Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыОткрытый урок в 5 классе "Stereotypes of Englishmen and Scotsmen"

Открытый урок в 5 классе "Stereotype of Englishmen and scotsmen"

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Ход урока:

I. Организационный момент.

T: Good morning, dear pupils!

P: Good morning, teacher!

T: I’m glad to see you. Let’s begin our lesson. Sit down, please!

I организационный момент

What date is it today?

Who is absent for today?

What time is it?

Thank you.

II. Фонетическая зарядка.

[ i:] tea, see, wheel

[i] drink,  kilt, Englishman, coffee, rugby

[ai] stereotype, like, bagpipes

[  ] national, hat,  bad,

III. Лексическая разминка.  Класс разделен на  две команды (Scotsmen and Englishmen)

 Now let’s speak about stereotypes of  Scotsmen and Englishmen. At you tables you have  pictures, you should   show the picture and say  information about Scotsmen and Englishmen. (  на столах команд находятся картинки   и дети должны рассказать по ним немного информации о Scotsmen and Englishmen)

P1.:  Englishmen like wear hat.

P2: Englishmen like to drink tea

P3: Englishmen have a bad weather.

P4: Englishmen  like a  Bull dog.

P5: Scotsmen like football.

P6: Scotsmen wear kilts every day.

P7: Scotsmen eat haggis every day.

P8: Scotsmen  all play the bagpipes.


 В класс заходят двое ребят Scotsmen and Englishmen.

 P1:  Stop, stop , stop Hello! I live in London, the capital of   England. I’m an Englishman. Many people think that we like Bull dog, wear hat, drink only tea, and we have a bad weather. But I want to tell that it’s only a stereotype.   (Презентация 1)

We have not only a bad weather,  we also have a good weather. We don’t like only a Bull dog, we like  all kinds of dogs. And we also like drink coffee with milk.

P2: Hello! I live in Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. I’m a Scotsman. Many people think that we like football because it’s our national sport.  But also we like rugby and golf.  We think that we wear kilts everywhere, but it’s not true we wear kilts only at celebrations like wedding and parties.  We eat haggis only  in restaurants and it is popular on burns night . we think that we all play bagpipes and it’s not true. For example,  no one in my family can play bagpipes. As for me,  I like to play at guitar.

T.: ok, very good sit down please

 IV Физкульминутка.

Now let’s have a rest

Put your hands up in the air and shake your booties round
Hand up on your toes and turn around around
Hands way up high, hands way down low
Stamp with your feet and jump, jump, jump


V грамматические упражнения

I give every teams one sentence, and you should to write down four types of question:  general, spatial, alternative and tag –questions,

 The First team:

  Englishmen like to  wear black hats only at weddings.

The second team:

Scotsmen don’t cook haggies at home every day.

T :Ok. very good.

VI аудирование

T:  now we listen a  text about Lock Ness Monster and then we should do the excesses, before listening  we read a new words:

New words:

·        Appear http://www.multitran.ru/gif/%5b.gif http://www.multitran.ru/gif/113.gif’p http://www.multitran.ru/gif/73.gif] появляться

·        from time of time – время от времени

·        report [ri’p http://www.multitran.ru/gif/79.gift]  доклад, сообщение

·        unusual [http://www.multitran.ru/gif/65.gifnju: http://www.multitran.ru/gif/90.gif http://www.multitran.ru/gif/86.gif http://www.multitran.ru/gif/113.gifl] необычное

·        looked out – выглядывать

Lock Ness Monster

       I.            In the north of Scotland there is a very famous lake – Lock Ness. It is not the largest lake in Britain, but it is thirty-five kilometers long. The water of the lake is dark and always very cold. And Lock Ness is full of fish.

    II.            There cannot be many people who have not heard of the Lock Ness monster which appears in the news from time of time. For many years there have been reports of unusual large animals in the lake. There are many stories about the water monster “Nessie”. One of them says, for example, that one Sunday morning a young woman looked out of the dining-room window of the house near the lake and saw in the waters of Lock Ness the “largest animal I have ever seen”. It had, she said later, a giraffe-like neck, a very small head and a great dark grey body.

 III.            That was in 1934, the year in which the first book about the Lock Ness monster was published. It is one of the reports received between 1933 and the present time.


Task № 1.  True or falls.

a) And Lock Ness is full of duck.

b) There cannot be many people who have not heard of the Lock Ness monkey which appears in the news from time of time

c) . There are many stories about the water monster “Nessie”.

d) It had, she said later, a giraffe-like neck, a very big head and a great dark grey body.

e) One Sunday morning a young man looked out of the dining-room window of the house near the lake.

 f) And she saw in the waters of Lock Ness the “largest animal I have ever seen”


Task № 2. Put these notes in the right order.

a.      unusual large animals

b.     the house near the lake

c.      from time to time

d.     the largest animal I have ever seen

e.      who had never heard

f.       in the water of Lock Ness

g.     a very small head

h.     a young woman looked out

i.       which appears in the water

j.       there have been reports

7 Рефлексия (подведение итогов работы)

- So, children, our lesson is finishing…

- Open your diaries and write your home task

Предлагает учащимся самостоятельно высказаться о содержании урока, полученных знаниях и итогах работы

Закончите фразы:

Теперь я знаю….

Теперь я умею\могу..

Мне было интересно…

Мне было трудно

Finish the sentences:

 Now I know…

Now I can…

It was interesting…

It was difficult…


- Did you like our lesson?

- Express your impressions about the lesson.

    If you like the lesson, fasten ['fɑːs(ə)n] your smiles to this tree on the blackboard.

    If you don’t like the lesson, fasten your sad smiles to the tree.

If you don’t have any feelings about lesson, fasten your indifferent smiles to the tree.

- Ребята, давайте посчитаем яблочки на нашем дереве. 

Ставит оценки более активным учащимся, объясняет оценки.

Благодарит за проделанную работу  (That’s all for today. You have worked well today. Thank you. Your marks are … Our lesson is over.).

Прощается с учениками (Good bye, children. See you next lesson).


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