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Обучение аудированию как виду речевой деятельности

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Обучение учащихся аудированию как виду речевой деятельности на уроках английского языка.

Обучение общению на иностранном языке - актуальная задача, стоящая перед школой, так как контакты людей разных национальностей призваны укреплять взаимопонимание и дружбу между народами. Не следует также забывать, что коммуникативно ориентированное обучение обеспечивает лучшее усвоение языка, так как именно в условиях общения язык выступает в своей естественной функции. В этой связи аудирование играет большую роль.

По моему мнению, система обучения аудированию включает три основных уровня Первый уровень, назовем его элементарным, посвящается формированию перцептивной базы аудирования, второй продвинутый развитию аудирования как вида речевой деятельности и, третий - завершающий - овладению устным общением, в ходе которого учащийся выступает в роли слушающего. Эти уровни тесно взаимосвязаны. При этом каждый уровень системы обучения должен, с одной стороны, вносить вклад в достижение общей цели - пользование аудированием в устном иноязычном общении и, с другой стороны, реализовать собственную конкретную цель. Применительно к аудированию целью обучения на первом уровне является становление механизмов восприятия иноязычной звучащей речи, на втором - формирование способности воспринимать и понимать устные иноязычные тексты, сообщения определенной длины и трудности, что достигается путем развития основных умений аудирования и, наконец, в результате обучения на завершающем уровне системы учащийся должен приобрести способность участвовать в устном иноязычном общении.

Рассмотрим специфику работы на каждом уровне. На первом уровне нет необходимости остановливаться подробно, Однако, если на первом этапе обучения становление артикуляционных навыков и речевого слуха осуществляется главным образом с опорой на речь учителя, рекомендуется слушать речь разных лиц, в том числе и носителей языка. Восприятие речи может осущесвляться на материале фонетических и других аудитивных упражнений, а также с помощью аудиовизуальных средств (описание картин, слайдов, диапозитивов). В качестве материала для этих упражнений могут использоваться и предложения, группы предложений, короткие диалогические и монологические тексты,

Обучение на втором уровне - это формирование основных умений аудирования. К числу умений, которые необходимо сформировать, относятся следующие:

Выделять смысловые вехи, определять смысловой центр фразы.

2. Отделять основную информацию от второстепенной и удерживать в памяти основную информацию из предложения, смыслового куска, текста.

З. Определять тему сообщения.

4.   Разделять текст на смысловые куски, устанавливать факты сообщения.

5.   Устанавливать логические связи между фактами.

б. Выделять главную мысль.

7. Определять отношение автора (говорящего) к излагаемым фактам, действующим лицам, т.е. проникать в подтекст.

8, Восполнять пропуски в приеме сообщения с помощью логической догадки с опорой на контекст.

9. Воспринимать сообщение в определенном темпе и определенной деятельности звучания до конца без потерь информации.

В результате обучения второго уровня учащиеся должны полно и точно понимать несложные тексты монологического и диалогического характера, со зрительной опорой и без неё, в исполнении разных говорящих, в том числе и носителей языка. Длина текста не должна превышать 2,5-3 мин звучания при естественном среднем темпе предъявления сообщения, свойственном носителям языка, а в некоторых случаях и в медленном,

После того, как учащиеся овладели основными умениями аудирования, следует приступать к работе уретьего уровня. Для того, чтобы учащийся мог определягь коммуникативное намерение говорящего и реагировать на него соответствующим образом, его необходимо этому обучать. К числу таких коммуникативных намерений можно отнести следующие:

информировать (запросить информацию), попросить, приказать,

отказать (согласиться), предложить, доказать, убедить, уговорить, высказать предположение, предостеречь, посоветовать, высказать свое отношение (мнение), одобрить, осудить, возразить, обещать, отказать.

поздравить, познакомить кого-нибудь, познакомиться самому

Для этого можно предложить следующие упражнения.

Прослушайте текст и определите, как говорящий пытается убедить слушателя совершить такой-то поступок (как он высказывает свое мнение), как он знакомится со своим немецким (английским сверстником). Далее учащимся можно назвать 2-3 разных коммуникативных намерения и предложить выбрать то, которое реализуется в предложеном тексте. Например, прослушайте текст (диалог) и скажите, хочет ли говорящий (собеседник) сообщить что-то, попросить о чем-то или предостеречь от чего-то. Подтвердите свое мнение, опираясь на текст.

Или - прослушайте текст и скажите, хочет ли автор что-то посоветовать слушателю или он преследует другую цель. Подтвердите ваше мнение содержанием текста. Или - докажите, что говорящий не стремится убедить своего слушателя (собеседника), скажите, какую он преследует цель в этом разговоре

Следующий этап работы, соответствующий реальному общению, заключается в том, что обучающийся не только правильно определяет коммуникативное намерение говорящего, но и адекватно на него реагирует. Например, прослушайте текст и скажите, согласны ли вы с мнением автора - убедил ли вас автор в том..., последуете ли вы его совету и т.д. Вышеизложенное свидетельствует, с одной стороны, о необходимости специальной подготовки к общению, а с другой, о важности создания условий, имитирующих естественное общение, включая и социальные роли говорящего и слушателя. Если учитель будет предъявлять все тексты от своего лица, не указывая подлинного автора и его социальный статус, а учащиеся будут воспринимать текст от своего лица в ситуации учебного занятия, то акт естественного общения будет подменяться учебным общением, что не принесет ожидаемых результатов. В этой связи необходимо широко использовать аудиовизуальные источники информации (диа- и кинофильмы ), которые дают наиболее полное представление о естественном общении. В целях создания естественных ситуаций общения следует также больше использовать в качестве источника информации самих учащихся. При этом учащийся должен выступать в присущей ему роли (любителя музыки или спорта, старосты, сына, дочери), либо вымышленной социальной роли (француз, англичанин, немец, ученый, журналист). Функции учащегося должны соответствовать реальному общению:

обсудить, высказать свое мнение, принять к сведению. В качестве примера можно привести следующие ситуации,

1, Иванов - большой любитель живописи (музыки). Он вчера был на интересной выставке (концерте). Расскажи нам об этом, пожалуйста, и поделись своими впечатлениями.

2 Представьте себе, что Пегрова - француженка (англичанка, немка). Она живет в Париже (Ј1ондоне, Берлине), учится там в колледже. Она приехала к нам по приглашению общества Россия - Франция (Англия). Наша школа пригласила её к себе. Она привезла слайды с видами Парижа, Лондона и хочет рассказать вам о своем городе.

В свете коммуникативной направленности обучения следует рассмотреть вопрос о текстах, используемых для обучения аудированию. Текст - это прежде всего единица коммуникации, поэтому он обязательно преследует определенную коммуникативную цель. Как таковой, он обладаег специфическиими характеристиками, такими, как смысловая завершенность, смысловая целостность, композиционная оформленость. Сохранение перечисленных особеностей текста является непременным условием, которое должно соблюдаться при обучении общению. При чтении газет, журналов, книг на иностранном языке учитель знакомится с многочисленными материалами, содержащими интересную информацию о странах изучаемого языка, Многие из таких материалов обладают не только высокой информативностыо, но и значительным воспитательным потенциалом, что позволяет эффективно использовать их на уроке, в частности, для аудирования. При подготовке иноязычного текста для аудирования наиболее целесообразны следующие этапы работы:

1. Подбор материала.

Подбирая тексты для аудирования учитель учитывает

а) их информативность, т.е. наличие в них сведений, имеющих познавательную ценность;

б) наличие в текстах уже известной учащимся информации;

в) соответствие языковых трудностей текстов уровню подготовки учащ ихся;

г) воспитательную ценность текста, его мировоззренческий потенциал,

2.Анализ смысловой структуры текста.

В ходе этого анализа учитель решает, какие отрезки текста важны для его понимания, ценны в познавательном и воспитательном планах, доступны для учащихся, и какие отрезки не соответствуют данным требованиям и могут быть сокращены или опущены.

З.Создание в тексте опор на информацию, знакомую слушателям.

Это облегчает восприятие текста, способствует лучшему запоминанию его содержания. Так, если в тексте содержатся сведения о населении Лондона, можно сравнить их с данными о населении Москвы.

4.Работа с языковым материалом текста.

Учитель выявляет незнакомый для учащихся лексический и грамматический материал, решает, какие новые слова и грамматические явления нужно опустить, заменить или оставить. Важно при этом оставить для предъявления слушателям минимум незнакомого лексического грамматического материала (без которого текст невозможно понять) и провести с ним следующую работу:

1.    Отбор слов и грамматических явлений для помещения их на доске.

2.    Вставка в текст толкований незнакомых слов,

З, Преобразование единиц измерения, незнакомых школьникам, в знакомые.

4 Варьирование форм, с помощью которых выражется одна и та же мысль,

5.Подбор наглядных средств обучения.

Для облегчения восприятия прослушанного текста, учитель должен максимально использовать наглядные средства обучения: географические карты, схемы, фотографии и др.

6.Подготовка к проверке правильности понимания прослушанного текста.

Наиболее надежным способом такой проверки являются ответы учащихся на вопросы к тексту. Они должны быть составлены учителем заранее и могут быть предъявлены учащимся как до начала аудирования (написаны на доске), так и после него (устно),

Далее я хочу рассказать о типологии упражнений для обучения аудированию. Основой типологии упражнений является, как правило, идея о постепенном формировании навыков и умений.

а) Упражнения для частично управляемого обучения аудированию

1.            Ознакомьтесь с картиной (серией рисунков), прослушайте текст, описывающий данную ситуацию. Выберите в процессе слушания одно из предложений для названия картины (серии рисунков).

2.            Ознакомьтесь с планом центра Берлина - столицы Германии. Прослушайте в фонозаписи описание этого центра. Заполните затем пропуски в графическом варианте аудиотекста.

З. Прослушайте текст, опираясь на ключевые слова (план). Распределите слова (пункты плана) в последовательности, отражающей содержание воспринятой информации.

4 Прослушайте текст, познакомьтесь затем с 3-4 различными заголовками. Выберите наиболее подходящий, прокомментируйте его, дополните подзаголовками.

б)Упражнения для неуправляемого обучения аудированию. 1 , Прослушайте текст с грампластинки, разделите его на смысловые части и озаглавьте их (составьте план).

2. Прослушайте фонозапись, передайте содержание разговора двух действующих лиц и прокомментируйте его.

З. Г1рослушайте фрагмент кинофильма. Проиграйте эту сцену

4.             Прослушайте два противоположных мнения по обсуждаемому вопросу. Дайте собственную оценку данных точек зрения.

5.             Прослушайте текст. Охарактеризуйте действующие лица (ситуацию общения).

б. Прослушайте сообщение учащихся по заранее заданной теме.

Прокомментируйте высказывания, дополните их новыми сведениями и др.

в) Упражнения для развития умений смысловой переработки и фиксации воспринятой на слух информации.

Прослушайте текст, составьте аннотацию, тезисы.

2 Прослушайте текст, постарайтесь запомнить весь фактический, в том числе цифровой, материал. Сгруппируйте его по степени важности, дайте обоснование своего решения,

                   З. Прослушайте описание ситуации,               совершаемого поступка.

Изобразите воспринятое на схеме (рисунке).

4. Сопоставьте прослушанный аудиотекст с графическим текстом, посвященным аналогичной теме. Сравните содержание по сходству (различию), Дайте оценку прослушанного.

Согласно принципу коммуникативно-направленого обучения все упражнения должны носить характер естественного речевого общения или же готовить к такому общению.

Успешность обучения аудированию зависит не только от правильного выбора текстов и упражнений, но и от общей организации работы над данным видом речевой деятельности на уроке. Тренироваться в восприятии на слух следует не эпизодически, а регулярно, используя на каждом уроке не менее двух аудиотекстов продолжительностью звучания от 1 до З минуг на начальном этапе, и от З до б - на продвинутом.

На начальном этапе, для которого харакгерна устная основа обучения, аудирование должно предшествовать говорению и используется как цель и средство развития других умений и навыков. На этом этапе широко используются визуально-изобразительные опоры и различного рода подсказки в форме предворяющих вопросов, ключевых слов и др. Возможен и иной подход к обучению аудированию на начальном этапе. Например:

Восприятие на слух текста с опорой на картину.

2. Контроль понимания (вопросно-ответное упражнение или перевод структур на родной язык).

З. Закрепление отдельных интонационных моделей и оппозиций фонем,

4. Повторное слушание с установкой на последующий пересказ,

На среднем и старшем этапах обучения, где согласно программе осуществляется взаимосвязанное обучение видам речевой деятельности, возможны другие варианты организации работы, Например:

Первый вариант

1.             Создание ориентировочной основы (вхождение в тему) с помощью наводящих вопросов,

2.             Восприятие текста с использованием изобразительно-визуальных или вербально-визуальных опор с установкой на общее глобальное понимание.

З, Повторное прослушивание с установкой на полное понимание.

Второй вариант (для слабоподготовленных учащихся)

1.              Анализ написанных на доске реалий, аббревиатур, имен собственных и географических названий.

2.              Слушание аудиотекста с подглядыванием в трафический вариант текста, проверка общего понимания при закрытых книгах,

З. Повторное слушание с установкой на полное понимание.

Третий вариант (для класса с хорошей  подготовкой)

Вводная информация, создающая нужную направленность мысли.

2. Слушание без опор с установкой на детальное или критическое понимание

З. Определение точности и глубины понимания переработки и фиксации воспринятой информации. Уровень критического понимания связан с оценкой прослушанного, с комментированием и реферированием, т.е. со всякого рода творческими, проблемными заданиями, предполагающими полное понимание содержания.

Многолетний опыт обучения аудированию позволяет мне на деле сформировать у обучаемых умение рационально работать и потребность учиться, проявлять творчество и самостоятельность в решении поставленных задач, развивать их мыслительные способности и речевую активность,

Для себя я сделала следующие выводы: лишь увлеченный делом может увлечь других; научить учащихся творчески мыслить может лишь тот, кто сам творчески подходит к организации их деятельности. Надо помнить, что наше отношение к делу передается детям. В процессе работы над темой я изготовила ряд материалов (упражнений), которыми можно пользоваться при обучении аудированию. С ними я и хочу вас познакомить.

Тестовый контроль аудирования на уроках английского языка

(практическая часть)

Методика тестового контроля аудирования на уроках английского языка

Особенность тестового контроля аудирования состоит в том, что, во-первых, учащиеся осуществляют выбор не одного, а пяти ответов из пяти предложенных, что исключает вероятность случайного отгадывания; во-вторых, выбор ответов происходит не на уровне отдельных языковых единиц (слов или предложений), а на уровне текста. Эго позволяет использовать тестовые задания также в качестве обучающих, т.е. речевых упражнений для обучения восприятию на слух монологической речи.

Тесты и описательные тексты к ним составлены на основе языкового и тематического материала соответствующих тем учебника, поэтому тесты могут проводиться регулярно по окончании каждой темы.

Методика их организации, проведения и проверки не представляет ности ителя• и авильной о ганиза ии аботы тесты позволяют быстро, в течение 4-5 минут, провести фронтальную письменную проверку понимания учениками пяти коротких текстов; тесгы просты и доступны как для сильных, так и для слабых учащихся.

Данный прием работы стимулирует интерес учащихся к аудированию текстов описательного характера, наименее интересных, но необходимых при обучении иностранному языку,

Методика работы с тестами включает три этапа:

подготовка; аудирование и выполнение тестового задания учащимися; подведение итогов,

Первый этап. До начала урока (чтобы сэкономить время на уроке) можно попросить ученика записать на доске тестовое задание. На уроке учащиеся переписывают его с доски. Учитель дает соответствующие разъяснения: в первой строке записаны имена хорошо известных ребятам литературных персонажей, во второй строке школьники вписывают под каждым именем номера текстов, которые они прослушали.


ВооК characters



Red Riding























Второй этап, Учитель прочитывает тексты, после каждого из них делая паузы, чтобы учащиеся могли записать номер текста. При чтении текста учитель должен соблюдать требования, предъявляемые к аудированию: материал для аудирования, как правило, предъявлњгся один раз, темп чтения нормальный. Если же учителю приходится нарушать данные требования, это свидетельствует о несформированности аудитивных навыков.

Третий этап. Подводятся итоги: сверяются номера в ответах учеников с контрольными номерами. Если ответ правильный, то в соответствующей колонке (третья строка) ставится один балл, если ответ неправильный - ноль. Затем суммируются все баллы и выставляется соответствующая оценка в графе «Mark».

Опыт работы позволил определить возможные способы проверки тестов и выставления оценок. Каждый раз учитель выбирает один из них, в зависимости от поставленной задачи.

1, Итоги теста нужны учителю, чтобы выставить оценки по аудированию. В этом случае учащиеся выполняют тест самостоятельно.

2. В целях самоконтроля можно дать каждому ученику возможность проверить тест и выставить себе оценку. Для этого на доске необходимо написать правильные ответы.

З. Для взаимоконтроля в парах учащиеся могуг обменяться выполненными тестами, сверить ответы с номерами, написанными на доске, и поставить оценки друг другу

TecTb1  B 5 Knacce

Topic: «Appearance»

Book characters



Red Riding























TeKCT Ngl. He is a young man. He is strong. He is very tall. He is a militiaman. He is a good friend to all children.

TeKCT S!2. She is a very nice girl. She has a round face. Her eyes are large and blue. Her hair is long. It is blue. Her nice dress is blue too.

She can read and write.

TeKCT S!3. She is a very nice little girl. She has a red skirt on. She has a white blouse on. There is a red hat on her heat.

TeKCT S!4. She is @young. She has a father. But she has no mother. She is a pretty. But she has no nice dresses. She has no nice shoes. Her sisters have nice dresses. They have nice shoes. But her sisters are not good.

TeKCT Ng5. He is small. He is very thin. His eyes are big. His head is big and round. His hatr is not long. It is short. His nose is very' long, He can't read. He can't write.

Militiaman [mt 'lifaman] MMJIVIUHOHep

Pretty ['prltl] XOPOUIeHbKrff1

«My family»

My family
























TeKCT .N!l. She is young. She is a school girl. She is nine. She is my mother's and father's daughter.

TeKCT Ng2. He is young. He is not a schoolboy. He is a student. He is eighteen. He is my mother's and father's son.

TeKcT N!3. He is not old. He is forty. He is a worker. He is my brother's and sister's father.

Tuccr N24. She is not old. She is thirty-nine. She is a teacher. She is my grandmother's daughter.

TeKCT Ng5. She is not young. She is sixty-three. She is a pensioner.

She is my mother's mother.

«My day»


7 a.m.

10 a.m.

2 p.m.

7 p.m.

10 p.m.



















TeKCT S!l. At this time Victor washes his face and hands. He puts his books in his bag. He doesn't do his morning exercises. He goes to bed.

Tere•cT Ng2. At this time Victor washes his hands and face. He doesn't go to bed. He makes the bed. He does his morning exercises. He has bread and butter and a cup of tea. He puts on his coat and cap. Then he goes out.

TeKCT Np3. At this time Victor does his exercises. Sometimes he reads. Sometimes he writes. Sometimes he answers his teacher's questions. He asks question too.

TeKCT N!4. At this time Victor is usually at home. Sometimes he is in the yard. He plays with his friends. Then he comes home. He does his homework.

TeKCT Sg5. At this time Victor is usually at home. He reads books. He plays with his little sister. He plays chess with his father. Sometimes he watches TV.

«Our Flat»






Children's room


















Terccr Npl. There is no TVset in this room. There are no bookshelves in it. We can see a wardrobe there. There are two beds in the room.

TerccT Ng2. The room is large. There is a table in the middle of the room. We can see two armchairs and a sofa in it. We have a TV set in the room.

TerccT N23. The room is not large. There is a table and five chmrs in this room. We can see a sideboard in it. There are plates with soup on the table.

TeKCT Ng4. This room is small. There is no TV set and no sofa in it. There are no beds, no bookshelves in this room. There is a table in it. On the table we can see cups, plates and forks. There is water and gas in this room.

Terccm Sg5. The room is not large. There is a bookcase in the room. In the bookcase you can see Russian and English books. On the right there is a desk. On the desk you can see pens, pensils and textbooks.

«The Seasons»





Beginning of autumn

End autumn























TCKCT Sul. It is not cold, but it is not hot. The days are getting short. Children go to school. The leaves on the trees are yellow. We can see red apples on the apple-trees.

TeKCT N22. It is cold. The days are short. Sometimes it rains. Sometimes it snows. There are no leaves on the trees. You can't see apples on apple-trees.

TeKCT Ng3. It is cold. The days are short. The nights are long. There is a lot of snow in the fields and in the streets. Children play snowballs in the yard.

TeKCT Su4. It is cold, but sometimes it is warm. The days are getting long. The weather is fine. There are the first flowers in the fields and parks. We like this season.

TeKCT NPS. It is warm. Sometimes it is hot. The weather is usually fine. There are many flowers in the fields and parks. Children like this season very much.

«At school»


























TeKCT Ngl. We read. We write. We do exercises. We write dictations. We do not speak English.

"I'eKCT .N22. We write on the blackboard. We write in our exercisebooks. The teacher may ask, «How mush is five plus twenty». We answer, it is twenty five,

TeKCT Ng3. At this lesson we don't count. We doun't write. We do not exercises. We listen to music. We sing songs.

TeKCT Ng4. We don't write. We don't read. We do physical exercises. We play. We play with a ball. We like this lesson very mush.

TeKTT N!5. At this lesson we do exercises. We ask questions. We answer the teacher's questions. We read and wrire. Sometimes we sing songs. Sometimes we do physical exercises. We don't speak Russian at this lesson.

                                          TecTb1       aya111)0BaH11H B 6 K.nacce

Topic: «Appearance and Age»

What is he?


A child

(l )

A schoolboy






A man


An old man





















TeKCT Sul. His is not young. He is Tall. He is not thin. He has no hair. He wears dark trousers and a brown shift. But he has no tie on at home. He doesn't work.

TeKCT Sg2. He is neither old nor young. He is tall. He has grey hair. He wears a good brown suit, a white shirt and a brown tie. When it is cold, he wears a scarf and a hat. He works at an office.

TeKCT Nu3. He is young, but he is not small. He is tall. He is thin.He has dark hair. He doesn't wear a hat. He wears a long scarf and a warm jacket when it is cold. He doesn't go to school. He is a student.

TeKCT Sg4. He is very young. He is neither tall nor small. He wears a brown jacket and trousers. He has a white shirt. He goes to school. TeKCT Sg5. He is very young. He is small. His legs and arms are short. His hair is fair and short. He has a toy in his hand.

«Oksana's family»


























TCKCT N21. She is neither small nor tall. Her hair is grey. She loves the children very much. The children love her too. She is not young. She doesn 't work.

TeKCT S22. She is not old, She is neither tall, nor small. She has no grey hair. She is a typist. The children love her very much.

TeKCT Sg3. She is small. She is thin. She is young. She can read a little. She wants to go to school. She is going to be a good pupil.

TeKCT N!4. He is tall. He is thin. He is young. He does not work. He likes Mathematics and Physics. He is going to be an engineer.

TeKCT N25. He is not young, but he is not old. He is tall. He has grey hair. He works at a factory. He is an engineer.

Topic: «Mr. Brown's House»


























TeKCT .Npl. This room is not small. It is on the ground floor. The room has two large windows. The Browns like to sit in this room in the evening. John plays chess with his father in this room. Mary plays the piano there.

TeKCT Ng2. This room is not on first floor. The room is neither large nor small. There is a large window and a balcony. On the walls you can see some beautiful pictures. There are two beds and a wardrobe in this room. The room is very nice.

TeKcT Ng3. Here is another room on the first floor. It is neither large nor small. There is a desk, a wardrobe and two beds in this room. There are some bookshelves in it. You can see textbooks and exercise-books there.

TeKCT Np4. This room is on the ground floor. This room is not large. In the middle of the room there is a big table. Round the table we can see plates and cups. The Browns sit in this room in the morning and in the evening.

TeKcT' N!5. This is not a room. It is on the ground floor. There is no table. There is a hall-stand. We take off our coats and hats and hang them on it. We take off our shoes here too.

«Mr. Brown's House»


























TeKCT N! 1. This room is not small. It is on the ground floor. The room has two large windows. The Browns like to sit in this room in the evening. John plays chess with his father in this room. Mary plays the piano there.

TeKCT Ng2. This room is not on first floor. The room is neither large nor small. There is a large window and a balcony. On the walls you can see some beautiful pictures. There ar two beds and a wardrobe in this room. The room is very nice.

TeK•cm Ng3. Here is another room on the first floor. It is neither large nor small. There is a desk, a wardrobe and two beds in this room. There are some bookshelves in it. You can see textbooks and exercise-books there.

TeuۥcT N24. rlhis room is on the ground floor. lhis room is not large. In the middle of the room there is a big table. Round the table we can see plates and cups. The Browns sit in this room in the morning and in the evening.

TeKCT .N25. This is not a room. It is on the ground floor, There is no table. There is a hall-stand. We take off our coats and hats and hang them on it. We take off our shoes here too.

Topic: «Working Day and Day Off»

Day or parts of day

In mornmg


At midday

In       the afternoon

In evening


On Sunday























TeKCT Ngl. I have done my homework. Now I am reading an interesting book. My father has not come home from work yet. He is going to be late today. My mother has come already. My grandmother and mother have washed the dishes. They are going to watch TV.

TeKCT Ng2. My parents have not come from work yet. I have already come home. I am doing my homework. I have done English, Russian and Mathematics.l am going to play in the yard.

TerccT' S!3. We have had four lessons. Now we are having the fifth lesson. My parents are at work. They are not going home yet. They are going to have dinner at work.

TeKCT .N!4. All the family are still at home. My parents have not gone to work yet. I have dressed. I have had my cup of tea with bread and butter. I am going to say good bye to my mother.

TeKCT Nu5. All the family are at home. We got up late today. My parents are not going for a walk. I am going to play with my friends and read interesting books.

«At school»


























Instruction. Yestaday we had 5 lessons: Arts, English, Mathematics, Physical Training and Russian. Listen and guess which lesson was first, second, third, fourth and fifth.

Text N!l. At the first lesson we read listened and spoke. We did exercises arally and writing. We asked and answered questions. We described pictures. We spoke about the weather and our school. We didnot speak Russian.

Text Ng2. At the second lesson we had paper and pencils of different colours. We drew and painted pictures. The teacher drew on the board. We drew on paper and got marks för our drawings.

Text N!3. At the third lesson we wrote. We wrote on the board and in our exercise-book. We counted. We did not seems and problems. The lesson was not easy.

Text Ng4. We read, wrote, listened and spoke at the fourth lesson. We did exercises orally and in writing. We asked questions and answered them. We learned to write difficult words and sentences. We write dictations.

Text N25. At the fifth lesson we did exercises. We ran, jumped, played. We had this lesson in the gymnasium. We liked the lesson.

Topic: «Spring Holydays»


Women 's



My Day

Victory Day





















Text .Ngl. On this holiday children don't go to school. Their parents don't work. On this day they go out into the streets. They cany flags, slogans.

Text .Ng2. It is a great holiday in our country. Children don't go to school on this day. Their parents don't work. In the evening there is a fire-work display in Moscow and other Hero-Cities.

Text Ng3. This is a holiday for all people. We wish a happy holiday to our mothers, grandmothers, sisters. We wish a happy holiday to our women, teachers and girl. We buy flowers and presents.

Text N!4. It is a happy holiday for all people. On this day we celebrate Christ's rising from the dead. It always comes on Sunday. It is in spring. To many people this holiday means the coming of spring. On this holiday we colour eggs and give them to our friends.

Text N!25. This holiday always comes on February 22. It is the holiday of love to each other. On this holidays the people send «valentines» to their fiends and relatives. This holiday says about spring and its soon coming.

Topic: «ln Town and in the Country»

towns, village




Krivoy Rog

A small town

A village






















Text Sul. It is very beautiful. It is big. There are a lot of historical monuments, museums, picture galleries, theatres. It is on the river Dnipper. It is in the West of Ukraine.

Text N!2. It is not big. There is some traffic. There is some traffic, but not much. There is no metro. There are no trams, no trolley-buses. There are some museums, monuments, cinemas, but not many. There are only small factories,the blocks of flats not very large.

Text It is big. There are a lot of museums, historical monuments, theatres. Thereis a lot of traffic. Cars lomes buses are going down the left side of the road. When we cross a street, we must look first to the light and then to the left.

Text N24. It is very green. It is not big. There is not a lot of traffic there. There are no factories in it. It has no high blocks of flats. It is very nice to be there in summer.

Text .Ni25. It is very large. It is beautiful. There are museums, historical monuments, theatres, cinemas there. It is on the rivers Ingulets and Saksagan. It is in the South of Ukraine.

Tectbl AJIH  B 7 K.nacce

Topic: «Where were the children in summer?»

Where were

they            In


In the countiY

In town

[n Moscow

At a camp

At seaside























Introduction. This is the First English lesson in the 7th form. The children are talking about their summer holidays. Listen to thewr stories and say where they were m the summer.

Text N!21. I went together with my parents and stayed there for two weeks. It was July. The weather was very hot. People lay in the sun and swam. I learnt to swim. I was very happy to be there.

Text Ng2. I went neither to the country nor the seaside. I didn't go to the a camp either. A stayed at home. I did a lot of things at home. I went to the cinema, played with my friends. I had a lot of time to watch TV, to read interesting books. I also helped my mother about the house.

Text N!3. I didn't stay at home in June. I stayed with my classmates. We were there for three weks. We played interesting games, danced and sang song at the camp-fire. I learnt to swim. We had duties too. We helped the collective farmers.

Text N!4. As for me I didn't stay in town in the summer. I stayed with my grandmother. I swam in the river, walked in the forest. I also helped my grandmother about the house and the garden.

Text .NQ5. We went there with my father. We stayed there only one week. We saw a lot of interesting places. We visited museums and historical monuments, theatres and cinemas. I was very happy to be there. «Seasons in England»








Summer in England

Autumn in






























Text Ngl. It is a very beautiful season. There are a lot of flowers in the gardens. The trees are covered with green leaves. There is green grass everywhere. Famers begin to work in the fields.

Text N!2. It is usually warm. Sometimes it is hot. Then the sky is blue. The sun shines brightly. But the weather may change. Then the sky is covered with clouds. A cold wind begins to blow. It rains. But it doesn't rain long. Soon it is warm agam.

Text N23. This season is cold. But usually it is not very cold. Sometimes it snows. But more often it rains. That's why people wear warm coats. They have rain coat and umbrellas in this season too.

Text This season is very busy time for farmers. Sometimes the weather is fine for a long time. farmers gather in their harvest. At the and of the season the weather is usually cold. The sky is grey with clouds.

It often rains in this season.

Text Nu5. This season is cold. Sometimes it is very cold. It snows. The streets, parks and gardens are covered with snow. People wear warm coats and hats. Children like this season. They skate and ski.


Kinds sports


Figure skating

Ice hockey

























Text NQI. It is a team game. Both men and women can play it. The players have a ball. They play it with their hands. There are six players in every team.

Text N!2. It is the most popular game in England and in the world. It was first played in England. Both men and women can play it. The game lasts for 90 minutes. It has two halves. The players kick the ball and run after it. The players try to score a goal.

Text N!3. It is one of the most popular games in the world. It was first played in Canada. It is a team game. Only men and boys can play it. Many people like to watch this game on TV. The players don't run on the field. They skate. They have sticks (clubs) in their hands.

Text N!4. This kind of sports is very beautiful. It gives the sportsmen strength, rhythm and grace. The sportsmen do some exercises or dance to the music. The sportsmen have skates and beautiful costumes on.

Text N!5. This game is played everywhere in the world: at schools, universities and sports clubs. It was first played in the USA. The team has five players. They bounce the ball on the floor up and down with one hand. They try to throw the ball into the basket.

«At the Shop»


Food shop

Clothes shop

Milk and butter shop

Department store




















Text Ngl. We go to this shop almost every day. In this shop we buy dairy products: butter, cheese and milk. We buy food in packets and bottles.

Text Ng2. We don't go to this shop very often. Girls and women come to this shop to buy a new dress, a hat, a coat. Boys and men come to this shop to buy a suit, a shirt, a tie, a coat.

Text Ng3. In the windows of this shop we see a lot of things. We buy clothes, shoes, hats, food and other things there. We buy all kinds of presents there too. We can buy almost everything we want in this shop.

Text N!4. We buy all kinds of food in this shop. We buy milk,butter and cheese at the milk and butter department. We buy white and brown bread in this shop. We can buy meat, sausage, sweets and cakes there too. Some shops sell vegetables and fruit.

Text N25. Here we can buy vegetables and fruit from collective-fann workers. Sometimes they sell meat, milk, butter and other things too.


Time place


At home

At school and at home

At hikes

In summer

In winter






















Instruction. There are some rules about health. Listen and guess where or when you must follow them to be healthy and strong.

Text Sul. Spend as much tim outdoors as you can. Go in for swimming. Go in for different spons games. Eat many green vegetables and fruit. Don't drink cold water in hot weather. Don't lie in the sun for a long time.

Text .N!2. Keep your bodies clean. Clean your teeth every day. Get enough sleep. Do your moming exercises. Have regular meals at one and the same time. Wash your hands before meals

Text N!3. Don't take too many things with you. Take only the things you need. Put on comfortable clothes. Eat a little before you go for a swim. Don't go into the water after you have just eaten much. Don't eat dirty fruit.

Text N!4. Put on warm clothes. Go in for skating and skiing. Keep your feet warin. Don't stay outdoors for a long time. Don't have hot tea just before you go out into the street.

Text .N!5. Sit and stand straight. When you are reading or writing, let the light come from behind you left shoulder. Keep your working place clean and tidy. Have as much fresh air as you can. Have your meals regularly.

TecTb1 AJIH ayAH1)0BaH11H B 8 KJ1acce

Topic: «Ways of Travelling»


By car

By plan

By train

On foot

By ship



















Text N!l. It is the fastest way of travelling. It can take you from one town or city to another in no time. The seats are comfortable. That's a pity, but sometimes you can see very little from the windows. The things are too small to be seen. When the weather is rainy or foggy you can't travel by it.

Text NQ2. This way of travelling is fast. You can stop at any place you like and go where you like. You need no tickets. Usually families travel by it.

Text Ng3. It is the slowest way of travelling. Both young and old people like it. You needn't worry about tickets. The only thing you need is a rucksack. You can visit many places in such a way.

Text N!4. This way of travelling is fast. It is so enjoyable to travel in this way. The seats are comfortable. You can see a lot of interesting things from the windows. You can make long journeys on land by it.

Text N!5. This way of travelling is not so fast. Some people enjoy travelling by it. But other don't like it at all. Usually people travell in this way in summer, when they are on holidays you can see waves and seagulls, while travelling by it.

Topic: «Choose the Rigth Way of Travelling»


By plan

By train

By bicycle

By car

On foot



















Introduction. Listen and help the members of the Ivanovs' family to choose the right way of travelling.

Text N'21. Victor Nikolaevich is going to Moscow. He is going on a business trip. He must get to Moscow in the shortest possible time. His suit case is not heavy. The weather is fine. How can he get there'?

Text N!2. The Ivanovs are planning their family holiday. They didn't want to buy tirkets or to be in a hurry catching their plan or train. They want to stop wherever they like. They want to visit any place they like. What is the best way of travelling'?

Text Ng3. Sasha and Oksana's Granny likes long joumeys. It is so enjoyable to make friends with other passengers. She is going to travel next month. She wants to visit her sister who lives in Tashkent. Granny doesn't known what the weather will like. What means of trasport will she use'?

Text .N!4. In Sunday afternoon. The weather is fine. The Ivanovs are going to visit their relatives. Victor Nikolaevich's sister has a birthday, today. She doesn't live far from the Ivanovs' place. The Ivanovs' are not in a huny. How can they get to their relatives place?

Text N25. It is Sunday moming. The weather is fine. Oksana and Sasha want to visit their Granny. She lives in a village 6 kilometres from their place. The children must be back home by the evening. How can they get to their Granny place?

Topic: «Cinema. Theatre»














the Opera and
































Instruction. Listen and say where the members of the Ivanov's family were on Sunday?

Text N!l. Vera Ivanovna had a wonderful time. She good seat not far from the stage. First singers and dancers performed scenes from operas and ballets. Then folk dances and folk songs were perfonned. Modern songs were sung by a popular singmg group.

Text N!2. Victor Nikolaevich had a very nice time too. The actors performed very well. The spectalors applauded very much. The actors didn't talk or sing on the stage. They danced to the beautiful music played by the orchestra.

Text .NQ3. Oksana and Sasha's Granny enjoyed herself very much. The actors gave a splendid performance. They didn't sing or dance on the stage. They acted scenes from the play by the well-known dramatists.

Text N24. Oksana had a wonderful time. The show was splendid. The actors and gymnasts were wonderful. The dogs, bears, monkeys and horses took part in the show. The clowns told jokes and were very funny.

Text N!5. Sasha enjoyed himself very much. The snow began at four o'clock and lasted for an hous and a half. There were no intervals. The actors played their parts splendidly. They didn't dance or sing to the music. They took part in an excitng adventure on the screen.

Topic: «Cartoon Films»




and             the


Just Wait?


Cat Leo's




Summer holidays in

Prostokvash ino





















Text Ngl. This cartoon film is about a Cat. He is very friendly and kind. He wants to make friends with two little mice. But the mice are not friendly. They like to play tricks on the Cat. The Cat's favourite saing is « Children, let's live in friendship.»

Text Ng2. This cartoon film is about a Wolf and a Hare. The Wolf is not kind and friendly. He doesn't like the Hare. He wants to catch the Hare, but he cannot do it. They have a lot of funny adventures.

Text S23. This cartoon film is about three true friends: a boy, a cat, Matroskin by name, and the dog. Sharic by name. The boy comes to his friends' place to spend his summer holidays. They live in the country. They have a house of their own. They even have a cow which gives them milk. The cat is fond of milk, the dog is fond of hunting.

Text Ng4. This cartoon film is about a little girl. One day she went to the forest to pick up mushrooms and berries. But she lost her way. The Bear made her live in his cottage and do the house work. But the little girl was very clever. She managed to come back home to her Granny and Granddad with the Beath's help.

Text Ng5. This cartoon film is about a girl. Her mother died. Her Father mamed again. Her new mother has two daugthers. They are very lazy and bad. The girl does the hardest and dirtiest work about the house. But one day the girl had a happy chance to go to the ball. The Prince fall in love with her.

                                      TecTb1            ayA111)0BaHHH B 9 K.nacce

Topic: «The United Kingdom of Great Britain»

The United


























Text NEI. It is the largest island of the British Isles. It is in the East. It may be divided into three parts. There are: Scotland in the north, England in the centre and south of the British Isles, Wales in the West. The people in this part of the United Kingdom speak English, Scotch, Welsh.

Text .N22. This is a part of Great Britain. It is small, but larger than Northern Ireland. The biggest mountain there is Snowdon 1,085 m. high. The people there speak English and Welsh. The capital is Cardiff

Text N23. This part of Great Britain is large than Wales, but smaller than England. It has the highest mountain in Great Britain. It is Ben Nevis, 1342 m. high. The population is more than 5 million people. The largest city is Glasgow, but is not the capital. The people in this part of Great Britain speak Scotch and English.

Text N!4. This is the largest pan of Great Britain and the United Kingdom. It occupus the central and southern part of Great Britain. It has the largest territory and population. In the largest city of this country there are about 7 million people. The people of this part of Great Britain speak English.

Text N25. This countlY is in the west of Great Britain. It is small. Its population is about one million and a half people. Much of the country is low, there are green hills and low mountains. The people speak Irish and English.

TecTb1  B 9 KJ1acce

Topic: «The United Kingdom of Great Britain»

The United





Northern Ireland





















Text N!21. It is the largest island of the British Isles. It is in the East. It may be divided into three pmts. There are: Scotland in the north, England in the centre and south of the British Isles, Wales in the West. The people in this part of the United Kingdom speak English, Scotch, Welsh.

Text N!2. This is a part of Great Britain. It is small, but larger than Northern Ireland. The biggest mountain there is Snowdon 1,085 m. high. The people there speak English and Welsh. The capital is Cardiff.

Text Ng3. This part of Great Britain is largethan Wales, but smaller than England. It has the highest mountain in Great Britain. It is Ben Nevis, 1342 m. High. The population is morethan 5 million people. The largeest city is Glasgow, but is not the capital. The people in this part of Great Britain speak Scotch and English.

Text NQ4. This is the largest part of Great Britain and the United Kingdom. It occupus the central and southern part of Great Britain. It has the largest territory and population. In the largest city of this country there are about 7 million people. The people of this part of Great Britain speak English.

Text Ng5. This country is in the west of Great Britain. It is small. Its population is about one million and a half people. Much of the country is low, there are green hills and low mountains. The people speak Irish and English.

Topic: «Sports in Great Britain»


Rugby football

Lawn tennis



Table tennis


















Text N!l. This is a ball game. It is played outdoors by teams of 15 players. They use an oval ball which is camed by a player. The players in the other team try to stop the man and take the ball from him. This game is usually played by men only.

Text N!2. This ball game is very popular both in Great Britain and USA It is usually played by two players, sometimes four at a table. The hit a small balll wiht a racket over a net. This game is played in nearly all schools. It is played by both boys and girls. The game can be played outdoors and indoors too,

Text N!3. This is a ball game too. It is usually played by two or four players. They' hit a ball With a racket across a net. The game is very popular with boys and girls, men and women in Great Britain. It is played in our countrry too and is well-known in all the world.

Text N!4. This ball game is very popular not only in Great Britain, but all over the world. It is usually played by boys and men. Each team has I I players: backs, halfbacks, outsides,inside„centre forwards and one goalkeeper. In Great Britain every town has a professional team.

Text N!5. This game is played with a ball too. There are two teams of 1 1 players each. Once this game was popular in Great Britain. But now it is not so popular as football. The game is usually played by boys, men. It is not played in our country.

Topic: «Music»






Opera and




















Text Nul. Some young people say it is difficult to understand this music. But try to listen to it. It is played by big orchestras. You can hear it at concert halls, on TV and radio programmes. If you listen to this music often enough and attentively, you will enjoy Mozart and Beethoven, Tchaikovsky and Shostakovich. Performers don't sing or dance to this musrc.

Text N!2. One can hear this music at theatre, on TV and over the radio. This music was composed by such great composers as Mozart, Verdi, Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev, Shostakovich. Performers usually sing or dance to this music.

Text .NQ3. This music is popular mostly with young people. It is perfomed by modem electronic instuments. There are hard and heavymetal styles. We know a lot of musical groups which are popular in this country and abroad.

Text Ng4. This music is popular among young and old, both in town and in the country, and live for centuries. Every nation has its own national music and dance ensembles and choirs.

Text Ng5. You can hear this music every day and everywhere. There are a lot of ensembles and musical groups who perform this kind of music. Let's take, for example, the Beatles and their composers John Lennon and Paul McCartney. They composed such well-known songs as «Yesterday», «Girl».

Topic: «Music»






Opera and


















M ark


Text N21. Some young people say it is difficult to understand this music. But try to listen to it. It is played by big archestras. You can hear it at concert halls, on TV and radio programmes. If you listen to this music often enough and attentively, you will enjoy Mozart andBeethoven, Tchaikovsky and Shostakovich. Performers don't sing or dance to this music.

Text N!2. One can hear this music at theatre, on TV and over the radio. This music was composed by such great composers as Mozart, Verdi, Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev, Shostakovich. Performers usually sing or dance to this music.

Text N!3. This music is popular mostly with young people. It is perfonned by modern electronic instilments. There are hard and heawmetal styles. We know a lot of musical groups which are popular in this country and abroad.

Text N!4. This music is popular among young and old, both in town and in the countty, and live for centuries. Every nation has its own national music and dance ensembles and choirs.

Text N!5. You can hear this music every day and evewwhere. There are a lot of ensembles and musical groups who perf017T1 this kind of music. Let's take, for example, the Beatles and there composers John Lennon and Paul McCanney. They composed such well-known songs as «Yesterday», «Girl».

Topic: «20th Century English Writers»


H Wells

B Shaw

J Aldridge



A. J. Cronin



















Text Npl. The English writer was born in Australia in 1918. During World War Il he was correspondent. In 1944 and 1945 he was in Soviet Union. He wrote many short stories and some novels. One of his best known novel «The Diplomat». In 1973 he was awarded the Peace Prise.

Text N!2. This Famous English playwriter was born in Dublin in 1856. In 1892 he wrote his first play. Altogether he wrote more than 50 plays, among them «Pygmalion». This play is also well known as a musical comedy called «My Fair Lady». The play-wright died in 1950.

Text Ng3. This well-known writer was born in 1859. He wrote several fantastic books, but he is best known for his detective-storis about Sherlock Holmes. His books «The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes» made the writer world famous.

Text N24. This English writer was born in 1866. He is known for science fiction. In 1920 he visited Moscow. During his long life he wrote about 40 novels and many short stories. His best-known works are: «The Time Mashine», «The Invesible Man», «The War of Worlds». He died in 1946.

Text N!5. This well-known Enflish writer was born in Scotland in 1896. He wrote many good novels in which he described the life of Scotish and English people, for example, «Green Years», «Shannon's Way», «The Citadel». In the 8th fonn you read his story «Two Gentlemen of Verona».

Упражения и тексты для аудирования и работы над произношением по английскому языку в 5 классе

1. Ilpocuymaii Bblyqn HM13YCTb.

Tick - tock,

Says the clock,

Get up, Nick,

It's six o'clock! BapuaHTb1:

Tick - tock,

Says the clock, have your breakfast, Kate. It's seven o'clock!

(Go to school, Pete, It's eight o'clock!

Go home, Lena,

It's two o'clock!

Do your homework, Bob,

It's four o'clock! Ect! )

2.   Ilpoc.ruymai H HåU13YCTb.

This is my ball.

Is it big or small?

This is my chair.

Is it round or square??

This is my bag.

Is it brown or black?

Yqauwecq nonyqaroer K%tPTHHKH c H306paxeHueM upeAMeT0B, O KOTOPb1X



l . Bo BpeMS1 rmepBoro npocJIY1_LIHBaH11fl ITOAHVIMU KaPTHHKV1 c npemrvrerrarvm, o KOTOPb1X rogopvrrcn B PHd)MOBKax.

2. Bo BpeMH TIOBTOPHoro upocJIY11]HBaH1151 FIOBTOPH PHd)MOBKY 3a yqwrrenervi, IIOAHHB COOTBeTCTByromyto KaPTHHKY. Ha cneÅYk0111eM ypoKe MOXHO normpocwrb yqauxnxcq BOC11POH3BeCTL1  H OTBeTHTb Ha Bonpocbl, BKJ1yoqeHHb1e B HMX.

3.   Ilpocuymai Bonpocbl OTBeTb1 K pr-1CYHKaM. CKMUI, rne uonyruena OUIH6Ka n ncnpaBb HenpaBHJ1bHb1e OTBeTb1.

Who is this? This is Dems. Where is Denis? He is on a chair. What is this? This is a table. Ys this a round or square table? It's a round table.

Where is the book? The book is on the chair. What kind of book is this? It's an English book. Where is the copy-book? It's on the table. Is this a thick or a thin book? It's a thick book. Is the map on the wall? Yes, it's on the wall.

4.   Ilpocnymail H Bblyqn 1-1%U13YCTb.

Who is that girl

With a pretty curl? Her name is Polly,

She is nice and jolly.

Who is that boy?

With a funny toy? His name is Paul,

He is very small.

5.   110BTOPH a.JI(baBUT. Ilpocayurai pml)MOBKY 111)HAYMaii

             CTPOKU               Apyrnx 6YKB.

F is for flag, B is for bag. C is for cat,

H is for hat. P is for pen,

T is for ten.

MO"KHO rrpeÅJIO)KHTb yqa111HMc51 CJ10Ba HJIH TIOA06paTb

BMec-re Ha ypoyce. Hanpnmep:

map - cap, dog - frog, one - sun, tie - sky, three - tree, boy - toy, star car.

6.   npoc.nymavi Bbjyqn HiU13YCTb

What a song the bird is singing.

Sitting in the tree!

Spring is coming! Spring is coming!

To all of you and me!

Ilpocnymavi HeCKOJ1bKO npeJ1j10xeHHi1             IIOAHHMVI pyKY, Korna YCJ1b1UIViU1b npeAJ10xeHMH , B KOTOPbLX rOBOPHTC% O TOM, LITO nponcxonwr ceüqac.

I am a teacher. I am 40. I am sitting at the table.l am in the classroom. I am reading a book.

He is a pupil. He is standing up. He is at his desk now. He is taking his book. It is in his hand. He is opening his book. He is reading a text.

The pupils are in the classroom. They are sitting and listening to their teacher. She is at the blackboard.

I. Ilpocnymail n Bblyqn HåU13YCTb.

What's her name?

Her name is Magle,

She is sitting at her table.

What's his name?

His name is Ben.

He is writing with his pen.

What's your name?

My name is Paul.

I am playing with my ball!

Ilpvf pa3YLIMBå1HHT1 CTMXOTBopeHHi1 MO)KHO HCf10J1b30BaTb TaKHe KaPTHHKH'. a) AeB0HKa CHAVIT ga CTOJIOM, 6) MUIbt-1MK ga CTOJIOM n rrnme•r, B)MaJIbYHK nrpaer C MWIOM. 3arreM MO)KHO 11POJ10JT)KHTb pa3roBop C KJ1aCCOM 110 cTpyKType

«What is your name?»

8.  Ilpoc.nymavi I-Ian3ycTb.

Who is reading?

Who is wHting?

Who is working hard?

Who is laughing? Who is jumping?

Playing in the yard?

9.  Ilpoc.llymail BblytIH HåU13YCTb.

l) Who is singing?

Who is playing?

Laughing with delight?

We are singing,

We are playing,

The sun is shining bright!

2) IIpocJ1ymaä He60J1bmoii TeKCT u CKa)KH, CCTb JIH             AeB0tÆKa B BarneM Knacce? LITO y 1--111X 06uxero u qe•M OHM  upyr 0T Apyra?

This is a girl. Her face is round. Her hair is long and fair. Her eyes are big and blue. Te girl is not tall. Her hands and feet are small. She is a very nice girl.

10. Ilpoøepb, upaBUJ1bHO       Mbl ruoucqnra.un npeAMeTb1 B HameM K.nacce. ECJIH Her, TO ncnpaBb A011Y'1.ueHHb1e      OLUH6RU. MO"KHO gapaHee AaTb yqauunvlcg CllHCOK 11peAMeTOB B 'TOFi nocneLOBarreJ1bHOCTH, B KOTOPOi OHH nepeqncneHb1. 3anaHHe: Ha KapT0t1Kax npocmaBb KOjmyeCTBO upenMeTOB, Hd3BaHHb1X AHKTOPOM.

There are three windows in your classroom. There are 25 desks m it. There is one table there. There are two lamps in your classroom. There are 4 chairs in it. There are two blaclboards in your classroom. There is one door in it. There are three pieces of chalk on the blackboard. There are ten pictures on the walls. There is one bookcase in your classroom.

There are 30 textbooks on your desks.

Il. Ilpocuymaii paccKa3 0                                        JIPY3bHX H CKMUI, qeM OHM

BHe111He. (B 60J1ee cua60M KJ1acce TeKCT MO)KHO npocnytllærb ABOKAbI, Torna nocne nepBoro upocJIY111HBaHHA MO)KHO upeAJIO)KVITb OTBerHTb Ha BOJIPOCb1 yqwreji% no 'reyccuy).

This is Nick and that is Pete. The boys are friends. Pete is ten and Nick is ten. The boys are pupils in the 5 th form. Nick is tall and Pete is short. Nick's hair is shon and fair. His eyes are brown. Pete's hair is short and dark. His eyes are blue. They are good pupils.

12. Ilpocayuuaü Ha113YCTb.

Reter has a pencil,

Kate has a pan,

He draws with his pencil, She writes with her pen.

Упражения и тексты для аудирования и работы над произношением ща английскому языку в 6 классе

1.  Listen and answer the questions. How old are they all?

Mum is thirty.

Dad is thirty five.

Betty is seven.

And I am only five.

2.  Listen, learn and say to your friends.

Let us sing

And talk together! Let us read

And work together!

Let's make friends!

3.  Listen to the rhyme and answer the questions. Are they working well?

I am counting to ten,

You are giving them a pen.

She is looking at the door.

He is sitting on the floor. All of us are working well,

Waiting, waiting for the bell.

4.  1) Listen to the rhyme and answer the questions.

What toy is Paul going to buy?

Where are you going to my little boys?

We are going to town, to buy some toys.

What toy are you going to buy, little Paul?

I am going to buy a very big ball.

2) Listen to Kate's story and raise your hands when you hear that she is going to do something.

It is morning. It is seven o'clock. I am getting up. I am going to wash, dress and have breakfast. It is eight o'clock. I am going to school with my friends. We are at the English lesson now. I am opening my text book. I am going to read the text. The lesson are over. I am going home. I am going to hae dinner. It is for o'clock. I am going to do my homework. I am going to watch TV m the evening. It's nine o'clock. I am going to bed.

5. 1) We shall tell you what Lena is wearing. Guess what the weather is like today?

l . Lena is wearmg a bright cotton dress. She has white socks on. She has neither a hat nor a cap on her head. She is holding a flower in her right hand. (answer: It's hot).

2.    Lena is wearmg a ramcoat. She is wearing a nylon cap. She is carring an umbrella. (It's raining.)

3.    Lena is wearing a skirt and a wann jacket. It's made of wool. She has tight and shoes on. She is earring her bag. (It's cool.)

4.    Lena has a very wann coat and hat on. Her tights are made of wool. They are very warm too. Lena is wearmg warm boots. She is not going to play in the yard. She is ntnning home. (It's cold.)

2) IIpoc.mymai1Te B011POCbL n OTBeTbI na HWX. 06paThTe BH11MaHHe fla ynapeHne

B OTBerax. (110AYMai1Te H CKa7U1te, OT qero OHO 3aB1•1CHT. )

Who is going to read the text? Upete is going to read the text. is going to be a teacher$? I am going to be the teacher. What is Pete going to read? He is going to read the Utext. What are you going to be? I am going to be a Uteacher. YVhose pen are you going to take? I am going to take UNe11y's pen. When are you going to watch TV? A am going to watch TV in the Jevening.

Is she looking at me or at Kate? She is looking at Kate. Who are they looking at? They are looking at Vyou.

6. Listen to the rhyme and say what the children do in winter, summer and spring.

«ln winter I ski and skate,» says little Kate. summer/like to swim,» says little Jim.

«And what do you do in spring?» «ln spring we play and sing.»

Answer the questions.

l) What does little Kate do in winter?

2)  What does little Jim do in summer?

3)  What do the children do in spring?

Listen to the story and answer the questions.

Little Ann comes up to her brother and says: «Nick, are you going to play with me?» «NO,» says Nick. «I am doing my homework.» Ann goes to her father: «Are you going to play with me?» «No,» says her father. «I am writing a letter to your grandmother.» Then Ann says to her mother: « Mummy, are you going to play with me?» «Not now, » says her mother. «l am washing the cups and plates. Help me, please.» Little girl is very glad to help her mother.

Answer the question.

l) Why is Nick not going to play with little Ann?

2)  Why is Ann's father (mother) not going to play with her?

3)  What is Ann glad to do? Why?

7. Ilpocuymairre npenuo;xeywnq H 110AHnrvurre pyKY, Koraa YCJ1b11UHTe C.'IOBO

«present» B 31--1aqeH11H «nonapoK», a He B 3HaqeHHH

l) What present are you going to give your sister for her birthday?

2)  This toy is present for you

3)  All the pupils are present today, aren't?

4)  Do you like to get presents?

5)  He is always present at the lessons.

6)  Thilty pupils are present at the meeting.

7)  We give presents to people on their birthdays.

8)  Neither Mike nor his Friend are present today.

8. Listen and learn to say «Many happy returns of the day!»

Many happy returns of the day!

These words we must learn to say: Many happy retums of the day! Tell us when we say «Many happy returns of the day!» to l)your mother;

2)father; 3)sister (brother); 4)your grandmother; 5)your friend.

(Pupil: I say «Many happy returns of the day!» to my ... on the . . . .)

«too» B 3HaqeHHLi

I am a schoolboy and my friend is a schoolboy too.

My sister can neither read nor write. She is too young.

Put on a warm jacket. It is too cold today.

He is not going to walk to the University. It is too far from our house.

I want to go to the cinema and see film too.

I like to give present s too.

Don't getup! It's too early.

They are going to show this toy to her too.

'ITO nponcxomrr ceiqac, B MOMeHT peqw.

l . My sister is a student. She goes to the Institute in the morning. She is going to be a teacher. She reads many books, and now she is reading an interesting article.

2. We can see many children in the play-ground. They like to come here.

Look at those boys. They are playmg football. Two little girls are playing with their toys. Girls don't like to play football. Two women are sitting on a bench and talking. My friend and i often come to our playground too.

10. Ilpocnyumair npeA.i10n«eH'tq H 110AHEIMn pyrey, Korna CJIOBO

B 3HaqeHHV1                           Karo.

l) The girl likes her doll very much.

2)  The boy is going to be a Driver like his father.

3)  Are you going to work in the garden today like your brother?

4)  The teacher likes his pupils' answer very much.

5)  His grandfhther likes to read a newspaper after breakfast. Does she wants to be a doctor like her mother?

6)  Does she wants to be a doctor like her mother? 7) Little Ann is carring a handbag like her mother.

Il. 1) Listen and learn.

is time to go to bed,»

Says the clock to the little Fred.

«Don't you want to have a rest'?

Close your eyes and do your best.»

2) Listen to the story and answer the question. What does the clock say to Fred?

«Tick, tock,» says the clock. «lt is time to get up, Fred.» Fred gets up and washes his face and hands with cold water. «Tick, tock,» says the clock. is time to have breakfast.» Fred has breakfast and takes his bag. «Tick, tock,» says the clock. It is time to go to school.» Fred puts on his coat, boots and goes to school. When he comes home after school the clock says to him «lt is time to have dinner.» Fred washes his hands and has dinner.

«Tick, tock,» says the clock.»lt is time to play in the yard, Fred!» Fred is very glad to go to the yard and play with his friends there.

12.  Listen to the rhymes, write them down as sums and learn them.

There is one cat

Under the green tree, Two more cats come

And now they are three.

There are nine apples

On this big plate,

I have taken one

And now they are eight.

13.  Listen and learn.

This is my sister, Her name is Ann. She goes to school, She is already ten. This is my brother, His name is Paul. He plays with his toys, He is very small.

Show, book, table, bread, milk, spoon, apple, pencil, butter, boy, water, film, cat, coffee, present, paper, wool, desk, pupil, plate, tea, picture, scarf, raincoat, chalk, nylon, toy, umbrella, dog.

15. I) Listen and learn.

Happy birthday to you!

Be healthy and gay!

Many happy returns of the day!

2) Listen to the dialouges, reproduce them and make up your own.

-  Are there any pencils in the box?

-  Yes, there are.

-  Count them, please!

-  One, two, three, four, five. There are five pencils in the box.

-  Is there any paper on the table'?

-  Yes, there is.

-  Are there any umbrellas on the shelP

-  Yes, there are.

-  Count them, please!

-  One, two, three. There are three umbrellas on the shelf.

-  Is there any coffee in the cup?

-  Yes, there is.

16.            Look. IIpocuymaiiTe YTBepnueH11H u Bonpocbl. TIOAHHMHTe pyKy: nepBb1ii pnm - KOVAa YCJ1bIL11HTe O TOM, 'ITO IIPOHCXOAHJIO BHepa, na npomnoii Hemeae, B


My sister likes to skate or ski on Sundays. Did she skate or ski last Sunday? She skated last Sunday.

My brother and I help our mother about the house every day. What did you do yesterday? We made our beds, washed the dishes and swept the floor. Do you sometimes lay the table? Yes, we do.

When do you usually have breakfast? They had breakfast at 8 0'clock yesterday, didn't they? Yes, they did

Did you have 5 or 6 lessons on Monday? We had five. Do you always have 5 lessons on Monday? Yes, we do.

17.            Listen to the dialogue and say what lessons Pete had yesterday?

Nick: Pete, how many lessons did you have yesterday?

Pete: Six lessons.

Nick: What lesson did you have first?

Pete: Literature. Then we had Mathematics, Russian, Geography and


Nick: What lesson did you have last?

Pete: Physical Training.

18.            Listen to the text and say what we did in our English lesson yesterday. Then say what you usually do in your English lessons.

We had an English lesson yesterday. When the bell rang, our teacher came into the room. All the pupils stood up and she said: «Good mormng, children.» We answered: «Good moming» and sat down. First we learn a short poem. Then the teacher asked us a lot of questions and we answered them. Then we described some pictures. After that we read some exercises in our boors. Then we read a very interesting text and spoke about it. At the end of the lesson the teacher gave us marks too. We worked very well and the teacher was glad. We like to learn English very much.

19.            1) Here are some dialogues to help you to learn asking and answering questions.

-When did you have dinner? - At 3 0'clock.

-Who prepared it for you?


-What did you do after dinner?

-I went to the playground.

-Who did you go there with?

-With my little sister.

-When did you have an English lesson?

-The day before yesterday.

-What did you read at the lesson?

-We read a text.

-What kind of text did you rad?

-We read a difficult text.

2) Ilpocnymaire ouncaHne K.uaccH0ii KOME%tTb1 n CKamnre, qeM or-la "OX07€a na Bamy '1 qeM o•runqaercq 0T nee.

Our classroom is on the first floor. It is a large and light room. There are 3 large windows in it. We can see our schoolyard out of the windows. The walls are yellow and the floor is brown.

There are 23 desks in the classroom. The teacher's table is at the window. There is a blackboard on the wall behind the teacher's table. There are always some pieces of chalk and a duster in the box near the blackboard. You can see three bookcases. In our classroom. There are a lot of English books and newspapers, maps and pictures in them. There are some pictures and maps on the walls too. There are three lamps hanging above the desks. Our classroom is very clean.

20.   Listen to thr story and reproduce it taking turns, one sentence each.

Nelly came from school at 2 0 'clock yesterday. Her grandmother was at home. Nelly laid the table and they had dinner together. They had soup, fish and some fruit. Nelly liked the dinner very much and thanked her grandmother for it.

Then she washed the plates, spoons and forks. After that she put on her warm coat and hat and went for a walk in the yard. Her friend Lucy was already there. Te girls made a very funny snowman.

When Nelly came home, she began to do her homework. It was not difficult for her to do it In the evening her parents came from work and they had supper together. Nelly didn't want to watch TV. Nelly went to bed at 9 0'clock.

21.   Listen to the short dialogues and reproduse them.

l) - Have you been to Peterburg, Jane?

-    Yes, I have.

-    When were you there?

-    I was there last summer.

2) - Has he English lesson begun?

-   Yes, it has.

-   When did it begin?

-   At 2 0'clock

3)- Have they had Physical Training?

-   Yes, they have.

-   Did they have it in the sports ground?

-   Yes, they did.

22. 1) Ilpocaymaiire npeA.yuomeH"fI n 110AHHMHTe pyr-«y, Korma ycnblmwre

CJIOBO «square» B 31•1aqeHHH

There is a beautiful square in our town.

Is the box square or round?

Are there many or few square in their city?

There was a square table in the middle of the room.

There was a square in the middle of the village.

Were there many people in the square on the I st of May.

2) Ilpocnymairre upenaoxeflll%l H 110AHUMHTe PYKY, Koraa ycJIb1mnTe CJIOBO «country» B 3Haqennn «cTpaHa».

There are many beautiful cities in our country.

You spent your holidays in the countty last summer, didn't you?

Children from many countries spend their holidays in Artek.

This man speaks English. What country is he from?

My grandparents live in the country.

What is the capital of this country?

23. Listen to the rhyme and answer the question: Who loves Mummy best?

Who loves Mummy best? says Fred.

give her flowers,

White, yellow and red.» Who loves Mummy best?

«I,» says May. «With my dear Mummy I always play.»

Who loves Mummy best?

«I,» says Joe.

«She asks me to help her

And I always do so.»

Упражения и тексты для аудирования и работы над произношением цо английскому языку в 7 классе

I. Listen. translate and learn.

Summer past away,

Studies have begun,

Little time for playing, Much is to be done.

We shall read and write, Leam a lot from you.

To be clever and bright, We have much to do.

2. Listen to our story and raise your hands when you hear the words you learnt at the previous lesson. Name and translate the words after you have listened to the story.

A lot of people live far from the sea. They like to spend their summer holidays near a river or a lake. They often go to some village and have a good rest there. Their life is very quite. They like to spend an hour or two at the river lying in the sun or batting. Most of them don't like to go to the seaside very often and they go to the country time and again.

3. 1) Listen and learn.

Autumn is the time for harvest.

Gather in what you have grown! Give a treat to every house, His and hers and your own.

2) Listen to the story and raise your hands when you hear the new words you learn in the previous lesson. Be ready to name and translate the words.

My grandmother lives in a village. She works on a collective works on a collective fann. Her collective farm grows wheat and different vegetables.

My grandparents have a kitchen-garden. Last year they had a rich harvest of potatoes. Our family helped them to gather the potatoes in,

4. I) Listen to the story and raise your hands when you hear the new words you learn in the previous lesson.

Last year we visited a state farm near our town. First of all we went to the cattle-farm. We gave some grass to the cows while we stayed there. Then we talked to some schoolchildren who learnt to operate combineharvesters. They were going to help the combine-operators with their hard work. Then we went to the friends in a large lorry.

2) Listen to the story about Kate and her Family, how they spend evenings. Let the girls raise the hands when they hear about something that happens often and the boys - that is happening now.

It is 8 0'clock in the evening. All the members of our family are sitting in the living-room. We often get together in the evening. Look at my Granny! She is Knitting socks for her grandchildren. She likes to knit and to listen to little Ann's stories. Father is sitting in an arm-chair. He is watching a hockey match. He usually watched TV or read newspapers in the evenings. My mother and I are looking through the new magazines. We often read some articles with her.

5. Listen to the story and raise your hands when you hear the new words you learnt in the previous lesson.

People who come to visit our school can see a plot behind it. In spring the pupils in our class decided to grow some vegetables there. We all worked together on a plot. We worked so hard that we gathered in rich harvest of vegetables in autumn. We think that we shall never forget our work on the school plot.

5. 1) Listen to the rhyme and answer the question: What was there on the plate?

there anything on the plate?

Have a look my little Kate.»

«There was something on it, Mum.

I have eaten it and there is none!»

2) Raise your cards: <<+» - when you hear a statement, «?» - when you hear a question, «-» - when you hear a negative sentence.

Is there anybody in the street'? Yes, there is somebody in the street. Is there anybody in the comdor? No, thre isn't anybody in the comdor. There is something in the box. Is there anything in that box? There is nothing in it. Is there anything in your hands? Yes. There is something in my hands.

7.   Listen and learn.

When the sun shines, it's hot.

When the wind blows, it's not so hot.

8.   Listen to this story and say what the pupils on duty have already done and what they haven't done yet,

Nick and Kate are on duty today. They usually come to school before the bell. But today they have come earlier.

Kate has already cleaned the blackboard and watered the flowers. Now she is dusting the desks. Nick has already opened the window. He has just brought some water.

He is going to wash the floor.

After the pupils' answers the teacher may ask them the following questions.

l ) Who is on duty in your class today?

2)   What have the pupils on duty done'?

3)   What haven't they done yet?

4)   What has everybody done today?

9.      Listen, learn and say what you usually do when it's sunny (rainy, windy).

When it's ramy, when it's windy, We prefer to stay indoors. When it's warm and when it's sunny,

We go out to play, of course!

10. Listen and reproduce.

Well you go for a walk, Jean?

No, it's rainy, I'll stay in.

Will you stay indoors today?

No, it's sunny, I'll go and play.

11. 1) Listen to the short dialogue and answer the questions.

-  How old are you, Betty?

-  I am seven.

-  How old are your brothers?

-  Ben is eleven and Bob is three.

Answer the questions.

Which of them is the youngest?

Which of them is the oldest?

Is Betty younger than Ben?

Is Bob older than Betty?

2) Listen to a number of dialogues and raise your hands:

l . When you hear a polite request (boys).

2. When you hear about something that will happen in future (girl).

a)   - Will you go to the library tomorrow?

-          Yes, i'll go there.

-          Will you take an interesting book for me, please? - All right.

b)  - Shall we go to the cinema on Sunday?

-          Certainly.

-          Will you buy tickets for us, please? - With pleasure.

c)   - Will you open the window?

-          It's too cold, i am afraid. We shall have a break soon, and i'll open the window then.

12. Listen to the story and raise your hands when you hear the words you have learnt in this lesson.

People cannot live without food. We buy food in shops or in the markets and pay money for it. In a food shop we can buy butter, cheese, meat, sausage, salt, sugar and other products.

13. 1) Listen to the rhymes, learn them and answer the questions.

Will you have some coffee, please,

With the butter and the cheese,

With the sausage and the bread (and the been). Have your breakfast, dear Dad! (dear Mum!)

Answer the questions.

Have you ever make breakfast for your parents?

What do you usually have for breakfast?

2) Listen to the story and raise your hands when you hear the words you have learnt today.

Yesterday my mother and I went to the large department store. They sell different things there. We went to the shoe department.

We wanted to buy shoes for mother. She choes nice bro•vM1 shoes, asked the price and paid for them.

Then we went to a food store and bought some sugar there. Mother also bought sweets and ice-cream for all our family.

14.             Listen to the story, raise your hands when you hear the new words you have learnt today. After that listen to the story again and say what change the boy got.

My mother usually goes shopping in our family, but yesterday my elder brother took me to the department store to buy a new suit for me. I tried on some suits and did it very quickly, because i don't like to do anything slowly. We choose the best suit which was right for me and warm enough for winter. It costs 33 rouble and 83 copecks. My brother paid for it. He gave 40 roubles and got the change. Have you counted how much change we got? If not, try' to do it.

15.             1) Listen to the rhyme and say why the little girl wants to do shopping so much.

Shopping, shopping!

Let's go shopping!

We shall buy a lot of food! Bread and butter, cheese and ice-cream

I think it tastes so good!

2) Listen to the short dialogue, learn it and make up yur own dialogues.

 Let's go shopping.

 What shall we buy?

 We shall buy bread, sugar, butter and sausage.

 Let's buy some sweets as well.  All right!

npennoa«emre, B KOTOPOM FOBOPHTCH O He06x0A%Mocrn COBeP111HTb neiicTBne (

060POT         have to»

I . We often have two lessons on Mathematics a day. 2. We often have to stay at school after classes. 3. She has to learn more poems by this author. 4. She has two more poems by this author. 5. Nick spends two hours a day on his English. 6. Nick has to spend two hours a day on his English.

7. Mother has two much work to do. 8. Mother has to do a lot of work. 9. She has two shopping bags. 10. She has to go shopping every day. I l. They have too much homework every day. 12. They have to do much homework every day.

16. Listen to the rhyme and say between whom this talk is taking place. They answer our questions.

I should like to do some shopping. Let me go, I should not get lost!

«NO, my dear, you are so little!

Wait a bit, grow up first.»

Who are they? That's right. A mother and her little daughter.

Answer the questions.

I ) What does the daughter want to do?

2)  What does she want to buy. In your opinion?

3)  Why doesn't her mother let her go shopping?

17. 1) Ilpoc.uymaine npem.nomennq 11 ITOAHHMHTe pyKY, Korua ycJ1bImnre Bpew•eHnro

l) I shall tell you, when we shall start reading this book. 2) I shall tell you about the author, when we begin to read the book. 3) We don't know when he will brmg the newspaper. 4) We shall read the alticle when he brings the newspaper. 5) Mum will surely buy it when she goes shopping. 6) Mum is not sure when she will go shopping. 7) Don't you know when they will come back from Minsk. 8) You will know everything when he comes back from MinSk. 9) Kate will have some coffee when we have breakfast.

2) Listen to our description of a food-shop. Then describe the nearest shop you buy food at.

There is a shopping centre near our house. We go there when we have to buy food or other things. Mother does the shopping in our family. She buys some food almost every day. But sometimes. When mother is busy, she asks me to go to the nearest food-shop and get something we need. Our food shop is not very large. There are some departments in it. If we need milk, cheese, cream or butter we go to the milk department. They sell milk in packets and m bottles there. We buy sausage at the meat department and different kinds of fish at the fish depaftment. If we need bread we have to go to a special shop, where we can also buy sweets and cakes. There is also a shop which sells fruit and vegetables. [ like to go shopping because our food-shops are clean and the shop - assistants are polite. They are always ready to help you.

18. I) Listen to the rhyme and say what the girl will buy if she goes shopping.

If I go to do some shopping,

I shall buy a lot of things:

Dolls and books, ice-cream and flowers. Toy-machines for youger brothers. What will you buy if you go shopping?

2) Listen to our story and make up your own.

I like birthday because i am always glad to get presents and to give them to other people. If somebody invites me to a birthday party, I first of all, try to buy an interesting book. If there are no such books I go to a department store. I never buy things which we must try to see that they are right for us. My parents usually don't cost a lot. But I always want my friends to be happy with my presents,

npnnaTO'1Hoe YC.IIOBHH.

I )Ask them if they will come here. 2) Ask mother if she will go shopping. 3) Ask mother to buy it if she goes shopping. 4) I shall ask him if he will come to play chess with me.

20. 1) Listen, learn and answer the questions.

Mary has to wash the floor, Nelly has to clean the door.

What does Willy have to do?

He has to help his mother, too.

Answer the questions.

What does Mary (Nelly, Willy) have to do?

What do you have to do to help your mother?

2) Listen to the story and make up your own.

One day Billy saw very nice trousers in the shop window. He went into the shop and asked the shop-assistant to show him the trousers. Billy liked the trousers very much. He bought them and went home. He was happy. At home Billy tried the trousers on. He was very pleased. They were neither too short nor too long. When Billy walked along the street everybody looked at him and his trousers. They were really good! Suddenly it began to rain hard. Billy ran home as quickly as he could. But when he came home, his trousers became much shorter than before. Of course, Billy was son-y about it.

21. I) Listen to the rhyme and make up short dialogues. Answer the questions.

Which subject is the best?

You do a lot of subjects.

No time to have a rest.

Please tell me which of them you think to be the best.

2) Listen to our short story and raise your hands when you hear the new words you have learnt today.

All the pupils in our class go to the school library. It is always full of schoolchildren and we have to write a little before we can take books and magazines to read. There are novels, books of short stories and poems in our library. We tell the librarian what we are interested in and she helps us to choose something.

22.  Listen to the story and raise your hands when you hear the new words you have learnt.

There are many libraries in our city. These the readers can find books by Russian and foreign writers. My favourite book is «Mougli». It's author is P. Kipling. He is a very popular in our country. I'd like to read some more books by this English writer. I have a god idea. Tomorrow I shall go to the library and took some Kipling's stories.

23.  Listen to the rhymes and name the main grammer difference between them. Learn one of them by heart, changing the title.

«Mougli» is a very good book.

I   read it time and again.

Who wrote it, by the way?

Please tell me the author's name.

«Mougli» is a very good book.

It was read by me time and again. Please tell me the author's name.

24.  Listen to the rhyme and guess what it is about,

We call them friends

And we can find A lot in them For our mind. They teach us to be kind and clever

Make friends with them

Once and for ever (books).

25.  Listen, learn and recite to your mother on the of March.

You are the dearest of all.

I   love you very much.

And give you these nice flowers

On the 8th of March.

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Успешное обучение пониманию монологической речи на слух зависит от целого ряда факторов, и в первую очередь от учета особенностей монолога и сложностей процесса аудирования, выбора источника информации и от правильного построения серии упражнений тренировочного и речевого характера. Для обучения пониманию на слух важен не только учет специфических особенностей монологической речи, но и выявление общих моментов, характеризующих взаимодействие диалога и монолога в речевом общении.

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