Инфоурок Обществознание КонспектыПлан-конспект мероприятия "Записки с британских островов: история и современность" (история, обществознание, английский язык)

План-конспект мероприятия "Записки с британских островов: история и современность" (история, обществознание, английский язык)

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Тема. Записки с Британских островов: история и современность. (история+английский язык)

Задачи мероприятия:

·        организовать повторение лексического и страноведческого материала посредством активного участия ребят в игровой деятельности;

·        совершенствовать навыки устной речи, умение понимать речь на слух;

·        воспитывать уважение к истории, традициям и обычаям Великобритании как части мировой культуры.

Оборудование: иллюстрации, открытки, фотографии, стихи, тексты, карточки, компьютер, проектор.

Ход мероприятия

I.Организационный момент.

II.Основной этап.

1.О связи русской и британской истории и культуры.

Выступление ведущего Мустафаева В.


Задание: узнайте английские достопримечательности и определите, где они находятся.


Задание: определите, какие из городов находятся в Великобритании.

4.Учимся быть историками.

Задание: заполните пропуски в текстах об истории Великобритании.

1.В 80-е гг. XVI века англичане основали свои первые поселения в ……… - колонию на острове Роанок. Они добрались до ………… В начале XVII века Генри …………. Открыл устье реки, которая теперь носит его имя. Европейцы не желали мириться с монополией …………………. В Новом Свете.

(Испания, Гренландия, Гудзон, Америка)

2.Англичане следовали то итальянской, то испанской, то французской ……………… В начале XVII века стал популярен голландский стиль, отложные кружевные …………….. и шляпы с высокой тульей. Ежегодно менялись …………………….. платьев и камзолов. Погоня за модой заставляла ……………….. двигаться в перёд, давая стимул для развития производства и ………………

(Воротник, торговля, мода, фасон, общество)

3.Поскольку плавильни, кузницы, солеварни требовали всё больше угля, активно вырубались …………… Во многих регионах Европы ……………. стало не хватать. Впервые в истории человек оказался перед проблемой истощения ………………… В начале XVII в. В Англии стали использовать каменный ……………. вместо древесного. Правда, при его сжигании распространялось зловоние и всё кругом чернело от …………………

(Уголь, древесина, копоть, лес, природные ресурсы.)

5.Вопросы и ответы.

1.Название, какого цветка носила долгая гражданская война в Англии 1455-1485 гг. (роза)

2.Как называли пиратов, находившихся на службе у английских королей? (каперы)

3.Какую часть Америки осваивали англичане? (Северную Америку)

4. Почему англичане осваивали только Северную Америку? (Южную и Центральную поделили между собой испанцы и португальцы)

5. Какие территории входят в состав современной Великобритании?  (Англия, Шотландия, Уэльс и Северная Ирландия)

6. Столица Уэльса? (Кардифф)

7. Что значит цветок чертополоха для жителя Шотландии? (Символ Шотландии)

8. Символом, какой части Великобритании является трилистник? (Сев. Ирландии)

9. Какие источники энергии использовались в Англии до появления электричества и нефти? (ветер, вода, уголь)

10. Больше половины XIX длилась эпоха названная именем королевы, которая правила в это время в Британии. Назовите имя королевы и название эпохи. (Виктория, Викторианская эпоха)

6.Узнай меня, если сможешь.

Задание: узнайте героя. Ученик представляет героя, остальные должны узнать, используя подсказки.

Это единственный человек в Великобритании, которому разрешено ездить за рулем без водительских прав.

Она придумала новую породу собак —  помесь Корги с Таксой, которую назвала Дорги.

Это самый долгий правитель в истории Британии. В этом отношении она превзошла свою прабабушку Королеву Викторию, которая была у власти 64 года.

He is the only person in the UK who is allowed to drive without a driver's license.

She came up with a new breed of dog - a cross between Corgi and Dachshund, which she named Dorgi.

This is the longest ruler in British history. In this respect, she surpassed her great-grandmother Queen Victoria, who was in power for 64 years.



Этот выдающийся государственный деятель сказал: «Ни одному политику и не снилась та власть, которой обладает школьный учитель».

Он был ещё и живописцем, причём настолько одарённым, что его полотна выставлялись в Лувре.

В 2002 году канал BBC провёл опрос, согласно которому большинство респондентов назвали именно его величайшем британцем в истории.


This outstanding statesman said: "Not a single politician has dreamed of the power that a school teacher has."

He was also a painter, and so gifted that his canvases were exhibited at the Louvre.

In 2002, the BBC conducted a poll, according to which the majority of respondents named him the greatest British in history.



В 1954 году этот актер был награждён Международной премией мира.

Он является единственным в мире обладателем сразу двух звёзд на голливудской Аллее славы.

За фильм «Великий диктатор», в котором он высмеивал Адольфа Гитлера, последний внёс его в список своих личных врагов.

In 1954, this actor was awarded the International Peace Prize.

He is the only owner of two stars in the world at once on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

For the film "The Great Dictator", in which he made fun of Adolf Hitler, the latter put him on the list of his personal enemies.


Уинстон Черчилль.

Елизавета .

Чарли Чаплин.




Ученики получили предварительное задание: подготовить рассказ по-английски об одном из праздников и представить поздравительную открытку.

      День святого Валентина

      In England, Valentine's Day has been celebrated since about the 17th century. There were times when on February 14 the British gave gifts to each other in secret, and they chose a couple for themselves according to lot. By the end of the 17th century, paper valentines had become popular. Sometimes they were made of colored paper and signed with colored ink. Sometimes it was pierced with pins like lace, and dyed using a stencil.

     In medieval England, the custom was widespread to choose a "Valentine".

Several young people got together, wrote the names of the girls on the pieces of parchment, put them in a hat and drew lots. That girl, whose name fell out to the young man, became his "Valentina" for a whole year, and he became her "Valentine". "Valentine" composed sonnets for his girlfriend, played her lute, accompanied her everywhere, in a word, behaved like a real knight. The British consider the best gift to be one made with their own hands, so people give each other their own baked sweets in the shape of hearts.

Flowers are given a special place on this holiday. The British spied on the tradition of giving flowers from the French in the early 18th century. There is a whole alphabet of giving flowers, thanks to which the giver can express feelings to the one to whom they are presented. Still, the most popular among lovers on Valentine's Day in England is the red rose. Legend has it that the goddess of love Aphrodite stepped on a white rose bush and, having hurt herself on the thorns, painted the roses red.


День матери

On March 8, we celebrate International Women's Day, which has not received such a spread in other countries. For example, in Great Britain this holiday is remembered only in the framework of women's struggle for rights. The British have their own holiday dedicated to women - Mother's Day.

It falls around the beginning of March. English Mother's Day -

it is the oldest known holiday in the world dedicated to women

and still exists. Mother's Day in the British Isles

began to celebrate back in the 17th century, but then it had a slightly different

meaning associated with religion.

In those days, the "mother parish" was called the church or

the cathedral, which was located in the area where people were born and raised.

As a rule, most left to work in other places,

and in the middle of Lent it was customary to return

back to their homeland to visit the "mother church".

Workers were given extra days off during this time.

Gradually, Mother's Sunday turned into Mother's Day. The connection with religion was lost, and the name and tradition of coming to the father's house connected the holiday with the mothers of the families. Children continued to return home once a year, and there was also a custom to bring small gifts to mothers and all women in the family.



Easter is a great holiday that people love to celebrate in the UK. At that time. A 2-week vacation starts at school, it's springtime outside and the sun is shining brightly. The last Palm Sunday before Easter in England is called Palm Sunday. The last Friday before Easter is called Good Friday. Everyone treats each other with delicious raisin buns decorated with a cross on top. On Palm Sunday, people give each other Easter eggs. However, unlike us, they give chocolate eggs stuffed with caramel. Or you can give other sweets or souvenirs in the form of Easter eggs. On Easter, services are held in churches.

There is a tradition on Easter Monday to give sweets and toys to children on the street.

On Easter, it is customary to gather the whole family together at the table. They cook a lamb with vegetables, bake an Easter cake, also prepare various salads and paint eggs.

In some counties there is a tradition of playing football at Easter. Instead of a ball, a keg filled with light beer is used. After the game, the beer is drunk. During Easter I dance the famous Morris Dancing. The dancers are dressed in Robin Hood costumes. They dance in churches, on the street and elsewhere. There is a very funny tradition - on Easter Monday, men carry women in their arms, and vice versa on Easter Tuesday.

It is believed that it is the rabbit that hides the Easter eggs so that the kids will look for them later. So in England, during Easter, you can see many rabbit-shaped souvenirs on store shelves. As we can see, Easter is very funny in England.



The history of the holiday began in pagan times among the Celts inhabiting the British Isles. The symbolic day of October 31, exactly before the beginning of winter, was considered a very important day. Initially, the holiday was called Samhain. The ancient Celts believed that it was at this time that the lines between the worlds of the living and the afterlife of spirits were erased.

    During Christianity, the name of the pagan holiday was transformed into the version that is known all over the world today. Halloween or in English Halloween is celebrated on October 31st on the eve of All Saints Day, which falls on November 1st

How is Halloween celebrated in England? In fact, there are a lot of traditions. Firstly, on this day it is customary to dress up and decorate their homes. And these decorations are very specific - the more frightening images you manage to create, the better. The British believe that in order to successfully disguise themselves among the dark forces that appear in abundance on the streets on October 31, it is necessary to become like them as much as possible. Favorite characters on this day: black cat, ghost, pirate or evil genius. Every year, the list of new "terrible" costumes is replenished with heroes of films or stars of ill fame. Do not forget about the decoration of houses, offices and shops, which are filled with skeletons, garlands of eyeballs or cobwebs.

The most famous symbol of Halloween is the pumpkin, decorated in the form of a terrible grimace with a candle burning inside. Such art is called - Jack-O'-Lantern or Jack Lantern. Making these lanterns is a traditional family entertainment before Halloween. During the celebration, it is customary to place pumpkin lanterns on the windowsills to frighten passers-by.



Christmas in the UK is celebrated on December 25th. It is celebrated among the closest people.

     The spirit of British Christmas can be fully experienced in London. On the eve of the holiday, charitable organizations put on shows for adults and children about the birth and life of Jesus Christ near the country's main Christmas tree on Trafalgar Square. Music groups and choirs perform Christmas carols. Leicester Square hosts the country's main fair, where you can buy souvenirs, gifts, decorations and enjoy festive sweets.

The pre-Christmas period in the country opens with Advent, which begins four weeks before the holiday. On Advent Sundays, parishioners attend church services dedicated to the Gospel readings.

     On Christmas Eve (December 24), British residents go to church, and in the evening they gather at a festive table with close relatives.

     In ancient times, the English had a tradition of making and burning Christmas logs. They believed that such a ceremony helped to leave all the hardships and problems in the old year. The tradition has changed. Now, instead of logs, the British light thick Christmas candles.

The British devote December 25 to rest, communication with loved ones. At Christmas, they await the Queen's address, which is broadcast on national television channels.


8.Поэтическая страничка.

Ученики читают наизусть стихотворения английских поэтов.


William Wordsworth


I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced, but they
Outdid the sparkling leaves in glee;
A poet could not be but gay,
In such a jocund company!
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.


Oscar Wilde

Big Ben

Big Ben is high above the town,
It is a symbol of the Crown.
Its sight is handsome in the noon,
At night, it’s shining like a moon.
It has as many as four faces.
The deep voice’s heard in many places
Its work is industrious, in fact.
It tells the time to everyone,
The job is said to be well-done.
Sometimes its stroke is like a call
Of old Sir Benjamin Hall.

III.Подведение итогов.

Награждение победителей и активных участников.










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История и обществознание: теория и методика преподавания в образовательной организации

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