Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыОткрытый урок по теме "Будьте здоровы!"

Открытый урок по теме "Будбте здоровы!"

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План-конспект открытого урока по английскому языку на тему «Будьте здоровы!»

учитель английского языка – Новинкина Л.В.


Цели: обобщить и систематизировать знания учащихся по теме «Будьте здоровы!».


Задачи урока:              

- образовательные: развитие навыков чтения, аудирования, развитие навыков монологической речи, отработка навыков выполнения заданий в формате ЕГЭ.              

- развивающие: повышение мотивации к изучению иностранного языка, развитие навыка языковой догадки, памяти, внимания.             

- воспитательные: создание условий для формирования ясных представлений школьника о здоровом образе жизни, умения работать в парах, самостоятельно.

Оборудование: девиз урока на доске, презентация для интерактивной доски, кроссворд, плакат-опора, карточки для самостоятельной работы и работы в парах, лист самооценки, карточки «Светофор»

Форма проведения: урок-игра

Планируемые результаты:


- формирование мотивации изучения английского языка;

- самоопределение;
– смыслообразование;
– самооценка на основе критерия успешности




– целеполагание;
– осознанное и произвольное построение речевого высказывания;

- выполнение действий по алгоритму


- планирование учебного сотрудничества с учителем и сверстниками;

- достижение договоренностей и согласование общего решения


– контроль;
– коррекция;
– оценка;
– волевая саморегуляция в ситуации затруднения


Предметные: уметь правильно писать изученные слова, узнавать в письменном и звучащем тексте изученные лексические единицы; распознавать и употреблять в речи предложения с начальным There + to be, составлять рассказ с опорой на зрительную наглядность и вербальные опоры (ключевые слова).


Ход урока

1.      Warm-up activity. (1 min.)

T: Good morning, dear children. I’m very glad to see you! At the interactive board and read the poem sadly, then happily.

Slide 1.

Ps: Good morning, good morning,

      Good morning to you!

      Good morning, good morning,

      We are glad to see you!

T: If you are sad, sit on your heels, please. If you are happy, hands up.

OK. I see you are happy today. Sit down, please. Look at the blackboard, there are pictures with numbers.

2.      Theme and objectives of the lesson (5 min.)

Slide 2. Do the crossword puzzle and guess the theme of our lesson (Appendix 1).
























































































































Open your copybooks and write down the date and the theme of our lesson.

Slide 3. So, the theme of our lesson is “Be healthy!” By the end of the lesson you will be able to……..

a)      know what you should do to be healthy

b)      make a recipe of your favourite dish

What do we need for that?  Join into groups by colour, go to the blackboard, make up sentences and read them out aloud.

the words/To revise /on the theme


To revise the words on the theme


the grammar /To revise


To revise the grammar


the quiz/ To do / “Are you healthy?”


To do the quiz “Are you healthy?”



Slide 4. You have evaluating cards. You’ll get 1 ball for each correct answer (Appendix 2).

Evaluating card:

Max score

My score

Crossword puzzle



Volleyball game



“there is/there are”



Quiz “Are you healthy?”



Describing a picture



Total score

30    points


26-30 balls – 5

21-25 balls – 4

16-20 balls - 3




How many balls have you got for the crossword puzzle? Fill in your evaluating card.

3.      Motivation.

Blackboard. The motto of our lesson is “Eat well, feel great, look great!”

How do you understand it?

4.      The main part of the lesson (32 min.)

Volleyball game: The game "Volleyball" with ball: which of the items in the pictures are countable and uncountable nouns? (One team throws the ball and names countable nouns and the other team - uncountable nouns. The students receive a point for each correct answer and put the points for teamwork. Then it is gymnastics for the eyes: the teacher gives the command to look for a particular food product.) (3 min.)

Blackboard. Grammar: structures there is/there are (1 min.)

Uncountable nouns

Countable nouns

There is some…….

There isn’t any……

Is there any….?

Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.

There are some….

There aren’t any…….

Are there any……?

Yes, there are./No, there aren’t.





Match two pairs of the sentences and read them: There is some - fish in the fridge. В холодильнике есть - рыба. / There are - some bananas in the fridge. В холодильнике есть - бананы. (Appendix 7) - 5 min.

You’ll get a ball for each correct answer.

Students move around the class to connect the two parts of the sentences. Read them. Then take their seats.

Slide 5. Let's look in our fridge. What do we see?

What is good for our health?

Physical activity

I am going to name the food. If it is useful, please, clap your hands. If it's bad, stamp your feet, please. Don’t forget to count your balls.  (4 min.)

Eggs, salt, chicken, bananas, ice cream, apples, pie, sausages, fish, hips, milk.



Reading (10 min.)

There are many opportunities for keeping fit: to keep yourself safe from smoking , to keep yourself safe from alcohol, to eat healthy food, to be active. (The teacher is showing pictures while speaking – Appendix 6).


Are you healthy? (Appendix 3)


Answer the questions. (Scrambled questions. Each pupil comes to the teacher, chooses the question, reads and translates it. The rest of the pupils find the question in the quiz and answer).


                                                                                                           Yes No

1. Do you eat fruit and vegetables every day?.....................................[ ] [ ]

2. Do you go in for sports?.................................................................. [ ] [ ]

3. Do you watch TV for more thаn an hour a day? …….....................[ ] [ ]

4. Do you eat sweets every day? ………………………………….....[ ] [ ]

5. Do you sleep 8-10 hours at night? …………………………….…..[ ] [ ]

6. Do you think about your health?......................................................[ ] [ ]

Put “one” for each “yes”-answer!

My total score _______________


Slide 6. What does your score tell about?


0-2: Oh, dear! Forget about chips and sweet! You need fruit and vegetables!

3-4: Do more exercises and eat more carefully!

5-6: You keep fit! Well done! (5 min)


Speaking. (10 min.)

Slide 7. Work in pairs. Describe the picture – complete the sentences. (Appendix 4).

Differentiated assignment

1.      I can see _____________

2.      They are______________

3.      They have_____________

4.      There is/are___________

5.      I think________________


1     I can see _____________(семью)

2     They are_______________(сидят за столом)

3     They have_______________(завтракают)

4     There is/are___________(яблоки, груши, перец, апельсиновый сок)

5 I think_____________( здоровы и счастливы)


Slide 8. Pair evaluation with traffic light cards: green – “5”, yellow – “4”, red – “3”.

5.      Home task.

Slide 9. H/t: make up a list of dos and don’ts about how to be healthy. (1 min.)

Eat fruit and vegetables, go in for sports, eat sweets every day, sleep 8-10 hours at night, watch TV 2 hours a day, eat at fast food restaurants (Appendix 5)

6.      Summarizing and evaluation: If you answer my question “yes”, take a step forward. If “No”, take a step back. (1 min.)




Have you revised the words on the theme?



Have you revised the grammar?



Have you done the quiz?



Do you know how to be healthy?




Count your balls, please. What are your marks? (2 min.)

Slide 10. Let’s make a conclusion of our lesson. Look at the motto and complete the sentence:

If we ______ _______, we’ll _______ ________ and ________ ___________. (1 мин.)

7.      Reflexion.

Slide 11. Reflexion “Traffic lights”. (1 min.)


I can’t understand

I need some help

I can understand everything



Appendix 1








































































































































Appendix 2

Evaluating card:

Max score

My score

Crossword puzzle



Volleyball game



“there is/there are”



Quiz “Are you healthy?”



Describing a picture



Total score

30    points


26-30 balls – 5

21-25 balls – 4

16-20 balls - 3




Evaluating card:

Max score

My score

Crossword puzzle



Volleyball game



“there is/there are”



Quiz “Are you healthy?”



Describing a picture



Total score

30    points


26-30 balls – 5

21-25 balls – 4

16-20 balls - 3




Evaluating card:

Max score

My score

Crossword puzzle



Volleyball game



“there is/there are”



Quiz “Are you healthy?”



Describing a picture



Total score

30    points


26-30 balls – 5

21-25 balls – 4

16-20 balls - 3




Evaluating card:

Max score

My score

Crossword puzzle



Volleyball game



“there is/there are”



Quiz “Are you healthy?”



Describing a picture



Total score

30    points


26-30 balls – 5

21-25 balls – 4

16-20 balls - 3






Appendix 3

Are you healthy?

Answer the questions.

                                                                                                           Yes No

1. Do you eat fruit and vegetables every day?.....................................[ ] [ ]

2. Do you go in for sports?.................................................................. [ ] [ ]

3. Do you watch TV for more thаn an hour a day? …….....................[ ] [ ]

4. Do you eat sweets every day? ………………………………….....[ ] [ ]

5. Do you sleep 8-10 hours at night? …………………………….…..[ ] [ ]

6. Do you think about your health?......................................................[ ] [ ]

Put “one” for each “yes”-answer!

My total score _______________



Are you healthy?

Answer the questions.

                                                                                                           Yes No

1. Do you eat fruit and vegetables every day?.....................................[ ] [ ]

2. Do you go in for sports?.................................................................. [ ] [ ]

3. Do you watch TV for more thаn an hour a day? …….....................[ ] [ ]

4. Do you eat sweets every day? ………………………………….....[ ] [ ]

5. Do you sleep 8-10 hours at night? …………………………….…..[ ] [ ]

6. Do you think about your health?......................................................[ ] [ ]

Put “one” for each “yes”-answer!

My total score _______________



Are you healthy?

Answer the questions.

                                                                                                           Yes No

1. Do you eat fruit and vegetables every day?.....................................[ ] [ ]

2. Do you go in for sports?.................................................................. [ ] [ ]

3. Do you watch TV for more thаn an hour a day? …….....................[ ] [ ]

4. Do you eat sweets every day? ………………………………….....[ ] [ ]

5. Do you sleep 8-10 hours at night? …………………………….…..[ ] [ ]

6. Do you think about your health?......................................................[ ] [ ]

Put “one” for each “yes”-answer!

My total score _______________


Are you healthy?

Answer the questions.

                                                                                                           Yes No

1. Do you eat fruit and vegetables every day?.....................................[ ] [ ]

2. Do you go in for sports?.................................................................. [ ] [ ]

3. Do you watch TV for more thаn an hour a day? …….....................[ ] [ ]

4. Do you eat sweets every day? ………………………………….....[ ] [ ]

5. Do you sleep 8-10 hours at night? …………………………….…..[ ] [ ]

6. Do you think about your health?......................................................[ ] [ ]

Put “one” for each “yes”-answer!

My total score _______________

Appendix 4

Work in pairs. Describe the picture. Опиши картинку.

1.      I can see _____________

2.      They are______________

3.      They have_____________

4.      There is/are___________

5.      I think________________


Work in pairs. Describe the picture. Опиши картинку.

1.      I can see _____________

2.      They are______________

3.      They have_____________

4.      There is/are___________

5.      I think________________


Work in pairs. Describe the picture. Опиши картинку.

1.      I can see _____________

2.      They are______________

3.      They have_____________

4.      There is/are___________

5.      I think________________


Work in pairs. Describe the picture. Опиши картинку.

5     I can see _____________(семью)

6     They are_______________(сидят за столом)

7     They have_______________(завтракают)

8     There is/are___________(яблоки, груши, перец, апельсиновый сок)

     5 I think_____________(здоровы и счастливы)


Work in pairs. Describe the picture. Опиши картинку.

1     I can see _____________(семью)

2     They are_______________(сидят за столом)

3     They have_______________(завтракают)

4     There is/are___________(яблоки, груши, перец, апельсиновый сок)

     5  I think_____________( здоровы и счастливы)


Work in pairs. Describe the picture. Опиши картинку.

1     I can see _____________(семью)

2     They are_______________(сидят за столом)

3     They have_______________(завтракают)

4     There is/are___________(яблоки, груши, перец, апельсиновый сок)

5     I think_____________( здоровы и счастливы)

Appendix 5

Eat fruit and vegetables, go in for sports, eat sweets every day, sleep 8-10 hours at night, watch TV 2 hours a day, eat at fast food restaurants


Eat fruit and vegetables, go in for sports, eat sweets every day, sleep 8-10 hours at night, watch TV 2 hours a day, eat at fast food restaurants


Eat fruit and vegetables, go in for sports, eat sweets every day, sleep 8-10 hours at night, watch TV 2 hours a day, eat at fast food restaurants


Eat fruit and vegetables, go in for sports, eat sweets every day, sleep 8-10 hours at night, watch TV 2 hours a day, eat at fast food restaurants


Eat fruit and vegetables, go in for sports, eat sweets every day, sleep 8-10 hours at night, watch TV 2 hours a day, eat at fast food restaurants


Eat fruit and vegetables, go in for sports, eat sweets every day, sleep 8-10 hours at night, watch TV 2 hours a day, eat at fast food restaurants


Eat fruit and vegetables, go in for sports, eat sweets every day, sleep 8-10 hours at night, watch TV 2 hours a day, eat at fast food restaurants


Eat fruit and vegetables, go in for sports, eat sweets every day, sleep 8-10 hours at night, watch TV 2 hours a day, eat at fast food restaurants


Eat fruit and vegetables, go in for sports, eat sweets every day, sleep 8-10 hours at night, watch TV 2 hours a day, eat at fast food restaurants


Eat fruit and vegetables, go in for sports, eat sweets every day, sleep 8-10 hours at night, watch TV 2 hours a day, eat at fast food restaurants


Eat fruit and vegetables, go in for sports, eat sweets every day, sleep 8-10 hours at night, watch TV 2 hours a day, eat at fast food restaurants


Eat fruit and vegetables, go in for sports, eat sweets every day, sleep 8-10 hours at night, watch TV 2 hours a day, eat at fast food restaurants


Eat fruit and vegetables, go in for sports, eat sweets every day, sleep 8-10 hours at night, watch TV 2 hours a day, eat at fast food restaurants


Eat fruit and vegetables, go in for sports, eat sweets every day, sleep 8-10 hours at night, watch TV 2 hours a day, eat at fast food restaurants


Eat fruit and vegetables, go in for sports, eat sweets every day, sleep 8-10 hours at night, watch TV 2 hours a day, eat at fast food restaurants


Eat fruit and vegetables, go in for sports, eat sweets every day, sleep 8-10 hours at night, watch TV 2 hours a day, eat at fast food restaurants




Appendix 6






Appendix 7


There is some        fish in the fridge.

There are some        eggs in the fridge.


    There is a           chicken in the fridge.

   There is some           milk in the fridge.

  There are some      carrots in the fridge.


       There is some       cake in the fridge.

     There are some    apples in the fridge.


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