Инфоурок Английский язык Презентации''My favourite sport'' 5th form.

''My favourite sport'' 5th form.

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Short term plan template

Long-term plan unit: 1 Home and away


Lesson 1


Teacher name:


Number present:


Theme of the lesson: Home and away

Learning objective (s) that this lesson is contributing to - use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups -use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Most learners will be able to:

great each other and ask how they are, count from 1 to 50

use greetings, the alphabet, numbers 1–50, time in speechcorrectly

Some learners will be able to:

Success criteria

  • Read and identify the main idea in the text

  • Identify details in a text with little support

Value links

Respect, cooperation, transparency

Cross curricular links


ICT skills



Review: About myself


Stages of the lesson

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

Teacher’s notes


Say hello to the students and then ask students to say helloto each other.

Elicit other phrases that we use when meeting and greetingpeople and write them on the board, e.g. Good morning,How are you?

Students can work in pairs to complete gappedconversation. Play the recording for students to check theiranswers.

Put students in pairs so they can practise reading theconversation.

Optional activity

Students can write a short conversation based on the one in Exercise 1, using their own names.


The alphabet

Say A, B, C, D and then ask: What is this? Elicit the alphabet and write the phrase on the board.

Tell students they are going to listen to the alphabet in English. If any students are confident enough to say it before you play the recording, ask them to do so.

Play the recording for students to repeat the alphabet.

Ask two students to read out the example and then spell your name out for the class.

Put students in small groups to ask and answer the question.

To extend this exercise, you could then ask students to work in pairs and test each other on the spelling of some basic words in English, e.g. cat, name.


Before students do the exercise, revise numbers 1–20 and check students’ understanding of the following vocabulary: plus (+), minus (-), divided by (÷) and multiplied by (×).

Students can then work in pairs to do the calculations and write the numbers as words.

Fast finishers

Students can write four calculations like the ones in Exercise 5. Collect these and then put them on the board for further practice after students have checked their answers to Exercise 5.

Play the recording for students to check their answers to Exercise 5.


b four + six = ten c eight - five = three

d seven - three = four e nine x two = eighteen

f ten ÷ five = two

Students work alone to order the results of their calculations in

Exercise 5.

Play the recording for students to check their answers to Exercise 7.


two/2 three/3 four/4 nine/9 ten/10 eighteen/18

Read out the question and ask students to repeat it after you.

Put students in pairs to ask and answer the question.

Ask two or three students to report back to the class on what their partner said, e.g. Mario is 12 years old.


Draw a clock on the board, point to it, and ask: What time is it?

Refer students to the clocks in Exercise 10. Do the first one as an example and then ask students to work in small groups to complete the exercise.

Check answers, then remind students of the difference in meaning between clock and watch.


a 2 b 4 c 5 d 7 e 1 f 3 g 6


Put students into groups of three (A, B and C).

Student A draws a clock face in their notebook showinga particular time. Student B then asks Student C:What’s the time?

Student C says the time he or she can see.

Students continue like this until every member of thegroup has had a chance to draw a clock face, ask aquestion and answer a question at least once.


Set Exercises 1, 2, on page 3 of theWorkbook for homework.

Additional Information

Differentiation - how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment - how are you planning to check learners` learning?

Health and safety check ICT links

More support will be given to weaker learners by giving them a modified worksheets in some tasks with greater support

-through questioning and the redirecting of questioning in feedback activities

-through observation in group and end performance activities

-through formative task

-White board and video is used no more than 10 minutes

-Use water based pens

-Health promoting techniques

-Breaks and physical activities used.

-Points from Safety rules used at this lesson.


Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?

Long-term plan unit: 1Home and away


Lesson 2


Teacher name:


Number present:


Theme of the lesson: Diagnostic test

Learning objective (s) that this lesson is contributing to

identification of levels for later work

reinforcement of learning and pupil motivation


Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Most learners will be able to:

Some learners will be able to:

Success criteria use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings use some abstract nouns and complex noun phrases on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Value links

Labour and creativity

Cross curricular links

ICT skills


Review “maths”


Stages of the lesson

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

Teacher’s notes


Say hello to the students and then ask students to say hello

to each other.

Elicit other phrases that we use when meeting and greeting

people and write them on the board, e.g. Good morning,

How are you?

Students can work in pairs to complete gappedconversation.

Diagnostic test

For identification of levels for later work, reinforcement of learning and pupil motivation, identification of problem areas students have a 10 minute diagnostic test.


Set Exercises 3, 4 and 5 on page 3 of theWorkbookfor homework.

Additional Information

Differentiation - how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment - how are you planning to check learners` learning?

Health and safety check ICT links

More support will be given to weaker learners by giving them a modified worksheets in some tasks with greater support

-through questioning and the redirecting of questioning in feedback activities

-through observation in group and end performance activities

-through formative task

-White board and video is used no more than 10 minutes

-Use water based pens

-Health promoting techniques

-Breaks and physical activities used.

-Points from Safety rules used at this lesson.


Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?

Long-term plan unit: 1 Home and away


Lesson 3


Teacher name:


Number present:


Theme of the lesson: Prepositions

Learning objective (s) that this lesson is contributing to write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of general topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Most learners will be able to:ask questions about classroom objects name classroom objects, use this, that, these and those.

Some learners will be able to:

Success criteria

write with support factual descriptions at text level

spell most high-frequency words accurately

Value links

Labour and creativity, cooperation

Cross curricular links

Kazakh, Russian

ICT skills


Home and away


Stages of the lesson

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

Teacher’s notes


1 Using objects in the classroom, e.g. a book or a pen, elicitthe prepositions in the box. Put the object in various placesaround the room and then ask: Where is it? Students say it’s on the floor, it’s in the bag, it’s next to the window, etc.

Students work in pairs to do the matching exercise.

Check answers.


2 in front of 3 in 4 on 5 next to 6 behind


Classroom objects

2 • Read out the words in the box. Ask students to repeat them

after you.

Check that students understand the words.

Ask students to identify the board in the picture and thenask them to work alone to find the remaining objects.(All the words in the box can be found in the picture.)

Students can compare answers in pairs before you checkanswers with the class. Check answers by pointing to theobjects and asking: What is this?


Play Could you spell that, please? using the words inExercise 2.

See Games Bank on page 28.

3 • Read out the example question and answer.

Students can work alone to complete the exercise.You could give weaker students the questions and askthem to write the answers.

Check answers.

Refer students to the example and then ask them to work inpairs to do the activity.

To extend this exercise, you could ask students to work inpairs to take it in turns to put objects in different places in the classroom and ask where the objects are.this, that, these and those

5 • Write this, that, these and those on the board.

Using objects in the classroom, illustrate the differencebetween the four words. For example, hold up a pencil andsay: This is my pencil. Point to a student’s pencil and say:

That is Danuta’s pencil. Hold up some books and say: Theseare my books. Point to some books belonging to a studentand say: Those are Gabriel’s books.

Complete the first sentence with the class as an exampleand write the sentence on the board.

Model more sentences using this, that, these and those byholding up and pointing to objects in the classroom.

To extend this exercise, you could ask students to work inpairs and take it in turns to point to and describe objectsthat are both near to and far away from them.

Monitor while students do this. Check they are using thewords correctly.

Suggested answers

2 Where’s the white rubber? It’s next to the ruler.

3 Where’s the red pencil? It’s next to the notebook.

4 Where’s the board? It’s on the wall.

5 Where are the books? They’re on the bookshelf.

6 Where’s the laptop? It’s in front of the board.

7 Where’s the bag? It’s behind the desk.


Play bingo to test students on the /ɪ/ and /i:/sounds.

Ask students to draw a 3x3 square in their notebooks.

Write the following list of words on the board: this,these, ship, sheep, it, give, eat, leave, bin, hit, sit, seat,his, cheese.

Ask students to choose nine words to write in theirsquare.

Call out words from the list and make sure you keep anote of which words you call out.

If students have their words in their square, they tickthem off. A student says Bingo! if he or she thinks youhave called out all nine words that he or she has in theirsquare.


Set Exercise 6 on page 3 and Exercises 1 and 2 onpage 4 of the Workbook for homework.

Additional Information

Differentiation - how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment - how are you planning to check learners` learning?

Health and safety check ICT links

More support will be given to weaker learners by giving them a modified worksheets in some tasks with greater support

-through questioning and the redirecting of questioning in feedback activities

-through observation in group and end performance activities

-through formative task

-White board and video is used no more than 10 minutes

-Use water based pens

-Health promoting techniques

-Breaks and physical activities used.

-Points from Safety rules used at this lesson.


Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?

Long-term plan unit: 1 Home and away

School: Tokmukhamedov

Lesson 4 Possessive adjectives and pronouns

Date: 11.09.2018

Teacher name: Nurdavletova G

CLASS: 5 «В» , «А»

Number present:


Theme of the lesson: Possessive adjectives and pronouns

Learning objective (s) that this lesson is contributing to use basic personal and demonstrative pronouns and quantitative pronouns some, any, something, nothing anything on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics use a growing variety of adjectives and regular and irregular comparative and superlative adjectives on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Most learners will be able to:

use possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns, personalpossessions and adjectives, possessive ’s correctly

Some learners will be able to:

Success criteria

Differentiate between personal and demonstrative pronouns and quantitative pronouns some, any, something, nothing,anything

Apply the rule for comparative and superlative adjectives

Value links


Cross curricular links

Russian, Kazakh

ICT skills




Stages of the lesson

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

Teacher’s notes


Books closed. Pick up objects in the classroom belongingto both you and the students, and describe them in thefollowing way: This is my pencil. It’s mine. This is her bag. It’s hers. This is his notebook. It’s his. Write these sentences on the board and highlight the possessive adjective sand possessive pronouns. Elicit or introduce the idea ofpossession (use L1 if necessary) and point out that we usethe highlighted words to talk about possession.

Ask students to open their books at page 6.

Students can work in pairs to complete the chart.

For further information and additional exercises, askstudents to turn to page 108 of the Grammar referencesection.


Read out the example.

Do this exercise with the class as a whole, asking studentsto identify whether the correct words in each sentenceare subject pronouns, possessive adjectives or possessivepronouns.

Alternatively, ask students to work in small groups tocomplete the exercise. Encourage weaker students tocheck their answers against the information in the chart inExercise 1.

Check answers and then ask students to look at sentence 7.

Focus on the difference between you’re and your. Explainthat native speakers regularly mistake the two forms whenthey write. Ask students to write four sentences, two withthe subject pronoun you and two with the possessive adjective your. Match one thing in the box with a picture as an example.

Students can then work alone to complete the exercise.

Allow weaker students to check the meanings of thewords by using their phones to look for images of theobjects online.


2 her, It’s 3 your, mine 4 They, our

5 his, hers6 their7 You’re

Possessive ’s

Read out the information in the box about the possessive ’s. Point to various objects belonging to the students.

Say something about the objects using the possessive ’s, e.g. This is Andres’s ruler.

Ask two or three students to volunteer similar sentences oftheir own.

For further information and additional exercises, ask students to turn to page 108 of the Grammar reference section.

Refer students to the pictures and sentences in Exercise 4. Ask students to describe the objects in the pictures, e.g. a new bike.

Read out the example and then ask students to work in pairs to write the remaining sentences

Check answers by pointing to the pictures in turn and saying: What’s this?


2 a new skateboard 3 an old mobile phone 4 a big bike 5 a small bike 6 a nice car


This is a good activity to do with stronger students.

Write some sentences on the board, e.g. Liam’s my bestfriend. That’s Liam’s new skateboard.

Ask students if all three ’sare possessive ’s.

Point out that the third one is the possessive ’s, but thatthe first two are a contracted form of the verb be.

Ask students to work in pairs to write four sentencesincluding both possessive ’sand the contracted formof is.

Students swap sentences with another pair for peerchecking.


Set Exercises 3 and 4 on page 4 and Exercises 1 and2 on page 5 of the Workbook for homework.

Additional Information

Differentiation - how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment - how are you planning to check learners` learning?

Health and safety check ICT links

More support will be given to weaker learners by giving them a modified worksheets in some tasks with greater support

-through questioning and the redirecting of questioning in feedback activities

-through observation in group and end performance activities

-through formative task

-White board and video is used no more than 10 minutes

-Use water based pens

-Health promoting techniques

-Breaks and physical activities used.

-Points from Safety rules used at this lesson.


Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?


Long-term plan unit: 1 Home and away

School: №36 Tokmukhamedov

Lesson 5

Date: 13.09.2018

Teacher name: Nurdavletova G

CLASS: 5 «В»

Number present:


Theme of the lesson: The verb to be

Learning objective (s) that this lesson is contributing to and respond constructively to feedback from others and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Most learners will be able to:revise be: affirmative, negative and questions, days of the week,months and dates.

Some learners will be able to:

Success criteria

Analyze given feedback and give constructive answers to feedback

Make an argument and reason it

Give basic information about themselves and others at sentence level

Value links

Lifelong learning

Cross curricular links

Kazakh, Russian

ICT skills


Possessive adjectives and pronouns


Stages of the lesson

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

Teacher’s notes


Books closed. Put students into small groups and givethem 30 seconds to write down as many present forms (affirmative, negative and question) of be as they can.

Say Stop! when the time is up and then find out how manyforms each group came up with.

Ask students to open their books on page 7 and work inpairs to complete the chart with the correct forms of be.

For further information and exercises, ask students to turnto page 108 of the Grammar reference section.


+ –

I am ’m not

He/She/It is isn’t 12.

We/You/They are aren’t

? + –

Am I12?

Yes, I am. No, I’m not.Is he/she/it Yes, he/she/itis.

No, he/she/itisn’t.

Are we/you/they Yes, we/you/they are.

No, we/you/they aren’t.


Read out the example and then ask students to work aloneto complete the remaining sentences.

Check answers.


2 ’s 3 ’re 4 ’re 5 ’re 6 ’s 7 ’re 8 ’s


Play Fill the Blanks using the affirmative forms of be.

See Games Bank on page 28.

3 • Refer students to the example and then ask them to work in

pairs to make the sentences in Exercise 2 negative.

Check answers.


2 She isn’t Sara. 3 We aren’t friends.

4 You aren’t Tim. 5 They aren’t Pete and Suzie.

6 He isn’t a teacher. 7 You aren’t the students in my class.

8 It isn’t a dictionary.

Ask a student to read out the example sentence.

Ask students to work alone to complete the questions.

Encourage weaker students to check their answers against

the box on page 108 of the Grammar reference section.


2 Are we in an English class? 3 Is it cold today?

4 Is the school big? 5 Are you eleven?

6 Are the teachers children?

Put students in pairs to do this activity.

Monitor and check that students are both forming questionsand using the short answers correctly.


Read out the four questions.

Put students into pairs to ask and answer the questions.


Set Exercises 3, 4 and 5 on page 5 and Exercises1, 2, 3 and 4 on page 6 of the Workbook forhomework.

Additional Information

Differentiation - how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment - how are you planning to check learners` learning?

Health and safety check ICT links

More support will be given to weaker learners by giving them a modified worksheets in some tasks with greater support

-through questioning and the redirecting of questioning in feedback activities

-through observation in group and end performance activities

-through formative task

-White board and video is used no more than 10 minutes

-Use water based pens

-Health promoting techniques

-Breaks and physical activities used.

-Points from Safety rules used at this lesson.


Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?


Long-term plan unit:1Home and away

School: №36 K. Tokmukhamedov

Lesson 6

Date: 14.09.2018

Teacher name: Nurdavletova G

CLASS: 5 «Ә», 5 «А», «В»

Number present:


Theme of the lesson: Days of the week

Learning objective (s) that this lesson is contributing to understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on general and curricular topics -understand most specific information and detail of short, supported talk on a wide range of familiar topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Most learners will be able to:

revise days of the week, months and dates.

Some learners will be able to:

Success criteria

Recognize basic general questions without support

Recognize detailed information in a short conversation with some support

Value links

Lifelong learning

Cross curricular links

Maths, Kazakh, Russian

ICT skills


The verb to be


Stages of the lesson

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

Teacher’s notes


Days of the week

Ask: What are the days of the week?

Invite students to call them out in order and write the

words on the board. Do not accept or reject the accuracy

of the order.

1.06 Play the recording for students to check theiranswers to Exercise 6.

You could then play the recording again for students to

listen and repeat the words.


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday FridaySaturday Sunday


Months and dates

Students can work alone to complete the months.

Allow weaker students to use dictionaries.

Students can compare answers in pairs.

1.07 Play the recording for students to check their answers to Exercise 8.


January February March April May June July

August September October November December

Write 1, 2, 3on the board. Explain that these are ‘cardinalnumbers’ and that they tell us about quantity: e.g. I’ve gotthree video games.

Write first, second, third on the board. Explain that they are‘ordinal numbers’ and that we use them to talk about theorder of things: e.g. September 6th.

Read out the example and then ask students to work in

pairs to complete the matching exercise.

1.08 Play the recording for students to check theiranswers to Exercise 10.


2 E May 1 3 B September 1 4 A January 245 H August 17 6 G December 17 7 D March 88 F February 12


Read out the four questions.

Put students into pairs to ask and answer the questions.


Set Exercises 3, 4 and 5 on page 5 and Exercise 1, 2, 3 and 4 on page 6 of the Workbook forhomework.

Additional Information

Differentiation - how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment - how are you planning to check learners` learning?

Health and safety check ICT links

More support will be given to weaker learners by giving them a modified worksheets in some tasks with greater support

-through questioning and the redirecting of questioning in feedback activities

-through observation in group and end performance activities

-through formative task

-White board and video is used no more than 10 minutes

-Use water based pens

-Health promoting techniques

-Breaks and physical activities used.

-Points from Safety rules used at this lesson.


Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?


Short term plan

Long-term plan unit: 1 Home and away

School: №36 K Tokmukhamedov

Lesson 7 Countries, nationalities and languages

Date: 18.09.2018

Teacher name: Nurdavletova G

CLASS: 5 «А», «Ә» «В»

Number present:


Theme of the lesson: Countries, nationalities and languages

Learning objective (s) that this lesson is contributing to provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Most learners will be able to:revise countries, nationalities and languages.

Some learners will be able to:

Success criteria

Make up basic interrogative sentences and get information about the topic

Provide a point of view in connected sentences

Value links

Respect, cooperation and transparency

Cross curricular links


ICT skills


Days of the week


Stages of the lesson

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

Teacher’s notes


Books closed. Write the following words on the board:country, nationality, language.

Explain or elicit the meanings of the words.

Elicit examples of countries, nationalities and languages andwrite these on the board.

Ask students to open their books at page 8.

Students can work in pairs to label the map.


1.09 Play the recording for students to check theiranswers to Exercise 1.

Play the recording a second time for students to repeatthe words.


2 the USA 3 Mexico 4 Colombia 5 Brazil 6 the UK

7 France 8 Spain 9 Turkey 10 Russia 11 India

12 China 13 Japan 14 Australia

Refer students to the information in the chart and them askthem to complete the gaps in pairs.

1.10 Play the recording for students to check theiranswers to Exercise 3. Play it a second time for students torepeat the words. Encourage students to notice the way theword stress changes, e.g. Canada – Canadian.

To extend the work on nationalities, you could ask studentsto make a note in their notebooks of the common endingswe use to make nationality adjectives, e.g. -an/-ian/-ish.Students group the nationalities they know under theseheadings and add more with the same endings.


1 Brazilian 2 Colombian 3 Indian 4 Russian

5 Spanish 6 Japanese

Read out the examples and then ask students to work aloneto complete the remaining sentences.

Check answers.

Ask students to work in pairs to ask and answer thequestion.

To extend this, you could ask students to ask one another

the same question about famous people, e.g. Where is

Neymar from?


3 Sarah is from Australia. She’s Australian.

4 Li Ping is from China. He’s Chinese.

5 Vlad and Oksana are from Russia. They’re Russian.

6 Raj and Sanjeet are from India. They’re Indian.

7 Harry is from the USA. He’s American.

8 Leticia and Pedro are from Mexico. They’re Mexican.

Optional activity

Put students into pairs (A and B).

Student B closes his or her book.

Student A reads out the name of a country from thechart in Exercise 3.

Student B says the appropriate nationality adjective.



Set Exercises 5,6 and 7 on page 6 of theWorkbook for homework.

Additional Information

Differentiation - how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment - how are you planning to check learners` learning?

Health and safety check ICT links

More support will be given to weaker learners by giving them a modified worksheets in some tasks with greater support

-through questioning and the redirecting of questioning in feedback activities

-through observation in group and end performance activities

-through formative task

-White board and video is used no more than 10 minutes

-Use water based pens

-Health promoting techniques

-Breaks and physical activities used.

-Points from Safety rules used at this lesson.


Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?


Short term plan

Long-term plan unit: 1 Home and away

School: №36 K Tokmukhamedov

Lesson 8 Let’s do the quiz

Date: 20.09.2018

Teacher name: Nurdavletova G

CLASS: 5 «В»

Number present:


Theme of the lesson: Let’s do the quiz

Learning objective (s) that this lesson is contributing to without support sentences using basic coordinating connectors, with some support, sentences into a coherent paragraph using basic connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Most learners will be able to:

read and talk about countries, nationalities and languages

Some learners will be able to:

Success criteria

link sentences using basic coordinating connectors

link, with some support, sentences into a coherent paragraph

Value links

Kazakh patriotism and civil responsibility

Cross curricular links


ICT skills


Animals, countries


Stages of the lesson

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

Teacher’s notes



Discuss the background information

Harry Styles, born in 1994, is a British singer in the bandOne Direction. He entered the TV talent show The X-Factorin 2010. Despite failing to make his mark as a solo act, hewas put together with other contestants who had enteredthe show to form One Direction.

Kangaroos are marsupials (mammals which are borncompletely developed and which are carried in a pouch onthe female’s belly) found in Australia and New Guinea.

Moscow /ˈmɒskəʊ/ is the capital of Russia. It has apopulation of over 11 million and its Red Square, in thecentre of this city, is one of the most famous open spaces inthe world.

Beijing /ˈbeɪˈdʒɪŋ/ is the capital of China. Located in thenortheast of the country, the city held the Olympic Games in2008. Popular sights with visitors are the Great Wall of Chinaand the Forbidden City, the vast palace compound that washome to China’s former emperors.


Ask students to describe who and what they can see in the

pictures, e.g. a famous singer, an animal, a city.

Students then work alone to answer the quiz questions.

Ask students to work in pairs to compare their answers to

the quiz.

Check answers to the quiz with the whole class.


1 British 2 Australia 3 English, French 4 Russia

5 Japanese 6 China

Put students into small groups of three or four.

Read out a country from Exercise 3 and then givestudents one minute to name its capital and think of afact about the country.

Each team gets a point for correctly naming the capitaland two points if they can say the capital in English.Teams also get a point for an accurate fact and twopoints for a particularly interesting fact.

The team withthe most points at the end of thegame wins.


Set Exercises 5,6 and 7 on page 6 of theWorkbook for homework.

Additional Information

Differentiation - how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment - how are you planning to check learners` learning?

Health and safety check ICT links

More support will be given to weaker learners by giving them a modified worksheets in some tasks with greater support

-through questioning and the redirecting of questioning in feedback activities

-through observation in group and end performance activities

-through formative task

-White board and video is used no more than 10 minutes

-Use water based pens

-Health promoting techniques

-Breaks and physical activities used.

-Points from Safety rules used at this lesson.


Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?


Short term plan

Long-term plan unit: 1 Home and away

School: K. Tokmukhamedov

Lesson 9 Asking for clarification

Date: 20.09.2018

Teacher name: Nurdavletova G

CLASS: 5 «Б»

Number present:


Theme of the lesson: Asking for clarification

Learning objective (s) that this lesson is contributing to questions, including tag questions to seek agreement, and clarify meaning on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Most learners will be able to:

listen to teenagers talking about their name and nationality.

practise asking for clarification.

Some learners will be able to:

Success criteria

Clarify meaning and seek agreement asking questions, including tag questions

Make up basic interrogative sentences and get information about the topic

Value links

Lifelong learning

Cross curricular links


ICT skills


Grammar: verb to be


Stages of the lesson

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

Teacher’s notes


1.1 Books closed. Point to a student and then ask him orher to clarify that their first name is what you think it is, e.g.Your first name is Juanita. Is that right?

Tell students that you are asking for clarification andthen write this phrase on the board. Check students’understanding of the phrase. Use L1 if necessary.Provide or elicit further examples of asking for clarification,e.g. It’s Tuesday today. Is that right?

Ask students to open their books at page 9.

Tell students that they will watch a few teenagers answertwo questions.

Before you play the video, you could ask students to guessthe nationalities of the teenagers in the chart, e.g. I thinkCourtney is British.

Play the video.

Students watch and complete the chart


Katowice /ˌkætəˈviːtsə/ is a city in Silesia in southwest

Poland. It is at the heart of the most industrialised region of that country.


1.11 Give students time to read the question, then play the recording. Students can compare their answers in pairs before you check answers.


12th April

Give students time to look through the conversation.

Ask students to work alone to complete the conversation with the words in the box. Ask stronger students to complete the conversation without looking at the Useful language box.

Students can compare answers in pairs.

1.11 Play the recording for students to check theiranswers to Exercise 4.

Ask students to pay particular attention to the intonationused by the speakers.

Ask students to work in pairs to practise the conversation.


2 spell 3 Sorry 4 repeat 5 course


Before students begin this exercise, make sure that theyare able to pronounce both the names of the people on thecards and the cities that the people are from. Also checkthat students can say the names of the letters correctly, thatthey know how to read out a date of birth, and that theycan say the year 1999 (nineteen ninety-nine).

Ask students to work with a partner to practise asking for clarification. They use the conversation in Exercise 4as a model to follow, changing the words in bold to theinformation on the cards in Exercise 6. Pair strongerstudents with weaker students to do this task.


Munich /ˈmjuːnɪk/ is a city in the state of Bavaria in the

south of Germany. It hosted the 1972 Olympic Games and is

well known for its annual festival Oktoberfest.

Hangzhou /ˈhɑŋˈdʒəʊ/ is a city in the Zhejiang province of

Eastern China. It is a prominent cultural centre and its West

Lake is popular with visitors.


For homework, ask students to make their ownidentity cards for their English class. They shouldprovide the following information on their cards:name, age, date of birth, address and a photo.

You can also set Exercise 8 on page 6 of theWorkbook for homework.

Additional Information

Differentiation - how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment - how are you planning to check learners` learning?

Health and safety check ICT links

More support will be given to weaker learners by giving them a modified worksheets in some tasks with greater support

-through questioning and the redirecting of questioning in feedback activities

-through observation in group and end performance activities

-through formative task

-White board and video is used no more than 10 minutes

-Use water based pens

-Health promoting techniques

-Breaks and physical activities used.

-Points from Safety rules used at this lesson.


Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?


Short term plan

Long-term plan unit: 1 Home and away

School: №36 K. Tokmukhamedov

Lesson 10 Climate and food

Date: 25.09.2018

Teacher name: Toishyeva P

CLASS: 5 «Ә», «А», «В»

Number present:


Theme of the lesson: Climate and food

Learning objective (s) that this lesson is contributing to Understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics Understand the detail of an argument on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Most learners will be able to:

learn the difference between climate and weather.

read about different types of climates and the food grown indifferent parts of the world.

write about different types of food.

Some learners will be able to:

Success criteria

Read and identify the main idea in the text

Recognize factual details in a given argument related to the topic

Value links

Lifelong learning

Cross curricular links


ICT skills


Asking for clarification


Stages of the lesson

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

Teacher’s notes



Books closed. Ask the class: What’s the weather like today?

Elicit answers and write them on the board.

Ask: Is climate the same as weather?

Elicit answers to this question, but do not confirm or reject ideas



Students open their books at page 10 and read theinformation in the box about weather and climate.

Put students in pairs to ask and answer the questions.

Students will find out the answers to the first questionin Exercise 2, and the answers to the other questions inExercise 5.

1.12 Play the recording. Students listen to it and checkand then repeat the names of the food items in Exercise 1.

Give students a couple of minutes to read the text. Tell themto pay attention to the different types of climate which are described.


1 dates 2 oranges 3 figs 4 rice 5 bananas

6 potatoes

Ask students to match the climate types described in the

text in Exercise 4 with the parts of the world identified on

the map.


yellow: desert climate green: tropical climate

1.13 Play the recording.

Ask students to look back through the text in Exercise 3 tocheck the answers they came up with in Exercise 1 aboutwhere the food in the picture grows and in what climate.

Ask students to say which food item is pictured inExercise 1, but not mentioned in the text in Exercise 4(potatoes). Ask students where potatoes grow and in whatclimate. (Potatoes can be grown in most climates, includingMediterranean, tropical and desert.)


dates: desert climate

oranges and figs: Mediterranean climate

rice and bananas: tropical climate


For homework, students make a poster describingthe climate in their country, the crops that are grownthere and the typical diet of the people. Students canillustrate their posters with photographs or drawings.

Additional Information

Differentiation - how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment - how are you planning to check learners` learning?

Health and safety check ICT links

More support will be given to weaker learners by giving them a modified worksheets in some tasks with greater support

-through questioning and the redirecting of questioning in feedback activities

-through observation in group and end performance activities

-through formative task

-White board and video is used no more than 10 minutes

-Use water based pens

-Health promoting techniques

-Breaks and physical activities used.

-Points from Safety rules used at this lesson.


Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

What did the learners learn?

What did/didn’t you like?

What was difficult?


Short term plan

Long-term plan unit: 1 Home and away

School: №36 K. Tokmukhamedov

Lesson 11 Weather and climate

Date: 27.09.2018

Teacher name: Nurdavletova G

CLASS: 5 «В»

Number present:


Theme of the lesson: Weather and climate

Learning objective (s) that this lesson is contributing to - use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups differing points of view

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Most learners will be able to:

learn vocabulary for the seasons and weather.

talk about favourite months and seasons.

Some learners will be able to:

Success criteria

Discuss a problem in groups and suggest a solution to this problem

Express a point of view in connected sentences. Demonstrate respect to people’s opinions using lexical units

Value links

Lifelong learning

Cross curricular links


ICT skills


Climate and food


Stages of the lesson

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

Teacher’s notes

Ask students to look at the table.

Make sure that they understand how it is organised.

Students can work in pairs to complete the table using the information in the texts in Exercise 3.

Students can work in pairs to complete the table using the information in the texts in Exercise 3.



Polar climate

always cold,


never above

10°C, very

difficult to

grow anything







hot in

summer, rainy

in winter





a lot of


not much


Desert climate





high all year,

can be cold at

night, doesn’t

rain often










a lot of rain all

year round





a lot of


Your turn

You can either set this exercise for homework or do it in class. If you do it in class, students will have to do research online.

If you choose to do it in class, set a 15-minute time limit for students to find this information.

If you have a large class, put students into small groups rather than pairs to do this task.

Monitor while students do their research and help guide weaker students to the information they need.

Ask each group to tell the class what they find out.


For homework, students make a poster describing the climate in their country, the crops that are grown there and the typical diet of the people. Students can мillustrate their posters with photographs or drawings

Additional Information

Differentiation - how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment - how are you planning to check learners` learning?

Health and safety check ICT links

More support will be given to weaker learners by giving them a modified worksheets in some tasks with greater support

-through questioning and the redirecting of questioning in feedback activities

-through observation in group and end performance activities

-through formative task

-White board and video is used no more than 10 minutes

-Use water based pens

-Health promoting techniques

-Breaks and physical activities used.

-Points from Safety rules used at this lesson.


Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?


Short term plan

Long-term plan unit: 1 Home and away

School: №36 K. Tokmukhamedov

Lesson 12

Date: 28.09.2018

Teacher name: Nurdavletova G

CLASS: 5 «В», «Ә», «А»

Number present:


Theme of the lesson: Fun in Almaty

Learning objective (s) that this lesson is contributing to provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Most learners will be able to:

read a text about ways to enjoy yourself in Almaty.

answer comprehension questions about the text.

talk about enjoyable places to visit where you live.

Some learners will be able to:

Success criteria

Give basic information about themselves and others at sentence level

Provide a point of view in connected sentences

Value links

Kazakh patriotism and civil responsibility

Cross curricular links


ICT skills

Weather and climate


Climate and food


Stages of the lesson

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

Teacher’s notes


Write leisure park and rides on the board.

Elicit or introduce definitions and ask for examples of leisureparks in Kazakhstan or other countries. Disneyland in Paris, Alton

Towers in England and SeaWorld in Florida are all well-knownleisure parks. Rollercoasters, bumper cars and merry-go-roundsare examples of popular rides.

Ask students to look at the photos and identify what they cansee in each of them (a merry-go-round, someone snowboarding,and the entrance to Central Park in Almaty, also known as GorkyPark).


Check students’ understanding of the following vocabulary:

fantasy, scream, terrifying, sledging, ice-skating, indoorpool, stands, lake.

Ask students to work alone to read the text and answer the


In pairs, students can compare answers before you checkanswers with the class.

To extend the work on leisure parks, ask students aboutother parks they know and what people can do there.


1 There are more than 30. 2 It is near the central stadium

in Almaty. 3 Skiing, snowboarding, sledging and

ice-skating. 4 In the big indoor pool. 5 In the cafes orat the shashlykstands. 6 You can’t take a boat on thelake in winter.


Optional activity

In pairs, students take it in turns to describe a place where they live that they really enjoy going to, e.g. a national park, a cinema, a shopping centre, a sports centre.

Students should mention the name of the place, what you can do there, an interesting fact about the place, and their favourite thing about it.

Encourage students to ask each other questions about the places they describe, e.g. Can you swim there? Canyou play tennis there? Can you go on rides there?


For homework, ask students to write about the places where they live which are nice to go to at different times of the year, e.g. The park near myhouse is nice in summer. You can swim in the lakeand you can play football there. At the beginning of the next lesson, put students into small groups of three or four to talk about the places they wrote about.

Additional Information

Differentiation - how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment - how are you planning to check learners` learning?

Health and safety check ICT links

More support will be given to weaker learners by giving them a modified worksheets in some tasks with greater support

-through questioning and the redirecting of questioning in feedback activities

-through observation in group and end performance activities

-through formative task

-White board and video is used no more than 10 minutes

-Use water based pens

-Health promoting techniques

-Breaks and physical activities used.

-Points from Safety rules used at this lesson.


Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?


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