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Методическая разработка: музыкальный фестиваль

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Музыкальный фестиваль





“Different Times – Different Styles”


Цель: приобщить учащихся к культуре, традициям и реалиям стран изучаемого иностранного языка.




1.     Формировать у учащихся представления о менталитете и культуре ведущих англоязычных стран, в первую очередь Великобритании и США.


2.     Расширить лексический запас учащихся.


3.     Продолжить ознакомление с доступными учащимся способами и приемами самостоятельного изучения языков и культур, в том числе с использованием новых информационных технологий.






Составитель: учитель английского языка Ускова Е. А.

п.г.т. Анна

2011 г.


T. - Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends! I’m very pleased to welcome you at our first music festival. Today you will listen to English music, you will get pleasure, I hope, from songs and dances. I think you’ll be dazzled by numerous talented students of our school and our guests. And I can tell you a secret there will be a surprise!

Let me introduce the music show hosts Nastya and Gleb, who have kindly agreed to help me today.

Nastya, Gleb! The floor is given to you.

G. – Hi, everybody!

N. – Good evening! Gleb, do you happen to know that the 20-th century is by all means considered to be the most influential period of time in the development of music. In the 20-th century, there were more practicing musicians than in all previous centuries taken together.

G. – Yes, I know this and, in my opinion, it isn’t an easy task to describe all these styles. I think, they perfectly-well reflect the world that was constantly changing. In the 20-th century, everybody could choose the music he enjoyed.

N. - In the early 1920s in New Orleans the USA there was jazz, blues, and, of course…

G. –(S) (1) (playing “The Entertainer”) Ever since it was the musical theme in the film “The Sting”, there are few people who have not tapped their feet to the bit piano tune, “The Entertainer” - the most famous composition of the American musician,(S) Scott Joplin. This unique style was known as Ragtime, and was played everywhere in the USA by both black and white musicians.

N. – In the 1950s rock’n’roll was very popular. (Slide- Elvis Presley) Elvis Presley was the king of rock’n’roll.

G. – In 1960 “The Beatles” replaced Elvis (Clip “The Beatles”). At the very beginning John Lennon said: “For our last number I’d like to ask your help. Will the people in the cheapest seats clap your hands? And the rest of you’ll just rattle your jewellery!” It’s the most famous quotation of “The Beatles”. For better understanding Ill translate: “Для нашего последнего номера я хотел бы попросить вас о помощи. Пожалуйста, те, у кого самые дешёвые места, хлопайте в ладоши. А остальные просто погремите бриллиантами”. “The Beatles” became the most popular group in 60-70s years.

      (2)   Maxim Kotkov, the student of class 7 school 3, here with “Yesterday” song from “The Beatles”. (Maxim: “There are a lot of songs by “The Beatles” famous in the world. But the most popular and one of my favourite is “Yesterday”)


N.   – Just at that time Dean Martin with his song “Sway” was very popular too. Today it will be (3) Angelina Kelembet, the student of class 10 school 1,-“Sway”.  Alexey Natarov, the student of class 11from Lyceum, will help Angelina.

N. – In the mid-1970s, the music became violent and aggressive. Hard rock, heavy metal and punk became popular among the young. Groups shocked the public by their music and behavior.

G. - Now you will hear (4) “Still Loving You” by “Scorpions”. Valeria Sviridova, Alexey Kapustyak and his group are here. Wellcome them.

N. - Once it was a hit. Nowadays it is still popular. (5) Svetlana Salikova, class 11 school № 6, here with “I’ve Just Called to say I Love You” by Stevie Wonder. 

G. – The new music styles that appeared in the 1980s were aimed at dancing because rhythm was more important than the melody. (Clip-Arabesque “Midnight Dancer”)

G. – Today you can hardly see young girls dancing like “Arabesque”. Now you will see modern  “Hip-hop” which is more popular among youngsters.  The floor is given to (8) the girls of class 10 school 3. Cheer them up!

N. – Pop music of the 1990s became extremely fashionable among young people. The most popular singer at that time was Michele Jackson. (Clip-Michele Jackson) At the same time rap, rave, techno and folk rock were popular too. 

G. – The beginning of the new millennium is marked by existence of a great number of various music styles. Sometimes they are so mixed! (6) Now Alexandra Komova, the student of class 10 school 3, here with the song “Freak Out” by Avril Lavigne.

N. – Their album “Fallen” was released in March 2003, and by this time it has sold more than 5 million copies. Their first single “Bring Me to Life” was included in the soundtrack for the blockbuster movie “Daredevil” and became a global hit. At the Grammy Award of 2004, they won two Grammy Awards for Best New Artist and Best Hard Rock Performance.

- What group am I talking about? (Evanescence). Don’t you know?

- That’s it! You are absolutely right.

And now (7) Elena Hamlova, the student of class11from Lyceum, here with “Bring Me to Life”.

N. - Now (9) Natalia Kurenkova, the student of the 9-th form school 3, with “Requiem for a Dream” from the motion picture “Requiem for a Dream” by Daren Aronofski.

G. – “Linkin Park” is one of the groups popular among the youngsters.  Today you will hear (10) Victor Yarkin, the student of class 9 school 6, with “Never Too Late”.

And now (11) Victor Yarkin and his twin brother Vladislav Yarkin here with “Burning in the Sky”.

N. - The girls from (12) Sadovskaya school 1 class 9 and 10 will sing “Those Evening bells”: Elena Rudova, Yulia Guseva, Nadezhda Dubovitskaya, you are welcome!

G. - One more famous song. Here (13) Victoria Plotnikova, class 11 school №6, with “February” by Regina Spektor.

N.-  Do you happen to know the name of Zucchero? Have you ever heard his songs? No? Then, you will hear one of his most popular songs: (14) Dmitry Kuzminchuk, the student of class 11 school 3, with “Wonderful Life”.

G. – I know for sure everybody has seen “Titanic” and now you will enjoy, I hope, (15) the performance of Victoria Ilyna, the student of class 9 school 3.

          Maxim - Two years ago I got interested in “Drum and Bass” dance. I learnt that it was born in London the UK at the end of 1980s and originated from break-beat, jungle and hip-hop. By 2000 it spread all over the world. Now it is still developing.

N. – (16) Maxim Gutorov and Eugeny Burov, the students of the 9-th and 10-th forms school 3, here with “Drum’n’bass” dance.  

G. – Now the floor is given to (17) Maria Nekludova, the student of class 10 school 3. She will sing “Everybody” by Backstreet Boys.

N. – And again (18)  Svetlana Salikova and Anna Borsakova from school 6 here with the song “Back to December” by Taylor Swift.

G. – Do you like jazz? Get enjoyed (19) Anastasia Molofeichik, class 11 Lyceum, playing …

N. – Are you tired? No? OK!  It’s only the first part. The show is getting on! The floor is given to (20) Anna Myndra, the student of class 11 school 3. She is here with the song “We Are” by Ana Johnsson.

G. – Now you will listen to (21) Ekaterina Strelnikova, the student of the 9-th form school 3, performing “Little Fifteen” by Depeche Mode. 

N. – (22) Ksenia Kuzmenko has been singing since she was a little girl. But it’s the first time she is singing in English. Please, cheer her up! Clap your hands. So, she is here with the song “God Is a Girl” by Groove Coverag .

G. - And now (23) Alyona Yakovenko, the student of class 10 school 3, with the song “Save Me from Myself” by Christina Aguilera.

G. – (24) (Gleb is playing the piano)

N. - Wow, Gleb! It’s cool! I know this tune. I have heard the main theme of this musical a lot of times.

G. – I enjoy it too. Who hasn’t heard the name of an American composer Andrew Lloyd Webber? He is known for his world famous musicals “Cats”, “Jesus Christ” and “Phantom of Opera”. (25)  Anastasia Natarova, the student of class 10 from Lyceum, here with “Phantom of Opera”.

N. - Nowadays Lara Fabian is very famous in the world. (26) Irina Tokareva, the student of class 10 school 3, here with one of her favourite songs “I Guess I Loved You”. 

G. –N. – Gleb, we have listened to many songs in English today. But I think it wouldn’t be the full impression if we didn’t see the national dance. (27) Anna Myndra and Alexandra Ryzhova, the students of the 11-th form school 3, have prepared an Irish dance.

G. – The girls, the floor is given to you.

G. – Thank you, girls. Thanks, everybody! Elena Alexandrovna, …

T. – I’m here, Gleb. Our festival is coming to an end. And in conclusion a few words in Russian.

Дорогие друзья, наш фестиваль подходит к концу. Я надеюсь, вы отдохнули от житейских проблем и получили удовольствие от выступления наших талантливых ребят. Осталось только выразить свою симпатию и написать имя понравившегося исполнителя на полученном смайлике. Можно воспользоваться программками. Обратите внимание, они у ребят со значками-эмблемами нашего научного общества “Discovery”.  Ваши голоса вы можете отдать за исполнителей песен, танцев, за игру на музыкальных инструментах и за ведущих. Это может быть как солист, так и дуэт. Смайлики передайте им же. А пока вы посмотрите клип, который так же называется “Smile” в исполнении Майкла Джексона, фильм был снят самим Чарли Чаплином, он же и музыку написал, мы в это время подведем итоги голосования и объявим обладателя “Приза Зрительских Симпатий”.

 (Clip – “Smile”)

Приглашаем всех участников фестиваля на сцену. (Slide – “The Show Must Go On”. Каждому участнику вручаются памятные фестивальные вымпелы. Все берутся за руки, подпевая “The Show Must Go On”).

Наступает торжественный момент - объявляем: “Приз зрительских симпатий” вручается…. За него/неё/них проголосовали ….зрителей.

Спасибо всем, кто принял участие в подготовке и проведении фестиваля. Особая благодарность всем участникам.  Надеюсь, у фестиваля был хороший старт. (Final slide – “Thank you, everybody!”) И, если это так, то до новых встреч!


Список учащихся нашей школы, занятых на фестивале FLASH

1.     Глеб Пирко, 11 класс

2.     Анастасия Попова, 11 класс

3.     Максим Котков, 7 класс

4.     Александра Комова, 10 класс

5.     Юлия Вознесенская, 10 класс

6.     Виктория Копцева, 10 класс

7.     Анастасия Уразова, 10 класс

8.     Ксения Кузьменко, 10 класс

9.     Елизавета Трегубова, 10 класс

10. Татьяна Краснопёрова, 10 класс

11. Наталья Куренкова, 9 класс

12. Дмитрий Кузьминчук, 11 класс

13. Виктория Ильина, 9 класс

14. Евгений Буров, 9 класс  

15. Максим Гуторов,10 класс

16. Мария Неклюдова, 10 класс

17. Анна Мындра, 11 класс

18. Екатерина Стрельникова, 9 класс

19. Ксения Кузьменко, 10 класс

20. Алёна Яковенко, 10 класс

21. Ирина Токарева, 10 класс

22. Александра Рыжова,11 класс

23. Александр Изюмов, 10 класс

24. Владимир Ралков, 10 класс

25. Алина Бузина, 10 класс

26. Павел Михальчук, 9 класс

27. Татьяна Лапунина, 10 класс

28. Владислав Яницкий, 9 класс


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Краткое описание документа:

Музыкальный фестиваль "Flash" на тему: "Different Times-Different Styles" проходил в рамках Дней науки и искусства.

Цель: приобщить  учащихся к культуре, традициям и реалиям стран изучаемого иностранного языка.

В разработке представлены материалы о различных музыкальных стилях.Двадцатый век знаменателен наибольшим количеством практикующих музыкантов чем за все предыдущие века вместе взятые. Невозможно на одном мероприятии рассказать обо всех музыкальных стилях. На фестивале представлены музыкальные стили широко известные в мире, близко знакомые и любимые учащимися 8х-11х классов.


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