Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыМетодические рекомендации по проведению практических занятий ОУД 02 "Английский язык"

Методические рекомендации по проведению практических занятий ОУД 02 "Английский язык"

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Министерство общего и профессионального образования Ростовской области

Государственное бюджетное профессиональное  образовательное учреждение

Ростовской области

«Ростовский – на – Дону автотранспортный колледж» 






Методические рекомендации

по проведению практических занятий

общеобразовательной учебной дисциплины ОУД. 2   

«Английский язык»

 по специальности

38.02.01 Экономика и бухгалтерский учет (по отраслям)





















Методические рекомендации по организации практических занятий студентов по общеобразовательной дисциплине  ОУД. № 2   «Английский язык» разработаны на основе требований:

- Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта по специальностям среднего профессионального образования (далее – СПО) (утвержден приказом Министерства образования и науки РФ от 17.05.2012 №413):

- Рабочей программы общеобразовательной дисциплины «Английский язык», одобренной на заседании ПЦК «Общих гуманитарных дисциплин»

и рекомендованной методическим советом Ростовского-на-Дону автотранспортного колледжа для реализации основной профессиональной образовательной программы СПО на базе основного общего образования с получением среднего общего образования (протокол № 1 от 04.09.2015).




 Организация-разработчик: ГБПОУ РО «Ростовский - на – Дону автотранспортный колледж»



Кобезева Любовь Николаевна, преподаватель дисциплины «АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК» ГБПОУ РО «Ростовского-на-Дону автотранспортного колледжа»

Рассмотрено и одобрено на заседании ПЦК «Общих гуманитарных дисциплин»

Протокол № 1 от «02» сентября  2015 г.

Председатель ПЦК_________ Брилева М.Р.


Рекомендована методическим советом Ростовского-на-Дону автотранспортного колледжа.

Протокол заседания МС №  1 от «04» сентября 2015 г.  

Председатель МС ___________ зам. директора по МР Титова С.А





©Кобезева Любовь Николаевна










Пояснительная записка



Раздел 1. Аудирование



Раздел 2. Чтение



Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика



Раздел 4. Письмо



Приложение 1



Приложение 2



Используемая литература







































Пояснительная записка


В основе обучения иностранному языку лежат основополагающие принципы: принцип коммуникативной направленности, принцип дифференциации и интеграции, принцип родного языка. Практические занятия по изучению иностранного языку предусматривают обучение фонетике, аудированию, чтению, грамматике, письму и говорению. На всех этапах обучения при проведении практических занятий целесообразно комбинировать все виды указанной выше деятельности. Так, место фонетической зарядки на уроке зависит от последовательности выполнения заданий, где обучающиеся могут столкнуться с фонетическими трудностями. Это может быть контрольное чтение вслух или наизусть, употребление новых лексических единиц, аудирование и т.д. В некоторых случаях можно начинать уроки с непродолжительной фонетической зарядки регулярно (где необходима коррекция произносительных навыков).

Для формирования лексического навыка – соединение слов друг с другом, слова рекомендуется вводить в определенном контексте. Употребление слов представляет как наибольший интерес, так и наибольшую сложность для обучающихся. Новые слова вводятся в определенном контексте. Это формирует определенное словесное окружение, определенные ассоциации. Чем обширнее ассоциативные связи слова, тем выше процент запоминания.

Следующим фактором, влияющим на положительную динамику семантического поля, можно считать проблемный характер речевой установки. Для введения новых слов можно использовать наглядность (предметную, изобразительную, звуковую и контекстуальную), а также помощь синонимов (антонимов и словообразование).

Основной целью обучения грамматики в среднем профессиональном учебном заведении является формирование у обучающихся грамматических навыков как одного из важнейших компонентов речевых умений говорения, аудирования, чтения и письма.

По определению доктора филологических наук, профессора В.Г. Гака, грамматика является разделом языкознания, в котором изучаются закономерности изменения и сочетания слов, образующих осмысленные предложения или высказывания. Умение грамотно сочетать слова, изменять словосочетания в зависимости от того, что вы хотите сказать в данный момент, является одним из важнейших условий использования языка как средства общения. Овладение грамматикой изучаемого языка важно не только для формирования продуктивных умений в устной и письменной речи, но и для понимания речи других людей при аудировании и чтении.

Аудирование. В реальном общении нам приходится много слушать, и то, насколько точно и полно мы воспринимаем полученную информацию, можно определить наши последующие действия. С аудированием мы сталкиваемся в следующих случаях: при прослушивании различных объявлений, слушаем новости радио и телевидения, различные инструкции и поручения, лекции, рассказы собеседников, выступления актеров, собеседника по телефону ит.д. На уроке практически невозможно формировать лишь один речевой или языковой навык. Работая с аудиотекстами, мы одновременно отрабатываем лексические, грамматические, фонетические навыки.

Практический опыт обучения иностранному языку показывает, что аудирование является одним из самых сложных видов речевой деятельности. Во-первых, оно характеризуется одноразовостью предъявления. Следовательно, надо учиться понимать текст с первого предъявления, поскольку в реальных ситуациях общение повторы зачастую просто исключены. Во-вторых, мы не в состоянии приспособить речь говорящего к своему уровню понимания т.к. у каждого человека есть свой стиль, иногда научный, или слишком эмоциональный, насыщенный образными выражениями, т.е. трудности, обусловленные особенностями воспринимаемого материала. К таким трудностям можно отнести использование большого количества незнакомой лексики, идиоматических выражений, разговорных формул, специальных терминов, аббревиатур. Для развития навыков аудирования имеется система упражнений:

1.     повторение иноязычной речи за диктором;

2.     упражнения на развитие речевого слуха;

3.     упражнения на тренировку памяти;

4.     упражнения на тренировку вероятностного прогнозирования;

Обучение чтению и переводу. Задача обучения чтению как самостоятельному виду речевой деятельности заключается в следующем: научить студентов извлекать информацию из текста в том объеме, который необходим для решения конкретной речевой задачи, используя определенные технологии чтения. Чтение может выступать и как средство формирования и контроля сложных речевых умений и языковых навыков, поскольку:

1.             использование чтения позволяет студентам оптимизировать процесс усвоения языкового и речевого материала;

2.             коммуникативно-ориентированные задания на контроль лексики и грамматики, аудирования, письма и устной речи предполагают умение читать т строятся на основе письменных текстов, инструкций;

3.             упражнения на формирование и отработку всех языковых и речевых навыков и умений также строятся с опорой на текст и письменные установки к упражнениям и заданиям.

В отечественной методике выделяют следующие виды чтения: аналитическое, изучающее, просмотровое, поисковое, ознакомительное и т.д. В зарубежной методике также выделяют несколько видов или умений чтения, которые наилучшим образом способствуют решению тех или иных речевых задач, связанных с использованием письменных текстов:

skimming (определение основной темы /идеи текста);

scanning (поиск конкретной информации в тексте;

reading for detail (детальное понимание текста не только на уровне содержания, но и смысла).

Для эффективного чтения на иностранном языке необходимо сформировать навыки, о которых уже говорилось выше:

- игнорировать неизвестное, если оно не мешает выполнению поставленной задачи;

- вычислять смысловую информацию;

- читать по ключевым словам;

- работать со словарем;

- использовать сноски и комментарии, предлагаемые в тексте;

- интерпретировать и трансформировать текст и т.д.

Обучение говорению. Уроки развития навыков говорения должны опираться на уже сформированные лексические и грамматические навыки в рамках изучаемой темы. Помимо лексических единиц и грамматических структур, студентам необходимо знать и уметь использовать различные формы связи речи, ее логического выстраивания с помощью речевых клише, союзов, вводных структур, реплик реагирования и т.д. Выделяются два основных пути формирования умений говорения:

1)    «сверху вниз»

2)     «снизу вверх».

В первом случае предлагаются следующие задания:

- ответить на вопросы на понимание содержания и смысла прочитанного текста;

- согласиться с утверждениями или опровергнуть их;

- выбрать глаголы, прилагательные, идиоматические выражения с помощью которых автор описывает/выражает свое отношение к людям, событиям, природе и т.д.

- доказать, что …;

- определить основную идею текста;

- охарактеризовать …;

- кратко изложить содержание текста, составить аннотацию к тексту, дать рецензию на текст;

- рассказать текст от лица главного героя (злодея, наблюдателя, сплетника, журналиста и т.д.);

- придумать другой конец текста и т.д.

Во втором случае монолог строится без опоры на конкретный текст. Для того чтобы получить желаемый уровень монологической речи у студентов должен быть достаточный информационный запас по теме, достаточный уровень языка для успешного обсуждения темы, высокий уровень владения речевыми умениями.

Разновидности диалога. В отличие от монолога при обучении диалогу обычно выделяются две разновидности: свободные и стандартные. Определяются следующие базовые речевые умения:

1)    умение задавать вопросы разных типов;

2)    логично, последовательно и понятно отвечать на поставленные вопросы;

3)    использовать различные реплики реагирования в процессе общения, проявляя заинтересованность, внимание и активное участие в разговоре;

4)    употреблять различные вводные структуры и клишированные выражения;

5)    пользоваться различными способами реализации речевых функций, таких как выражение согласия или несогласия, сомнения, удовлетворения, неудовольствия, просьбы, вежливого отказа и т.д. При обучении диалогу большое значение имеет формирование умения спонтанно реагировать на реплики партнера, а также умения реализовывать речевые функции с помощью различных языковых и речевых средств. Формировать данные навыки можно не только при обучении диалогическому общению, но и в процессе работы над текстом, при совершенствовании лексических, грамматических, фонетических навыков.

Обучение письму. Цель обучения письму – научить студентов писать на иностранном языке те же тексты, которые образованный человек умеет писать на родном языке, а любой текст, написанный автором, - это выражение мыслей в графической форме. Это может быть:

- заполнение анкет;

- написание различного рода писем и ответов на них, включая как личные, так и официальные;

- составление автобиографий (резюме);

- написание заявлений (в том числе о приеме на работу, зачислении на учебу и т.д.)

- написание рецензий;

- написание аннотаций;

- написание докладов;

- написание сочинений/эссе;

- написание поздравительных открыток;

- написание записок и т.д.

Путь к письменной речи довольно длителен и довольно не прост. Успех во многом зависит от того, насколько хорошо были сформированы базовые навыки письма как такового.

Предлагаются следующие примерные варианты по упомянутым выше видам деятельности на практических занятиях по иностранному языку.     













В-1. Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говоря­щего 1-6 и утверждениями, данными в списке A-G. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначен­ное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение.

A.      The speaker tells about his school routine

B.      The speaker finds annual meetings of school leavers interesting

С There are a lot of opportunities for the development of children at Free School

D.      PE is the speaker's favourite subject

E.       The speaker says there are good facilities in his school

F.       The speaker is lucky to have good relationships in class

G.      The speaker believes hectoring problem can be solved

A-1 - A-7. Вы услышите разговор между пассажиром и туристическим агентом. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А-1 - А-7 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 - True), какие не соответствуют (2 - False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положи­тельного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 - Not stated).

А-1. The passenger would like to reserve a return ticket.     

true      2) false      3) not stated 

A-2. The passenger is going to fly to London next month.    

true     2) false        3) not stated 

A-3. There are three flights to London every day.
1) true 2) false        3) not stated

A-4. The passenger prefers to fly economy class because it's cheaper.
1) true 2) false        3) not stated

A-5. There are all necessary facilities on board the plane to make passengers be at their ease.
1) true 2) false        3) not stated

A-6. The passenger flies to London on business.
1) true         2) false          3) not stated

A-7. The passenger can get his tickets in two days after the reservation.
1)true         2) false          3) not stated


A-8 - A-14. Вы услышите радиопередачу о благотворительности в США. В заданиях А-8-А-14 обве­дите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

A-8. The Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk aims at...

1)           walking for a long distance to speak about the disease

2)          informing people about the disease and collecting money

3)          raising money to fight breast cancer      

A-9. Money raised during the Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk comes from...

1)           state funds

2)          participants of the walk, their families and friends

3)          anyone who wants to donate any sum of money

A-10. The donations from the Walk go directly to...

1)           people suffering from breast cancer

2)           hospitals to cure the sick

3)          a charity organization and a cancer fund

A-11. According to Jane MacDonald's words...

1)           she admires strength of mind of the people who suffer from cancer

2)           she wants to show everybody her physical ability

3)           she wants to show how hard it is to walk for three days

A-12. Charity in the USA helps to solve...

1)           health and social problems

2)           environmental and cultural problems

3)           all of these

A-13. Most of the donations come from...

1)           individuals

2)           business

3)           foundations

A-14. There are watchdog organizations in the United States...

1)           to distribute donations

2)          to control donations and inform public about it

3)          to study financial reports


































B-2. Установите соответствие между заголовками 1-8 и текстами A-G. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1)           A second language

2)           The history of English

3)           Popular language

4)           Different English

5)           The future of English

6)           Facts about English

7)           What languages do the British speak?

8)            Why learn English

A.           English is spoken as a first language by several countries including Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand,
South Africa, Canada, and the United States. While all of these countries share the same mother tongue,
there are some differences in the way they speak and write.

The first difference is in the accent. Another difference is the spelling of some words. And a third difference is that some of the words are not the same at all. So which English is the best English to learn? Well, there is no best English. They are all equally good and correct.

B.  English is the official language of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and it's a first
language for the majority of its citizens. However, visitors to the UK are often surprised that they have difficulties in understanding the language. In Britain every part of the country has its own way of speaking
English. About 25% of people in Wales still speak their native Celtic language called Welsh. In some regions of Scotland Gaelic is used as a first language. In Northern Ireland about 7% of people are bilingual and speak English and Irish Gaelic.

С.  About one hundred years ago many educated people learned and spoke French when they met people from other countries. Today most people speak English when they meet foreigners. It has become the new international language. There are more people who speak English as a second language than people who speak English as a first language. No wonder it is represented in every continent and in the three main oceans - the Atlantic, the Indian and the Pacific.

D.  In 1887 a Polish linguist L.L. Zamanhof invented what he called a universal second language. This lan­guage took the best bits of many European languages to make a new one for everyone to understand. He called it Esperanto. There are a reasonable number of fluent speakers of the language - though nobody is
sure how many. Some say 100,000, others - 2,5 million.

E.  People have long been interested in having one language that could be spoken throughout the world. Such a language would help to increase cultural and economic ties and simplify communication between people. Through the years, at least 600 universal languages have been proposed, including Esperanto, but Eng­lish, according to specialists, has better chances to become a global language.

F.  One billion people speak English today. That's about 20% of the world's population. 400 million people speak English as their first language. For the other 600 million people it's either a second language or a foreign language. As a second language English is spoken in more than 60 countries. Besides, 80% of all information in the world's computers is in English, 75% of the world's letters and faxes are in English, 60% of all international telephone calls are made in English and more than 60% of all scientific journals are writ­ten in English too.

G.  The modern world is becoming smaller all the time. Every day distances between different countries seem less. For this reason it's becoming more and more important to-know different languages, especially English. To know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist be­cause it is the language of communication, business, science and culture.         


B-3. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A-F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1-7. Одна из частей в списке 1-7 лишняя.



 (from Speak Out, abridged)

He seems to be the all-power wizard and a cinematic magician for us. His films make us scream with laughter or shiver with horror.

The son of a computer scientist and a gifted pianist, Spielberg spent his early childhood in

New Jersey and, later, Arizona. He was 11 A __________________   and began shooting short films about flying saucers and World War Two battles.

At the age of 13 he won a contest with his 40-minute film Escape to Nowhere. At the age of 16 he produced the movie Firelight and it was shown at the local cinema.

But a real success came in 1975, В___________.  That little fish tale became the biggest hit of its time. This movie opened up the doors for Spielberg to work on many more great projects. And he went on to shake Hollywood with Close Encounters, Raiders of the Lost Ark, ET, and Jurassic Park.
          Today,   Spielberg   is   one   of the   most financially   successful filmmakers   ever  
С ___________.  Spielberg has also proved to be one of Hollywood's most nimble entrepreneurs.

His business empire includes video games, toys and even restaurants.

But what is his source of inspiration? He draws it from his 7 children (two of them are adopted). Spielberg likes to spend time with his children, D______________       - he keeps there 2 parrots, several snakes, and a fish tank.   

Ask him E________________ and he shrugs. "The process for me is mostly intuitive", he says."There are movies I feel that I need to make, for a variety of reasons, for personal reasons, for rea­sons that I want to have fun, that the subject matter is cool, that I think my kids will like it."

Does he ever worry F ________________? "I don't have enough time in a lifetime to tell all the stories I want to tell," says Spielberg.lt sounds like the story master is going to be busy for a long, longtime... .


1. where he gets his ideas

2. when he first got his dad's camera  

3. when Hollywood got an extremely talented filmmaker

4. when Spielberg created Jaws

5. that he will run out of ideas

6. but his talents aren't limited to the movie set

7. so his house resembles a large playground


A-15 - A-21. Прочитайте рассказ и выполните задания А-15 - А-21, обводя цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соот­ветствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа.




          Over the years Lottie had urged Bess to prepare for her old age. Over the years Bess had

lived each day as if there were no other. Now they were both past sixty, the time for summing up. Lottie had a bank account that had never grown lean. Bess had the clothes on her back, and the rest of her worldly possessions in a battered suitcase. Lottie had hated being a child, hearing her parents skimping and scraping. Bess had never seemed to notice. All she ever wanted was to go outside and play. She learned to skate on borrowed skates. She rode a borrowed bicycle.

          Lottie couldn't wait to grow up and buy herself the best of everything. As soon as anyone

would hire her, Lottie put herself to work. She minded babies, she ran errands for the old. She never touched a penny of her money, though her child's mouth watered for ice cream and candy. But she could not bear to share with Bess, who never had anything to share with her. When the dimes beganto add up to dollars, she lost her taste for sweets.

By the time she was twelve, she was clerking after school in a small variety store. On Saturdays she worked as long as she was wanted. She decided to keep her money for clothes. When she entered high school, she would wear a wardrobe that neither she nor anyone else would be able to match. But her fresh­man year found her unable to indulge so frivolous a whim, particularly when her admiring instructors ad­vised her to think seriously of college. No one in her family had ever gone to college, and certainly Bess would never get there. She would show them all what she could do, if she put her mind to it.

She began to bank her money, and her bank became her most private and precious posses­sion. In her third year high she found a job in a small but expanding restaurant, where she cashiered from the busy hour until closing. In her last year high the business increased so rapidly that Lottie was faced with the choice of staying in school or working fulltime. She made her choice easily. A job in hand was worth two in the future.

Bess had a beau in the school band, who had no other ambition except to play a horn. Lottie ex­pected to be settled with a home and family while Bess was still waiting for Harry to earn enough to buy a marriage license. That Bess married Harry straight out of high school was not surprising. That Lottie never married at all was not really surprising either. Two or three times she was halfway persuaded, but to give up a job that paid well for a home making job that paid nothing was a risk she was incapable of taking.

Bess's married life was nothing for Lottie to envy. She and Harry lived like gypsies. Harry playing in second-rate bands all over the country, even getting himself and Bess stranded in Europe. They were often in rags and never in riches. Bess grieved because she had no child, not having sense enough to know she was better off without one.

Lottie was certainly better off without nieces and nephews to feel sorry for. Very likely Bess would have dumped them on her doorstep. That Lottie had a doorstep they might have been left on was only because her boss, having bought a second house, offered Lottie his first house at a price so low and terms so reasonable that it would have been like losing money to refuse. She shut off the rooms she didn't use, letting them go to rack and ruin. Since she ate her meals out, she had no food at home, and did not encourage callers, who always expected a cup of tea. Her way of life was mean and miserly, but she did not know it. She thought she lived frugally in her middle years so that she could live in comfort and ease when she most needed peace of mind.


A-15. Childhood depressed Lottie because...

1)           Bess didn't notice her parents

2)           Bess didn't follow her advice

3)          her parents were stingy

4)          Bess used borrowed things

A-16. The only reason for Lottie to touch her money was...

1)           to buy herself the best of everything

2)          to buy ice cream and sweets

3)          to help babies and the old

4)          to share with Bess

A-17. When Lottie entered high school...

1)           she had enough money to buy clothes

2)          she didn't have enough money for clothes

3)           she decided to enter college

4)          she made up her mind to give up work

A-18. In paragraph 4 "A job in hand was worth two in the future" means that...

1)           Lottie made up her mind to work in a bank

2)          Lottie preferred work to school

3)          Lottie decided to work from noon to night

4)          Lottie decided to go on with her studies to make a good career

A-19. Lottie has never married because...

1)           there was nobody who wanted to marry her

2)          she preferred not to risk her freedom

3)           she didn't want to give up her well paid job

4)          she hated homemaking job

A-20. Bess's married life made Lottie feel.

1)           indifferent

2)           jealous

3)          excited

4)          unhappy

A-21. Lottie thought her way of life was...

1)           unacceptable for her

2)           thrifty

3)           miserly

4)          demanding a lot of expenses



В-4 - В-10. Прочитайте приведённые ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В-4 - В-10, так, чтобы они грам­матически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.




Everybody В-4 ________them at least once. B-5 ________in front of a screen with a button or a joystick you can make cars go very fast or move strange little green B-6 _______about as they escape from dangerous enemies. You do it with video games, the electronic toys which B-7 _________ by young people and adults alike. Some people prefer space settings, others prehistoric scenes and still others realistic situations in the present. With only a little money an a lot of skill, you can pass several hours B-8 _________      in new and unexpected situations. But, some experts say, excessive use of  B-9 _________ screens can be bad for your health. And some very violent video games are now in circulation. Often players forget reality and start to live the adventures of imaginary B-10 "________". However, there are also educational video games. They can stimulate imagination or help with the study of history, geography and natural sciences.














B-11 - B-17. Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатан­ные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В-11 - В-17, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропус­ки полученными словами.




Most B-11__________ countries "celebrate" April 1st in some strange way. The most common form of the joke is to send a simple-minded person on some B-12 ___________ errand. A popular joke is to say that B-13 ________ is wrong with your victim's dress. At school children try to pin notices like "Kick me", or "I'm a fool" on each other's backs. Teachers have to be very B-14 __________too. Some jokes are not so B-15 _________. For example, you may step into a basin of water placed secretly where you are sure to step into it. These jokes may be silly, but they B-16 ___________         again and again. On April 1st television and radio services join in the fun. They tell B-17 _________stories and advertise nonexistent goods.











A-22 - A-28. Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами А-22 - А-28. Эти номера соот­ветствуют заданиям А-22 - А-28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.



 (After R. Marmorstein)

Steve Mason had lived in New York A-22 ____three years. His address book was filled with the phone numbers of girls he knew and had dated. Then why, he wondered, was he sitting in a phone booth A-23 ____     to dial PL 1-2450 - the phone number of a girl he had never seen or even heard about?

Because he was A-24_____.

He had seen the name Pam Starr and the number PL 1-2450 twice in one week.

The first time had been on the wall of a phone booth on 42nd Street. Then minute ago he saw the name and number again - this time near a phone in a drugstore.

The name Pam Starr was the same. The handwriting was the same. And below it the      '' same person had written, "Quite a chick".

Steve A-25_____to call. He wanted to find out what would happen. It could be an in­teresting adventure.

He could hear himself telling the A-26 ____story to his friends and laughing about it when it was over.

So he took a deep breath and dialled PL 1-2450.

He heard two rings; then a soft, pleasant, girl's voice said, "Hello".

"May I A-27 _____to Pam Starr?" Steve asked.

"This is Pam," she answered, "Who is this?"

"Steven Wordsley," he said using a phoney name. "You don't know me," he added quickly. "I've just A-28 _____to New York from Chicago. But before I left, a friend of a friend of mine gave me your name... .  So how about a date?" He paused.




1) during


2) for


3) since


4) -


1) about

2) above

3) around

4) up


1) interested

2) inquiring

3) inquisitive

4) curious


1) determined

2) solved

3) decided

4) settled


1) whole

2) all

3) full

4) total


1) say

2) chat

3) speak

4) tell


1) arrived

2) entered

3) came

4) moved














C-1. You have received a letter from your American pen friend John who writes:

...Easter vacation is great! I'm busy with my new bike all the time. My friends and I are going to partici­pate in the Annual Memorial Run. It's a traditional bikers' event in the USA. Are there any bikers' events in Russia? What do bikers do in your country? Are there any bikers in your neighborhood?


Write a letter to John. In your letter

- answer his questions.

- ask 3 questions about the Annual Memorial Run.

Write 100-140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.


C-2. Comment on the following statement:

Some people say that action films are violent and stuffed with fights but others think they teach you to de­fend those who are weak and in danger.


What is your opinion?    

Write 200 - 250 words. Use the following plan:

- make an introduction (state the problem)

- express your personal opinion and give reasons for it

- give arguments for the other point of view and explain why you don't agree with it

- draw a conclusion

Приложение 1

Тексты для аудирования


Speaker 1

It's very important to have good classmates because we spend a lot of time together. There are 28 pupils in our class. They come to our school from different parts of the city because our class is special­ized in physics and mathematics. We do a lot also in chemistry, in learning computers and other subjects. We are friends and help each other with our lessons. Of course, work at physics, mathematics and Eng­lish takes the most part of our time, we work much even after classes. But sometimes we have a good time together celebrating some holidays or somebody's birthday. I am lucky because it doesn't often happen that you feel OK at your school both in studying and in after-school time.

Speaker 2

I go to school five days a week. Our classes start at 8 o'clock a. m. and last till 3 o'clock p.m. So we have 6 or 7 lessons a day. We study many different subjects. Languages, Literature and History are my favourite subjects. I make good marks in these subjects. The school year is divided into four terms. It begins on the 1st of September known as a Day of knowledge and finishes in May. Each term is followed by holidays. During the classes pupils are to answer the teacher's questions, do some exercises, write sen­tences, count, read. After every lesson the teachers give us home assignment.

Speaker 3

I am very thankful to my school. To my mind, it is my childhood and it is the happiest period in life. There is a good tradition in our school. Every year the school leavers come here to meet their teachers and classmates. It's a good chance for them to remember the best years of life. Such meet­ings are very touching and interesting. They take place every first Saturday of February.         

Speaker 4

My school is very cosy and all the pupils like it very much. It is really home for everyone. There are many classrooms and specialized rooms for studying different subjects: Mathematics, English, Histo­ry, Geography, Chemistry, Physics and Biology are taught in well-equipped science rooms. There is a computer class in our school, where pupils study computing, one of the most important subjects nowa­days. Our school has two gymnasiums, a swimming pool, a sports ground and a football field. Many pu­pils are fond of sports and they have a good opportunity to go in for different sports there.

Speaker 5

Bullying is when someone continually insults or hurts you. Many young people are bullied at school. But there are some positive ways to solve the problem. The important thing is to tell an adult about the bully. Teachers usually learn bow to recognize when a kid is being bullied. But most bul­lies are stopped by the school or by the kids themselves.

Speaker 6

At this school there is no punishment for missing classes. But many kids spend more time here than other children spend in their schools. This school is open in the evenings and at weekends. The kids complain if holidays last longer than two weeks. There are no compulsory lessons. Each child has one adult who follows his progress through school. Together they decide what he needs to learn next, and the child does this in his own time. Sometimes kids work on their own, sometimes with an adult, sometimes in a group. They visit local factories, markets, shops, fire and police stations. But there are few Free Schools left in Britain.




Travel Agent: Can I help you?

Passenger: I want to fly to London next week. I'd like to make reservations for a round ticket.

T.A.: What day are you planning to leave for London?

P: In a week, on the 11th of April.

T.A.: There are three flights to London on that day: at 10 a.m., at 8.30 and 9 p.m. Do you have any preference about the time of the day?
P.: I'd rather leave at 9 p.m. I want to get to London early in the morning.

T.A.: I can make a reservation for a TWA flight. Are you going to travel first class or economy?

P.: I prefer economy. How much will it be? T.A.: 440 dollars.

P.: Are the meals and refreshments served on the flight? T.A.: Yes, they are.

P.: What's the flight time?

T.A.: Six hours. But it won't be boring. You can watch a video or listen to music or you can just sleep. The stewardess will give you everything to make your flight comfortable. P.: I prefer sleeping while I'm in a plane. Besides, I have to be fresh after the flight as I am to speak at the conference... What's the London airport we'll arrive at? T.A.: Heathrow Airport. How many days are you planning to stay in London? P.: Seven days.

T.A.: When would you like to fly home from London?

 P.: March, 22.

T.A.: All right. Your name and address?

P.: Boris Stogov. 64-92 99th Street. Rego-Park, New York 11374.

T.A.: And your telephone number?

P.: (718)439-7286.

T.A.: Will you pay by credit card?

P.: Yes, by Master Card... When can I get my tickets?

T.A.: You'll have them two days before your departure.


 ЗАДАНИЯ А-8 - A-14


This week on our program, our subject is charitable giving in the United States. SOUND: "This is the most wonderful thing in the whole world to do." "Walking for my Mom." "I certainly hope we find a cure. This is so worth it."

Those were comments from people who took part in the Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk held in Washington, D.C., last month. People walked thirty-two kilometers a day for three days to increase public awareness and raise money to fight breast cancer.

Two thousand people registered for this year's walk. Each walker had to donate at least two thousand three hundred dollars. Walkers may donate their own money or raise money from friends and family members or fund-raising events.

In all, organizers say the three-day walk raised more than five million dollars. Eighty-five percent of the donations from the walk go to Susan G. Komen for the Cure, a charity organization. It supports breast cancer research as well as community health programs. Fifteen percent of the money goes to the National Philan­thropic Trust Breast Cancer Fund. The fund supports education, research, treatment and prevention efforts. Breast Cancer 3-Day Walks are held in fifteen cities across the country each year.

Thirty-eight-year-old Jane MacDonald of Blacksburg, Virginia, has taken part in walks in San Diego, California, and Washington.


JANE MacDONALD: "You train, you raise money. So you walk twenty miles your first day, you sleep in a tent, you wake up - I got to do this again? Yes, got to do it again. And then you do twenty-plus miles the next day, you sleep in a tent, you gotta wake up and you got to do it again...And people who have breast cancer, they have to do it every single day, the chemotherapy treatment, all the things they have to prepare themselves to do..."

Charity groups use walks, runs and other sporting events to raise money for a number of diseases. But philanthropy in America also supports many other causes - everything from the arts to animal shelters to summer camps for children. The word "philanthropy" comes from Latin and Greek terms for a love of people.

The Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University produces a yearly report called "Giving USA." the lat­est report estimated charitable giving in the United States last year at more than three hundred seven billion dollars. It was the second year in a row that the amount was above three hundred billion.

Individuals, businesses and foundations are responsible for more than ninety percent of all charitable giving. Individuals provided an estimated seventy-five percent last year. Businesses gave an estimated five percent of all charitable donations. And foundations were responsible for thirteen percent of all giving last year.

The government defines charities as nonprofit organizations that serve the public by providing educa­tional, religious or scientific activities. These organizations also aid the public welfare by working to improve peoples' health or economic condition.

But not all groups that appeal for money are honest. Some leaders of charitable organizations are high­ly paid. And even honest charities may not use the money in ways that some donors would like. Experts say people should find out how much a charity spends on itself. There are some organizations in the United States that act as watchdogs, rating the financial health of charities. They study records and advise the public about how groups use their donations.

Приложение 2


Ключи к заданиям


Раздел 1. Аудирование

Раздел 2. Чтение

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

№ задания



№ задания


№ задания

























































































B-1. F, A, B, E, G, C.



B-2. 4, 7, 3, 1, 5, 6,  а;

В-3. 2, 4, 6, 7, 1, 5.



В-4. has tried           B-11. European

В-5. sitting             B-12. fruitless

В-6. men               B-13. something

В-7. are loved          B-14. careful

В-8. absorbed          B-15. harmless

В-9. these              B-16. succeed

В-10. heroes           B-17. unbelievable








1.            Балк Е.А., Леменев М.М. Английский язык. Занимательный урок: сборник дополнительных ма­териалов. 10-11-й кл. -М.: НЦ ЭНАС, 2006.

2.     Цветкова И.В., Клепальченко И.А., Мыльцева Н.А. Английский язык для школьников и посту­пающих в вузы. -М.: Глосса-Пресс, 2004.

3.     Соловова Е.Н. Методика обучения иностранным языкам. М.: Просвещение, 2002.

4.     Современный урок. Центр Педагогический поиск. №2. Предметно-содержательный журнал по учебно-воспитательной и научно-методической работе, 2012.



1.           www.alleng.ru/english/top.htm

2.            www.goldenglish.ru/books.php

3.            www.engblog.ru/newspapers-ang-magazines

4.            www.english-easy.info/listening

5.            www.english.com/texts

6.            www.englishteachers.ru

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Методические рекомендации по организации практических занятий студентов по общеобразовательной дисциплине ОУД. 02 «Английский язык» специальности 38.02.01 Экономика и бухгалтерский учет (по отраслям) разработаны на основе требований:

- Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта по специальностям среднего профессионального образования (далее – СПО) (утвержден приказом Министерства образования и науки РФ от 17.05.2012 №413):

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