Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыОткрытый урок в 6 классе "Дом. Милый дом."

Открытый урок в 6 классе "Дом. Милый дом."

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Открытый урок на тему «Мой дорогой дом»

Английский язык

6 класс



Подготовила и провела учитель английского языка

Фисенко Наталья Юрьевна














Повторительно-обобщающий урок по теме «Мой дорогой дом».

Цель: Создание условий для деятельности учащихся, направленной на достижение ими:

1. Предметных результатов:

-активизация лексического материала по теме «Дом. Квартира»;

- активизацияграмматическихнавыков: ОборотThereis/are;Present Perfect, Present Indefinite, Past Indefinite;

- совершенствование навыков диалогической речи;

- развитие монологической речи учащихся;

- развитие навыков чтения;

- совершенствование навыков перевода.

2. Метапредметных результатов:

-освоение способов деятельности (познавательной, информационно-коммуникативной, рефлексивной).

3. Личностных результатов:

 - использование полученной информации в своей жизни.



Регулятивные: 1) самостоятельно ставить цели, планировать пути их достижения, умение выбирать наиболее эффективные способы решения учебных и познавательных задач; 2) корректировать свои действия в соответствии с изменяющейся ситуацией.

Познавательные: 1) пользоваться логическими действиями сравнения, анализа,  обобщения, классификации по разным признакам; 2) работать с текстовыми материалами; 3) выделять, обобщать и фиксировать нужную информацию.

Коммуникативные: 1) готовность и способность осуществлять общение и вести диалог на английском языке; 2) уметь аргументировать свою точку зрения.

Личностные: 1) проявлять уважительное отношение к партнёрам, внимание к личности другого; взаимопомощь, толерантное отношение друг к другу.


Оснащение: ноутбук, проектор, интерактивная доска,  картинки комнат, картинки с предметами мебели. Презентация в PowerPoint.










Учитель: Дорогиемальчикиидевочки! Сегодня мы с вами повторим слова и выражения по теме «Мой дорогой дом».

Teacher: Good morning. Nice to see you. Say “Hello” to each other. Turn to each other.

Dear, boys and girls! Today we are going to revise the words and expressions, which we’ve learned in this Unit.


-         Look at the slide. Can you guess what  we’ll speak about during our lesson?

-         We shall speak about the house.

Now I’d like you to make this task. (1)

Match the rooms to their descriptions.

Mind. You’ve got a sheet of paper where you should put your marks yourselves.


1.     Чтение полученного письма, выполнение интерактивного задания.   

Just now we`ve received  a very interesting letter from our foreign friend. Let`sreadit!  You have got 2 minutes to look through this task in your handouts. Put the paragraphs of the letter into chronological order. Complete the table after the text.  Go to the blackboard and make the task. Then you should read and translate your sentences.




3December, 2020

Dear Alex,

Thanks for your letter.

You asked me about my new house. Well, there are four rooms in the house. There are all modern conveniences in it. There is central heating, running water, electricity and gas. My room is cosy. There are nice curtains on the window and a colourful carpet on the floor.

Do you help your parents with the housework?  Is there a garden in front of your house?Do you share the room with your sister?


Well, I have to go now. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.

All the best,



Now I need three pairs of pupils. The next task is to make a dialogue from the given phrases. Mind, there are two extra phrases in each dialogue. Then you should read your dialogues.(Детисоставляютдиалогиизпредложенныхфраз.Вкаждойстопкефразесть 2 лишниефразы)

- Mum, shall I wash the dishes?

-Thank you very much.

- Shall I feed the dog?

- Canyouhelpme?

(после того как дети читают свой диалог, он появляется на слайде)


-Mum, I’ll sweep the floor.

-Oh, thank you.

- Mum, I can do the shopping.

- How do you do.


-Mum, shall I give you a hand? I can clean the kitchen.

-It’s all right, thank you. I’ve already cleaned it.

- Nice to meet you.

- Not at all.

Look at the slide, please. What are these dialogues about? (helping about the house).

Write down one of these dialogues in your papers.


1.     Задание выбирают по степени сложности сами дети.

So. Here is the text. But the tasks for it are different.

You can choose the task which you think you’ll manage to fulfill.  You’ve got 5 minutes. For each right answer of this task you’ll get 1 token. For this task you’ll get 2 tokens. And for this you’ll get 3 tokens.

The task for the first group is to put missing words in the gaps. Remember that there is one extra word.

washed, has watered, work, help, have already swept, tidied up, clean, has done




1)    We usually ______________ our Mum about the house. 2) Yesterday I ______________ the dishes and ________________ my room. 3) Alice _____________________the flowers today. 4) This week Dad _______________________ the shopping. 5) We often ___________________ the garden, today we ______________________________ the paths there.


The task for the second group.Put the verbs in the Present Simple Tense, The Past Simple Tense or The Present Perfect Tense. Choose from the given variants.

1)    We usually ______________(help, helped, have helped) our Mum about the house. 2) Yesterday I ______________  (have washed, wash, washed) the dishes and ________________ (have tidied up, tidy up, tidied up) my room. 3) Alice _____________________ (waters, has watered, watered) the flowers today. 4) This week Dad _______________________ (did, does, has done) the shopping. 5) We often ___________________ (clean, have cleaned, cleaned) the garden, today we ______________________________(have already swept, sweep, swept) the paths there.


The pupils of the third group should fill in the gaps with the verbs in the correct form.

1)    We usually ______________(to help) our Mum about the house. 2) Yesterday I ______________  (to wash) the dishes and ________________ (to tidy up) my room. 3) Alice _____________________ (to water) the flowers today. 4) This week Dad _______________________ (todo) the shopping. 5) We often ___________________ (to clean) the garden, today we ____________________________(to sweep) the paths there.


Now, exchange your sheets of paper and check. The right variant is on the slide.


Exchange your sheets of paper once more and tell me how many right answers you have got.


Now count your scores and tell me how many scores you have got.


Дети по мере выполнения упражнений заполняют оценочный лист

-         Do you like the lesson? (Вам понравился урок?)

-         What do you like in it? (Что вам понравилось на уроке?)

-         I think, it was useful and interesting. All of this material you can use on our next lesson for making your own project about your house.(Я думаю, он был полезным и интересным.Весь этот материал вы можете использовать на нашем следующем уроке для работы над проектом о своём доме).


All of you worked not bad. Now,count your tokens, that you’ve  gained during the lesson. How many tokens have you got? Your marks are…

Thanks everybody.


Учительанглийскогоязыка: ФисенкоН.Ю.













- Mum, shall I wash the dishes?

-Thank you very much.

- Shall I feed the dog?

- Can you help me?


-Mum, I’ll sweep the floor.

-Oh, thank you.

- Mum, I can do the shopping.

- How do you do.


-Mum, shall I give you a hand? I can clean the kitchen.

-It’s all right, thank you. I’ve already cleaned it.

- Nice to meet you.

- Not at all.



Fill in the gaps with is or are

This is the house. There _______ four rooms in the house. There _______ all modern conveniences in it. There _____ central heating, running water, electricity and gas. This is a living-room. There ________ a wall-unit in the living-room. There _____ a sofa in front of the wall unit. There ______ no arm-chairs. There _____ no table. There ______ a TV-set on the wall unit. _____ there any table in your living room? ______ there any arm-chairs in your living room?


Fill in missing words in the gaps. Remember that there is one extra word.

washed, has watered, work, help, have already swept, tidied up, clean, has done




1) We usually ______________ our Mum about the house. 2) Yesterday I ______________ the dishes and ________________ my room. 3) Alice _____________________the flowers today. 4) This week Dad _______________________ the shopping. 5) We often ________________ the garden, today we ________________________ the paths there.












Put the verbs in the Present Simple Tense, The Past Simple Tense or The Present Perfect Tense. Choose from the given variants.

1)We usually ______________(help, helped, have helped) our Mum about the house. 2) Yesterday I ______________  (have washed, wash, washed) the dishes and ________________ (have tidied up, tidy up, tidied up) my room. 3) Alice _____________________ (waters, has watered, watered) the flowers today. 4) This week Dad _______________________ (did, does, has done) the shopping. 5) We often ___________________ (clean, have cleaned, cleaned) the garden, today we ______________________________(have already swept, sweep, swept) the paths there.




Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the correct form.

1)We usually ______________(to help) our Mum about the house. 2) Yesterday I ______________  (to wash) the dishes and ________________ (to tidy up) my room. 3) Alice _____________________ (to water) the flowers today. 4) This week Dad _______________________ (to do) the shopping. 5) We often ___________________ (to clean) the garden, today we ____________________________(to sweep) the paths there.



Fill in the gaps with is or are

This is the house. There _______ four rooms in the house. There _______ all modern conveniences in it. There _____ central heating, running water, electricity and gas. This is a living-room. There ________ a wall-unit in the living-room. There _____ a sofa in front of the wall unit. There ______ no arm-chairs. There _____ no table. There ______ a TV-set on the wall unit. _____ there any table in your living room? ______ there any arm-chairs in your living room?


Fill in the gaps with is or are

This is the house. There _______ four rooms in the house. There _______ all modern conveniences in it. There _____ central heating, running water, electricity and gas. This is a living-room. There ________ a wall-unit in the living-room. There _____ a sofa in front of the wall unit. There ______ no arm-chairs. There _____ no table. There ______ a TV-set on the wall unit. _____ there any table in your living room? ______ there any arm-chairs in your living room?


Fill in the gaps with is or are

This is the house. There _______ four rooms in the house. There _______ all modern conveniences in it. There _____ central heating, running water, electricity and gas. This is a living-room. There ________ a wall-unit in the living-room. There _____ a sofa in front of the wall unit. There ______ no arm-chairs. There _____ no table. There ______ a TV-set on the wall unit. _____ there any table in your living room? ______ there any arm-chairs in your living room?


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