Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииОткрытый урок по английскому языку на тему:“Food for thought”

Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему:“Food for thought”

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The  theme of the lesson: Step 5. “Food  for thought”  10th “A” form


Educational  objectives:  To  talk  about healthy  and unhealthy  food, their importance to  the health .Reading the text “Unusual  food ” and understanding it. To train in making a survey and making a list of suggestions. To develop abilities of  team work.

Developing  objectives:   To develop students’ reading skills

                                     To expand students’ vocabulary

                                      To develop students’ speaking and listening skills

Bring – up objectives:   To teach pupils  to be healthy and eat  healthy  food , avoid fast


The  type  of the lesson:  mixed

Visual  aids:  active  board, slides about  healthy  and unhealthy  food, videos  about 



 The  plan  of  the  lesson:

I.           Organization   moment

II.        Checking  the  home task.

III.             New  lesson . (Dividing into  groups and  making  an association)

IV.             The  benefits of healthy  food (Listening to the dialogue on video)

V.       Completing  the table  (Task  to the listening  text)

VI.             Relaxation (Listening to the  song  about  healthy  food)

VII.          Reading  the text “Unusual  food”(watching the video)

VIII.       Speaking . Would/wouldn’t   you like  to eat  them?

IX.             Conclusion of the lesson. (Drawing the  picture)

X.        Home task

XI.             Giving marks . End of the lesson.


                               The  procedure  of the lesson:


       I. Organization   moment

   T: Good  morning.  Take  your places. Who is on duty today?

                Who is absent? What date and day is it  today?

Today we’ll have  a demonstrative  lesson , that’s  why there are  guests at our lesson . You are  welcome  dear  guests, I and  my pupils are  glad to see  you here!


     II . Checking  the  home task.

Let’s  begin our  lesson  with the  checking  your  home  work. What was your  home  work?

P: To  write  an essay  and  make  a slide  on theme : ”My  healthy  lifestyle”

Who is ready?  Who wants to read  or to demonstrate his or her slideshow?


       III . The  new  lesson . (Dividing into  groups and  making  an association)

T: Today  we  will  speak about it. It is very important thing for  our life. Without it we  can’t  imagine our life . What are they?  In  order  to  know  what it is let’s  come  here and take  these  pictures  on the  table , looking at  them  you’ll  find  the  theme  of our lesson  and  divide  into  two groups. Please  come  and take them. What are they?  They are  food. O.K. Today at the lesson we shall speak  about  unusual food of different countries. Today’s theme is  “ Food for thought”. And  please  tell me  how  can you  divide  into  two  groups?  The  first  group  will be fruits  and  vegetables  and  second  group  will be other  food.

Making   an association

T: Now take  your seats  and  make  an association. The first group write about healthy food and the second group about unhealthy food.

Овал: Healthy food
Овал: Unhealthy food



 Well, one pupil of each group should go to the blackboard and present the poster.

   IV . The  benefits of healthy  food (Listening to the dialogue video)

T:  Thank  you, very  good. You  have  written  healthy  food, but  do  you  know  about  the  benefits of  them. In order  to  know it , please  listen attentively  to the  video where  the  little  girl is  talking  with  the  fruits  and  vegetables  and  knowing  about  the  benefits of  them.

The  new  words:

Benefit –  пайда

Calcium – калций

Fiber- талшық

Nutrient –

Eyesight – көздің көруі

Germ – микроб

To be rich- бай  болу


Now please  listen  the  video attentively  then  you’ll  do  the  task  to  the  video.

   V .  Completing  the table  (Task  to the listening  text)

         The  task:

Carrot  is  full of  ……….  It  is  good  for  your  ……….

Apples  contain  a lot  of  ………….  It  is  good  for  ……….

Tomato  is  rich of …………. It  helps  to  fight  with  …… and  to  keep  your  ……..healthy

Broccoli  is full of  ………….   It  helps  your …………

Orange  is full of  ………………….. It  gives  you …………….

Bananas  is  rich  of  ………………… It   helps  you  ……  and ………..


   VI  . Relaxation (Listening to the  song  about  healthy  food)

T:  I  want  you  to  have  some  rest  and  to listen the  song  about  the  healthy  food. Please  listen  and  don’t  think  that  it’s  for  kids , I think  that’s  useful  for  you  too.


Now  answer  me :  What  food  won’t  make  you smile? (Chips , hamburgers, cakes, Ice-cream, chocolate, hot dogs)

What  food   make  you smile? (Bananas, grapes, apples, healthy  food)

  VII . Reading  the text “Unusual  food”(watching the video)

T:  today we shall speak  about  unusual food of different countries, first of all  let’s  introduce  with  the  new  words  of the text , then you’ll  read  the  text , the  do the task to the text.


The  new  words:

Delicacy –деликатес

Sea urchin- теңіз кірпісі

Locust – шегіртке

Snail –ұлу

Tarantula’s  eggs- тарантула жүмыртқалары (улы өрмекші)

Spider - өрмекші

Seaweed- теңіз балдырлары

Snake – жылан

Eel – жылан балық

Squid –кальмар

Octopus – сегізаяқ

I don’t  divide  the text  , both  groups  read the text  and try  to  understand  , because  I’ll give  you the task. Please  read  attentively. While  the pupils are reading  the  text , dear  guests  you’ll enjoy  yourselves  watching  the  video about  unusual  of  different  countries  of the world.

If  you  have  finished  reading , tell  me pleas : Did  you understand the text?

Then  shut  your  books  and  fill the table

First  group:

The  country

The  unusual   food





Central   America





Second  group:

The  country

The  unusual   food



Aborigines in Australia


France , Spain





VIII . Speaking . Would/wouldn’t   you like  to eat  them?

T: Now  look  at  the  blackboard  and  answer  the  questions:

Are  they  eaten  in Kazakhstan?

Have  you ever tried  any  of them?

Which  of the unusual  food  mentioned  in the text you  would  enjoy eating?

Which  couldn’t  you imagine eating?

You  may  use these  phrases :

I’d  hate eating……………….

I couldn’t  imagine eating ……….

I  would  enjoy eating …………..


IX . Conclusion of the lesson. (Drawing the  picture)

T:  We  came to the  end of our  lesson , today we have  spoken  about healthy  and  unhealthy  food  and  now I want  you to  draw  the  picture  of  a man that  eat only healthy  and unhealthy  food . First  group  will  draw  the  picture  of  a man that  eat only healthy  food  and  the  second  group  will draw  the picture  of a man  that  eat only unhealthy  food. Then  you’ll say  a few  words about  your picture.



X . Home task

At  home  write  an essay  on theme:”The  traditional  food  of  my  country”.

You can do  the slideshow

XI . Reflection                                                                                                                                                                   Teacher: Now pupils at the end of our lesson let’s  say your opinions  about this lesson 

 The lesson was very informative

The lesson was quite interesting

The lesson was dull



XII . Giving marks . End of the lesson.

I  want  to  know  Do  you  like  today’s  lesson?

I thank you  for  your  active  work  during  the lesson.

Your  marks………

The  lesson is over. Good  bye!
























XI . Reflection                                                                                                                                                                   Teacher: Now pupils at the end of our lesson let’s  say your opinions  about this lesson  and  give marks  to  yourself.

 Excellent job!

The lesson was very informative. I’ve got a lot of useful   information. I was active. I answered well.

Good job!

The lesson was quite interesting. I’ve got some information. I understood almost everything.

  But I was a little tensed. I've made a few mistakes.

Try again. Good luck!

The lesson was dull. It was difficult for me to take part in it. I’ve made a lot of

mistakes. I wasn’t ready for it.























School №176















The  theme of the lesson:
"Food  for thought"


Form :10th “A”

The  teacher: Sabirova  Dina




















Kyzylorda  2015














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