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Методическая разработка внеклассного мероприятия "Самая вкусная и лучшая профессия -моя!"

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Методическая разработка внеаудиторного мероприятия

«Самая вкусная и лучшая профессия – моя!»

“The most delicious and best profession is mine!”














Подготовила преподаватель английского языка

Ивлева Ольга Викторовна

Педагогический стаж: 28 лет

Квалификационная категория: специалист










Методическая разработка

внеаудиторного мероприятия

«Самая вкусная и лучшая профессия – моя!


Мероприятие для обучающихся по профессии «Повар», «Повар. Кондитер»


Образовательная цель мероприятия:создать условия для обобщения изученного материала по теме «Еда и наше здоровье».


Развивающие цели:способствовать развитию логического мышления, памяти, наблюдательности, умения правильно обобщать данные и делать выводы, сравнивать и анализировать информацию, воспринимать английскую речь на слух, развивать навыки говоренияи чтения на английском языке, расширить словарный запас по теме «Еда и наше здоровье».


Воспитательные цели: обеспечить условия для воспитания чувства коллективизма, уважения к своей будущей профессии, культуре в англоязычных странах, вежливости, отрицательного отношения к вредным привычкам, ценности физического здоровья,создать условия для воспитания чувства стремления к успеху в своей будущей профессии.


Оборудование: тематические карточки, фишки, плакаты с заданиями-таблицами, мяч, иллюстративные материалы.


Форма мероприятия: бег по станциям.




В начале мероприятия 2-3 команды собираются в одной аудитории и выбирают капитанов, определяются с названиями команд. Получают   маршрут следования по станциям и начинают соревнование.




Welcome to station called “Cooking methods”! Cooks know various cooking methods and what about you?

Look at them:

·        Steamed

·        Boiled

·        Toasted

·        Grilled

·        Fried

·        Roasted

·        Baked

·        Raw

Your task is to use the cooking methods for the following food:

1.     bread,

2.     fish,

3.     pasta,

4.     cake,

5.     chicken,

6.     meat,

7.      broccoli,

8.      rice,

9.     watermelon,

10.  pea

How do you and your family prefer them?

Look at the modal: We usually eat fish fried and sometimes grilled.

Students get counters for their right answers and go on their travelling around the stations.


Station “Capricious customers”


Welcome to the station of “Capricious customers”! Customers may be different but perhaps the most difficult for everyone is an angry customer. Please, read the dialogue in which two customers criticize the meal and pay attention to underlined words. They must be changed. Look at the cards with antonyms, they will help you to do the task.



George: How is your beef?

Mr. James: Oh – it`s awful.Verytough.Mymealisverybadly-cooked. I must remember the name of this place. I will never come here again. Howisyourlunch?

George: It`sdisgusting. The vegetable are especially tasteless: over-cooked but still soft and mushy, you know? But you are not eating your bread. Nothingwrongwithit, isthere?

Mr. James: No, no. It`s just as I like it – stale and with a texture like cotton-wool . And the beer has a poor watery flavor too.

George: What about a pudding now, and a coffee to finish? I love the old-fashioned English dishes they do here. You know the sort of thing, with lashings (lots of) of thin lumpy custard.

Mr. Games: No, I don`t think I will, thank you. I have had enough of this appalling food – to eat any more would just be greedy.






George: How is your beef?

Mr. James: Oh – it`s fine. Verytender.Mymealisverywell-cooked. I must remember the name of this place. Howisyourlunch?

George: It`sdelicious.The vegetable are especially tasty:not under-cooked but still firm and with a “bite”, you know? But you are not eating your bread. Nothingwrongwithit, isthere?

Mr. James: No, no. It`s just as I like it - fresh and with a lovely chewy texture. And the beer has a good rich flavor too.

George: What about a pudding now, and a coffee to finish? I love the old-fashioned English dishes they do here. You know the sort of thing, with lashings (=lots of) of thick smooth custard.

Mr. Games: No, I don`t think I will, thank you. I have had enough of this delightful food – to eat any more would just be greedy.

The teacher uses posters with the dialogues.


После выполнения задания команды соревнуются в лучшем прочтении диалога с капризными клиентами. Артистизмивыразительностьприветствуются.


Station “My favorite recipe”


I am glad to see you at the station “My favorite recipe”! Jamie Oliver is an extremely successful and well-known chef, with his own acclaimed restaurant in the centre of London. He has made a lot of TV series, written several books and still does around twenty live shows a year. So what is his recipe for success? “A little bit of luck, a little bit of passion, and a little bit of knowledge!” He says. (A photo of Jamie Oliver is displayed). Now you will try to make a recipe. Here a list of ingredients and directions. Your task is to put the directions in the correct order.





·        1 kg. chicken

·        4 red peppers

·        2 cloves garlic

·        6 green tomatoes

·        4 Tbs. flour

·        3 Tbs. vegetable oil

·        A pinch of cumin, oregano, sesame and salt


1.     Cook the chicken in salted water.

2.     Shred the cooked chicken.

3.     Blend the peppers, tomatoes and spices in blender until they become juice.

4.     Put the oil in a pen and heat.

5.     Fry flour for 3 minutes, add the pepper and tomato mixture and boil for about 4 minutes.

6.     Then add the chicken.

7.     Boil for 7 more minutes.


For students



·        1 kg. chicken

·        4 red peppers

·        2 cloves garlic

·        6 green tomatoes

·        4 Tbs. flour

·        3 Tbs. vegetable oil

·        A pinch of cumin, oregano, sesame and salt


3. Cook the chicken in salted water.

6. Shred the cooked chicken.

4. Blend the peppers, tomatoes and spices in blender until they become juice.

2. Put the oil in a pen and heat.

1. Fry flour for 3 minutes, add the pepper and tomato mixture and boil for about 4 minutes.

5. Then add the chicken.

7. Boil for 7 more minutes.


Station “Fruit and vegetables”


Hello, my dear students! You are at the station “Fruit and vegetables”. Now you should be smart and fast! I throw you a ball and I call you vegetables and fruits, and you only have to catch it when you hear a vegetable. The best of luck with your task!

List of the words for the task:

Grape, apple, broccoli, carrot, lettuce, orange, tomato, lemon, celery, aubergine, pea, pumpkin, cabbage, pineapple, grapefruit.


Station “Healthy and unhealthy food”


Hi! How are you? Do you fell well? As they say: “You are what you eat” What do you eat? Is your food healthy or unhealthy? Look at the table and recommend everybody healthy food and unhealthy food should be put in the correct column.


Healthy foods

Rich in

Type of food

Vitamins, minerals, fibre, protein

Fruit, vegetables, chicken, dairy products, meat, fish, eggs

Unhealthy foods

Sugar, fat

Sweets, biscuits, fizzy drinks, chocolate, crisps, cakes


For students: each type of food is on the separate card.


Healthy foods

Rich in

Type of food

Vitamins, minerals, fibre, protein


Unhealthy foods

Sugar, fat




Station “Table manners”


I am happy to see you, my dear students! My apologies for my poor table manners the other night! Would you like to hear the words like this? As for me, I wouldn`t do and I wouldn`t apology myself. Let`s remember the table manners!


Bon appétit!

Приятного аппетита!

Let`s turn a lighter subject.

Давайте сменим тему и обратимся к более легкому (простому) вопросу.

It tastes good/nice/delicious.

Это вкусно (приятно на вкус).

Don`t worry. Be our guest. (= We`ll look after the bill).

Мы Вас угощаем (т.е. мы за Вас платим/оплачиваем Ваш счет).

You have talked me into it.

Вы меня уговорили.

We won`t take “no” for an answer.

Мы не примем отказа.

When leaving the table you don`t use the words “thank you” but “I did enjoy that” or “That was delicious. I really enjoyed it”.

Вставаяиз-застолавгостях,мыговоримвместо«спасибо»: «Этобыловкусно»или «Этобыловкусно. Я по-настоящему насладился».

Oh, it looks delicious, but I`m afraid it (really) is too much for me! I don`t think I can manage all of it. I`m sorry.

О, это выглядит очень вкусно, но я боюсь, что это слишком много для меня! Я это не осилю. Извините.


For students

Bon appétit!

Мы не примем отказа.

Let`s turn a lighter subject.

О, это выглядит очень вкусно, но я боюсь, что это слишком много для меня! Я это не осилю. Извините.

It tastes good/nice/delicious.

Давайте сменим тему и обратимся к более легкому (простому) вопросу.

Don`t worry. Be our guest. (= We`ll look after the bill).

Приятного аппетита!

You have talked me into it.

Вставаяиз-застолавгостях,мыговоримвместо «спасибо»: «Этобыловкусно» или «Этобыловкусно. Я по-настоящему насладился».

We won`t take “no” for an answer.

Мы Вас угощаем (т.е. мы за Вас платим/оплачиваем Ваш счет).

When leaving the table you don`t use the words “thank you” but “I did enjoy that” or “That was delicious. I really enjoyed it”.

Это вкусно (приятно на вкус).

Oh, it looks delicious, but I`m afraid it (really) is too much for me! I don`t think I can manage all of it. I`m sorry.

Вы меня уговорили.


Когда команды пройдут все станции, все собираются в одной аудитории. Фишки считают преподаватели и определяют победителя. Командам вручают сладкие призы, грамоты за участие.

Thank you for your participation! You are all super! Well done! Seeyoulater.
































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