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Олимпиадные задания для школьного этапа Всероссийской олимпиады школьников

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Олимпиада – 2014                                                              Английский язык


I.                   Reading comprehension

Read the passage. After the passage you will find four questions, each with three answers. For each item, mark the letter next to the correct answer – A, B, C – against the number of the item.

Shopping in London

London has many large department stores, which sell everything: shoes and shirts, paper and perfume, fur coats and frying pans. The most expensive department store is Harrods in Knightsbridge. You can buy almost anything in Harrods, and you know you are getting the best. Twice a year, in January and july, Harrods  has a “sale”. Some things are almost half price, and there are thousands of bargains. On the first days of the sale the shop is very crowded.

      The smartest and most expensive shops are in Knightsbridge, but more people come to Oxford Street, London’s most popular shopping center. The street is more than a mile long. There are several big department stores in Oxford Street. The best known are Selfridges, John Lewis and D. H. Evans.

      Oxford Street has the most shops, but in some ways King’s Road in Chelsea is more fun. This is where fashionable young Londoners buy their clothes in the many small “boutiques”.

      Marks and Spenser is a very well – known department store selling clothes, food and other goods for home. Their clothes are generally considered to be of good quality and at reasonable prices, but not include the most modern and most extreme fashions.

       There are several big street markets in London, and many small ones. Some markets open only one day a week. Go to the Portobello Road on Saturday, or to Petticoat Lane on Sunday. Covent Garden market is open every day. Come here for antiques, old clothes, hand – made jewellery and many other special things.


department store – универмаг        frying pans - сковородки

fur coats – шубы                             bargain – выгодная покупка

     very crowded – битком набитый


                1.    The most expensive department store is


a)      Selfridges

b)      Marks & Spenser

c)      Harrods


2.      London’s most popular shopping center is


a)      Covent Garden

b)      Oxford Street

c)      Knightsbridge


3.      Marks & Spenser sell


a)      the most expensive clothes

b)      The most fashionable clothes

c)      Rather conservative, neither cheap nor expensive clothes


4.      Covent Garden market is open

a)      only one day a week

b)      every day                             c) on Sunday

II. Grammar test. Choose the correct variant


1.Ann can speak … English well.

     a) on   b) in   c) –

2. She is as … as her mother.

     a) tall   b) taller   c) the tallest

3. John is … pupil in our group.

      a) good   b) better  c) the best

4. Mary says she usually … there by bus.

      a) goes   b) is going   c) go

5. What … you listen to yesterday?

      a) did    b) does   c) do

6. John says … he likes sports.

      a) what   b) that   c) which

7. Tourists … sightseeing every day.

      a) go    b) play   c) do

8. We … games after school.

      a) go    b) play    c) do

9.  We clean our teeth … a day.

      a) twice    b) two   c) second

10. We … the film yesterday.

       a) see     b) saw   c) seen


III. Match the word on the left with the correct explanation on the right


1. conservative     a) pays too much respect to social status and wealth

2. reserved            b) gives a lot of attention to doing something properly

3. polite                 c) shows care and thought for the future

4. prudent              d) believes that his own country is better than all others

5. careful               e) having traditional attitudes and values

6. emotional           f) not polite

7. respectable         g) does not show feelings or express opinions

8. chauvinistic        h) has emotions and easily displays them

9. snobbish             i) has good manners and consideration for other people

10. rude                  j) decent in appearance and behaviour


IV. Write an essay about your native countryside at the moment. How will it change in years?

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