Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыПаспорт фонда оценочных средств по учебной дисциплине Иностранный язык ( 1 курс )

Паспорт фонда оценочных средств по учебной дисциплине Иностранный язык ( 1 курс )

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по учебной дисциплине

Иностранный язык

  030912 «Право и организация социального обеспечения»

031001 «Правоохранительная деятельность»

(I курс)


Результаты обучения (освоенные умения,  усвоенные знания)


Наименование темы

Уровень освоения


Промежуточная аттестация


контрольно-оценочного средства


контрольно-оценочного средства

Знание новых лексических единиц, связанных с данной лексической темой, умение применять изученные грамматические явления.


Тема 1. Знакомство. Приветствия.


Лексико-грамматическое  задание из 10 пунктов, и вопросник  из 11 пунктов .

Контрольная работа

Знание новых лексических единиц, связанных с данной лексической темой, умение применять изученные грамматические явления.


Тема 2. Распорядок дня. Планирование рабочего времени. Досуг.


Работа по чтению.

Часть первая. (Базовый уровень). Понимание общего содержания текстов. Тип первого задания - установление соответствия; второе задание - закончить предложения, используя информацию текста.

Часть вторая. (Повышенный уровень). Тип задания – установление соответствия между утверждениями и содержанием текста.

Часть третья. (Высокий уровень). Полное понимание текста.

Контрольная работа

Знание новых лексических единиц, связанных с данной лексической темой, умение применять изученные грамматические явления.


Тема 3. Известные люди нашей планеты


Задание содержит грамматическое задание из 5 пунктов и лексическое задание на составление биографии известной личности по опорным данным.

Контрольная работа

Знание новых лексических единиц, связанных с данной лексической темой, умение применять изученные грамматические явления.


Тема 4. Город. Инфраструктура.


Два лексических задания, одно грамматическое задание на употребление времен.

Контрольная работа

Знание новых лексических единиц, связанных с данной лексической темой, умение применять изученные грамматические явления.


Тема 5.Путешествия.


Задание содержит лексическое задание из 6 пунктов, грамматическое задание  из 12 пунктов .

Контрольная работа

Знание новых лексических единиц, связанных с данной лексической темой, умение применять изученные грамматические явления.


Тема 6.Проблемы молодежи


Тест на множественный выбор из 10 пунктов.

Экзаменационные темы

Знание новых лексических единиц, связанных с данной лексической темой, умение применять изученные грамматические явления.


Тема 7.Мода.


Тест по теме, разделу

Экзаменационные темы

Знание новых лексических единиц, связанных с данной лексической темой, умение применять изученные грамматические явления.


Тема 8.Лондон. Москва.


Тест по теме, разделу

Экзаменационные темы

Знание новых лексических единиц, связанных с данной лексической темой, умение применять изученные грамматические явления.


Тема 9. Продукты питания.


Тест по теме, разделу

Экзаменационные темы

Знание новых лексических единиц, связанных с данной лексической темой, умение применять изученные грамматические явления.


Тема10. Великие изобретения и открытия человечества


Лексическое задание на множественный выбор, два грамматических задания на употребление глагольных форм в страдательном залоге.

Экзаменационные темы













Примерный состав КОС

для текущего контроля знаний, умений обучающихся

по учебной дисциплине/темам, разделам.


Наименование КОС

Материалы для преставления


Вопросы для  устного (письменного) опроса по теме, разделу

Перечень вопросов

по теме, разделу


Тест по теме, разделу

Тест по теме, разделу





Состав КОС

для промежуточного контроля знаний, умений обучающихся

по учебной дисциплине Английский язык


Наименование КОС

Материалы для преставления


Контрольная работа за 1 семестр

Задания с открытым ответом и с выбором одного правильного ответа



Перечень вопросов по дисциплине,

Экзаменационные билеты
















Знакомство. Приветствия.



    I. Поставьте  нужный артикль

                     1. … eye

                     2. … pen

                     3. … ice-cream                         

  II. Вставьте  нужное слово: am/ is / are

1.  Where ….. the children?

2.   I think Terry ….. kind and funny.

3.  Are you a student?-Yes, I  …..


III. Напишите  числа словами и поставь существительные в нужную форму

1.      8 (book)-

2.      2 (watch)-

3.      12 (man)-


IV. Напишите соответствующие местоимения

1.      Сasey –

2.      Terry and I -

3.      Kamala and Sue –


V. Вставьте  нужное слово: his / her

                    1. My record is my girlfriend. ….. name’s Kate.

                     2. This record is for Michael and …. friend.

                     3. My record is for my boyfriend. It’s ….. birthday.


VI .Вставьте  нужное слово: this / these

1.      Is ….. man strong?

2.      What colour is ….. car?

3.      What colour are …. T-shirts.



VII. Выберите  правильный вариант ответа

  1. You ….. got  two eyes.  a) has  b) have  c) hasn’t
  2. I ….. got many friends.  a) haven’t  b) hasn’t  c) has
  3. The teacher ….. got a book.  a) have  b) has  c) haven’t


VIII.  Выберите  правильный вариант ответа

1.      I ….. a doctor.  a) am  b) has got  c) is

2.      My family ….. a house.  a) is  b) has got  c) are

3.      Kate ….. from London.  a) hasn’t got  b) is not  c) have got


IX. Выберите  правильный вариант ответа

1.      This is ….. bike.  a) John’s  b) John  c) Johns’

2.      Kate is ….. sister.  a) Edward  b) Edward’s  c) Edwards

3.      Sheila is ….. aunt.  a) Vince and Sues’  b) Vince’s and Sue’s  c)  Vince and Sue’s


X. Переведите  предложения  на английский язык   

  1. Меня зовут Винс. Мне 18 лет.
  2. Я из Лондона. Я студент.
  3. У меня есть девушка. Она симпатичная.


XI .Ответьте  на вопросы:

1.      What’s your full name?

2.      What do your friends call you?

3.      How old are you?

4.      Where are you from?

5.      What colour eyes have you got?

6.      What colour hair have you got?

7.      Who’s your favourite pop star?

8.      Who’s your laest favourite pop star?

9.      What’s your favourite food?

10.What’s your favourite colour?

11.Which of these do you think you are:

Good-looking, interesting, intelligent, quiet, fun, nice, boring, friendly, happy, bossy, shy, honest.




1.      1-An, 2-a, 3- an.

2.      1-are, 2-is, 3-am

3.      1-eight books, 2-two watches,3- twelve men

4.      1-he, 2-we, 3- they.

5.      1-her, 2-his, 3-his.

6.      1-this, 2- this, 3-these

7.      1-b, 2-a, 3-b

8.      1-a, 2-b, 3-b

9.      1-a, 2-b, 3-a

10.  1. My name is Vince. 2. I’m from London. I am a student.3. I have got a girlfriend. She is nice.

11.   Students’ own answers.




Знакомство. Приветствия.




    I .Поставьте  нужный артикль     

                     1. … boy

                     2. … girlfriend   


  II. Вставьте  нужное слово: am/ is / are

1.  We ….. in the park.

2.  He ….. strong and brave.

3. I…..intelligent and honest

III .Напишите  числа словами и поставь существительные в нужную форму

1.23    (pencil)-

2.15 (child)-

3. 11(woman)

IV. Напишите  соответствующие местоимения

1. A house

2. A girl

3. students-

V. Вставьте  нужное слово: his / her

                     1. She is Sue. It’s ….. birthday today.

                     2. He is Steve. It’s ….. sister.

                     3. This is my brother. …name is Bobby.

VI .Вставьте  нужное слово: this / these

1.….. woman is my teacher.

2.….. nice girls are pretty.

3. ……children aren’t mine.

VII. Выберите  правильный вариант ответа

1.Anns brother ….. got a cara) have  b) haves  c) has

2.Kamala’s sisters ….. got dolls  a) has  b) have  c) hasn’t

3. Casey’s friend…..got a gutar. a) have b) has  c) haven’t


VIII.  Выберите  правильный вариант ответа

1.His aunt ….. a cara) is  b) have got  c) has got

2….. your sister  a policewoman?  a) has got  b) is  c) are

3……their parents at home?  a) have  b) is  c) are

IX .Выберите  правильный вариант ответа

1.      Diana is ….. wife.  a) Charles  b)  Charles’  c) Charles’s

2.      This ..... son is my friend.  a) woman  b) women’s  c) woman’s

3.      They are his…….friends.  a) sister’s  b) sisters  c) sisre’r


X. Переведите  предложения  на английский язык   

  1. У неё светлые волосы и голубые глаза.
  2. Она из России.
  3. Ee любимый цвет-красный.


XI. Ответьте  на вопросы:

1        What’s your full name?

2        What do your friends call you?

3        How old are you?

4        Where are you from?

5        What colour eyes have you got?

6        What colour hair have you got?

7        Who’s your favourite pop star?

8        Who’s your laest favourite pop star?

9        What’s your favourite food?

10    .What’s your favourite colour?

11    .Which of these do you think you are:

Good-looking, interesting, intelligent, quiet, fun, nice, boring, friendly, happy, bossy, shy, honest.




1.      1-A, 2-a, 3- an.

2.      1-are, 2-is, 3-am

3.      1-twenty three pencils, 2-fifteen children,3- eleven women

4.      1-it, 2-she, 3- they.

5.      1-her, 2-his, 3-his.

6.      1-this, 2- these, 3-these

7.      1-c, 2-b, 3-b

8.      1-c, 2-b, 3-c

9.      1-b, 2-c, 3-a

10.  1. She has got fair hair and blue eyes.. 2. She is from Russia.3. Her favourite colour is red

11.   Students’ own answers.




Критерии оценок по теме «Знакомство. Приветствия».


Задание содержит лексико-грамматическое  задание из 10 пунктов, и вопросник  из 11 пунктов .

Оценка «5»  35-41 правильных ответа.

Оценка «4»  30-34  правильных ответов.

Оценка «3» 25-29 правильных ответа.



Распорядок дня. Планирование рабочего времени. Досуг.


 1.Прочитайте, что некоторые британцы говорят о своих увлечениях.

a) Подбери к текстам заголовки. Один заголовок лишний.

1) We are very fond of having picnics. On Sundays our family goes to some nice place in the country. We like to sit in the open air and enjoy nature. It's a pleasure to have lunch in a forest or near the water. We can also play ball or swim if the weather is fine.

2) My best friend and I often go to the discos. We listen to music and dance there. It's fun! Rock is our favourite type of music. And we enjoy listening to jazz.

3) We have two dogs. Their names are Terry and Rex. We love them so much! Every day we take them for a walk in the park. They are so polite and nice when they meet other dogs there. I think they say "Hello!" to them in their dog language.

4) All my friends love sport. Our favourite sports are horse riding, football and swimming. Every school and college has its own football team. We often have sport competitions at our school. It's great when your team wins!

a       We are fond of sports.

b       British weekend

c       How can we spend free time

d       Pet lovers

e       Most British are nice and polite. 

b). Закончите предложения, используя информацию текста.

1). On Sundays the British like____________________________________________________________.

2). They think it's pleasant to______________________________________________________________.

3). Some boys often go to the disco to_______________________________________________________.

4). Many British families keep_____________________________________________________________.


2.Прочитайте три отрывка о рабочем дне девочки.

а) Расположите отрывки в таком порядке, чтобы получился рассказ.

1). At one o'clock Ann usually has lunch. After lunch she helps mother about the house. Ann doesn't like to wash the dishes but she enjoys shopping. Sometimes she doesn't remember what her mother told her to buy but she never forgets to buy some milk for her cat.

2). Ann can play the piano very well. Her friends often come to see her in the evening. They enjoy listening to music and sometimes Ann plays or sings for them. They always praise (хвалят) her singing. Sometimes they go out for a walk if the weather is fine and enjoy fresh air and a good company.

3). Ann often goes to bed late and she hates getting up early. Her mornings are very busy. She can't always find her things. She looks for her schoolbag everywhere and at last finds it under the sofa. Sometimes she doesn't have time to eat her breakfast and she is often late for school. I wonder why she never gets bad marks!

b) Отметьте буквой Т (true) информацию, соответствующую тексту, и буквой F ( False) – не соответствующую тексту.

1.She is never late for school.

2.She always gets good marks.

3.She goes to bed early.

4.She enjoys shopping.

            5.Sometimes she goes for а walk in the evening.


3.Прочитайте  текст и заполните таблицу.


School 1 — Alice



Number of students


Start and finish time


Favourite subjects





I am Alice. I am in my sitting room at home, talking to my teacher on the radio. Yes, I am at school!

I live in the middle of Australia, a long way from any towns or cities, so I belong to the School of the Air. Students from all over Australia belong to such school. Every day, I start at half past eight. I have two hours of radio lessons and sometimes I watch lessons on TV. After that, I have three hours of homework, then I have free time.

I don't mind going to school in the sitting room — it's fun! I like using the radio. I like Geography because I'm interested in learning about for­eign countries and I like talking to my Geography teacher about her visits to Europe, Asia and Ameri­ca. I also like History lessons. Unfortunately, we don't have sport lessons.




             1(а)          1- b                    1(в)     1) ...to enjoy nature

                             2- c                                2 )...to have lunch in the forest

                             3- d                                3)...to listen to the music and dance there

                             4- a                                4)...dogs


2 задание 3,1,2.

              2(в) задание 1-F, 2-T,3-F,4-T,5-T





School 1- Alice


at home in the middle of Australia

Number of students

students from all over Australia

Start and finish time

at half past eight- half past eleven

Favourite subjects

Geography, History


it's fun to have lessons at home


Распорядок дня. Планирование рабочего времени. Досуг.


Прочитайте, что некоторые британцы говорят о своих увлечениях.

a) Подберите к текстам заголовки. Один заголовок лишний.

1) We are very fond of having picnics. On Sundays our family goes to some nice place in the country. We like to sit in the open air and enjoy nature. It's a pleasure to have lunch in a forest or near the water. We can also play ball or swim if the weather is fine.

2) All my friends love sport. Our favourite sports are horse riding, football and swimming. Every school and college has its own football team. We often have sport competitions at our school. It's great when your team wins!

3) We have two dogs. Their names are Terry and Rex. We love them so much! Every day we take them for a walk in the park. They are so polite and nice when they meet other dogs there. I think they say "Hello!" to them in their dog language.

4) My best friend and I often go to the discos. We listen to music and dance there. It's fun! Rock is our favourite type of music. And we enjoy listening to jazz.

a       We are fond of sports.

b       British weekend

c       Most British are polite and reserved

d      Our  pets.

e       How can we spend free time


b). Закончите предложения, используя информацию текста.

1). They enjoy looking after them and every day they___________________________________________.

6). The most favourite sports among the British are____________________________________________.

7). Most British schools have_____________________________________________________________.

             8) It’s great when the team_______________________________________.


Прочитайте три отрывка о рабочем дне девочки.

а) Расположите отрывки в таком порядке, чтобы получился рассказ.

1). Ann often goes to bed late and she hates getting up early. Her mornings are very busy. She can't always find her things. She looks for her schoolbag everywhere and at last finds it under the sofa. Sometimes she doesn't have time to eat her breakfast and she is often late for school. I wonder why she never gets bad marks!

2). Ann can play the piano very well. Her friends often come to see her in the evening. They enjoy listening to music and sometimes Ann plays or sings for them. They always praise (хвалят) her singing. Sometimes they go out for a walk if the weather is fine and enjoy fresh air and a good company.

3). At one o'clock Ann usually has lunch. After lunch she helps mother about the house. Ann doesn't like to wash the dishes but she enjoys shopping. Sometimes she doesn't remember what her mother told her to buy but she never forgets to buy some milk for her cat.


b) Отметьте буквой Т (true) информацию, соответствующую тексту, и буквой F ( False) – не соответствующую тексту.

            1.She doesn't sing well.

2.She can't find her things in the morning.

3.She always buys milk for her cat.

4.She likes to wash the dishes.

5. She goes to bed late.


Прочитайте текст и заполните таблицу.


School 2 — Magnus



Number of students


Start and finish time


Favourite subjects





I am Magnus. I go to Green Street School in Portland, the USA. We get to school by bus.

Our school is quite big. There are about 1,500 students. I don't mind going to school. The lessons aren't very difficult for me. Our lessons start at half past eight. We usually have five or six 45-minute lessons. I am interested in science and computer studies. I usually get good grades in these subjects and I don't mind having tests in English and Literature.

I like my school. I am good at sport. I like play­ing ball games, especially baseball, football and bas­ketball. We don't have uniform in our school and we don't study foreign languages. Some schools in Portland teach Spanish and German. I would like to study German.

I usually come home after 3 p.m. and go to the local stadium to play baseball with my friends.





             1задание(a)      1- b    2- a   3- d    4- e      

задание (b)                                           1)...take them for a walk in the park

                                                             2)...horse riding, football, swimming

                                                             3)...its own football team

                                                             4) win


  2 задание (a) 1,3,2.

               Задание (b),1-F,2-T,3-T,4-F.5-T




School 2- Magnus


in Portland, the USA

Number of students

1,500 students

Start and finish time

half past eight- 3p.m

Favourite subjects



likes school, doesn't mind tests







Критерии оценок по теме «Распорядок дня. Планирование рабочего времени. Досуг.»


Работа по чтению состоит из трех разделов.

Часть первая. (Базовый уровень). Понимание общего содержания текстов. Тип первого задания - установление соответствия; каждый заголовок соответствует только одному тексту, при этом один заголовок лишний; второе задание - закончить предложения, используя информацию текста.

Часть вторая. (Повышенный уровень). Умение находить запрашиваемую информацию. Тип задания – установление соответствия между утверждениями и содержанием текста, а также необходимо расположить тексты в таком порядке, чтобы получился рассказ.

Часть третья. (Высокий уровень). Полное понимание текста. Тип задания- note- making.



Критерии: максимальное кол- во баллов 21 б

                  - базовый уровень-  ( 1 текст) "удов" 11-13б

                  - повышенный  (1+2тексты) – "хор" 14-17б

                  - высокий уровень (1-3 тексты) – "отл" 18-21б













Известные люди нашей планеты.


1.      Дайте три основные формы следующих глаголов:

to say, to build, to send, to spend, to see, to listen, to hear, to tell, to hurry, to meet,

2.      Постройте разделительные вопросы:

  1.You are busy now, … ? 2. You were born in Moscow, … ? 3. There aren’t many people in the library now, … ? 4. He couldn’t go there, … ? 5. You haven’t heard from your friend for a long time, … ?

      3. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму:

1. I often have to go to the library. 2. She has to stay in bed. 3. Ive got to speak to you.

       4. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. Theyve never been to any foreign countries.(2) 2. We’ve already seen this new film.(2) 3. His friend translated two English books into Russian.(3)

        5. Раскрой скобки, поставив инфинитив в нужной форме:

1.”You ( to see) the new picture by Picasso?” “Yes.” ”How you ( to like ) it?” “I like it very much.” 2. “You ever ( to be ) to St. Petersburg?” “Yes , I (to go) there last winter.” 3. “ Is Father at home ?” “No ,he ( not to come ) yet.”4. I just ( to finish ) work and ( to read ) a book now. 5. “Where’s your son ?” “He ( not to come ) from school yet . I think he still (to play ) football .”

6. Используйте данную информацию и напишите биографию.

Fact file



Madonna Louise Ciccone

Date of birth

August 16th 1958

Place of birth


Family info

Very poor family, three sisters, four brothers


Rock star, film actress

First hit

‘Into the Groove’


Ответы на задания:

1.say – said – said

build – built – built

send – sent – sent

spend – spent – spent

see – saw – seen

listen – listened – listened

hear – heard – heard

tell – told – told

hurry – hurried – hurried

meet – met – met


1. …. , aren’t you? 2. … , weren’t you? 3. … ,are there? 4. … , could he? 5. … ,have you?


1. Do you often have … ? I don’t often have … . 2. Does she have … ? She doesn’t have … . 3. Have you got … ? I haven’t got … .


1. Who has never been to any foreign countries? Have they ever been to any foreign countries? 2. Who has seen this new film yet? What film have you seen? 3. What did his friend do? What did his friend translate from English into Russian? How many books did his friend translate from English into Russian?


1. Have you seen … ?... How do you like …? 2.Have you ever been to … ? … I went … .3. … ,he hasn’t come … .4. I have just finished … am reading … .5. … .He hasn’t come … . … he is still playing … .

6. Madonna Louise Ciccone was born on August 16th 1958 in Michigan,USA. Her family was very poor. She has got three sisters and four brothers.Madonna is a Rock star and an actress. Her forst hit was ‘Into the groove’.
















Известные люди нашей планеты.



1. Дайте три основные формы следующих глаголов:


to think, to bring, to lie, to show, to know, to speak, to forget, to leave, to become, to write


2.Постройте разделительные вопросы:


1. She knows you, … ? 2. You’ll be back home early today, … ? 3. He has read a lot of English books already, … ? 4. You didn’t see your friend yesterday, … ? 5. You’ve spent a lot of time on it, … ?

3.Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму:

1. He’s got to see a lot of people today. 2. He had to go for the book at once. 3. She had to go to bed late last night.

4.Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. They’ll send us several telegrams later.(3) 2. She lives in Moscow.(2) 3. She always makes a lot of mistakes.(3)

5. Раскрой скобки, поставив инфинитив в нужной форме:

1. “When your children ( to come ) back to  town ?” “They ( not to come ) back yet.” 2. You ( to do ) the translation already? You only ( to begin ) it 20 minutes ago. 3. “ You ( to finish ) the work yet? Can I have a look at it?” “Certainly. I ( to finish )it an hour ago.” 4. “I just ( to have ) breakfast, and ( to read ) the paper,” I ( to answer ) . “ You ( to get up ) so late?” he ( to say ) and ( to ask ) me to go to his place at once. 5. “ When you ( to come ) to Moscow?” “A week ago.”

6. Используйте данную информацию и напишите биографию.

Fact file

John Lennon


John Lennon

Date of birth

October 9th 1940

Place of birth

Liverpool, Great Britain

Family info

Parents didn’t live together, John’s aunt Mimi looked after him.


Musician. The member of ‘The Beatles’

First hit

‘Please, please me’ in a studio in London in 1963




Ответы на задания:

1.think – thought – thought

bring – brought – brought

lie – lay – lain

show – showed – shown

know – knew – known

speak – spoke – spoken

forget – forgot – forgotten

leave – left – left

become – became – become



1. … , doesn’t she? 2. … ,won’t you? 3. … ,hasn’t he? 4. … ,did you? 5. … ,haven’t you?


1. Has he got … ? He hasn’t got … . 2. Did he have … ? He didn’t have … .3. Did she have … ? She didn’t have … .


1. Who will send us several telegrams later? Who will they send several telegrams later? When will they send us several telegrams? 2. Who lives in Moscow? Where does she live? 3. Who makes a lot of mistakes? How many mistakes does she make? When does she make a lot of mistakes?


1. When did your children come back … ? … haven’t come back … .2. Have you done … ? You only began … .3. Have you finished … ? … I finished … .4. I have just had … , … am reading … I answered. Did you get up … ? he said and asked … .5.When did you come … ?


Критерии оценок за выполнение задания по теме «Известные люди нашей планеты»

Задание содержит грамматическое задание из 5 пунктов и лексическое задание на составление биографии известной личности по опорным данным.

Оценка «5»  30-39 правильных ответа.

Оценка «4»  25-29  правильных ответов.

Оценка «3» 20-28  правильных ответа.


Город. Инфраструктура.



1.Заполните таблицу, используя следующие слова:

A park, a lake, a bridge, a swimming pool, the sea, a castle, a hill, a marsh, a canal, an island, a river, a hospital, a railway line, a forest, a church


Man-made features

Natural features





2.Закончите диалог, используя данные слова:

In front of, in, go, on the left, King George Avenue, on, second

-          Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the library?

-          Yes. It’s … King George Avenue. … down here. Take the …. turning … the right.

-          Second on the right?

-          Yes. That’s …. . The library is …. .

-          On the left?

-          Yes. There is a bus stop … it.

-          Thank you.

3.      Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в  Present Simple или Present Continuous.


a)It’s 11 o’clock. Sue and Vince…..(get up).

b)Mr Green….. in a bank from Monday to Friday. (work)

c)My sister…. lunch at home. (not have)

d)Let’s go out! The weather is fine and the sun … (shine)










Город. Инфраструктура.

2 вариант

1.Заполните таблицу, используя следующие слова:

a river, a lake, a bridge, the sea, a hill, a canal, a park, a marsh, an island, a hospital, a castle, a railway line, a forest, a church , a swimming pool,


Man-made features

Natural features





2.Закончите диалог, используя данные слова:

That’s, to, take, down ,second, there, of.

-          Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get … the library?

-          Yes. It’s in King George Avenue. Go …here. … the second turning on the right.

-          … on the right?

-          Yes…. King George Avenue. The library is on the left.

-          On the left?

-          Yes…. is a bus stop in front…it.

-          Thank you.

3.Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в  Present Simple или Present Continuous.

a) We…. breakfast at college. (not have)

b)  Let’s go out! The weather is fine and the sun … (shine)

c) They….. in a bank from Monday to Friday. (work)

d) It’s 10 o’clock. Vince…..(get up).





Man-made features

Natural features

a hospital, a castle, a church , a swimming pool,


a bridge, a park, a railway line,

a river, a lake, the sea, a hill, a canal, a marsh, an island, a forest,



-  Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the library?

-          Yes. It’s in King George Avenue. Go down here. Take the second turning on the right.

-          Second on the right?

-          Yes. That’s King George Avenue. The library is on the left. .

-          On the left?

-          Yes. There is a bus stop in front of it.

-          Thank you.


a)are getting up


c)doesn’t have

d)is shining


2 вариант



Man-made features

Natural features

a hospital, a castle, a church , a swimming pool,


a bridge, a park, a railway line,

a river, a lake, the sea, a hill, a canal, a marsh, an island, a forest,


-  Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the library?

-          Yes. It’s in King George Avenue. Go down here. Take the second turning on the right.

-          Second on the right?

-          Yes. That’s King George Avenue. The library is on the left. .

-          On the left?

-          Yes. There is a bus stop in front of it.

-          Thank you.


a)don’t have

b)is shining


d)is getting up

Критерии оценок

Оценка «5» ставится за 24-26 правильных ответов

Оценка «4» ставится за 19-23 правильных ответа

Оценка «3» ставится за 13-18 правильных ответов


1. Put these sentences into the Future Tense.

a) Terry goes to school at 8.15

b) He doesn’t travel by car.

2. Make these sentences negative.

a) Kamala was eating a hamburger.

b) Terry and Jackie were looking at the magazines.

3. Turn these sentences into questions.

a) You were lying on the beach.

b) Carmen was buying an ice cream.

4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

a) I……….with my friends, when I……….an accident.(play/have)

b) He……….for the bus but it…………….very fast.(run, drive)

5. Complete these with the comparative or the superlative of the adjectives in brackets.

a) Jackie is………than Sue.(tall)

b) I think Sue is………..than Jackie.(attractive)

6. Complete these with ‘this’ or ‘these’

a) Do you like……..trousers?

b) I’d like………..shirt, please.

7. Describe your trip. Write 6-10 sentences. Say:

·         Where you went

·         Where you stayed

·         How you got there

·         What you bought or what you did

·         What you ate or drank

·         How much money you spent

·         How you got home


1. a) Terry will go to school at 8.15

b) He won’t travel by car.

2. a) Kamala wasn’t eating a hamburger.

b) Terry and Jackie weren’t  looking at the magazines.

3. a) Were you lying on the beach?

b) Was Carmen buying an ice cream?

4. a) I was playing  with my friends, when I had an accident.(play,have)

b) He ran for the bus but it was driving very fast.(run, drive)

5. a) Jackie is taller than Sue.(tall)

b) I think Sue is more attractive than Jackie.(attractive)

6. a) Do you like these trousers?

b) I’d like this shirt, please.

7. Students’ own answers.




1. Put these sentences into the Future Tense.

a) He catches the bus.

b) I don’t have lunch at school.

2. Make these sentences negative.

a) I was watching Jackie.

b) She was putting some things on the shelves.

3. Turn these sentences into questions.

a) They were writing a letter to their pen friends.

b) He was buying some milk.

4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

a) While I……….my bike, I………….(ride, fall off)

b) When my friends……….me. they……….to get my mother.(see, run)

5. Complete these with the comparative or the superlative of the adjectives in brackets.

a) Casey is the……..footballer in the team. (good)

b) Rome is……..away from London than Paris.(far)

6. Complete these with ‘this’ or ‘these’

a) How much are…….scissors?

b) ……….shorts are too tight.

7. Describe your trip. Write 6-10 sentences.Say:

·         Where you went

·         Where you stayed

·         How you got there

·         What you bought or what you did

·         What you ate or drank

·         How much money you spent

·         How you got home



1. Put these sentences into the Future Tense.

a) He will catch the bus.

b) I won’t  have lunch at school.

2. Make these sentences negative.

a) I wasn’t  watching Jackie.

b) She wasn’t  putting some things on the shelves.

3. Turn these sentences into questions.

a) Were they writing a letter to their pen friends.

b) Was he buying some milk.

4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

a) While I was riding my bike, I fell off.(ride, fall off)

b) When my friends saw me. They ran to get my mother.(see, run)

5. Complete these with the comparative or the superlative of the adjectives in brackets.

a) Casey is the best footballer in the team.(good)

b) Rome is further away from London than Paris.(far)

6. Complete these with ‘this’ or ‘these’

a) How much are these scissors?

b) These shorts are too tight.

7. Describe your trip. :

Students’ own answers

Критерии оценок за выполнение задания по теме «Путешествия»

Задание содержит лексическое задание из 6 пунктов, грамматическое задание  из 12 пунктов .

Оценка «5»  16-18правильных ответа.

Оценка «4»  13-15  правильных ответов.

Оценка «3» 9-12 правильных ответа.


Проблемы молодежи

Закончите предложения, используя предлагаемые варианты:

 1.Being a teenager is not so...

a)  important    b) easy    c) clever

2. Young people have to learn ... at school.

a) a little  b) nothing    c) a lot of

3. When parents don't understand the problems of their children it's


a) generation gap     b) problem   c) the rush hour

4. Nowadays we have very serious problems for the young people such as violence, AIDS, drugs and ...

a) music      b) alcohol   c) sport

5. The most terrible thing is when teenager becomes a ...

a) student   b) doctor     c) drug addict

6. Teenagers commit crimes for some reasons. They need money, someone makes them do it or they want to…. their  friends.

a)  like   b) impress    c) watch

7. The most popular subcultures are Hacker, Rocker, Punk, Mod ,Hippie, Biker, Skinhead and…

a) Goth   b) Pioneer  c)  Stranger

8. A young person who wears  leather jacket, army boots and a cowboy hat just to show off. He is associated with something rebellious.

a)   Hippie   b)  Rocker   c)  Mod

9.A young person who dresses in a shocking way to express his or her identity. He or she has brightly coloured hair and wears metal chains. The person is thought to rebel against the society. The music is aggressive. They reject everything.

a) Punk    b)    Hacker     c)   Hippie

10.There people developed their own style distinct from others. A person has college-style hair, a neat white shirt, a short jacket, or a short blazer jacket, and narrow trousers. The clothes are Italian by choice. Pale face, plenty of make-up. Scooters  are the preferred means of transportation. He or she prefer soul music.

a)  Skinhead   b) Biker    c) M


1-b,2-c, 3-a, 4-b, 5-c, 6-b, 7-a, 8-b, 9-a, 10-c.


Проблемы молодежи


Закончите предложения, используя предлагаемые варианты:

1. Teenagers have ... problems.

a) no        b) a lot of   c)  much

2. School is the 1st problem. Young people have to learn ...

a) a little      b)  nothing    c) a lot

3. When parents don't understand the problems of their children it's


a) problem   c) greenhouse effect   b) generation gap  

4. Nowadays we have very serious problems for the young people such as violence, AIDS, drugs and ...

a) smoking      b)studies  c)  playing football

5. The most terrible thing is when teenager becomes a ...

  a)  parent      b) student       c) drug addict

6. A young person who wears  a leather jacket, army boots and a cowboy hat just to show off. He is associated with something rebellious.

a)   Hippie   b)  Rocker   c)  Mod

7. A subculture is a group of people with the same……., the same style and they like the same music.

a)  interests   b)  parents   c)   schoolmates

8.They are the ‘wizards’ of the computer community; people with a deep understanding of how their computers work, and can do things with them that seem ‘medical’. They do not protest against their parents. This subculture is called…

a)  Goth   b)  Hacker  c) Mod

9. The members of this subculture wear the blackest black, with a lot of silver jewellery and have very black hair and look as this and pale as possible. The members gather together to read Bram Stoker and talk about being vampires, and about the end of the world. They are…

a) Skinheads   b)  Bikers   c) Goths

10. Teenagers commit crimes for some reasons. They need money, someone makes them do it or they want to impress …..

a) their  teachers   b) their friends   c) themselves



1-b, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a, 5-c, 6-b, 7-a, 8-b, 9-c, 10-b.


Критерии оценок: 5-7б –оценка «3»

                                 8-9б-оценка «4»

                                 10б-оценка «5»



Тема “Великие изобретения”

Вариант 1

1.Прочитайте текст, используйте глагол в правильной форме в действительном или страдательном залоге.

                                               The history of paper.

            Today, paper (1)_____(use) for hundreds of everyday things. Long ago, before paper, people (2)_____(write)on animal skins, bones and stones. Then the Egyptians (3)____(start) to make papyrus. But the first real paper (4)_____(invent) in China. It (5)____(make) from a mixture of plants and cloth. The Chinese (6)_____(keep) their invention secret for centuries. Finally, in the 10-th century, paper(7)_____(bring) to Europe by the Arabs. The first paper mill (8)______(build) in Spain in 1150. Since then most paper (9)______(make) out of wood, because it is much stronger than cloth. Nowadays, each person (10)______ (use) about 300kg of paper every year.

2. Измените предложения, используя страдательный залог.

a) The main computer checks the information.

b) The teacher warned Terry.

c)A new DJ will present the show next week.

3.Сделайте следующие предложения отрицательными и вопросительными.

a) Terry’s bag was stolen

b) The project will be finished in five days.

c) Stamps are sold at the post office.


Тема “Великие изобретения”

Вариант 2

1.Прочитайте текст, используйте глагол в правильной форме в действительном или страдательном залоге.

                        The discovery of DNA

  DNA (1)______(discover) by a German scientist in 1869, but nobody (2)______(realize) the importance then. Other scientists thought that it was too simple to contain the map of how we (3)______(make). In 1953, a group of British scientists finally (4)_______(discover) the structure of DNA and how it (5)______(work).They (6)_______(give) the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1962. In 1986, for the first time DNA testing (7)_____(use) by the police. Some DNA is usually left at the place where crime (8)______(commit). The test always (9)______(show) if the person is guilty. With DNA information it is possible that a cure for many diseases (10)_______(find) in the future.

2. Измените предложения, используя страдательный залог.

a)Thieves stole five cars.

b)The police will close the road.

c)Bruno Brooks presents the Top 40.

3.Сделайте следующие предложения отрицательными и вопросительными.

a)Mr. Moor was invited to the party.

b)Tigers are found in Africa

c)The electricity lined will be repaired.

 Ответы к работе по теме“Великие изобретения

Вариант 1


1)-is used                                                       6)-kept

2)-wrote                                                         7)-was brought

3)-started                                                        8)-was built

4)-was invented                                             9)-is made

5)-was made                                      10)-uses


a)The information is checked by the main computer.

b)Terry was warned by the teacher.

c)The show will be presented by a new DJ.


 a) Terry’s bag wasn’t stolen.

Was Terry’s bag stolen?

b) The project won’t be finished in five days.

Will the project be finished in five days?

c) Stamps aren’t sold at the post office.

Are stamps sold at the post office?

Вариант 2


1)-was discovered                              6)-were given

2)-realized                                                      7)-was used

3)- are made                                       8)-was committed

4)- discovered                                    9)-shows

5)-worked                                                      10)-will be found


a) Five cars were stolen by thieves.

b) The road will be closed by the police.

c) The Top 40 will be presented by Bruno Brooks.

3. Сделайте следующие предложения отрицательными и вопросительными.

a)Mr. Moor wasn’t invited to the party.

Was Mr. Moor invited to the party?

b) Tigers aren’t found in Africa.

Are tigers found in Africa?

c)The electricity lined won’t be repaired.

Will the electricity lined be repaired?

Критерии оценок.

Оценка «5» ставится за 17-19 правильных ответов.

Оценка «4» ставится за 14-16 правильных ответов.

Оценка «3» ставится за 11-13 правильных ответов




Рассмотрено предметно-цикловой комиссией

Литературы, русского и английского языков

Протокол №    от

«____»________  2014 г.


Ломакина М.А.




Материал к контрольной работе

по дисциплине:

«Иностранный язык»


030912 «Право и организация социального обеспечения»

031001»Правоохранительная деятельность


Курс    I     Семестр   1



Заместитель директора по учебной работе

Архипцева И.А.


«___»_______2014  г.





I вариант

I.  Прочитайте текст с пропусками и выбери верный вариант ответа.

If you see  any  1 _____town or city  in Britain from the air, it 2 _____very big.

Generally people in Britain  3 _______ in the centre of a town. Most people live in the suburbs. And most people don’t live in flats. They 4 _____  live in a house with a garden.

Most of the 5 _______ in town centres are shops and offices. Big shops are usually in the town centre – furniture shops, clothes shops, shoe shops.

But most suburbs 6 _____ a few small shops, too. 7  ______ usually a newsagent’s, a supermarket, a hairdresser’s, a post office and a chemist’s. There is often a pub, too.

  1. a) famous  b) -   c)  important  d) nice
  2. a) to see  b) looked  c) looks  d) saw
  3. a) doesn’t live  b) don’t live  c) didn’t live d) live not
  4. a)  are  b) yesterday  c) often  d)never
  5. a) buildings  b) churches  c) shops  d) schools
  6. a) had  b) has  c) have  d) hasn’t
  7. a) there are  b) are there  c) there is  d) There was

II.  Выберите  правильный вариант ответа

4.      I ….. a doctor.  a) am  b) has got  c) is

5.      My family ….. a house.  a) is  b) has got  c) are

6.      Kate ….. from London.  a) hasn’t got  b) is not  c) have got

7.      His aunt ….. a car.  a) is  b) have got  c) has got

8.      ….. your sister  a policewoman?  a) has got  b) is  c) are



III.  Вставьте  в предложения глаголы в скобках в нужной форме Present Simple

1.      Jim’s wife ….. videos  in the middle of the night. (watch)

2.      Casey and Vince …. Football every day (play)

3.      I …. to college on Sunday (go)

4.      When ….. he …..? (get up)

5.      He ….. at 8 o’clock. (get up)

IV.   Вставьте в предложения глаголы в скобках в нужной форме Present continuous

1.      Terry ….. his English homework at the moment. (do)

2.      He ….. to the radio now. (listen)

3.      Look. Where …. they …..  ? (go)

4.       They …. to the cinema. (go)

5.      I …. American football. (not play)

V.   Выберите  правильный вариант ответа

1.      Vince ….. a blue sweater today. a) wears  b) is wearing  c) has wearing  d) wear

2.      Sue ….. to the hospital every Wednesday. a) go  b) is going   c) goes  d) are going

3.      We usually  …. home at 5 o’clock. a) come  b) are coming   c) comes   d) is coming

4.      What ….. Sue and Vince …..  at the moment. a) does  b) is doing  c) do  d) are doing

5.      He  ….  a student. a) has got  b) is being  c) is  d) are

VI.   Вставьте  в предложения глаголы в скобках в нужной форме Past  Simple

        1.   At 7 am Santa  ….. an ice cream for breakfast. (have)

        2.   Then he  …. bread to  his deer. ( give)

        3.   He (read ) ---------- children’s letters and (write) ------a list of Christmas presents.

        4.   He  ….. to different countries.  ( fly )                             

        5.   In the evening  Santa  ….. Christmas presents  for  his friends. (make)

VII.   Вставьте  в предложения глаголы в скобках в нужной форме Future

  1. Dad ….. me to the airport. ( not take)
  2. Mum and Dad  ….. at the hospital with Aunt Ada.  (be)
  3. I …..  some Spanish money. (need)
  4. We ….. to London next week. (go)
  5.  What ….. you ….. for the party? ( wear)

VIII.   Выберите  правильный вариант ответа

1.  …..   two lakes on the map.  a) there are   b) there is

2.  ……  a living room in the my flat.   a) there are   b) there is

3.   ……   a disk in the disk drive.  a) there are   b) there is

4. ……  three bedrooms  in the house?  a) are  there   b) is  there

5.  ……   a  castle in  our town.   a) there are   b) there is



  1. 1-b, 2-c, 3-b, 4-c, 5-a, 6-c, 7-c
  2. 1-a, 2-b, 3-b, 4-c, 5-b
  3. 1. Watches, 2- play,3-don’t go, 4-does…get up, 5-gets up
  4. 1-is doing, 2-is listening, 3-are going, 4-are going, 5- am not playing
  5. 1-b, 2-c, 3-a, 4-d, 5-c
  6. 1-had, 2- gave, 3- read/wrote, 4-flew, 5-made
  7. 1-won’t take, 2-will be, 3-will need, 4- will go, 5- will…wear
  8. 1-a, 2- b, 3- a, 4-a, 5-b.



II вариант

I.  Прочитайте текст с пропусками и выбери верный вариант ответа.

If you see any   1 _____town or city in Britain from the air, it 2 _____very big.

Generally people in Britain  3 _______ in the centre of a town. Most people live in the suburbs. And most people don’t live in flats. They 4 _____  live in a house with a garden.

Most of the 5 _______ in town centres are shops and offices. Big shops are usually in the town centre – furniture shops, clothes shops, shoe shops.

But most suburbs 6 _____ a few small shops, too. 7  ______ usually a newsagent’s, a supermarket, a hairdresser’s, a post office and a chemist’s. There is often a pub, too.

  1. a)  -   b) popular c) large  d) pretty
  2. a) to see   b) looks   c) looking   d) saw
  3. a) doesn’t live   b) didn’t live   c) don’t live  d) live no
  4. a)     usually b)  are  c) like  d)never
  5. a) building   b) churches   c) shops   d) buildings
  6. a) has   b) had   c) haven’t   d) have
  7. a) there is   b) are there   c) it    d) they

II.  Вставьте  нужное слово: this / these

4.      Is ….. man strong?

5.      What colour is ….. car?

6.      What colour are …. T-shirts.

7.      ….. woman is my teacher.

8.      ….. nice girls are pretty.

  III.   Вставьте  нужное слово: am/ is / are

1.  Where ….. the children?

2.   I think Terry ….. kind and funny.

3.  Are you a student?-Yes, I  …..

4.  We ….. in the park.

5.  He ….. strong and brave.

IV.  Выберите  правильный вариант ответа

  1. You ….. got  two eyes.  a) has  b) have  c) hasn’t
  2. I ….. got many friends.  a) haven’t  b) hasn’t  c) has
  3. The teacher ….. got a book  a) have  b) has  c) haven’t
  4. Ann’s brother ….. got a car.  a) have  b) haves  c) has
  5. Kamala’s sisters ….. got dolls  a) has  b) have  c) hasn’t

V.  Выберите  правильный вариант ответа

4.      This is ….. bike.  a) John’s  b) John  c) Johns’

5.      Kate is ….. sister.  a) Edward  b) Edward’s  c) Edwards

6.      Sheila is ….. aunt.  a) Vince and Sues’  b) Vince’s and Sue’s  c)  Vince and Sue’s

7.      Diana is ….. wife.  a) Charles  b)  Charles’  c) Charles’s

8.      This ..... son is my friend.  a) woman  b) women’s  c) woman’s

VI.  Вставьте  в предложения глаголы в скобках в нужной форме Present Simple

1.Jim’s wife ….. videos  in the middle of the night. (watch)

2.Casey and Vince ….football every day (play)

3.I …. to college on Sunday (go)

4.When ….. he …..? (get up)

5.He ….. at 8 o’clock. (get up)

VII.  Выберите  правильный вариант ответа

1.  …..   five parks  on the map.  a) there is  b) there are

2.  ……  two bedrooms  in the my flat.   a) there are   b) there is

3.   ……   a CD on the computer.  a) there are   b) there is

4. ……  two  bathrooms  in the house?  a) are there   b) is there

5.  ……   a  palace  in the city.   a) there are   b) there is

VIII. Напишите  словами, который час.

1. 8:00

2. 7:30

3. 10:15

4. 3:40

5. 6:10


1.      1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-a, 5-d, 6-d, 7-a

2.      1-this, 2-this, 3-these, 4-this, 5-these

3.      1- are, 2- is,3-am, 4-are, 5-is

4.      1-b, 2-a, 3-b, 4-c, 5- b

5.      1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-b, 5-c

6.      1-watches, 2- play, 3- go , 4-…do…get up, 5-gets up

7.      1-b, 2-a, 3-b, 4- a, 5- b

8.      1-it’s eight o’clock, 2- it’s half past seven, 3-it’s a quarter past ten , 4-it’s twenty to four, 5-it’s ten past six.

Критерии оценок:

Оценка «5» ставится за 38-42 правильных ответа

Оценка «4» ставится за 28-37 правильных ответов

Оценка «3» ставится за 22-27 правильных ответов

Оценка «2» ставится менее, чем за 22 правильных ответа






Рассмотрено предметно-цикловой комиссией

Литературы, русского и английского языков

Протокол №       от


«____»________  2014 г.


Ломакина М.А.






по дисциплине:

Иностранный язык


030912 Право и организация социального обеспечения

031001 Правоохранительная деятельность

Курс   1  Семестр  2



Заместитель директора по учебной работе

Архипцева И.А.



«___»_______2014  г.




Вопросы с ответами

Тема№1 Знакомство. Приветствие.


1)      Introduce yourself (name, age, your native town) (students’ own answers)

2)      What are your likes and dislikes? (students’ own answers)

3)      Characterize your personality. (students’ own answers)

4)      Say a few words about your family.( students’ own answers)

5)      What is your hobby?


Hobby is a favorite occupation of a person in his free time. I have many friends. They are different and they have different hobbies. Some of them like sport, playing computer games. Some girls like cooking, shopping, knitting or travelling. My best friend likes………

If you ask me, my hobby is…………….

Many people like collecting. Some collect coins, car models, badges, stamps, magnets etc. For example, my……collects……..

Hobby makes our life more interesting.


Тема№2Распорядок дня. Планирование рабочего времени. Досуг.


1)      What time do you get up and go to bed? 

2)      Describe your working day at college.

3) What subjects do the students study at our college?

4) Is it interesting to study at our college?

     5)  What do you usually do in your free time?


I am a student of Moscow College of Police. It was founded in 1992.

       The students of our college have all conditions for getting a good education. There are many classrooms, a lecture hall, two gymnasiums, a big library and even a shooting gallery.

The working day  begins at 8 o’clock. At this time all students have Registration. The lessons start at 8.30. and end at about 4. After the second period we have lunch.

Every day the students have lectures, seminars, tutorials. We study many different subjects: Science, Computer studies, Geography, History, Literature, PE, Life security basis, Social science, World Art, English, Maths,Russian, etc. My favourite subjects are:         _.

As a rule we get much homework.

After classes the students can do sport or attend optional courses.


Тема№3 Известные люди нашей планеты


1)      What famous scientists, musicians and writers do you know?(Newton, Darwin, Kipling, Shakespeare…)

2)      Who was the first astronaut? (Yuri Gagarin)

3)      When did Yuri Gagarin go into space? (In 1961)

4)      What do you know about Elvis Presley?


The King of Rock and Roll

I want to tell you about Elvis Presley.

Elvis Presley came from a very poor family. He was born in 1935 in Mississippi. Elvis loved music. He went to church every Sunday and sang in the choir.

When he was 13, his mother bought him a guitar. In 1948 Elvis and his family moved to Memphis, Tennessee.

In 1954 Elvis went to a recording studio Sun Records to make a record for his mother’s birthday.  His first single was That’s all Right, Mama.

In 1955  he appeared on TV in New York. In 1956 Elvis went to Hollywood and made his first film Love Me Tender.

In 1958 Elvis joined the American army and went to Germany. When he returned to the USA in the early 60s, pop music was not the same.

Elvis was a millionaire, but he was a very lonely man. He died of a heart attack in August 1977 in his mansion at Graceland.


Тема№4 : Город. Инфраструктура.

1) What English cities and towns do you know? (London, Hartfield, Cardiff, Birmingham)

2) What American cities and towns do you know?(Washington? New York, Boston, Detroit)

3) When was Moscow founded? What are the most famous sights of Moscow?


Moscow is the capital of Russia. It was founded in 1147 by Yuri Dolgoruky . Moscow is the largest city in Russia. It is a political, economic and cultural centre of the whole country.

Moscow is famous for its monuments, old churches and cathedrals. But there is some modern architecture too.

There is good public transport in Moscow. Moscow underground is the most comfortable and the most beautiful in the world.

There are many theatres and museums in Moscow. The Bolshoi theatre is well-known all over the world.

The symbols of Moscow are the Red Square, the Spasskaya Tower, the Kremlin.

Other famous sights are the Tretyakov Gallery, the Historical Museum, the monument to Minin and Pozharsky, the Alexandrovsky Garden with the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, St. Basil’s Cathedral etc.

My favourite place in Moscow is …


4) What buildings can you see in every city? (a hospital, a school, a library, a chemistry, a museum etc.)

5) Tell a few words about your neighborhood.(students’ own answers)


 Тема№5 Путешествия.


1)How can people travel?

2) Do you like travelling?

3)Why do people travel?

4) What country would you like to visit?

5) Where will you stay?


It’s wonderful to discover new places. Travelling is a part of people’s education. They can learn about different countries and their traditions try interesting food and have a very good time.

Some people like to take long walks in the country. Such walks are called hikes. You can see a lot of interesting places and meet interesting people.

There are people who like to travel by car. It is interesting too, because you can see many things in a short time. You don’t need to buy tickets and carry all the things.

It is comfortable to travel by train and by plane. Travelling by plane, you don’t spend a lot of time going from one place to another.

I think that travelling is a wonderful thing for us and I enjoy all kinds of travelling very much.

I would like to visit………..

I would go there by……… and stay at a hotel.


      Тема №6 Проблемы молодёжи


1)      1)What are the teenagers’ problems?

Problems of teenagers are:



problems with  parents ,


communication with each other  are the most common.

    I think that the most difficult and serious problem of modern teenagers is drug addiction. Today millions of young people use drugs, and most of them die


2)      2)What do usually the teens do in their free time?


In Russia the teenagers usually play sport, play computer games, go for walks, watch films, listen to music, read books, go to parties or do the part-time job.


       3)  What modern subcultures do you know?

A subculture is a group of people with the same interests, the same style and they like the same music.

There are:

Hackers, Rockers ,Punks, Ravers , Mods, Hippies, Goths, Bikers, Skinheads , Football fans , Musical fans, Rappers  etc.

Bikers  usually have a bike, wear  leather jackets and army boots.

 Hippies usually have long hair and wear bright clothes.

Punks usually have brightly coloured hair, wear metal chains.

Goths wear long black clothes and are interested in the life beyond the grave.

Hackers are people with a deep understanding of computers.

Football fans follow their favourite team to watch the matches.

Musical fans collect information, listen to music and visit concerts.

Rappers wear wide clothes and caps , have metal chains or a lot of jewellery. They listen to rap and read rap.


4) Why do teenagers commit crimes?


Today many teenagers do not know how to spend their free time. Their parents are very busy at work and don’t control them. That is why some teenagers commit crimes. Some do it without any reason, some teens do it because they need money and others commit crimes to impress their friends


       5)  When are the teenagers in Russia allowed to drive a car/vote/get married?


The teenagers in Russia can drive a car/vote/get married at the age of 18.


 Тема№7 Мода


1) Do you follow the fashion?

2) What do you usually wear at home/to the college/if you go on a picnic/to the party?

3) What do you think of the fashion of the XX century? Tell about one of its periods

4) Do you know any famous fashion designers, models or stylists?

5) Do you know anything about unusual clothes?


Fashion changed from one period to another. For example

Before the first World War men wore dark suits. They had short hair and moustaches were popular. Women wore long dresses with a very narrow waist. They had long hair. 

In the 1930s and 40s moustaches went out of fashion.

Some people follow the fashion, some people don’t.

Modern  designers have made:

- an airplane dress

-a luminescent raincoat                      `                                                         

- a cooling jacket,

- a map suit,`

-clothes that make scents

As for me, I wear clothes that are comfortable. I think I should  have my own style.


  Тема№8 Лондон


1) What is the capital of Great Britain?

2) What is the population of London?

3) What parts is London divided into?

4) What famous places of London do you know?

5) What is the official residence of the Queen?



London was founded nearly 2000 years ago. London stands on the river Thames.

The population is about 8 mln.people.

London has 4 parts: the West End, the East End, the Port and the City.

A lot of tourists come to London to see the Houses of Parliament, the Buckingham Palace, the Tower, the Observatory in Greenwich, Trafalgar Square, the Natural History museum, the British museum, 10 Downing street , Madam Tussaud’s etc.

The Houses of Parliament is also called the palace of Westminster. At the north end of the building is the famous clock tower, Big Ben.

The Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the Queen.

The Tower of London is the oldest building in the city.

The Observatory in Greenwich is 10 miles outside London. There are telescopes and displays about astronomy. The international meridian line runs through the observatory.


Trafalgar Square is the central square in London.

 In the Natural History museum there is a big collection of animals and plants.

10 Downing street is the address of the British Prime Minister.

In Madam Tussaud’s there are wax models of famous people.


Тема №9 Москва


1) What is the capital of Russia?

2) What is the population of Moscow?

3) Who founded Moscow?

4) How can people travel about Moscow?

5) Tell about the sights of Moscow, the capital of Russia.


Moscow is the capital of Russia. It was founded in 1147 by Yuri Dolgoruky . Moscow is the largest city in Russia. It is a political, economic and cultural centre of the whole country.

Moscow is famous for its monuments, old churches and cathedrals. But there is some modern architecture too.

There is good public transport in Moscow. Moscow underground is the most comfortable and the most beautiful in the world.

There are many theatres and museums in Moscow. The Bolshoi theatre is well-known all over the world.

The symbols of Moscow are the Red Square, the Spasskaya Tower, the Kremlin.

Other famous sights are the Tretyakov Gallery, the Historical Museum, the monument to Minin and Pozharsky, the Alexandrovsky Garden with the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, St. Basil’s Cathedral etc.

My favourite place in Moscow is …


   Тема№10 Продукты питания


1) What is your favorite cuisine?

2) What kinds of restaurants do you know? Do people in your family eat out very often?

3) What does the healthy eating mean?

4) What are the most popular Russian dishes?

5) What are the traditional British meals?


British people have three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. For breakfast they have cereal, a toast with marmalade, juice and yogurt with a cup of tea or coffee.

The main meal is dinner. It is usually a meat dish with vegetables and dessert.

The most important meal of the week is the Sunday dinner.

The British like to eat fish and chips very much.

 If you ask me, I like ………..cuisine.

There are take-aways, fast food restaurants, pubs, Italian, Chinese, Japanese restaurants in our city. People in my family don’t eat out very often. We have meals at home and cook traditional Russian food.

The most popular Russian dishes are cabbage soup, meat dumplings, and pancakes.

 They say you are what you eat.

To be healthy we should:

1.         eat less sugar and salt.

2          eat more fruit and vegetables.

3. eat more fiber, less  fat.

4.drink about 2 liters of water a day.


Тема №11 Спорт в жизни человека


1) What are the most popular kinds of sport in Russia?

2) What are the most popular kind of sport in Great Britain and The USA?

3) Why is it important to play sport?

4) What are winter kinds of sport?

5) What are summer kinds of sport?


Sport is very important in our life.

It helps us to keep fit and to be healthy.

The most popular kinds of sport in Russia are football, volleyball, tennis and hockey.

The most popular kinds of sport in Britain are football, cricket and golf.

The most popular kinds of sport in the USA are rugby, ice hockey, basketball ,baseball, and football.

In winter people like skiing, skating, snowboarding and playing hockey.

In summer people like swimming, playing football or badminton and jogging.

Many people do morning exercises, jog in the morning, train themselves in different sections and take part in sport competitions.

I think PE is a very important subject at college. The students play basketball, volleyball, table tennis and football.

My favorite kind of sport is…







                             Преподаватели:       Афтений М.В.

                                                                  Павлова И.В.

                                                                 Ломакина М.А.

                                                                  Русанова Г.Г.

                                                                  Худогулова Б.Б.






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