Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыОткрытый урок по английскому языку на тему "Рождество"

Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему "Рождество"

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по английскому языку

в 6 классе


УМК Английский язык для 6 класса школ с углублённым изучением английского языка авторов  Афанасьевой О.В., Михеевой И. В.  Москва: Просвещение, 2008 г.


Тема: «Рождество»

Цель урока:

Развитие умений говорения по теме.

Задачи урока:

I. Образовательные:

     - познакомить учащихся с некоторыми традициями и обычаями празднования Рождества в Великобритании и России;

     - активизировать употребление лексики в речи;

     - учить понимать на слух;

     - учить учащихся логическому построению устного высказывания на английском языке;

     - формировать  коммуникативно-информационную компетентность;

     - формировать у учащихся навыки написания открыток на английском языке с опорой на ранее введенные знания;

     - формировать у учащихся умения эстетически оформлять открытку;

     - учить учащихся поздравлять друг друга с рождеством.

II. Развивающие:

     - развивать творческую фантазию, познавательный интерес, инициативу в осуществлении иноязычной речевой деятельности;

     -  развивать языковую догадку учащихся, наблюдательность;

     - способствовать развитию мышления, внимания, памяти, творческих способностей механизма  репродукции при обучении говорению.

III. Воспитательные:  

     - воспитывать у учащихся чувство прекрасного;

     - способствовать расширению кругозора и познавательного интереса учащихся к иноязычной культуре и традициям других народов.

Формы урока: лексико-фонетическая разминка; фронтальный опрос; работа в парах; самостоятельная работа; викторина.

Методы: проблемно-поисковый; креативный; коммуникативный; личностно-ориентированный; практический; деятельностный подход; самоконтроль;   самооценка.

Оборудование:  компьютер,  проектор,  экран, интерактивная доска.

Наглядные пособия:  рождественские постеры, поздравительные открытки, волшебный сундучок, колпаки, видеофильмы, аудиозаписи, презентация, раздаточный материал.


                                                               Ход урока.

I. Организационный момент. (Презентация)


    1. П. англ. языка: Good  morning!  I’m  glad  to see you! Let’s start our lesson! First of all I suggest you to listen to one song and guess what holiday is this song about? (Звучит песня  «We wish you a Merry Christmas!»).

                        We wish you a Merry Christmas!

                        We wish you a Merry Christmas!

                        We wish you a Merry Christmas!

                        And a Happy New Year!

P1: This song is about Christmas.

T: Of course! What are we going to speak about?    

P2: About Christmas.

T: What do you know about Christmas?


P1: I know that Christmas is a favourite holiday for English people, especially for children.

P2: Christmas is a religious holiday. They celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

P3: I think Christmas is a family holiday. Families gather for Christmas dinner. They give presents to each other.

P4: Every Englishman sends many Christmas cards, e-mails and text-messages.

P5: People decorate Christmas tree with beautiful balls and toys.


T: All right. What words are associated with Christmas? (На доске нарисована ёлка. Учащиеся называют слова по теме «Рождество», а учитель вешает игрушки с названиями на ёлку.)


P3: Christmas holiday and decorations.

P4: Christmas tree.

P5: Presents.

P6: Traditional food.

P7: Santa Claus.

T: And of course Christmas songs, greetings cards. Are we going to speak about it at the lesson? So to say we learn about the traditions of Christmas celebration in Great Britain. So, we celebrate Christmas today! Let’s dress up! Put on your caps, please! ( Учащиеся надевают красные колпаки.)        


II. Речевая зарядка.


1. T: Let’s review our words first of all! Look at the screen! Speak after me, please!


            Christmas                                           decorate

            Presents                                              cracker

            Lights                                                 turkey

            Christmas tree                                    Santa Claus

            Pudding                                              tinsel

            Celebrate                                            greetings card


2. T: Read the words, P8!

3. T: The next task for you. Read these words in alphabetical order, please.

P9: Celebrate, Christmas, Christmas tree, cracker, decorate, greetings card, lights, presents,  pudding, Santa Claus, tinsel, turkey.

T: All right! The next task. Please match the English words with their Russian equivalents. (Учитель использует интерактивную доску.)


            Christmas                                          поздравительная открытка

            Presents                                             индюк

            Lights                                                украшать

            Christmas tree                                   Санта Клаус

            Pudding                                             хлопушка

            Celebrate                                           мишура

            Decorate                                            рождественская ёлка        

            Cracker                                              праздновать

            Turkey                                               пудинг

            Santa Claus                                       огоньки

            Tinsel                                                подарки

            greetings card                                   Рождество

T: Well done!


III. Актуализация знаний.


1. Выполнение упражнения.


T: Look at the screen. The text is “Christmas Day”. Say me please what should you do.

P10: We should complete the sentences with the help of the words from the box.

T: All right! Will you begin! (Учащиеся по очереди читают предложения и вставляют нужные слова.)


Presents, books, stockings (2), toys (2), dessert, exciting, fireplace, give, Day, sweets, Merry Christmas


                                                              Christmas Day


            Christmas Day, December 25th, is the most ... day of the year for English children. Оn that day they get ... and ... presents to their brothers, sisters, parents and friends.

            Yоu probably know that English children hang ... at the ... or near their beds оn Christmas Eve. In the morning they usually find their ... filled with small toys and ... . They mау also find larger ... lying nearby.        

            The morning will bе spent playing with new ... and reading new ... Then comes lunch, traditionally with the turkey as the main dish and Christmas pudding for … . The whole family tries to соmе together оn Christmas ... to say " ... " to each other .


(Keys: exciting, presents, give, stockings, fireplace, stockings, sweets, toys, toys, books, dessert, Day, “Merry Christmas”)


T: Well done! You have completed all the sentences right.


2. Аудирование с полным пониманием. (Просмотр видеофильма.)


 T: Now I suggest you to  watch  a  video film. After  that  you  should  say  how  the English people celebrate Christmas holiday. Look at the screen. (Учащиеся просматривают фильм.)


3. Беседа по фильму.


T: You have seen the film and now answer my question, please! How do the English people celebrate Christmas holiday? What do they usually do this day?


P11: People buy Christmas trees, presents, cards. Children decorate the Christmas tree with toys, tinsels and lights. People send Christmas cards to relatives and friends.

P12: On Christmas Eve people usually go to a special church service. They sing Christmas carols. They put their presents under the Christmas tree.

P13: People usually spend time with their families. In the morning they usually go to church and then they have Christmas dinner. There are a lot of fun and jokes on that day. Children like this holiday very much. They go from house to house, sing songs and congratulate people.

P1: The traditional Christmas food is roast turkey with potatoes and Christmas pudding.

P7: Parents and children give presents to each other this holiday.


Учитель просит учащихся рассказать, как англичане празднуют рождество.

P8: The English people like to celebrate Christmas holiday. They buy Christmas trees, presents, cards. They put their presents under the Christmas tree. Children decorate the Christmas tree with toys, tinsels and lights. People send Christmas cards to relatives and friends. On Christmas Eve or in the morning people usually go to a special church service. They sing Christmas carols. Then they have Christmas dinner. The traditional Christmas food is roast turkey with potatoes and Christmas pudding. There are a lot of fun and jokes on that day. Children like this holiday very much. They go from house to house, sing songs and congratulate people. Parents and children give presents to each other this holiday.


T: Well! Tell me please how the Russian people celebrate Christmas holiday?


P5: The Russian people decorate New – Year’s tree, put the presents under it. They send e-mails and text-messages to relatives and friends. On Christmas Eve some people and children go from house to house and sing songs. They get sweets and money. It is such a good tradition by Russian people.


P6: Many Russian people like to celebrate New Year and Christmas holiday. Children enjoy decorating New – Year’s tree and getting presents from Father Frost. I like to get gifts too. On Christmas Eve I and my friends congratulate people and sing songs. People give us some sweets or money.


4. Письмо.


T: Now we have spoken about Christmas holiday and now … let’s congratulate each other with this best holiday! Say me, please! How do the English people congratulate each other? You have prepared greetings cards, haven’t you? Show me please! (Учащиеся показывают учителю поздравительные открытки.) Oh what beautiful greetings cards! Well! Let’s write congratulations and best wishes to each other! (Учащиеся пишут поздравления на открытках.)


5. Мини-диалоги.


Т: Now congratulate each other with Christmas! (Учащиеся поздравляют друг друга с Рождеством.)


P1: Dear Andrew! Merry Christmas! I wish you good luck!

P2: Thank you! The same to you! И т. д. (Учитель прослушивает каждую пару.)


6. Релаксация.


T: All right! You have said that before Christmas children usually go from house to house and sing songs. Do you know any songs? Let’s sing all together. (Учащиеся исполняют песенку «Jingle, Bells!»


Jingle, Bells! Jingle, Bells!                                                  Dashing through the snow

Jingle all the way!                                                                In a one-horse open sleigh,                        

Oh what fun it is to ride                                                      O’er the fields we go,  

In a one-horse open sleigh.                                                  Laughing all the way.


                                               Bells, on bobtail ring,

                                               Making spirits bright.

                                               What fun it is to ride and sing

                                               A sleighing song tonight.


T: Well! Who else knows any Christmas songs?

P3, P4: (Учащиеся исполняют колядку.)


                        Hello, reindeer.

                        Hello, snowman.

                        Hello, Santa.

                        Happy Holidays.

                                               One, two, three

                                               Four, five, six,

                                               Seven, eight, nine, ten,

                                               Merry Christmas, everyone.

                                               Let’s sing it once again.

                                                                                   Hello, reindeer.

                                                                                   Hello, snowman.

                                                                                   Hello, Santa.

                                                                                   Happy Holidays.

                                                                                   Happy Holidays!


T: Well! Take some sweets for it.


IV. Первичное закрепление знаний.


1. Работа в парах. Заполнение таблицы.


T: Now you have relaxed, have sung the songs and I suggest you to compare English and Russian traditions of Christmas celebration. Look at this poster! (На доске постер, на котором описаны традиции празднования рождества в России и Великобритании.) It helps you to fill the table. I give you some sheets of paper and you should write the differences. Be quick! You can do it in pairs.


№ п/п


Great Britain



When is  Christmas celebrated?




How is “Дед Мороз” called?




Where does “Дед Мороз” live?




Where is Christmas tree situated?




Where do people usually put their presents?




T: Have you written? Please tell me some differences of Christmas celebration in Great Britain and in Russia.

P1: Christmas is celebrated on the 7th of January in Russia. And in Europe it is celebrated on the 25th of December.

P2: “Дед Мороз” is called Father Frost in Russia and Santa Claus in Great Britain.

P3: Father Frost lives in Veliki Ustyug. Santa Claus lives in Finland.

P4: New-Year’s tree is situated in Red Square and Christmas tree is in Trafalgar Square.

P5: Russian put their presents under the tree and English put them near the bed or near the fireplace.

T: You are right.

V. Закрепление изученного материала.


1. Викторина.


T: Children! I have prepared a surprise for you. Here is a magic box. Let’s open it! Take the cards! (Дети открывают волшебный сундучок по очереди и достают открытки, на которых написаны вопросы):


1.What do you know about Christmas? (Christmas is a religious holiday.)

2. What traditional Christmas meals do you know? (a roast turkey and Christmas pudding)

3. Who  decorated  the  first  Christmas  tree? (One  legend  says  that Martin  Luther  started  the

practice. Luther was an imported Christian leader.)

4. Why do people celebrate Christmas? (It is celebrated оn December 25th. The holiday is connected with the wonderful birth of Jesus Christ.)

5. Where did Santa Claus come from? (from America)

6. When is Christmas celebrated in Europe? (It is celebrated оn January 7th.)

7. How is Father Frost called in Great Britain? (Santa Claus)

8. Where is Christmas tree situated in Great Britain? (in Trafalgar Square)

9. Where do English people usually put their presents? (near the bed or near the fireplace)

10. Where do Russian people usually put their presents? (under the tree).


T: Well! I see that you have learnt much about Christmas traditions.


VI. Заключительный этап урока.


1. Подведение итогов урока.  Рефлексия.

T: Now look at our Christmas tree. About what have we spoken during lesson? (Учащиеся смотрят на ёлочку и на игрушки с названиями и рассказывают, о чём они говорили на уроке).


P4: We have spoken about Christmas holiday and decorations.

P5: About Christmas tree.

P5: About presents.

P6: About traditional food.

P7: How people usually spend Christmas Day.

P8: And of course about Santa Claus, Christmas songs, greetings cards.


2. Оценки за работу на уроке.


T: It’s high time to get marks for lesson. You have got sheets of paper with table. Take it and count the score. (Учащиеся подсчитывают высказывания, проверяют правильность заполнения открыток и таблицы.)

                                                       Put your mark yourself!

№ п/п

Критерии оценивания



Твои высказывания по теме были правильны (допускаются 1-2 ошибки). Объём высказывания – 10 предложений.



Твои высказывания по теме были правильны (допускаются 3-4 ошибок). Объём высказывания – 7- 8 предложений.



Твои высказывания по теме были правильны (допускаются 5-6 ошибок). Объём высказывания – 5- 6 предложений.



Твоя открытка оформлена правильно (без ошибок)



Твоя открытка оформлена правильно (допущены 1-2 ошибки)



Твоя открытка оформлена правильно (допущены 3-4 ошибки)



Твоя открытка оформлена неправильно (допущено много ошибок)



Таблица заполнена верно (без ошибок)



Таблица заполнена верно(допущены 1-2 ошибки)



Таблица заполнена верно (допущены 3-4 ошибки)



Таблица заполнена верно (допущено более 4 ошибок)



1.      Посчитай, сколько баллов у тебя получилось.

2.      Если  ты получил 13-15 баллов, то твоя оценка – «5».

3.      Если  ты получил 10-12 баллов, то твоя оценка – «4».

4.      Если  ты получил 8-11 баллов, то твоя оценка – «3».

5.      Если  ты получил меньше 8 баллов, то твоя оценка – «2».


T: What is your mark? (Учащиеся называют свою оценку). Well done!


3. Домашнее задание.


T: And now your home task. You should write a letter to your friend how you spent Christmas holiday. (Учитель раздаёт письма.)


            … I usually spend Christmas holiday at home. My parents and I decorate Christmas tree with tinsels, toys and lights. My mum and dad put presents under the Christmas tree. In the evening we usually have supper. And how do you celebrate Christmas holiday? Do you stay with your family at home?

            Well, I’d better go now as my mum’s calling me for dinner. Write back soon. Take care and keep in touch!




4. Исполнение песни.


T: In conclusion I suggest you to sing a song with children. (Учитель показывает видеоролик с исполнением песни «We wish you a Merry Christmas», учащиеся подпевают песенку.)


                                      We wish you a Merry Christmas


We wish you a Merry Christmas.                         We won’t go until we get some,

We wish you a Merry Christmas.                         We won’t go until we get some,

We wish you a Merry Christmas                          We won’t go until we get some,

And a Happy New Year!                                      So bring some out here.


Glad tidings we bring to                                       Glad tidings we bring to

You and your kin.                                                 You and your kin.

We wish you a Merry Christmas                          We wish you a Merry Christmas

And a Happy New Year!                                      And a Happy New Year!


Now bring us some figgy pudding,                      We wish you a Merry Christmas.

Now bring us some figgy pudding,                      We wish you a Merry Christmas.

Now bring us some figgy pudding                       We wish you a Merry Christmas

And a cup of good cheer.                                     And a Happy New Year!

Glad tidings we bring to

You and your kin.

We wish you a Merry Christmas

And a Happy New Year!


T: Well done. Thank you. Your work during the lesson was excellent. Good luck and happy New Year!


T.: Look at  the  blackboard! You see  here 3 faces: J (Оk) L (Вad) K (So-so).     There are: OK, Bad, So-so. Choose  the  face  according to your mood. (Учащиеся выбирают J).









































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