  • Ben Nevis

    9 слайд

    Ben Nevis

  • The SevernThe Thames

    10 слайд

    The Severn
    The Thames

  • The  ports

    11 слайд

    The ports

  • The climate of Great Britain

    12 слайд

    The climate of Great Britain

  • British   Cities

    13 слайд

    British Cities

  • Edinburgh

    14 слайд


  • Glasgow

    15 слайд


  • CardiffCardiff

    16 слайд


  • Cambridge

    17 слайд


  • Oxford

    18 слайд



    19 слайд


  • 20 слайд

  • 21 слайд

  • 22 слайд

  • 23 слайд

  • 24 слайд

  • 25 слайд

  • 26 слайд

  • 27 слайд

  • 28 слайд

  • 29 слайд

  •    Great Britain

    30 слайд

    Great Britain

  • The  Volga – 3530 km
The  Don – 1870 km

Elbrus – 5,642 m
Everest – 8,848 m...

    31 слайд

    The Volga – 3530 km
    The Don – 1870 km

    Elbrus – 5,642 m
    Everest – 8,848 m

    The Hermitage – 3 mln visitors per year


    32 слайд


  • Samuel  JohnsonKin  Hubbard Mark 
TwainJerome K. JeromeO.Henry

    33 слайд

    Samuel Johnson
    Kin Hubbard
    Jerome K. Jerome

  • 34 слайд

  • 35 слайд

Robbie Burns  -  a famous poet

Burn’s Night    -   a holiday


    36 слайд

    Robbie Burns - a famous poet

    Burn’s Night - a holiday

    Haggis - a national dish

  • Parts				NationalitiesThe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Irelan...

    37 слайд

    The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
    England English

    Wales Welsh

    Scotland Scottish

    Northern Ireland Irish

  •    Great Britain

    38 слайд

    Great Britain

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The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles.  The British Isles are separated from the continent by   the English Channel.
The United Kingdom consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. England is the central part. Scotland  is to the north.   Wales is situated to the west.   Northern Ireland  is located on the second island. The capital of England is London, Wales has Cardiff, Scotland has Edinburgh and the capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast.
Great Britain is a country of forests and plains. There are no high mountains in this country.   The highest peak Ben Nevis (134
4 m). The rivers of Great Britain are not long. The longest rivers are the Thames and the Severn. The capital of the United Kingdom, London, stands on  the Thames.   There are some great ports at the seaside: London, Glasgow, Plymouth and others.  Wales is a country of lakes.


British cities

Great Britain is an industrial country, and most of the people live in large cities.

 Lots of things such as clothes, food, planes and cars are made in the British capital London.

Birmingham is the biggest town in the centre of England. Machines, cars and lorries are made here. TV- and radio-sets are also produced in Birmingham.

Manchester is an industrial capital of the North of England. It is a very old city. It is the centre of cotton industry. Manchester was the first city in Great Britain to build an airport in 1929. Manchester has many libraries, museums, art galleries and theatres.

Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland. It is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Its main attractions are the Floral clock made of growing flowers, and the Edinburgh Art Festivals of operas, dancing, music and drama.

Glasgow is another great Scottish city. It is famous for its shipyards. Glasgow is a great industrial city and also the centre of Scottish culture.

Cardiff is the capital of Wales. It is a big port and ships come here from all over the world.

Cambridge and Oxford are the oldest university towns in Great Britain. Many great men studied in these universities: Cromwell, Newton, Byron, Darwin and others.


The most characteristic features of Englishmen

 Some people say the English are always cold and reserved,  they don't talk much to strangers, and don't show much emotion. Some believe the English eat porridge for breakfast and read The Times every day. 

English people are famous for their habit of politeness. It is  polite to give  one's seat to a woman, to open a door for her, carry things for her, and so on. Most British people expect the person in front of them to hold the door open for them.  British people keep their old traditions and are very proud of them. They are famous for their sense of humour. English people show great love for animals. And English people are fond of sports. The traditional love of English people for tea is well known. They like to drink tea with milk. They have their five-o'clock tea at home, in offices, in tea-rooms and tea-shops.

The most characteristic features of Englishmen is their traditions, which they respect, and which they have kept for centuries.












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    Галиахметова Алсу Линаровна
    Галиахметова Алсу Линаровна
    • На сайте: 9 лет и 5 месяцев
    • Подписчики: 0
    • Всего просмотров: 22575
    • Всего материалов: 12

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Курсы со скидкой

Курс профессиональной переподготовки


Секретарь-администратор (делопроизводитель)

500/1000 ч.

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Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания с применением дистанционных технологий

Учитель английского языка

300 ч. — 1200 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 80 человек из 28 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 53 человека

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Китайский язык: теория и методика преподавания в профессиональном образовании

Преподаватель китайского языка

300/600 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
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  • Этот курс уже прошли 16 человек

Курс повышения квалификации

Методика обучения немецкому языку

72 ч. — 180 ч.

от 2200 руб. от 1100 руб.
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  • Этот курс уже прошли 27 человек


Маркетинг и продажи: стратегии и инструменты для успешного бизнеса

7 ч.

1180 руб. 590 руб.
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Общественные движения и организации

3 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Интерактивные материалы на печатной основе

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 58 человек из 26 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 30 человек