Инфоурок Английский язык Другие методич. материалыМетодические указания по выполнению тестовых заданий с применением электронного обучения и дистанционных образовательных технологий

Методические указания по выполнению тестовых заданий с применением электронного обучения и дистанционных образовательных технологий

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(филиал) федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения

высшего образования «Югорский государственный университет»









ОГСЭ.03. Иностранный язык

Методические указания по выполнению тестовых заданий с применением электронного обучения и дистанционных образовательных технологий (III семестр)

21.02.01 Разработка и эксплуатация нефтяных и газовых месторождений

21.02.02 Бурение нефтяных и газовых скважин






















Разработчики: Давлетбаева Г.Р., преподаватель НИК (филиал) ФГБОУ ВО «ЮГУ»



































Пояснительная записка


Рекомендации к выполнению тестовых заданий

Тестовые задания

Раздел 1. Великобритания

Раздел 2. Письма, анкеты





Ключи к тестовым заданиям


Список использованной литературы





























Методические указания по выполнению тестовых заданий с применением электронного обучения и дистанционных образовательных технологий по учебной дисциплине ОГСЭ.03. Иностранный язык для специальностей 21.02.02 «Бурение нефтяных и газовых скважин», 21.02.01 Разработка и эксплуатация нефтяных и газовых месторождений предназначены для разъяснения обучающимся порядка выполнения тестовых заданий в системе СДО ЭУ, исключения ошибок, вызванных непониманием порядка выполнения заданий, критериев оценивания, требований, выдвигаемых преподавателем в системе СДО ЭУ.

Тестовые задания по учебной дисциплине «Иностранный язык» разработаны на платформе MOODLE в системе дистанционного обучения «Электронный университет» (далее СДО ЭУ).

Тестовый контроль знаний проводится по следующим разделам:

- Раздел 1. Великобритания;

- Раздел 2. Письма, анкеты.

Тестовые задания направлены на проверку знаний и умений в соответствии с требованиями рабочей программы.

 В результате освоения учебной дисциплины обучающийся должен уметь:

- общаться (устно и письменно) на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы;

- переводить (со словарем) иностранные тексты профессиональной направленности;

- самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь, пополнять словарный запас.

В результате освоения учебной дисциплины обучающийся должен знать:

- лексический (1200 - 1400 лексических единиц) и грамматический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности.

В результате освоения учебной дисциплины обучающийся должен овладеть общими и профессиональными компетенциями, включающими в себя способность:

ОК 1. Понимать сущность и социальную значимость своей будущей профессии, проявлять к ней устойчивый интерес.

ОК 2. Организовывать собственную деятельность, выбирать типовые методы и способы выполнения профессиональных задач, оценивать их эффективность и качество.

ОК 3. Принимать решения в стандартных и нестандартных ситуациях и нести за них ответственность.

ОК 4. Осуществлять поиск и использование информации, необходимой для эффективного выполнения профессиональных задач, профессионального и личностного развития.

ОК 5. Использовать информационно-коммуникационные технологии в профессиональной деятельности.

ОК 6. Работать в коллективе и команде, эффективно общаться с коллегами, руководством, потребителями.

ОК 7. Брать на себя ответственность за работу членов команды (подчиненных), результат выполнения заданий.

ОК 8. Самостоятельно определять задачи профессионального и личностного развития, заниматься самообразованием, осознанно планировать повышение квалификации.

ОК 9. Ориентироваться в условиях частой смены технологий в профессиональной деятельности.

Электронный банк тестовых заданий предусматривает следующие типы вопросов


Множественный выбор. Вопросы/задания, на которые обучающийся должен дать один или несколько вариантов правильного ответа из предложенного списка ответов.

Общее количество тестовых заданий – 154. Для прохождения теста обучающимся предлагается 11 вариантов, каждый вариант состоит из 14 тестовых заданий, которые выбираются случайным образом. Каждый вариант включает по 8 вопроса с Раздела. Великобритания и 6 вопросов с Раздела 2. Письма, анкеты.

Все задания в  тестах оцениваются по балльной системе:  каждый правильный ответ оценивается в 1 балл.

Основные критерии оценивания:

Оценка «2»  выставляется,  если обучающийся набрал 6  и менее баллов;

Оценка «3»  выставляется,  если обучающийся набрал 7-9 баллов;

Оценка «4»  выставляется,  если обучающийся набрал 10-12  баллов;

Оценка «5» выставляется,  если обучающийся набрал  13-14 баллов.






































Уважаемые обучающиеся!

 Прежде чем приступить к выполнению тестовых заданий внимательно ознакомьтесь с инструкцией:


  1. Тест представлен в 11 вариантах.  В каждом варианте 14 тестовых заданий;
  2. За каждый верный ответ Вы получаете 1 балл, за неверный – 0 баллов. Максимальное количество баллов – 14.

3.      Возможны 2 попытки прохождения теста (учитывается наилучший результат);

4.      Общее время на выполнение теста: 60 минут.

5.      Если Вы не можете выполнить очередное задание, не тратьте время, переходите к следующему.

6.      После выполнения всех заданий, вернитесь к тем, которые у вас не получились сразу.









































Выбрать правильный ответ

1.       Education in Great Britain is .. .

a)      Compulsory    b) complicated            c) impulsive


2.       All children in Great Britain go to school when they are  … .

a)                  Seven              b) five             c) four


3.      They leave school at the age of … .

a)                  13        b) 12    c) 15


4.      school includes nursery school (2-5), infant school (5-7) and junior school (7-11).

a)      Primary                       b) Secondary               c) Further


5.      The academic year in Britain has … terms

a)      2                      b) 3                  c) 4


6.      Day-schools in Britain  work only

a)      on Mondays to Fridays b) on Mondays to Sunday        c) on Mondays to Saturdays


7.      A break for lunch lasts about … .

a)      20 minutes                  b) an hour                   c) 2-3 hours


8.      Pupils at secondary schools in England are  pupils between the age of 

a)      twelve and eighteen                b) five and eleven                   c) six and seventeen


9.      Pupils at secondary schools in England have … main exams

a)      2                      b) 3                 c) 4


10.    Pupils at secondary schools in England take "O" (ordinary) level when they are …

a)      12                    b) 15                c) 18


11.  For a lot of jobs it's quite enough to have  … "O" levels.

a)      Two     b) three            c) four or five


12.  Primary school consists of

a) reception class, infant school, junior school                     b) kindergarten, secondary school, high school


13.  In junior school, pupils spend

a) 3 years                    b) a year          c) 5 years


14.  A reception class and infant school take

a) 2 years                    b) 6 years        c) a year


15.  Children enter the secondary school

a) at about 7-8            b) at about 11-12        c) at about 16-17


16.              Most children in Britain go to … schools.

a)Public                    b) Grammar                c) Comprehensive


17. … consists of infant and junior schools.

a) Primary                   b) Secondary              c) Comprehensive


18. Pupils in infant school …

a) sit in rows and have real classes    b) often listen to the teacher's stories sitting on the carpet               c) Study Geography, Chemistry, French.


19. Public schools are famous for their …

a)                  Traditions                   b) Beautiful buildings            c) Teachers


20. The school year begins …

a) On the first of September              b) On Monday in September             c) On Tuesday in September


21. The "core" subjects are …

a) English and Mathematics   b) English, Mathematics and Science            c) English, Mathematics and French


22. Pupils in all state schools in England and Wales study ten … subjects, which are called foundation subjects.

a) Major                      b) interesting              c) Main





Выбрать правильный ответ

1.     Distance education over the world has a history of more than … years.

a)     20       b) 50               c) 100


2.     Distance education gained popularity only after.

a)                  1970's              b) 1980’s         c) 1960’s


3.                  The Open University in England has more than 80,000 students who take about …  courses per year.

a)       140                       b) 115              c) 245


4.                  The Open University in England has …  local teaching and …regional information centers.

a)                  160/110                       b) 260/13        c) 56/17


5.                  "A" levels are enough to go to university

a)                  2                      b) 3      c) 4


6.                  Eton College, Harrow School and Winchester are the most famous … schools.

a)                  Grammar         b) Public         c) Modern


7.                  Eton College is a boarding school for …

a)                  Boys and girls             b) Boys           c) Girls


8.                  Winston Churchill, six other British Prime Ministers, the poet Lord Byron and many other famous people were educated in …

a)                  Eton College               b) Winchester College            c) Harrow School


9.                  To enter a university pupils have to take …

a)                  "A" Level Exams                   b) GCSE                     c) Eleven Plus Examination


10. When was Oxford University founded?

a) in 1560                   b) in 1060                   c) in 1170


11. How many colleges are there in Oxford University now?

a) 45                b) 33    c) 25


12. How many students study in Oxford University?

a) about 2400              b) about 15000           c) about 25000


13. When did women begin to enter Oxford?

a) in the 1920s                        b) in the 1930s                        c) in the 1940s


14.  What is the Oxford’s oldest college?

a) Eton College                b) Merton College                 c) Christ Church

15. … is Oxford’s grandest college

a) Eton College                b) Merton College                 c) Christ Church


16.  When was Cambridge University founded?

a) in 1020        b) in 1209                   c) in 1410


17. How many colleges are there in Cambridge University now?

a) 45                b) 31               c) 25


18. What is the first college in Cabridge Univesity?


a)                  Peterhouse                  b ) King’s College                 c) Merton College    


19. King’s College was founded by Henry VII in … .

a) 1209            b) 1441           c) 1675


20. Since the year of  …. most colleges of Cambridge are mixed

a) 1970            b) 1980           c) 2000


21. The oldest college in Cambridge is Peterhouse, which was founded in … ,

a) 1284            b) 1433           c) 1507


22. 18 Prime Ministers were graduates from … .

a) Christ Church        b ) King’s College                 c) Merton College




Выбрать правильный ответ

1. When was Shakespeare born?

a)                  on the 23th of April, 1564                 b)         on the 23th of April, 1664                             c) on the 23th of April, 1464


2. Where  was he born?

a)                  Stratford-upon-Avon             b) London                   c) Oxford


3. When he was 21 years old where did he go and what for?

a)                  to London       b) to Liverpool           c) to Oxford


4. How do we call persons who write plays?

a)                  a poet              b) a playwright                       c) a dramatist


5. What is the name of Shakespeare’s Theatre?

a)                  “The Sphere”              b) “The Circle”           c) “The Globe”


6. The parts of the young women were acted by…

a)                  Boys                b) girls             c) men


7.When did he die?

a)                  on the 23th of April, 1616                 b) on the 23th of May, 1716             

c) on the 23th of May, 1516


8.Where was he buried (похоронен)?

a)                  in Stratford-upon-Avon         b) in London              c) in Oxford.


9. Choose the TRUE statements

a)                   The Globe had space for 3000 people                       b) Shakespeare had two children.

c) Women acted in Shakespeare’s time         d) Musicians created special noises during the plays.


10. What was his wife's name?

a)                   Anne Hathaway         b) Agatha Christie      c) Emma Watson        c) Margaret Thatcher


11. Choose Shakespeare's works only.

a)                   The Gulliver's Travells           b) Romeo and Juliet               c) Three men in a boat


12. What were Shakespeare's parents?

a)                   a shoe-maker and a farmer's daughter           b) a glove-maker and an actress        c) a glove-maker and a farmer's daughter


13 . When  was Robert Burns born?

a) in 1759                   b) in 1761       c) in 1772


14. What was his father’s occupation?

a) a landowner            b) a farmer                  c) a tradesman


15. Who gave primary education to Robert?

a)his father      b) his mother              c) his brother


16.  Robert Burns is...

a) English poet           b) Scottish poet          c) Iris poet


17. In 1787 Robert moved to...

a) Edinburgh               b) Dublin                    c) Glasgow


18. Burns first book is …

a) “John Barleycorn”  b) “Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish dialect”              c) “Tam O’Shenter”


19. Burns' first Russian translation (prosaic) appeared in …

a) 1829                        b) 1831           c) 1800


20. What did Robert Burns publish in 1786?

a) his novel                 b) his poems               c) his stories


21. When did Robert begin to write poetry?

a) when he was 20                  b) when he was 15      c) when he was 24


22. Robert Burns died at the age of  … .

a) 37    b) 40                c) 42




Выбрать правильный ответ

1. What information is uncorrect about I.Newton?

a) He was a mathematician.   b) He was a physicist  c) He was a doctor.


2. Newton discovered the law of gravity.

a) true  b) false


3. When was Isaac Newton born?

a) on the 4 the January in 1643                     b) on the 3rd of March in 1676           c) on the 14th April 1745


4. Isaac Newton was died in …

a) 1642                        b) 1727                       c) 1543


5. Newton studied in…

a)                  Eton, London             b) Trinity College, Cambridge          c) Oxford Tutorial College


6. His discoveries…

a) Laws of universal gravitation and motion, microscope, calculus

b) Calculus, built the first reflecting telescope, low of conservation of energy

c) Laws of universal gravitation and motion, calculus, built the first reflecting telescope


7. When was Michael Faraday born?

a) in 1791        b) 1738                       c) 1867


8. Where was Michael Faraday born?

a) in England              b) in Scotland             c) in Northern Ireland


9. Which field of science didn't Michael Faraday work in?

a) Biology                   b) Chemestry              c) Physics


10. What didn't Michael Faraday invent?

a)  Transformer          b) Internal combustion engine                       c)Electromotor


11. Which Academy of Sciences was Faraday a member of?

a) Petersburg              b) Moscow                 c)  Novosibirsk


12. The founder of what doctrine in Physics is Faraday?

a) Electromagnetic field         b) Thermodynamics               c) Mechanics


13. What was Michael Faraday's first job?

a) a Messenger                       b) a Postman   c) a Seller


14. Where did Faraday work as a simple laboratory assistant?

a) in London University                     b) on Royal University                      c) in St.Petersburg University      


15. What chemical compound did Michael Faraday discover?

a) Sulfuric acid                       b) Hydrochloric acid c) Benzene


18. What cosmic body didn't have the opportunity to be named after Michael Faraday?

a) Asteroid                  b) Meteorite               c) Lunar crater


19. When did James Watt born?

a) in 1746        b) in 1736       c) 1765                                   


20. What did James Watt invent?

a) printer         b) Copy machine                    c) thermometer


21. How many things did James Watt invent?

a) 1                  b) 2                 c0 3


22. When did James Watt die?

a) in  1819       b) in 1827       c) in 1810



















Выбрать правильный ответ

1. What final phrases are appropriate to use in a personal letter?

a) All the best b) Yours sincerely      c) Yours faithfully


2. Choose personal letters with errors



b)      1          b) 2      c) 3      d) 4


3.  To begin with I would like to take … over the  name itself:

a) outcome                  b) issue                       c) trouble         d)


4. “cut” I should have thought was an essential … of any lawnmower:

a) require                     b) requirement                        c) requires                   d) requiring


5. Unfortunately this does not … to Supercut”:
a) concern                   b) attribute                  c) confer                     d) apply


6. I tried to use it. Your Lawnmower simply … over the grass but did not cut it:

a) walked                    b) rolled                      c)  strode                     d) tripped


7. Dear James,
… . I’ve been extremely busy since your last letter.

a) I trust this letter finds you well      b) How are you?


8. Which of the phrases is odd?

a) Write back soon!                b) Take care and keep in touch!                    c) Drope me a letter when you can.                      d) Hope to hear from you soon.


9. Which of the phrases is odd?

a) Thanks a lot for your letter.           b) How is life?            c) How are things?                 d) How’s everything?

10. Which date is incorrect?

a) 20 October 2016                b) October 20, 2016               c) 20,10,2016             d) 20.10.2016


11. Read and choose. Which part of the letter is missing?
                                                                                                                   May 15th
Dear Kristin,
Thanks for your letter. I'm glad your arm is out of plaster now!
I agree with you that English grammar is rather difficult so I think it's necessary to learn grammar rules and to do exercises. As for me, I do it on a regular basis.
Going to a language school together is a great idea! We could practi
сe  our English and visit lots of places of interest. I'm absolutely free this summer so I can go whenever you like.
Write and tell me what dates suit you best. Which course would you like to do? What level do you think we are? Where would you prefer to stay? Meanwhile, I'll make some enquiries about language schools in the UK. 

a) date             b) greeting                  c) address                   d) main body


12. Which of the logical communication tools will be checked in a Personal letter?

a) but               b) Sorry                      c) What is more                      d) so


13. How many words are allowed in a Personal letter?

a) 100-150                  b) 200-250                  c) 60-90


14. Can we combine a thank you and a link to previous contacts in one sentence?

a) Yes, we can            b) No, we can’t


15. How do you write an address in a Personal letter?

a) Home №, Street, Town/City, Country

b) Country, Town/City. Street, Home №

c) Flat №, Home №, Street, Town/City, Country


16.  ……….

I am happy to hear that you are OK. It’s nice that you spend your holidays near the sea.

I spend my holidays in the village. We have a big river here. I swim every day. Can you swim? Do you swim?

a) Love                       b) Please, write back              c)  Dear Liza Masha   d) Happy birthday


17. Dear Sir, having read your advertisement, I should like to ___ this letter as my application for the post of marketing manager

a) deliver         b) return          c) submit         d) send


18. Finally I look forward to ___ from you and as you will understand I don't want to 'wait' very long.
Yours faithfully,
I.A.M. Hopeful.

a) hear             b) hearing        c) heard           d) hears


19. And now I come to a very important ___ I want to ask of you.

a) favourite                 b) favour         c) favourable        d) favouring


20. Dear Charles I thought it was ___ time I wrote to you and told you what I've been up to.

a) in                 b) about          c) at                 d) by


21. On such an occasion like that I market well and always make them ___ the one we have most of.

a)  decide        b) believe                   c) select                       d) effect


22. ___ the grass was flat but it was still as long as when I had started.

a) Confessing              b) Confessed              c) Admitted                d) Admittedly




Выбрать правильный ответ

1. ___ Sir or Madam, …”

a) Respected               b) Dear            c) Kind            d) Mr.


2. What final phrases are appropriate to use in a business letter?

a) All the best             b) Yours sincerely      c) With love


3. What phrase is not used in the Complaint Letter?

 a)  I am writing to request some information on...               b) I regret to inform you that...                      c)  I would like to query...which seem unusually high/low/bad/inefficient/... 


4.Looking forward to your ___.”

a) response      b) reply           c) answering               d) release


5. The abbreviation FYI stand for:

a)  from your insight              b) for your intention               c) for your information           d) for your interest


6. In emailing the abbreviation “cc” means:

a) carbon copy            b) clear copy              c) closed copy             c) coven copy


7. What phrase is not used in the Business Letter?

 a) All the best                        b) Yours sincerely      c) Yours faithfully


8. In what kind of business letter can you   use the phrase “I am writing to complain...”?

a) a Letter of Complaint         b) a Letter of Congratulation c) a Letter of Invitation

9.  In what kind of business letter can you   use the phrase “I would like to order...”?

a) a Letter of Complaint         b) Order          c) a Letter of Invitation

10. In what kind of business letter can you   use the phrase “We are honored to invite you...”?

a) a Letter of Complaint         b) a Letter of Congratulation             c) a Letter of Invitation


11. What phrase will be typical for the Order letter?

a)  I/we are pleased to place an order with your company... 

b) I would like to complain... 

 c) I am writing to inform you...

12. We are pleased to ___ an order with your company?
a) place       b) stay                    c) leave   d) order 


14. What phrase is appropriate for a Thank-you letter?

 a)  I am writing to recommend...      b) I would like to express my gratitude for...             c)  Congratulations on.


15. Look at the following paragraph. What kind of letter was it taken from?
We expect attendance this year to be the highest ever; in the area of 2,000 delegates and 150 speakers. This includes a large contingent from our new European Chapter that is based in Geneva. You may have heard that Dr. Walton Everinson will be presenting a major paper on his latest research into "Genetic ReEngineering". We are already receiving inquiries from all over the world about Dr. Everinson's presentation.

a) Inquiry letter                      b) Invitation letter                  c) Presentation letter              d) Introduction letter


16. Look at the following paragraph. What kind of letter was it taken from?
As you know, the Downsizing Task Force delivered their report to the executive committee in late October. Among the task force recommendations was the elimination of all temporary and contract positions.

a. Elimination letter               b) Dismiss letter         c) Termination letter d) Downsizing letter


17. Look at the following paragraph. What kind of letter was it taken from?
Please accept my heartfelt condolences at this difficult time and I ask you to please pass these sentiments on to your children.

a) Condolence letter               b) Sympathy letter                  c) Death letter            d) Recognition letter


18. Look at the following paragraph. What kind of letter was it taken from?
I have never before written a letter like this on an entirely unsolicited basis. However, in this case I was so impressed by the support and service provided by Ms.Berloitz and her small team of marketing and communications specialists that I felt compelled to go on record with my praise.

a) Appraisal letter                              b) Commendation letter         c) Recommendation letter      d) Congratulation letter


19. Complete the phrase: “If you have any questions, do not ___ to contact us.”

a) try               b) afraid          c) hesitate       d) bother


20. Complete the sentence to make it formal: “___ your price list.”

a) Can you send us                 b) Could you please send us              c) We would be grateful if you send us        d) We will appreciate if you will send us


21. If you write “Does the idea appeal to you?”, you ask … .

a) If the addressee likes this idea       b) If the addressee dislikes the idea   c) If the addressee knows something about the idea       d) If the addressee has ever done something similar


22. What does the author want?

a) To get money back             b) To place an order               c) To get a new shipment       d)  To change his order





Выбрать правильный ответ

1.The summary form is divided (exclude unnecessary):

a) chronological                     b) target                      c) functional               d) conventional


2.The concept of "summary" means:

a) Summary                b) Conclusions                        c) self-characterization           d)  all of the above.


3.The purpose of the resume is:

a) to attract attention to yourself                   b) to make a favorable impression

c) to encourage you to invite to a personal meeting             d) all of the above to


4.You don't need to specify in your resume:

a)  purpose of the request                   b) full name                c) favorite hobby        d) education


5.The resume should display the following main qualities required from the employee:

a) level of education   b) productivity           c) unlimited abilities               d) all answers are correct.


6. The type of resume that is suitable for specialists who have worked in the same field for many years and want to continue their work in it is:

a) functional               b) chronological         c) chronological-functional               d) target


7. The type of resume that is used when describing a specific work experience and range of knowledge, when there is no need to arrange in chronological order the process of accumulating this experience is

a) functional               b) chronological         c) chronological-functional               d) target


8. The type of resume that is most often used to highlight some special achievements, but at the same time it preserves the chronological sequence of the presentation of work experience and education-this is:

a) functional               b) chronological         c) chronological-functional               d) target


9. The type of resume that is used when attention is focused on applying for a certain position is

a) functional               b) chronological         c) chronological-functional               d) target


10. To search for a teaching job, use a resume:

a) Functional               b) chronological         c) academic                 d) target


11. Academic resume is used:

a) to highlight any special achievements                   b) to search for a teaching job           c) to describe specific creative experience and range of knowledge                      d) it is suitable for specialists who have worked in the same field for many years


12. Additional information in the resume does not include:

a) knowledge of foreign languages               b) driver's license        c) information about military service             d) size of shoes and clothing of the applicant


13. The brevity of the resume consists in:

a)  no extra words, long incomprehensible abbreviations and terms

 b) no inaccurate or unnecessary information that is not directly related to the vacancy   

c) presentation of the main information confirming the right to apply for this position    

d) no false information.


14. The concreteness of the summary is expressed in

a) no extra words, long incomprehensible abbreviations and terms

b) no inaccurate or unnecessary information that is not directly related to the vacancy

c) presentation of the main information confirming the right to apply for this position

d) no false information.


15. The integrity and reliability of the resume is determined in … .

a) a letter         b) a cover letter          c) a story about yourself                   d) there is no correct answer


16. A document that is often accompanied by a resume is:

 a) a letter        b) a cover letter          c) a story about yourself                   d) there is no correct answer


17. How do you write an address in CV?

a) Number of house, Street, Town/City, Country

b) Country, Town/City. Street, Home №

c) Flat №, Home №, Street, Town/City, Country


18. What information do you write in the point «Name»?

a) Only Surname         b) Only Name             c) Name and Surname            d) Surname and Name


19. Choose the right form of Date of birth in CV

a) The 2nd June                       b) 2/06/1999               c) 2nd June, 1999


20.What didn’t you write in the point “Skill”?

a) Knowledge of foreign languages               b) computer skills                  c) hobby                      d) driving license


21. How do you write information about your education in Resume?

a)  date – education organization       b) education organization- date                     c) education organization- subjects – date d) date – education organization – subjects


 22. How do you write information about work experience in Resume?

a) data – the name of the organization – your position                     b) the name of the organization – your position – data               c) your position - the name of the organization – data        














Раздел 1. Великобритания

Тема 1.1. Образование в Великобритании

























Тема 1.2. Британские университеты

























Тема 1.3. Английские писатели

























Тема 1.4. Известные английские ученые
























Раздел 2. Письма, анкеты

Тема 2.1.  Личное письмо

























Тема 2.2. Деловое письмо
























Тема 2.3. Составление анкет, резюме


































Основные источники :

1.      Безкоровайная, Г.Т. Planet of English: учебник английского языка для учреждений СПО / Г.Т. Безкоровайная [др.] 2-е изд., стер. – Москва: Академия, 2020. -256 с. - ISBN 978-5-4468-8654-8. - Текст: непосредственный.

2.      Кузьменкова, Ю. Б.  Английский язык для технических колледжей (A1): учебное пособие для среднего профессионального образования / Ю. Б. Кузьменкова. - Москва: Издательство Юрайт, 2020. - 207 с. - (Профессиональное образование). - ISBN 978-5-534-12346-3. - Текст: электронный // ЭБС Юрайт [сайт]. - URL: https://urait.ru/bcode/463497 (дата обращения: 24.11.2020).


Дополнительные источники:

1.      Восковская, А. С. Английский язык: учебник / А. С. Восковская, Т. А. Карпова. - Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2016. - 376 с. - ISBN 978-5-222-26881-0. - Текст: электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/910330 (дата обращения: 24.11.2020).

2.      Стогниева, О. Н.  Английский язык для ИТ-специальностей: учебное пособие для среднего профессионального образования / О. Н. Стогниева. - Москва: Издательство Юрайт, 2020. - 143 с.- (Профессиональное образование). - ISBN 978-5-534-07972-2. - Текст: электронный // ЭБС Юрайт [сайт]. - URL: https://urait.ru/bcode/449184 (дата обращения: 24.11.2020). 


1.                  Федеральный центр информационно-образовательных ресурсов: сайт www.fcior.edu.ru (дата обращения: 09.06.2020). - Текст: электронный.

2.                  Электронная библиотечная система Znanium.com: сайт. -URL:  http://znanium.com (дата обращения: 09.06.2020).-Текс: электронный.

3.                  Электронная библиотечная система Юрайт: сайт. - URL:  https://biblio-online.ru  (дата обращения: 09.06.2020).-Текс: электронный.


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