Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыОткрытый урок по английскому языку на тему "Сценические искусства. Театр"

Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему "Сценические искусства. Театр"

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Выбранный для просмотра документ Music is my life I listen to different kinds of music such as classical.docx

Music is my life I listen to different kinds of music such as classical, modern, folk, dance and pop music. I study to play the piano in my musical school. I have already learnt some musical compositions of the most known composers. Because of I try to play the piano; my parents have to buy it for me.

I think music enriches our hearts and feelings. It makes us to believe the happy days


I’m keen on circus. There are so many funny clowns, acrobats, jugglers and trained animals .It creates a cheerful and nice atmosphere for every child. Going to the circus has always been something which I enjoy very much. I get a lot of positive emotions and have fun when clowns come on the stage and make me laugh.

I’m fond of  dancing. It’s  a part of my life. I have been dancing for 6 years and I like it very much.  They say that dancing is a language one can speak to everyone. I agree with it. I can’t imagine my life  without  dancing. I dance every day and my trainers tell me that I do well.

Why I love dancing? Because it gives  an opportunity  to express myself.

1- I’ve learnt  how  to form negative and question sentences in Past Perfect

2- I’ve learnt some information about   traditional carnival in London and some   free  outdoor  activities.

3- Now I know what   the performing arts are and can say that it’s very interesting to do some of them.

4- I’ve  learnt the meanings of new words and I can say that this method of learning new vocabulary  have  attracted me. I liked it and I will try it the next  time.

5-  Reading the text was easy for me but listening to the audio  was rather difficult.

How do you find today’s lesson?

Have you learnt anything new?

What part of the lesson did you like most of all?

Would you like to learn more on this topic?

What was the most difficult and the easiest for you


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Выбранный для просмотра документ The Mayakovsky Moscow Academic Theatre is one of the most popular in Moscow and performs plays of both classical and modern dramatists.docx

The Mayakovsky Moscow Academic Theatre is one of the most popular in Moscow and performs plays of both classical and modern dramatists. The building of the theatre itself is very interesting. It looks like an old Russian “terem”. The building appeared at the end of the 19th century when the old Russian style in architecture was very fashionable.


The oldest professional theatre in Russia is The Volkov Theatre in Yaroslavl. Fyodor Volkov, born in this ancient city, founded the theatre in 1750. Feodor Volkov was himself an actor in the theatre and helped to train young actors for the Russian stage.


The Perm Tchaikovsky Opera and Ballet Theatre has a famous ballet company. They often call it “Tchaikovsky’s House” because the music of the great composer often sounds in its walls. There you can hear all the 10 operas and see the 3 ballets by Tchaikovsky. The great Russian composer was born not far from the city of Perm.


The Mariinsky Theatre in Saint Petersburg got its name after Maria Alexandrovna, wife of Tsar Alexander II. The theatre opened in 1860 and became the most important music theatre in the 19th century Russia. Nowadays art lovers can go to the Mariinsky Theatre and enjoy classical operas and ballets. At the same time

the opera house gives modern operas in different languages and modern ballet performances.


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Дата: 17.10.2018                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Класс: 8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           


Сценические искусства. Театр.


Активизация речемыслительной деятельности по теме «Сценические искусства. Театр».




совершенствование навыков устной речи по теме «Сценические искусства. Театр»;

освоение новых лексических единиц по теме;

совершенствование навыков изучающего чтения;

создание условий для развития умения аудирования с извлечением запрашиваемой информации.                                                                                   Развивающие:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      развитие способности анализировать, обобщать, сравнивать и систематизировать полученную  информацию;                                             развитие умения систематизировать новые знания и на их основе составлять собственное  монологическое высказывание;                          развитие интуитивных способностей;                                                                                                                                                                                     Воспитательные:

воспитание уважительного отношения  и интереса к культуре и  искусству

воспитание интереса к образованию как части культуры любой страны,                                                                                                    формирование умения работать в коллективе, воспитание уважения к собеседнику;

формирование потребности пользования английским языком как средством общения.

Планируемый результат

Предметные умения



·         извлекают информацию из текстов для чтения и аудирования;

·         совершенствуют навыки использования в речи pasf perfect;

·         знакомятся с новыми лексическими единицами по теме, воспринимают их на слух и употребляют в речи;

·         трансформируют утвердительные предложения в отрицательные и вопросительные;

·         расширяют социокультурные знания, знакомясь с историей возникновения русских театров  и других популярных развлечений;

·         совершенствуют  навыки изучающего чтения, аудирования и устной речи по теме.

Личностные                                                                                       – формирование уважительного отношения к языку                                                                                                         -развитие мотивов учебной деятельности и формирование личностного смысла учения; 

Регулятивные                                                                                                             - умение организовывать учебное сотрудничество, умение работать индивидуально и в паре

-умение самостоятельно определить цели своего обучения, ставить и формулировать новые учебные задачи,

-развитие мотивов и интересов познавательной деятельности,

-осуществление регулятивных действий самонаблюдения, самоконтроля, самооценки в процессе коммуникативной деятельности на иностранном  языке,

Коммуникативные                                                                                  умения строить речевые высказывания в соответствии с задачами коммуникации;

- владение устной речью; диалогической формой коммуникации;

- умение задавать вопросы;

- воспитание уважительного отношения к мнению других.                                                                                Познавательные                                                                            - самостоятельное  выделение и формулирование познавательной цели;

- поиск и выделение необходимой информации;

- развитие познавательной инициативы (умение задавать вопросы, участвовать в учебном сотрудничестве);

- освоение изучающего и поискового чтения; извлечение необходимой информации из прослушанного текста;

- контроль и оценка результатов деятельности.

Основные понятия

Performance, performing arts, entertainment,

Тип урока:

урок актуализации знаний и умений, урок открытия нового знания


здоровьесберегающие, ИКТ-технологии.



мультимедийная установка, ноутбук, раздаточный материал.

Организация пространства

Межпредметные связи

Формы работы


История, МХК, ИКТ

фронтальный опрос индивидуальная работа                                                               парная работа,                                                                         

учебник, тетрадь, аудиозапись , видеоролик, презентация Power Point                                                                                                                                                                


Ход урока

Этапы работы

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность обучающихся



Организационный этап учебного занятия

1) Оргмомент (настрой на урок)

Цель – настроить на общение на английском языке

Приветствую учащихся:

-Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you! Are you ready to start our lesson?  

I’d like to ask you a question. Would you like to get a good mark today?

-So,what should you do?

Цель – включиться в иноязычное общение, отреагировав на реплику учителя согласно коммуникативной задаче



Выражают положительное

отношение к процессу познания, проявляют  желание узнавать новое.


 Формируют  умения слушать и слышать


Целеполагание и  мотивация учебной


Цель - готовит учеников к усвоению нового материала. Организует просмотр видеоролика, который  помогает учащимся прогнозировать тему занятия и сформулировать цели.

I’d like to start today’s lesson with the video. You are to watch it and guess what we are going to speak about. Look at the screen please.

-So, what do you think about this video?

-What associations have you got?  

(работа со слайдом1)

-Let’s round up all these activities into the one group.

-What is the Performing arts? Let’s learn its  definition.

- Of course there are different types of them and we are not able to speak about all of the performing arts  in one lesson.  We are going to speak about one of the most popular art “Theatre”.

You are to learn some facts about Russian theatres, deal with grammar in practice, talk about  arts and entertainments and of course learn some new vocabulary related with this topic.

Цель - сформулировать задачу урока

 Вспоминают, что им известно по изучаемому вопросу,

делают предположения, систематизируют информацию до изучения нового материала








-Смотрят видео и на основе возникших ассоциаций выдвигают возможную тему урока.



-Знакомятся со словарным определением фразы



-выдвигают задачи урока


Постановка учебной задачи на основе ассоциаций

того, что уже известно и усвоено учащимися и того,

что еще не известно.


- постановка проблемы;

- построение речевого



Развитие познавательных

интересов учебных мотивов; самоопределение;



планирование учебного

сотрудничества с учителем и сверстниками;


Речевая разминка

Цель- вовлечь учащихся в активную мыслительную деятельность;

-I know some of you are interested in arts. So I asked  you to tell us what arts mean for you.

-Bike, what kind of arts do you prefer?

-Samira, are you interested in arts?

-Asya, what is art for you?

Are there anybody else who is interested in arts?

-Mukhammedali, tell us what art do you prefer? Do you know that  drawing is not a performing art? It’ a visual art.

- I see that you are creative children and wish you to do your best in these arts.



Цель- рассказывают какое значение имеет искусство в их жизни





умение ясно и четко излагать свое мнение, выстраивать речевые



Нравственно-эстетическое оценивание сказанного


Формирование навыков аудирования

Цель- организовать  прослушивание с извлечением необходимой информации

 -Let’s continue our lesson with listening to the audio and say which of the following activities is not mentioned in the text.

- you have listened the text  twice. Now try to answer:

1- What is not mentioned in the text?

     What can you do free in London?

2-What kind of traditional ceremony did the speaker tell?

3- What kind of carnival is mentioned in the audio?

Цель- слушают аудиозапись и извлекают необходимую информацию


У.стр.50 № 1

Дважды прослушивают текст и отвечают на вопросы.

1- Watching some   sports events isn’t mentioned in the text.

 We can  go to the parks, art galleries, museums and not pay for it.

2-He  told that there is  a public ceremony when the Parlament starts its work in November. This event has happened every year for hundreds of years and you can enjoy watching it

3-Notting Hill Carnival is a famous street carnival which happens in London  each summer. You can see some people dancing and playing modern music in the street, modern theatre



- осознанное и

произвольное построение

речевого высказывания



уметь с достаточной

полнотой и точностью

выражать свои мысли.


Развитие навыков  изучающего чтения

Цель- формировать навыки работы с текстом, ввести НЛЕ

-I think it’s right  time to read  some information about famous Russian theatres. Each  of you has a text on the desk. Let’s have a look through it

-Can you see  three words in bold in your texts? They are new for you, aren’t they?

I want to explain them with the method of phonetic associations. Listen to me attentively and try to understand.

- Match the names (1-4) with the

statements (a-e). One statement you

don’t have to use. I want you to work in pairs.

Your time is over. Let’s listen to your answers.


Make up 2 Wh-questions to the text and ask them to your classmates. Don’t forget to be polite.

Цель – ознакомиться с текстом  и научиться  новым словам через метод фонетических ассоциаций.


RemarkableРемарк  был выдающимся писателем.

Boast- скульптор гордится вылепленным бюстом.

Renowned- машина Рено  уникальна, поэтому такая известная и славная

At the end of our lesson we are to remember them.




-читают тексты вслух и выполняют задания к тексту


1-соотносят утверждения с  текстами в парах,  озвучивают свою работу в парах, а затем сверяют с эталоном


2- составляют  по 2 Wh-questions к текстам и  задают их друг другу



- осознанное и

произвольное построение

речевого высказывания


- слушать и понимать речь


-планирование учебного

сотрудничества со сверстниками;






Динамическая пауза

Цель-смена учебной деятельности, повысить работоспособность учащихся

-Pupils, I think you’ve tired a bit. Let’ dance the Greek dance of SIRTAKI and relax


Цель- снять напряжение

- танцуют  греческий танец Сиртаки, снимают напряжение


Осознают  необходимость заботы о здоровье


Развитие грамматических навыков


1- Актуализация знаний с целью подготовки к

изучению новой  темы.


2- Объяснение нового материала







3- самостоятельная работа с самопроверкой по эталону

Цель- закрепить образование утвердительных предложений в в Past Perfect


-Look at ex.2 in your books and say  why Andrew was tired  in the evening.


Цель- побудить учащихся  самостоятельно вывести  правила образования отрицат./вопросит. предложений в Past Perfect                                      -Now you will make a new research.                      Read the task of ex.3 in your books and say how we can form negative and question sentences in PastPerfect                                            Цель- организовать  работу  на закрепление нового материала

(Работа со слайдами)

-Each of you has to make sentences using the word order according to the Past Perfect. Please, work in writing form in your copy-books.

1-2  mistake is  “4”                                                               3 mistakes is     “3”                                                                       4 mistakes is     “2”

Цель-  совершенствуют навыки использования в речи pasf perfect;




-строят утвердительные предложения во времени Past Perfect




Цель- провести исследовательскую работу на уроке и понять закономерности  в образовании отрицат./вопросит. предложений в Past Perfect


-Учащиеся работают c правилом в учебнике, проводят исследовательскую работу, сравнивают предложения в учебнике, делают вывод.


Цель- выполняют упражнения с целью закрепления нового материала



-самостоятельно выполняют задания ,осуществляют  самопроверку, пошагово сравнивая с эталоном, выявляют и корректируют ошибки, подсчитывают свой балл



- осознанное и

произвольное построение

речевого высказывания


уметь с достаточной

полнотой и точностью

выражать свои мысли


- слушать и понимать речь



- построение логической цепи рассуждений;

Анализируют, обобщают



-познавательная инициатива;

-волевая саморегуляция;

- контроль, коррекция, оценка.


Учебно - познавательная


- устанавливать связь

между целью деятельности и ее результатом.



Цельподведение изученного материала урока. Установить соответствие полученного результата поставленной цели

-our lesson is coming to the end.You have worked hard Now we have known some

 new words, let’s check how you remembered them (фронтальный опрос).. д

let’s remember what have you done today?

Can you say that we have reached our aim?

(Возвращаемся к целям урока).

Assess yourselves, please.



Цель – осуществить констатирующий и прогнозирующий контроль по результату и способу действия


Отвечают на вопросы учителя. Делают выводы.



- устанавливать связь

между целью

деятельности и ее



совместно с учителем и

одноклассниками давать

оценку деятельности на


- выделять и осознавать

то, что уже усвоено и что

нужно еще усвоить.


собственное мнение и


аргументировать и

координировать её с

позициями партнёров в

сотрудничестве при

выработке общего

решения в совместной



- осознанное и

произвольное построение

речевого высказывания.


уметь с достаточной

полнотой и точностью

выражать свои


Информация о

домашнем задании,

инструктаж по его


Цель развитие навыков письма во время выполнения письменного домашнего задания

Объяснить, что они должны сделать в процессе домашнего задания


домашнее задание.


1- S.B p.54 ex.8,9 (make sentences negative  and  interrogative)  basic level

2- to write an essay  on «What’s art for me?» high level

3- ex.6 ( to find out associations to new vocabulary)

 advanced level



Цель – осмыслить и записать домашнее задание





-Записывают домашнее задание, задают вопросы, если что-то не понимаютПрощаются на английском языке.



















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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • theatreballetmodern and 
traditional musicfestivals

    1 слайд

    modern and
    traditional music


  • What’s the performing arts?Dance, drama, music and other forms of entertainme...

    2 слайд

    What’s the performing arts?
    Dance, drama, music and other forms of entertainment
    that are usually performed live in front of an audience
    are reffered to the performing arts.

  • The aims of today’s lesson You will
1- talk about the arts and entertainment...

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    The aims of today’s lesson
    You will
    1- talk about the arts and entertainment
    2- deal with grammar in practice
    3- learn some interesting facts about Russian famous
    4- learn some new words related with today’s topic

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  • 1-The Mayakovsky Moscow Academic Theatre is one of the most popular in Moscow...

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    1-The Mayakovsky Moscow Academic Theatre is one of the most popular in Moscow and performs plays of both classical and modern dramatists. The building of the theatre itself is very interesting. It looks like an old Russian “terem”. The building appeared at the end of the 19th century . Today the theatre company is presented by such remarkable masters as Svetlana Nemolyaeva, Igor Kostolevsky, Mikhail Filippov and others.

    2- The oldest professional theatre in Russia is The Volkov Theatre in Yaroslavl. Fyodor Volkov, born in this ancient city, founded the theatre in 1750. Feodor Volkov was himself an actor in the theatre and helped to train young actors for the Russian stage. The theatre nowаdays boasts both Russian and world classical and modern works.

    3- The Perm Tchaikovsky Opera and Ballet Theatre has a famous ballet company. They often call it “Tchaikovsky’s House” because the music of the great composer often sounds in its walls. There you can hear all the 10 operas and see the 3 ballets by Tchaikovsky. The great Russian composer was born not far from the city of Perm.

    4- The Mariinsky Theatre in Saint Petersburg is one of the most renowned and important theaters in the history of Russian art. It got its name after Maria Alexandrovna, wife of Tsar Alexander II. The theatre opened In 1860 and became the most important music theatre in the 19th century Russia. Nowadays art lovers can go to the Mariinsky Theatre and enjoy classical operas and ballets. At the same time the opera house gives modern operas in different languages and modern ballet performances.

  • Erich Maria Remarque is a German author, best known for
 his novel All Quiet...

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    Erich Maria Remarque is a German author, best known for
    his novel All Quiet on the Western Front.

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  • RenaultRenowned«известный, прославленный»

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    «известный, прославленный»

  • 1-The Mayakovsky Moscow Academic Theatre is one of the most popular in Moscow...

    9 слайд

    1-The Mayakovsky Moscow Academic Theatre is one of the most popular in Moscow and performs plays of both classical and modern dramatists. The building of the theatre itself is very interesting. It looks like an old Russian “terem”. The building appeared at the end of the 19th century. Today the theatre company is presented by such remarkable masters as Svetlana Nemolyaeva, Igor Kostolevsky, Mikhail Filippov and others.
    2- The oldest professional theatre in Russia is The Volkov Theatre in Yaroslavl. Fyodor Volkov, born in this ancient city, founded the theatre in 1750. Feodor Volkov was himself an actor in the theatre and helped to train young actors for the Russian stage. The theatre nowаdays boasts both Russian and world classical and modern works
    3- The Perm Tchaikovsky Opera and Ballet Theatre has a famous ballet company. They often call it “Tchaikovsky’s House” because the music of the great composer often sounds in its walls. There you can hear all the 10 operas and see the 3 ballets by Tchaikovsky. The great Russian composer was born not far from the city of Perm.
    4- The Mariinsky Theatre in Saint Petersburg is one of the most renowned and important theaters in the history of Russian art. It got its name after Maria Alexandrovna, wife of Tsar Alexander II. The theatre opened In 1860 and became the most important music theatre in the 19th century Russia. Nowadays art lovers can go to the Mariinsky Theatre and enjoy classical operas and ballets. At the same time the opera house gives modern operas in different languages and modern ballet performances.

    Match the names (1-4) with the
    statements (a-e). One statement
    you don’t have to use.
    ( Work in pairs)

    a)This theatre often shows its
    performances abroad

    b) This theatre is good to visit if you like Russian music

    c) This theatre has an original house

    d) This theatre appeared in Russia before all the others

    e) Music of nowadays sounds within the walls of this theatre
    1- c ; 2- d ; 3- b ; 4-e ;
    a- extra

  • 1-The Mayakovsky Moscow Academic Theatre is one of the most popular in Moscow...

    10 слайд

    1-The Mayakovsky Moscow Academic Theatre is one of the most popular in Moscow and performs plays of both classical and modern dramatists. The building of the theatre itself is very interesting. It looks like an old Russian “terem”. The building appeared at the end of the 19th century . Today the theatre company is presented by such remarkable masters as Svetlana Nemolyaeva, Igor Kostolevsky, Mikhail Filippov and others.

    2- The oldest professional theatre in Russia is The Volkov Theatre in Yaroslavl. Fyodor Volkov, born in this ancient city, founded the theatre in 1750. Feodor Volkov was himself an actor in the theatre and helped to train young actors for the Russian stage. The theatre nowаdays boasts both Russian and world classical and modern works.

    3- The Perm Tchaikovsky Opera and Ballet Theatre has a famous ballet company. They often call it “Tchaikovsky’s House” because the music of the great composer often sounds in its walls. There you can hear all the 10 operas and see the 3 ballets by Tchaikovsky. The great Russian composer was born not far from the city of Perm.

    4- The Mariinsky Theatre in Saint Petersburg is one of the most renowned and important theaters in the history of Russian art. It got its name after Maria Alexandrovna, wife of Tsar Alexander II. The theatre opened In 1860 and became the most important music theatre in the 19th century Russia. Nowadays art lovers can go to the Mariinsky Theatre and enjoy classical operas and ballets. At the same time the opera house gives modern operas in different languages and modern ballet performances.
    1 -Put two Wh-questions on the text and write them down
    2- Ask them to your friends

  • relaxation

    11 слайд


  • Andrew was tired because he…………………

    12 слайд

    Andrew was tired because he…………………

  • Make these sentences negative and interrogative
Polly had heard this song be...

    13 слайд

    Make these sentences negative and interrogative
    Polly had heard this song before her brother downloaded it.
    I had bought the tickets to the opera before they were sold.
    The actors had performed on the stage by the end of the performance.

  • Make up negative and interrogative  sentences in Past Perfect1. you  to  art...

    14 слайд

    Make up negative and interrogative sentences in Past Perfect
    1. you to art Had gallery when mum gone your came?
    2. Kevin watched hadn’t film a yet.
    3. My hadn’t Whiskas cat I eaten by came the time from home museum.
    4. dad your watched Had festival a before his him called friend?

    1-Had you gone to art gallery when your mum came?
    2-Kevin hadn’t watched a film yet.
    3- My cat hadn’t eaten Whiskas by the time I came home from museum.
    4-Had your dad watched a festival before his friend called him?

  •  Reflection
Let’s remember what have you done during today’s lesson?

Have yo...

    15 слайд

    Let’s remember what have you done during today’s lesson?

    Have you reached the aim of today’s lesson?

    know how to……
    Now I learn…..
    understand …….

  • Homework: 
1- S.B p.54 ex.8,9 (make sentences negative  and

    16 слайд

    1- S.B p.54 ex.8,9 (make sentences negative and
    interrogative) basic level
    2- to write an essay on «What’s art for me?» high level
    3- ex.6 ( to find out associations to new vocabulary)
    advanced level

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The Mayakovsky Moscow Academic Theatre is one of the most popular in Moscow and performs plays of both classical and modern dramatists. The building of the theatre itself is very interesting. It looks like an old Russian “terem”. The building appeared at the end of the 19th century. Today the theatre company is presented by such remarkable masters as Svetlana Nemolyaeva, Igor Kostolevsky, Mikhail Filippov and others.



The oldest professional theatre in Russia is The Volkov Theatre in Yaroslavl. Fyodor Volkov, born in this ancient city, founded the theatre in 1750. Feodor Volkov was himself an actor in the theatre and helped to train young actors for the Russian stage. The theatre nowаdays boasts both Russian and world classical and modern works.

The Perm Tchaikovsky Opera and Ballet Theatre has a famous ballet company. They often call it “Tchaikovsky’s House” because the music of the great composer often sounds in its walls. There you can hear all the 10 operas and see the 3 ballets by Tchaikovsky. Th e great Russian composer was born not far from the city of Perm.




The Mariinsky Theatre in Saint Petersburg is one of the most renowned and important  theaters in the history of Russian art. It got its name after Maria Alexandrovna, wife of Tsar Alexander II. The theatre was opened in 1860 and became the most important music theatre in the 19th century Russia. Nowadays art lovers can go to the Mariinsky Theatre and enjoy classical operas and ballets. At the same time the opera house gives modern operas in different languages and modern ballet performances.


Match the names (1-4) with the statements (a-e). One statement you don’t have to use.

a) This theatre  often shows its performances abroad

b) This theatre is good to visit if you like Russian music

c) This theatre has an original house

d) This theatre appeared in Russia before all the others

e) Music of nowadays sounds within the walls of this theatre



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The Mayakovsky Moscow Academic Theatre is one of the most popular in Moscow and performs plays of both classical and modern dramatists. The building of the theatre itself is very interesting. It looks like an old Russian “terem”. The building appeared at the end of the 19th century when the old Russian style in architecture was very fashionable. At all times the theatre was famous for its actors. Today the theatre company is presented by such remarkable masters as Svetlana Nemolyaeva, Igor Kostolevsky, Mikhail Filippov and othersРемарк был выдающимся человеком


The oldest professional theatre in Russia is The Volkov Theatre in Yaroslavl. Fyodor Volkov, born in this ancient city, founded the theatre in 1750. Feodor Volkov was himself an actor in the theatre and helped to train young actors for the Russian stage. The theatre nowаdays boasts both Russian and world classical and modern works  скульптор гордился вылепленным бюстом


The Perm Tchaikovsky Opera and Ballet Theatre has a famous ballet company. They often call it “Tchaikovsky’s House” because the music of the great composer often sounds in its walls. There you can hear all the 10 operas and see the 3 ballets by Tchaikovsky. The great Russian composer was born not far from the city of Perm.


The Mariinsky Theatre in Saint Petersburg is one of the most renowned and important theaters in the history of Russian art. It got its name after Maria Alexandrovna, wife of Tsar Alexander II. The theatre opened in 1860 and became the most important music theatre in the 19th century Russia. Nowadays art lovers can go to the Mariinsky Theatre and enjoy classical operas and ballets. At the same time the opera house gives modern operas in different languages and modern ballet performances.

Машина РЕНО УНикальна, поэтому имеет славу и известность.


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Открытый урок по теме "Сценические искусства. Театр." с применением метода фонетических ассоциаций для запоминания новой лексики блока. К уроку приложен видеофайл, вводящий учащихся в тему уроку и способствующий пониманию целей и задач урока. Аудиофайлы, содержащие аудиоматериал к теме блока, а также мелодия "СИРТАКИ" для динамической разминки учащихся.

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Психологические методы развития навыков эффективного общения и чтения на английском языке у младших школьников

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Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в образовательной организации

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