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Методические рекомендации для учителей по проведению ролевой игры по обучению английскому языку

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Методические рекомендации для учителей по проведению ролевой игры по обучению  английскому языку

Игра, как рассматривает Стронин М.Ф., это вариативно - ситуативное речевое упражнение, в ходе которого приобретается опыт речевого общения. Ролевая игра – это самая точная модель общения. В ней, как  и в самой жизни, речевое и неречевое поведение переплетается теснейшим образом.

Ролевая игра предполагает использование целой серии взаимосвязанных ситуаций, которые конкретизируют обстоятельства совершения отдельных речевых поступков и ролевого поведения в целом.

Семёнова Е.В. предлагает следующие методические рекомендации   по организации ролевой игры, которая могла быть полезной при обучении иностранному языку.


     Методические рекомендации для учителя.

1. Постановка главной задачи. Формулирование целей ролевой игры.

 2. Подготовка к игре:

              а) создание модели;

              в) проведение специальных упражнений.

3. Процесс игры.

4. Анализ игры.


Ход подготовки:

1.     Отбор лексического минимума речевых клише.

2.     Проведение серии подготовительных упражнений.

3.     Проведение микроэтюдов, рассчитанных на 2-3 действующих лиц в пределах одной темы.

4.     Проведение ролевой игры.


     Примерная схема анализа игры.

1.     Цели игры.

2.     Анализ достижения целей игры с точки зрения:

а) участников игры;

б) учителей;

в) экспертов.

3.     Средства, с помощью которых участники игры добиваются  поставленных целей:

а) речь участников игры:

-         логичность;

-         образность;

-         эмоциональность;

-         использование пауз;

-         интонирование;

-         характер вопросов, стимулирующих общение.

б) мета-средства:

-         жестикуляция;

-         мимика;

-         пантомимика;

-         пластика.


      Каталог игры:

1.     Наименование (цель игры)- формирование коммуникативных умений.

2.     Производство (условное)- народное образование.

3.      Степень механизации игрового процесса (возможно применение магнитофона и видеомагнитофона).

4.      Контингент участников.

5.      Количество участников (8-11 человек). У каждого участника определённая роль.

6.      Длительность игры.


Дидактические цели игры:

1.      Для учителя: сформировать у участников игры следующие умения:

а) умение стимулировать партнёра к общению с помощью вербальных и невербальных средств;

б) умение быстро реагировать на ситуации действительности;

в) умение находить общий язык и правильный тон в общении с различными людьми в различных обстоятельствах;

г) умение эмоционально говорить;

д) умение свободно держаться перед классом.

2.      Для участников игры:

а) учиться использовать речевые клише;

б) учиться использовать английский язык как средство общения;

в) стараться овладеть всеми вышеперечисленными умениями.









Упражнения, применяемые на подготовительном этапе проведения ролевой игры.

1. Write the following adjectives in the comparative and superlative degrees and use some of them in the sentences of your own:

a)     Sharp, long, small, young, old, few

b)    Big, hot, thin, wet, sad, red

c)     Busy, easy, dirty, dry, merry, cozy, shy, sly, gay, grey

d)    Famous, beautiful, interesting, comfortable, hopeful

e)     Good, bad, much, far, many, little, old

f)      Large, fat, clumsy, many, pleasant, expensive, low, clumsy, nice, little, heavy, pale, lazy, ugly, gullet, cheerful, good, honorable, powerful, pretty

2. Form adverbs from the following adjectives. Say which of them can be used as adverbs without any changes in the form:

         Bad, bright, beautiful, pool, wise, new, lucky, hopeful, happy, gay, quick, shy, easy, ready, cheap.

3. Change the following sentences according to the patterns.

a) Pattern 1: He is clever.

                   He is so clever.

                   How clever he is!

1) She is dull. 2) It is late. 3) We are tired. 4) These children are noisy. 5) She speaks English well.

b) Pattern 2: He is a clever boy.

                   He is such a clever boy.

                   What a clever boy he is!

         1) She is a bright student. 2) He is a talented writer. 3) She is a well-read girl. 4) He is a tall boy. 5) They are clever children.

c) Pattern 3: It is a difficult exercise.

                   It is such a difficult exercise.

                   This exercise is so difficult.

                   How difficult this exercise is!

                   What a difficult exercise it is!

1) It is an interesting article. 2) It is a dull book. 3) It is a comfortable flat. 4) It is a wonderful story. 5) It is a fine day.

4. Agree with the following remarks.

Pattern: It’s a very sunny room.

         a) Yes, it is …

         b) So it is …

         c) Of course it is …

1) We must buy a new standard lamp – Of course…

2) The Petrovs are moving into a new flat. – So…

3) Their flat is well – planned. – Yes…

4) Some one is coming. The door bell is ringing. – So…

5) There is room enough for a sideboard here. – Of course…

6) Mary is a grey – eyed girl. - So…

7) John has got a new tape – recorder. Yes…

8) There are a lot of students among your friends. – Of course …

9) Ann’s flat is on the third floor. – Yes…

10) These curtains are a bit too dark. – Yes…

5. The following statements are not true fact. Correct them. Begin your own sentences with one of the following:

                   I’m afraid you are wrong;

                   That’s not so;

                   You are mistaken;

                   On the contrary;

                   Oh, no;


1) The long hand points to the hours, doesn’t it?

2) We usually sleep by day and work by night, don’t we?

3) Twelve o’clock refers only to midnight, doesn’t it?

4) Time is the same all over the Soviet Union, isn’t it?

5) You repair your watch yourself, do you?

6) Oleg likes to be late for the theatre, doesn’t he?

7) You don’t take your watch to the watch-maker when it gains or loses, do you?

8) It is pleasant to walk in a perk on a cold rainy day, isn’t it?

9) You don’t wind your watch up every day, do you?

10) Holiday seem a very long time, don’t they?

6. Object to the following statements giving your reason, make use of the reference list below.

                   Far from it;

                   Nothing of the kind;

                   It’s unlikely;

                   It’s improbable;

                   Not in the least;

                   I don’t think so;

                   Certainly not;

                   Surely not.

1) It has been raining for three days.

2) Winter has already set in.

3) It has been getting rather cold of late.

4) The wind has been blowing severely since last night.

5) The temperature has been falling since yesterday.

6) The air has been so beautifully fresh this week.

7) It looks like rain.

8) The snow has already melted.

7. Express doubt and uncertainty to the following remarks, make use of the reference list below and keep the conversation going, giving your reasons.

That’s hand to tell you;                               It seems so;

It looks very much like it;                           May be;

You can never tell;                                      Quite likely;

There’s a chance that;                                 It looks as if;

I’m not quite sure about it;                          Perhaps

1) Autumn has set it. 2) The sky has been cloudless of late. 3) Spring has come into its own at last. 4) Everything has been thawing in the countryside this week. 5) The trees have burst into leaf ft last. 6) It is going to be very hot in June. 7) The snow melted.

8. Suggest going somewhere next Sunday and let your fellow – student respond to your suggestions.

Reference list:       What about going…

                            Let’s go…

                            I’d be delighted to…

For the answers:   I’d be happy to…

                            Most willingly…

                            With pleasure…

                            I’m afraid I shan’t be able to…

                            I’m terribly sorry I can’t.

PATTERN: - Let’s go on a walking tour next Sunday. I hope it will keep fine.

-         With pleasure.

9. Make up suggestions, using one item from each column:

PATTERN: How about going for a walk?


Why don’t we

Why not

We could








the kitchen

the bed-room

the park

the cinema

the hospital

the University

What about




a walk

game or two

cup of tea

10) Change into polite requests:

PATTERN: Open the window.

                   Will you open the window, please?

                   Will you please open the window?

                   Open the window, will you?

1) Please wait a few minutes. 2) Write the examples on the blackboard. 3) Open your books at page 37. 4) Give me your fountain-pen. 5) Explain the rule, please. 6) Copy the sentences from the blackboard.

11. Change into polite requests and let your fellow – students respond using one of the expressions:          Certainly.

                            Of course.

                            With pleasure.

                            Here you are.

                            All right.

PATTERN: Ask your friend to help you with the text as you can’t translate some sentences.

-         Will you please help me with the text. Peter? I can’t translate two sentences.

-         With pleasure. We can do it to-night.

1) Ask the students to hand in their test-papers as their time is up.

2) Ask Kate to give you her notes on the Geography of England for two days as you must copy them.

3) Ask a student to read the passage distinctly as you can’t understand what he is reading.

12. Respond to the following offers of service. Begin the answers with:

                            Yes, please.

                            Please, don’t.

                            No, you needn’t.

PATTERN: - Shall I help you with the exercise?

-         Yes, please. It’s rather difficult.

1) Shall I turn off the light?

2) Shall I fetch a piece of chalk?

3) Shall I wet the duster?

4) Shall I clean the blackboard?

5) Shall I hand in my dictation?

6) Shall I give a book to you?

7) Shall I step aside?

8) Shall I mark the stress in word?

13. Offer someone your help. The possible replies are:

ACCEPTANCE                                REFUSAL

Yes, please;                                      No, thank you;

Thank you very much;                      Oh, please, don’t bother;

If it’s not too much trouble;               No, that’s all right;

If you’ve got time;                            Thank you, but there’s really no need to;

I think L can manage all right

PATTERN: Let me help you.

                   I think I can manage all right.


1) to help a fellow – student with his translation;

2) to do some shopping for mother;

3) to help your friend when you come to her flat for a party;

4) to do the washing-up;

5) to lend your friend an interesting book;

6) to explain the framer rules to your friend;

7) to post a letter which is written;

8) to make a cup of tea;

9) to help about the house;

10) to help to do home-work.

NOTE: When we want to offer someone our help we can say:

         I’ll…                    Would you like mo to…?

         Shall I…?             Do you need any help?

         Let me…              Can I help you?

14. Use the following sentences and expressions of reassurance in response to the following questions and statements:

                            Not in the least

                            Not at all

                            Don’t worry

                            It doesn’t matter

PATTERN: - Are you tired?

-         Not in the least. I’m quite all right.

1) Excuse me. I’ve left your book at home. 2) Is it difficult to get plays by Shakespeare, at your library. 3) I haven’t yet joined our library. 4) Are you angry with me. 5) Shall I bring the magazine today or tomorrow. 6) I’m afraid we may be late the train. 7) Shall I give you short stories by Maugham or one of his novels?

15. Express agreement mixed with surprise.

 PATTERN: - Helen has passed her examination.

-         So she has.

1) Alice has a good command of English.

2) The bell has gone.

3) She lacks fluency.

4) The monitor is at the Dean’s Office.

5) She has already caught up with the group.

6) Bill will graduate in a year.

7) Nick got a five for his dictation.

16. Make up short dialogues beginning with the following sentences:

1) It is impossible to get “The GADFLY” at the bookshops (You must disagree with the statement).

2) So glad to see you. Haven’t seen you for ages… (You must interrupt me).

3) Oh, here is my umbrella. I thought I had lost it. (You must contradict me).

4) Oh, you have stepped on my foot. (You must apologize.)

5) I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. The tram was dragging so slowly. (You must give a reply.)

6) Will you kindly lend me 10 rubles till tomorrow? (You have got no spare money about you.)

7) I have brought the book to you. Here it is. (You thank you friend.)

8) Thanks.

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