- Учебник: «Английский язык (среднее специальное образование)», Агабекян И. П.
- Тема: Урок 1 Местоимения. Порядок слов в английском предложении
- 29.10.2020
- 1493
- 4

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«Дальневосточный государственный университет путей сообщения»
Факультет среднего профессионального образования
Хабаровский техникум железнодорожного транспорта
Мартысевич А.В.
ПЦК «Иностранный язык»
Методические указания для преподавателей
по проведению открытого урока
по теме «Достижения науки и техники»
Для обучающихся 1 курса БД.02. Иностранный язык (английский)
Преподаватель высшей категории факультета СПО-ХТЖТ Дальневосточного государственного университета путей сообщения Н.В. Балаганская.
Мартысевич А.В. Методические указания для преподавателей по проведению открытого урока по теме «Достижения науки и техники»/ Мартысевич А.В.
Хабаровск: Изд-во ДВГУПС, факультет СПО, 2020. – 19с.
Методические указания для преподавателей по проведению открытого урока по теме «Достижения науки и техники» содержит конспект открытого урока по заданной теме. Целью данных методических указаний является обобщение опыта проведения открытого урока. Тема урока соответствует программе дисциплины БД.02 Иностранный языка (английский).
Целью данных методических указаний является обобщение опыта проведения открытого урока по теме «Достижения науки и техники». Тема урока соответствует программе дисциплины БД.02 Иностранный языка (английский). В данных методических указаниях содержится план урока и конспект. На уроке активно используются в качестве медиа оборудования ноутбук и проектор. Активно применяются такие формы работы со студентами как индивидуальные и групповые. Все вышеприведенные методы способствуют достижению поставленных целей урока. Методические указания предназначены для преподавателей английского языка профессиональных образовательных организаций с целью обмена опытом.
ТЕМА УРОКА: The achievements of science and technique.
· Образовательная – формирование лексических и грамматических навыков.
· Воспитательная – формирование интереса к изучаемому языку по средством заданной темы.
· Развивающая – формирование навыков аудирования, говорения на основе творческого использования усвоенного материала.
Тип урока: ознакомительный.
Компетенции: коммуникативная.
Электронные средства обучения: доска, ноутбук, проектор, аудиоколонки, экран, глобальная информационная сеть «Интернет».
· Организационный момент:
заходит в аудиторию, приветствует студентов,
и по традиции начала урока отмечает отсутствующих (3 мин.).
· Hello! I’m glad to see you?
How are you?
What day is it today?
Who is absent today?
Далее следует вступительное слово преподавателя, ознакомление с планом урока, сообщение темы и цели урока (5 мин.).
So, today we will learn a new theme, but I suppose, this theme is not so for your technically advanced generation. Our theme is a secret for you now. You will know the name of our theme later. But the theme of this lesson is connected with the studied theme. And first you will see the film and maybe after it you can guess the theme of our lesson. Then you will listen to the reports of your fellow students. All reports are connected with the theme of our lesson.
· Фонетическая зарядка. Проговаривание новых слов и выражений.
Преподаватель обращает внимание студентов на новые слова и выражения, записанные на доске. Все слова и выражения связаны с темой урока. Сначала преподаватель сам прочитывает слова, а затем обучающиеся повторяют произношения слов. Слова написаны без перевода, так как преподаватель просит догадаться о значении слов (5 мин).
Please, look at the board. Here are new words and word combination. Try to guess the meanings of some words. But first of all I read you these very words then you repeat after me.
Exibition |
Сontrol remover |
Device |
Instead of |
To invent = to create |
Prevent |
Regulator |
To overhear the conversation |
Scout |
Solar battery |
Machine gun |
Gun |
To fix movements |
Основная часть урока:
В самом начале урока студенты смотрят фильм о роботах, истории их появления (10 мин.).
Преподаватель демонстрирует фильм об истории создания роботов, а затем задает вопросы обучающимся. Вопросы касаются и содержания фильма и о том, догадались ли обучающиеся о занятия, а также о создателях роботов и о появлении робототехники в частности.
First, I want you to see a film which is devoted to the theme of our lesson. Now look at the screen. Please, be attentive. After film you will be asked some questions.
После просмотра фильма преподаватель задает вопросы аудитории.
So, have you guessed the theme of our lesson? Right, our lesson is devoted to the robot invention. Now, answer some questions about the content of the film, please.
Well, was this information new for you?
What facts were surprised for you?
Have you read something about robots before?
What films devoted to the robots do you know?
После обсуждения фильма преподаватель вызывает обучающегося, который представляет доклад с использованием медиа слайдов об истории создания роботов. После выступления студентам задаются вопросы (5 мин.).
Now you will listen to the report of your group mate. This report is devoted to the history of the robot invention. Please be attentive, after the report presentation you will be asked questions.
So, you have listened to the report. And I would like you to answer some questions.
Was this information interesting for you?
What fact made you wonder?
Is this report similar to the film?
What facts of the report similar to the film information?
После обсуждения первого доклада, преподаватель представляет группу обучающихся, которые заранее приготовили доклад об использовании роботов в полиции и на военной службе, как в России, так и за рубежом. Доклад этой группы студентов также сопровождается видео файлами (10 мин.).
So, the film and the report have told you about history of the robortechnics. Now a group of your fellow students will present you a report about a practical usage of robots at the police service as well as at the military service. Please be attentive. You will be also asked some questions.
После доклада, обучающимся задаются вопросы.
So, I hope you have listened to the report presentation attentively. Now please, answer some questions.
Would you like to see policemen robots in the streets of our city?
Don't you think that many science fixion films predicted appearance of such robots many years ago?
What policemen would you trust more, a robocop or a human being?
После просмотра фильма и прослушивания докладов обучающимся предлагается творческие задание. Представить, что у них есть возможность приобрести любого робота. Какого робота они бы выбрали, и для каких целей. Задание рассчитано на 10 минут, работа происходит в группе по два человека. А студенты, готовившие доклады, являются членами жюри и выберут лучшую презентацию.
So, you have already listened the reports, seen the film. And now you have an idea or a notion about robots and its usage. Please, for 10 minutes in group try to make a decision what kind of robots you will buy and why. And your groupmates, who have already presented their reports, will choose the best presentation. You are welcome.
Подведение итогов:
После презентации проектов преподаватель подводит итоги занятия. Группе задаются вопросы об их впечатлении от занятия, какая информация была для них новой, а какая просто освежила имеющиеся знания.
So, today we have had an interesting, I hope, lesson. Now I would like to ask you some questions.
Teacher: I liked the way you worked at the lesson and I would like to know your opinion about it.
1. Was the lesson interesting for you?
а) Yes, of course;
c) I don’t know;
в) I believe so;
d) No, it wasn’t.
2. Can you speak on this topic now?
а) Yes, I can;
c) I am afraid not.
в) I am not sure;
d) It is difficult for me.
3. What did you find the most difficult at the lesson?
а) To see and understand film;
c) To listen and understand the reports;
в) To the answer the questions;
d) To make your own projects.
4. Was it difficult to present the reports and projects?
а) Yes, of course;
c) I don’t know;
в) I believe so;
d) No, it wasn’t.
В заключение преподаватель
благодарит студентов за занятие,
и в качестве домашнего задания просит студентов найти больше информации об использовании
роботов в таких отраслях как медицина, кафе/рестораны, роботы-помощники по
хозяйству (10 мин.).
Our lesson is coming to the end. We've made so much today and as a conclusion of our lesson I wish you read more not only about robots. Also I wish you to interest in new aspects of our life. And one more I wish you read interesting books and to communicate with people not only via various electronic device. Of course robots can do many things but they can’t change person in personal perception sphere. And in conclusion I advise you to see the old film:”The artificial mind”. I hope you will like it. Now the lesson is over. Thank you for your good work.
1. Агабекян, И.П. Английский язык для ссузов [Текст]: учеб. пособие. – М.: ТК Велби, Изд-во Проспект, 2016. – 195 с.
2. Голубев, А.П. Английский язык для технических специальностей [Текст]: учебник для студ. учреждений сред. проф. образования. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2014 – 179 с.
3. Https://robo-hunter.com/uploads/images/5672b8426d8ab.jpg
4. Https///www. medusa.io
The history of robot techniques
The mankind has always wanted to make every day life and work easy. During the evolution a set of robot machine has appeared. The robot technics appeared as a result of the evolution. Now Japan is considered to be the technically developed country which invent any kind of robots every year. In Japan robots are used not only in industry but as a home helper too. The scientists hope that home robots will become an ordinary feature of every home. But what were the first steps in robot invention?
The history of robotics takes its beginning in the 1-3-d AD. That time the statues of ancient Greece Gods could move their heads, arms and legs.
In the middle age in 1495 Leonardo Da Vinchi created a mechanical man. This invention was able to imitate the human being’s movements.
In 1500 France was shocked with a mechanized lion made by Leonardo Da Vinchi. This model also could move their body.
In 1878 in the international exhibition of France Panphutii Chebishev demonstrated a device which could imitate the horse movements. This device was called stepping machine. And this very invention initiated development of robots.
In the middle of 1700 a watchmaker Jan-Jacke Dro and his son developed automatic systems. They were able to create this man kind device which is considered a grandpa of modern android systems.
In the 20-th century lots of inventions were created. We tell only a few of them. In 1928 Mr. Televoks by an engineer Jin Wensli appeared in the world. This robot was able to make movements obeying commands.
In 1936 in the USSR a schoolboy Vadim Matskevich inveted a first Russian android robot. Its height was 1.2 m.
And beginning 1950-th up to 2000 inventors has created various kinds of robots. These robots had an appearance of animals, human beings and automatic machines.
Probably you have seen the TV serial about a Robocop. Many years ago creation of such robot was fantastic. It was even impossible to imagine such kind of a policeman. But this dream has come true. The real robocops have already been created.
So, In Hong- Kong people were surprised to meet a Robocop in their streets one day. This Robocop had all equipments of a real policeman. The function of this robocop is not to resort violence but to prevent crimes with help of words.
So, in the capital of Kongo a traffic regulator appeared one day. It’s an enough tall robot. It has a solar battery and cameras. It can rise and drop its hand. On its back, breast and arms led lamps are installed. This robot works as traffic lights.
In California (the USA) you can also meet robots. They can make a control of a territory and analyze the situation. In the local shopping centers these robots work as officers security. Its work is to analyze the noise, general situation to understand if situation is calm or not. In future these robots will be taught to foresee crimes.
In China a new kind of robots was presented some years ago. The Chinese robocop can not only prevent crime but it can use a stun gun and can run for a criminal for a long distance.
As for our country we also have robots in police. The name of this robot is Scorpio It can identify faces and voices. It can patrol the streets. All analyzed data which Scorpio is able to receive goes to the control remover of a police dispatcher. Our Scorpio is able to recognize a criminal and arrest him.
Now it's time to tell about usage of robots at the military service. So, first of all it’s necessary to mention about robot-sappers. In the USA a special programmer “Post 1033@” has been recently created. The most popular kinds of these robots are able to find suspicious objects and explosive devices.
There are also compact models of robots sappers. They are supplied with microphones and cameras. Such models are used not only among military sphere but also in police.
So, it’s impossible not to mention about scout robots. Such robots are also supplied with microphones and cameras. These robots are able to estimate the amount of hostages and situation inside building. Moreover this model of robots is able to make negotiations with aggressors and supply meal and medicines for hostages.
There is a model of a robot scout B02-1. It is able to blow up doors and walls and also break glasses for entering through closed doors. The most powerful robot is Dragon Runner. This robot can ascend staircases, move its mechanic arm, repeat movements of people and overhear people conversations even in long distance.
This kind of robots was able to enter a building where an armed man was sitting behind closed doors and disarmed him in North Korea some years ago.
In conclusion it’s necessary to tell about usage of these kinds of robots in Russia. This cleverest robot is called Nerexta. It can cooperate with other robots. It was created as a corrector of artillery fire several years ago, but now it’s supplied with a large caliber machine gun. It’s controlled from a control remover apparatus.
The heaviest Russian robot is Vikhr. It weighs 15 tons. It’s supplied with a gun machine, a gun, an antitank rocket complex.
Kalashnikov holding has invented a robot ”Colleage”. This robot is supplied with all kinds of cameras. It is able to find, accompany and kill enemies. It’s used in a scout investigation, patrol of any territory and estimation of enemies.
So, in this reports only a small amount of robots were presented. But you can see how they are important in all spheres of people life. They are able to do all kinds of job but it’s important to remember the robots are our helpers and companies but not our lords.
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15 ярких, красочных страниц для печати к Всероссийскому открытому уроку культуры безопасности для дошкольников! Методическое пособие "Всероссийский открытый урок культуры безопасности для дошкольников". Можно распечатать как папку-передвижку.
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