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Класс: 6

Тема: « My favourite day»

Цель урока: Формирование лексических («Daily routine», « My favourite day») и грамматических (Present Simple, Linkers) навыков говорения.



- повторить грамматическое правило Present Simple;

- повторить лексику по теме распорядок дня;

- учиться отвечать на вопросы.


- активизация лексических и грамматических навыков.


- развитие памяти, внимания, умения слушать и слышать учителя и одноклассников.


- привитие интереса к английскому языку;

- воспитание уважительного отношения друг к другу.


- создание условий для организации и обеспечения урочной деятельности

Языковой материал:

Фонетика - [s], [z], [?z].

Лексика - Set off , Meet up with - The rest of the team –Arrive at –Put up the tents –To tie knots –

Build fires – Campfire - Absolutely

Грамматика – Linkers (and, then, after that, before)






Ход урока

I. Организационный момент (2 мин)

[T], [T-S1, S2]

T: Good morning, children. I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. Let’s start our lesson. How are you today?

S: We are fine, thank you.

T: How are you doing?

D: Good, thank you.

S: Who is on duty today?

S1: I am on duty.

T. What day is it today?

S1: It is the 27-th of November.

T. Who is absent today? Thank you, sit down.

1.1 Целеполагание, мотивация учащихся на дальнейшее изучение темы, активизация изученной ранее тематической лексики. (2 мин)

T: Today we have a very interesting topic for speaking. Look at the screen and read the title of the lesson and tell me what are we going to speak about?

S: We are going to speak about our favourite days.

T: Yeah, you’re right; today we are going to speak about your favourite days. But look at the screen. Whom do you see? Remember them. We’ll return to this picture later.

To have a good rest - You must work hard. And today we here to understand “How to spend a good day?”, “What is a favourite day?” But to find it all out we need to do a lot of work.

        Firstly, we should revise all words & phrases we need. We’ll speak about daily routine. We’ll speak about our typical days and favourite days. We’ll do grammar exercises and use “Linkers” and “Present Simple”.






II. Фонетическая зарядка.

[T. - Class] (2 мин)

          T: Before we start speaking let’s train our toungs to have a good pronunciation. Look at the screen. Last lesson we practiced Present Simple. And you know that the verbs in 3 person of singular form have got the endings - s/ -es. These endings can give different sounds.

[s] –

[z] –

[iz] -

Let’s pronouns the verbs correctly. You can see some sounds. Listen, repeat and try to read yourself.

T: So, we revised consonants, but now let’s revise vowels.

ay [ei] – day, way, Monday

e [e] – less, best, yet

a [æ] – bad, cat, hat

I like Sunday the best,

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday less.

Thursday, Friday are not bad,

Saturday is better yet.

T: Good! Good pronunciation. Children tell me please what is this rhyme about?

-         S: It is about days of week.

-         Yes, they are about days of week. And as you understand today we speak about our favourite days. Some of them can be our favorites, special days.








III. Обсуждение домашнего задания. Развитие навыков диалогической речи. [T S1 (S2)] 5 мин.


-         T: Don’t be hurry. To know new knowledge firstly we should revise our last lesson. Now let’s check your homework. Last lesson we spoke with you about your daily routine. At home you had to learn new phrases by heart. Let’s check.

Let’s revise what we can do in the morning, in the evening…

LEAFLETHow to spend a good day(данное задание выполняется слабоуспевающими учениками, пока остальные обучающиеся работают с заданием на экране)

-         Rules:

-         Words:
1. Get up __________.

-         2. Have a ______ to fell fresh.

-         3. Heave a big ________.

-         4. Don’t be late to _______.

-         5. Study _________.

-         6. Don’t argue with ______.

-         7. Do your _______ every day.

-         8. Read _______ you go to bed


T.: Look at the pictures at the screen. Answer my questions.  “What do we do in the morning?”

S: “We get up at 7 o’clock, we have a shower, we brush our teeth, we have breakfast, and we go to school.”

-        What do we do in the afternoon?

-        We have lessons at school, we have lunch, we come home, we play sports.

-        What do we do I the evening?

-        We have dinner, we do our homework, we play computer games, we watch TV, and we listen to music.

-        What do we do at night?

-        We go to bed.





IV. Введение новой темы.


 T.: Good. But all these actions you do in your simple day. But are there any another actions in your favourite day?

My favourite day is…. (3 мин)

-        Why is it your favourite day? Look at the screen and choose the best answer, start with: “My favourite day is…… because on ……. I……..”

-        1) “My favourite day is Sunday because on Sunday I get up late, I visit my friends and we go for a walk.” 

-        2) “My favourite day is Saturday because on Saturday I play football.”

-        3) “My favourite day is Sunday because on Sunday I don’t go to school.”

-        4) “My favourite day is Sunday because on Sunday I go to the cinema with my mum and dad.”

What is your favourite day? Answer my question.


V. Подготовка к чтению текста. (5 мин.)

T.: Thank you, now we are going to read a text. Open your books at page 40 and look at the title. P1. read it. Whose composition is this? (It’s Ann Smith’s composition) Which is Ann’s favourite day? (Her favourite day is Saturday)

T: Why does Ann like it? How do you think?

S2: In my opinion she likes Saturday because it’s a weekend and she can relax.

S3: I think her favourite day is Saturday because maybe she goes camping.

T: Yeah, good answers. Before reading, let’s read and translate some words and expressions from the text:


Set off – пресечься, встретиться

Meet up with - встретиться

The rest of the team – остальные из команды

Arrive at – прибывать

Put up the tents –установить палатки

To tie knots – завязывать узлы

Build fires – сложить костер

Campfire - костер

Absolutely – безусловно



T.: - Before we start working with the text we should relax. Look at me and repeat after me.

Every morning way you wash your face,

Wash your face, wash your face together

This is the way you wash your hands,

Wash your hands, wash your hands together

This is the way you brush your teeth,

Brush your teeth, brush your teeth together

This is the way you brush your hair,

Brush your hair, brush your hair together

This is the way you clean your shoes,

Clean your shoes, clean your shoes.

This is the way you eat your food,

Eat your food, eat your food together

This is the way you drink your tea,

Drink your tea, drink your tea together

This is the way you drink your tea

VI.    Работа с текстом: прослушивание, чтение по очереди, ответы на вопросы (5 мин)

T: Now. Look at the text and listen to the text attentively. After the listening you must answer the questions.

T: Now, answer the following questions in Ex 2b, p.40.

1. Saturday.

She has breakfast, She puts on her uniform and sets off with her friend for the Scouts Club.

3. She plays football or goes climbing.

4. She cooks dinner with the rest of the group. She goes to her tent. She tells/ listens to stories. She goes to sleep.

VII.   Объяснение грамматического материала: слова-связки и выполнение заданий на употребление их в речи (5 мин)

T: So, guys, you’ve listened and read yourselves this text and you’ve seen that it’s composed correctly and brightly. Tell me please which tense is used in this short composition? (Present Simple).

    But to make the narrating of an event more beautiful and to show the order events happen we use appropriate linkers. This makes your writing more organized. What linking words do you know?

S: and, then, but…

T.: Good of you. You’re right. I see you know the linkers. Let’s watch them at the screen.

T: Well, look at the text again and find these linkers. Read them aloud

P: …

T: Ok, let’s practice your new knowledge. (ex. 3b). At the board you see 2 tables. In the left table there are sentences with the gaps and in the right table you see new linkers. You should fill in the gaps with these linkers. (5 мин)

 Link the sentences using and, then, after that, when, before

1. On Saturdays I meet my friends for coffee. After that/then we go to the cinema./On Saturdays I meet my friends for coffee before we go to the cinema.

2. She has breakfast. Then she leaves for school.

3. On Saturdays we have a family dinner before/ and we watch a movie./ On Sundays we have a family dinner. After that, we watch a movie.

4. I get up when the alarm clock rings.

T: Think over and make your own sentences with these linking words


VIII. Развитие навыков устной речи. (5 мин.)

Teacher: Good for you! So, now you are almost ready to do your own narration about your favourite day.

T: Think about your perfect day. Make notes, and tell the class how you spend it.

I will divide you into 3 groups, the first group will tell us about the morning, the second group will tell about the afternoon, and the third group will tell the class hoe they spend their evenings on a perfect day.

IX. Заключительная часть. Подведение итогов: оценка работы учащихся, домашнее задание. (4 мин)

T: - Now. I see all of you have got a favourite day. That’s why I ask you to open the diary. Write down your homework. You should write a short article about your perfect day of the week for the school newspaper. Write why you like it and what do you do in the morning, afternoon, evening (50-80 words).

T.: -Our lesson is finishing. Tell me do you like it? What new things did you know? What is the most interesting thing of the lesson?

 S-s: About favourite days.

T.: Look at the screen again. You see Winnie-The-Pooh and his best friend Piglet. Read the mini-dialogue between them. What do these lines mean?

S.: It means that people should be happy to every day in their life.

 T.: Dear boys and girls thank you very much. You’ve worked hard.

T: As you work hard you get excellent marks.



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