Инфоурок Иностранные языки Рабочие программыОткрытый урок по внеклассному чтению на тему: «A.C. Doyle “The Crown Diamon”»

Открытый урок по внеклассному чтению на тему: «A.C. Doyle “The Crown Diamon”»

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                                             Demonstrative  Lesson.

                                                       Lesson  plan.


                                                                                                         Teacher : O.B. Khlebnikova

Group : 6 “V”

Level : Elementary

Theme: «A.C. Doyle “The Crown Diamon”»

Lesson type: Receptive and Productive Skills lesson.

Kind of the lesson: mixed.

Materials: CB, CD 16,17, screen,music.


1. Educational: to forming habits of dialogue, to forming habits of listening.

2. Developing: to develop students out look, to stimulate secondary and primary memory, to bring all the students into class activity.

3. Teaching: to stimulate interest in reading, to work on independently and in group.

Objectives: SWBAT listen the biography of A.C. Doyle , try to understand the information, do the test and complete the sentences, act the dialogue “The Crown Diamond”, guess the crossword ,listen the end of the story and number the events in the correct order.


I. Greeting. Preparing for the lesson. Duty’s  report.

II. Warm Up.(Звучит музыка из кинофильма «Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона» )

Teacher:  Children have you ever heard this music? ( S-s answers)

You are right. And today during our lesson we are going to speak about famous writer Arthur Conan Doyle and his story “The Crown Diamond.”

III. Pre- Activity.

1. Introduction the biography  of  Arthur Conan Doyle.

Our students have found some interesting information about A.C. Doyle. Listen this information and you can read it from the screen. (Ученики рассказывают о жизни писателя и идёт презентация биографии.)

Arthur Conan Doyle was born on 22 May 1859. He was born in Edinburgh in Scotland. His father s name was Charles Altamont Doyle. His mother s name was Mary Foley..The Doyle family was  large .Arthur was one of ten children . The Doyle family was Catholic.

Arthur entered Hodder Prep, a Jesuit-run school, in 1868. Two years later, he moved to Stonyhurst public school.

In 1874, Arthur took  his university exam. Before entering Edinburgh University in 1876, he spent a year at a Jesuit school in Austria brushing up on his German. He needed money. During the summer of 1878, he worked with a doctor in general practice.

 Arthur worked in a Shropshire country practice to earn extra money to send home to his family.
Arthur received his Masters in Biology in 1881.
Arthur wrote adventure stories to earn extra money. He rented Bush Villa in Southsea, which became his residence as well as his practice. Business was slow for the first six months. Arthur joined football, bowling, political, literary, and cricket clubs in his leisure time. Business began to pick up.

In August of 1885 Arthur married Louise Hawkins. The Doyles were married for fifteen years before Louise died in 1900 . Two children were born into this union; a boy and a girl.

 Dr. Doyle began practicing medicine as an eye specialist. His first Sherlock Holmes story was published in 1887. Sherlock Holmes was based on Edgar Allan Poe's detective C. Holmes' physical appearance was that of Dr. Joseph Bell, Doyle's teacher from the University of Edinburgh.
Arthur's first historical novel was published in 1889. He was living in London in 1890 and practicing as an occultist. By 1891, he had become a full time writer.
In 1892, the first collection of Sherlock Holmes stories was published. A total of five collections of Holmes stories have been published.

 The year 1907 found Arthur marrying for the second time. Jean  Leckie  was his second wife.
1917 was to be the last year a Sherlock Holmes story was published. By 1920, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was one of the highest paid writers in the world.

Arthur Conan Doyle died on Monday ,in July 7, 1930, surrounded by his family. His last words  were addressed to his wife. He said, "You are wonderful”.

2.After –Listening. Let s check what do you remember.

( Ученики получают на выбор задания  по своему желанию, ученик может выбрать тест или карточку на восстановление предложений по прослушанной информации.) Ученики работают индивидуально, затем задания проверяются в группе.

Match the sentences complete.



1. Conan Doyle was

1. he worked with a doctor in general practice.

2. He was born

2. Mary Foley.

3. His Father s name was

3. his university exam.

4. His mother s name was

4. in Edinburgh in Scotland.

5.The Doyle family

5. Charles Altamont Doyle.

6. In 1874 Arthur took

6. football.

7.During the summer of 1878

7. in 1881.

8. He liked to play

8. to earn some money.

9. He received his Masters in  Biology

9. stories was published.

10. Arthur Conan Doyle wrote adventure stories

10. was large.

11.In 1892 the first collection of Sherlock Holmes

11.  born on 22 May in 1859.



1. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was born

a. in  1867                        b. in  1859                          c. 1930

2. He was born in

a. Scotland                         b. London                         c. England

3. His father s name was

a.  Charles Altamont           b. Charles   Duglas          c. Charles Dickens

4. His mother s name was

a. Mary Binn           b. Mary  Foley                              c. Mary Donald 

5. There were  …   children in the family.

a. 5                             b. 3                                                c.10

6. Arthur Conan Doyle studied

a. History                    b.  Biology                                    c. Math

7. Dr. Doyle began practicing medicine as an

a. heart doctor              b. heard doctor                          c. eyes doctor

8. He liked to play

a. basketball                   b. football                               c. volleyball

9. The first collection of Sherlock Holmes was published in

a. 1892                           b. 1900                                       c. 1857

10.The last year when  Sherlock Holmes was published  was

a.1901                             b.1891                                        c. 1917

11. Arthur Conan Doyle died in

a.1927                             b. 1893                                        c. 1930


3.Acting the dialogue.(Ученики прослушивают диалог из рассказа А. К .Дойля «Королевский бриллиант.»)

Students act the dialogue. Group 1. Group 2.


                                   The  Crown Diamond.

Watson  When will Holmes be back, Billy?

Billy  By  I don t know,sir. He is very busy  . He is trying to find the Crown Diamond.

Watson  Oh, yes. It was stolen in the robbery last week.

Billy  That is right, sir. t you tell the police?

Holmes  Because I have not found  out where

(Watson pulls back the curtain. A model of Holmes is in a chair by the window.)

Watson   What is this?

Billy  Holmes wants people to think he is at home when is not.

Watson  Why?

(Enter Holmes)

Holmes  Because a man is trying to attack me,Watson.

Watson  Who?

Holmes  Sebastian Moran. White it down, Watson.

( A doorbell rings, Billy exits)

Watson ( Writing in his notebook) Why do no the diamond is yet. Moran stole it and a man called Sam Merton helped him.

(Enter Billy)

Billy  Sebastian Moran is here,sir.

Holmes  Good!( Looks out of the window) And Sam Merton is outside.

Watson  This is dangerous! I will stay with you, Holmes.

Holmes  No, Watson. ( write a note.) Take this note to the police. They will come and arrest Moran. But before they get here, I will find out where the diamond is.


4. Vocabulary Work. Crossword. ( Ученики работают в паре. )


Do you want to know what happens next in the story about diamond? Listen to the story and number the events in the correct order. ( Ex. 4 p. 21)

( Ученики слушают запись № 17 дважды и отмечают события в нужной последовательности)

  1. Moran enters.
  2. Billy brings Merton in.
  3. Holmes shows Moran a book.
  4. Holmes goes into the room.
  5. Holmes takes the diamond.
  6. The police arrive.

( Задание проверяется всей группой.)

IV. Follow Up.

Speaking. T. What do you think happens to Moran and Merton?

Have you ever read a detective story?

Do you want to read books of A.C. Doyle?

V. Wrap Up. 1. Evaluation.

                      2. Home task.






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Открытый урок по внеклассному чтению проходил в 6 классе. Тема урока «A.C. Doyle “The Crown Diamon”».


1. Educational: to forming habits of dialogue, to forming habits of listening.

2. Developing: to develop students out look, to stimulate secondary and primary memory, to bring all the students into class activity.

3. Teaching: to stimulate interest in reading, to work on independently and in group.

Objectives: SWBAT listen the biography of A.C. Doyle , try to understand the information, do the test and complete the sentences, act the dialogue “The Crown Diamond”, guess the crossword ,listen the end of the story and number the events in the correct order.

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