Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыОткрытый урок в 10 классе по теме "Еда". Разработан учителем английского языка Потаповой В. А.

Открытый урок в 10 классе по теме "Еда"

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Урок английского языка по теме "Еда и здоровье". 10-й класс


1. Создать условия для развития речевых навыков. 
2. Развивать навыков аудирования, способности к сравнению и сопоставлению, к репродуктивным и продуктивным речевым действиям.
3. Развивать навыки информационной культуры.


1. Развивать навыки аудирования.
2. Развивать навыки и умения монологической и диалогической речи.
3. Развивать грамматические навыки.

Оснащение: мультимедийный проектор, компьютер, интерактивная доска.

План урока:

1.      Организационный момент.

2.      Постановка целей урока.

3.      Лексическая зарядка.

4.      Активизация лексических навыков.

5.      Чтение текста с полным пониманием.

6.      Развитие навыков аудирования, говорения,грамматических.

7.      Рефлексия

8.      Оценки.

Theme: Food and Health.

Ход урока


Today we are going to discuss the problems of eating disorders.

Do you agree that our health depends on our food?

So today we are going to discuss it.

I. Warm up.

At home you read a young man’s story about eating disorders that happened to him. It is in your Starlight 10 workbooks exercise 1 on p. 18

Приложение 1. (the first slide)

1) Before discussing the story let’s look through the vocabulary you came across in this text.

– First look at these words and find synonyms

Приложение 1 (the second slide)

and draw lines. (the key is given – arrows which appear later)




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– Read the word-combinations and explain them in English.

Приложение 1 (slides 3 , 4 with the new vocabulary).

  • health conscious
  • armed with recipes
  • was getting acne
  • referred me to the nutritionist
  • weight gain
  • high in fat
  • low in goodness
  • a balanced diet
  • blood tests reveal
  • to improve rundown system
  • nutritious meals
  • to become addicted to
  • to be taken aback

II. Reading.

Now let’s discuss the story by doing the task given in your workbooks. Don’t forget to prove your choice and read the lines from the text of exercise 1 on pages 18 -19 items 1–7.

Key: 1 C – lines 1,2;

2 A – lines 11, 12, 14–16;

3 C – lines 20, 21;

4 D – lines 31–33;

5 C – lines 42, 43

6 B – lines 50–52;

7 C – lines 57–60.

What conclusion did the young man make? (lines 60–64)

III. Watching and listening (video).

Now I’d like to offer you a video clip “Nutritional health” about raw food, listen and be ready to answer the questions after it:

 What are the benefits of raw food?

(– raw food isn’t processed, no chemicals are added;
– your body doesn’t absorb as many calories as it does from cooked food;
– rich in fiber, it is good to maintain volume;
– vitamins are not destroyed.)
 What are the problems with raw food?

(– lack of protein=how to get enough protein;
how to eat grains)

IV. Grammar – word-formation.

In your Starlight 10 student’s book you’ve got some more information about vegetarians. But you are supposed not only to read the exercise 8 on page 39, you are given the task to form proper words from the given ones to fill in the gaps. And you are welcome to use groups of words to choose from.

Приложение 2. (a slide with groups of words)

Key (1)-immoral;

2) – consumption;

3) – healthy;

4) – completely;

5) – products;

6) – admirable;

7) – dieticians;

8) – absence;

9) – strongly;

10) – daily.

1 – What reason(s) to become a vegetarian are mentioned in this piece of information?

(– eating meat is immoral
– eating meat is neither necessary nor healthy)

2 – What’s typical for vegans?

(– they don’t have animal or dairy products;
– they avoid leather goods)

3 – Why do dieticians express concern?

(– vegans don’t get all nutrients they need so they should take vitamin and calcium supplements)

V. Speaking.

So we’ve learnt some viewpoints on food and how it influences our health. Will you exchange your opinions on this matter.

On the board there are expressions of Social English, use them while speaking.

Приложение 3. (slide Social English)

and don’t forget about your active vocabulary.

(Students express their opinion on food and its influence on people’s health using new vocabulary and expressions of social English.)

VI. Watching for getting information.

Practically nobody doubts that fruit and vegetables are very useful for our health. And scientists have discovered how useful each of them is. In the next video you’ll be given such information about some of them.

Your task is to find out which fruit or vegetables are able to strengthen your bones or are useful for your eyesight.

1.      (The first slide with the task for the video Be healthy (100 tips…)” (giving cards to students with their task)

2.      Watching the video “Be Healthy. 100tips…)

3.      Checking up the task

Приложение 4. (slides with the key to the video)

VI. Conclusion.

So now you know much about healthy food. I hope you’ll be health conscious people.

Thank you very much.

Приложение 4. 100 Life Saving Health Food Tips_WMV V9

Приложение 5. Nutritional Health - How to Eat a Raw Food Diet_WMV V9


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