Инфоурок Иностранные языки Научные работыHobbies of all members of my family

Hobbies of all members of my family

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с углублённым изучением отдельных предметов









Исследовательская работа на тему « Хобби всех поколений»












Выполнил: Зиборов Арсений 5 «В»

Руководитель: Зиборова К.В.












Елец 2015


Purposes and tasks:



The purpose of our research - to find out, than people were fond of, now are fond of and will be fond of something in free time and what benefit is brought by these hobbies.




1.     To find out concepts of the words "Hobby" and "Collecting".


2.     To find out what hobbies and is at our grandmothers, grandfathers, mothers, fathers, seniors brothers, sisters and our schoolmates.

3.     To interest younger generation.


1. History of emergence of the words "hobby" and "collecting".


2. Word meaning.


3. A role in human life.


The primordial value of the English word hobby removed by time for the second positions with a mark "ustar.", - a little horse, a pony, a toy wooden horse. From here and the expression of to ride a hobby which turned back in our language the known phraseological unit "to sit down on the skate". The word "hobby" was included into the Russian speech use rather recently, in the XX century, and long time was used as a fashionable anglicism like timely "monitoring", "promotion", etc. Learned this novelty of the Russian lexicon and entered into explanatory dictionaries only half a century back when the horror before the corrupting influence of the West fell down a little. Modern edition of "The dictionary of Russian" of S. I. Ojegov defines a hobby word meaning so: "Hobby, hobby for itself, at a leisure".


The hobby plays very important role in human life, promotes continuous development of the personality, identity manifestation. Thanks to a hobby we find adherents, friends with whom always is about what to talk, those who is excited by the same problems, as at us.


Therefore everything increases value of a hobby. Hobby distracts from vital disorders, restores composure.


The hobby is a human activity, a certain occupation, hobby in which regularly are engaged at a leisure, as a hobby, this hobby which brings to the person the mass of the pleasant.


The person at any age can be engaged in a hobby, both the child, and the adult, isn't dependent on a type of its work, a social status.


Hobby this not only interesting, but also useful occupation which helps all to open "The new worlds".

Types of a hobby:


1. Collecting 

2. Sport

3. Science

4. Amateur astronomy

5. Construction of models

6. Radio amateurism,

7. Programming,

8. Games

9. Treasure hunting

10. Supervision

11. Tourism

12. Knitting

13. Embroidery

14. Glass-painting, stained glass list

15. Wool fulling

16. Beadwork

17. Painting

18. Literary creativity


The hobby can be divided conditionally on:




The active hobby is sports, dances, gymnastics, skis, hunting, fishing where the person has active character of hobby, supports itself in a good physical form, to meet new people, raises the vitality.


Hobby "the hands" - so-called needlework. To belong to this type of a hobby all from what the person derives pleasure, creating something the hands: cutting of figures from a tree, drawing on glass, embroidery, knitting, designing and so on. Such hobby gives the huge mass of impressions and emotions from the done work. Can raise a self-assessment of the person, and even to become a basis of his profession.


What is the collecting?



Collecting (from armor. Collectio – collecting, collecting) – activity which cornerstone collecting of a collection is, that is the systematized collecting of any objects (as a rule, uniform or united by a subject community). It can be works of art (books, pictures, pieces of music, movies, video games), historical and cultural and technical values and subjects (coins, badges, model stamps, cars) or objects of the nature (insects, minerals, sinks of mollusks, flowers). The collecting assumes identification, collecting, studying, systematization of materials, than it essentially differs from simple collecting.

Some types of a collecting:


Collecting of books, quite widespread type of a collecting. Books started collecting since times of their first emergence, after all it was the real wealth. Any educated person always had a collection of books, whether it be an era of the Middle Ages or early socialism. Today this hobby - books not less popularly.


Second-hand books.


Numismatics. One of the most popular hobbies around the world, undoubtedly is collecting of coins. A collecting of coins this prestigious hobby of which a large number of people, irrespective of age and education is fond. Especially hard happens, to get rare and ancient coins, but after all, occupation by numismatics becomes fashion.


Militariya - a collecting of the subjects connected with military history.


Around the world millions of collectors are fond of a militariya. Collecting militariya subjects, people not only enjoy beauty, but also in parallel study history.


Signs, awards, form, equipment, the weapon, photos, cards, leaflets, books, medals and many other things are it and there is a militariya!


Philately is a studying and a collecting of signs of post payment., post a stamp, labels, labels, clearing, stamps, cards with brands, envelopes, postcards.


The collecting of brands arose in the 1840th years while there were in the address first stamps. There is an opinion that the first-ever collector philatelist appeared in day of release of the first stamp.


Now around the world  millions of philatelists are. This very interesting and most fascinating occupation


Faleristika: collecting of awards, medals, badges, any breastplates, including honourable, anniversary, departmental, about the termination of educational institutions etc.;



Fillumeniya (filumeniye) — a collecting of match labels, korobk, booklets (matches books), matches and other subjects connected with matches. Collectors of match labels are called, etc. phillumenists.


Filobutonistika — a collecting and studying of uniform and simple buttons, their appearance, inscriptions, symbolics of images, material, a place and time of production


Scripophily — this collecting of the ancient and appeared the address securities - stocks, bonds and loans. In Russia this branch of a collecting appeared quite recently and at once won popularity. The scripophily is a not only esthetic value, but also a favorable investment of money. The cost of ancient securities only grows over time, and the real cost of many papers now, in fact, is only formed.


Notaphily - a collecting obsolete bank notes and bonds as the historical documents reflecting economic and political situation of society. I arose at the beginning of 20 century and it is closely connected with numismatics.







The hobby is a good way of fight against a stress, except that occupation of a hobby often help to develop an outlook. The main objective of a hobby — to help to self-actualize. The hobby can grow over time in primary activity which brings money: "In an ideal, it is necessary to be engaged in such activity which is pleasant. The hobby can develop into work over time. Usually, the person chooses as the main work that was pleasant to him as a hobby or the main hobby "as a hobby"



Hobby of my father is fishing.




My mother in the childhood collected chocolate wrappers.










My sister collects Barbie dolls and toys from chocolate Kinder surprise eggs.







My hobby is lego.



My friend collects books of a genre of science fiction.

My uncle in school days collected stamps.


One of my active hobbies is "karate". In the winter I also like to ski, and I adore to ride a bicycle in the summer.


Collecting and hobby of my relatives.


my grandmothers in the childhood  collected candy wrappers from candies and a card with my grandfathers love an active type of a hobby is a hunting and fishing.

One of actors. Now she is fond of knitting. Other my grandmother in the childhood collected small dolls, and now she collects recipes of various dishes.

The father in the childhood was engaged in a hobby in "the hands" – did various fakes of a tree, was also engaged in an active hobby - skis.


Mother in the childhood collected brands, badges, calendar cards, was engaged in needlework: I did flowers of fabric. Now mother collects caskets, is engaged in active rest - skis in the winter, and in the summer by bicycle. My mother loves flowers and one of her hobby – a collecting of violets

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