Основные понятия и термины по теме: flight
delay (задержка рейса),toaffecton (влиять на...),arrival & departuretimes(время прибытия и
убытия),discrepancy (несоответствие), flight (полет),backlog (отставание),weatherconditions (погодные условия),toland (приземлиться),tocausedisruptionsinnormalairtrafficpatterns (вызывать сбои в структуре воздушного движения), topaycompensation (выплатить компенсацию).
Задания для самостоятельного выполнения на занятии
(аудиторная самостоятельная работа):
1.Match the words: 1) An information desk a) очередь 2) A check-in desk b) регистрировать(ся) 3) A ticket c) острые предметы 4) To take off d) полет 5) A passenger e) тележка 6) Security check f) прибытие 7) A queue [‘kju:] g) отправление (вылет) 8) A trolley h) жидкости 9) Arrivals [ǝ’raivǝls] i) справочное бюро 10) Departures [di’pa:tʃǝs] j) контроль безопасности 11) Check in k) пассажир 12) A flight l) билет 13) Liquids [‘likwid] m) посадочный талон 14) Sharp objects n) вылетать 15) An aisle [‘ail] o) стойка регистрации
Let's talk about the typical reasons that cause
flights to depart or arrive late:
This is probably the
most obvious, and most common cause for delayed flights. There are three areas
where weather affects flight schedules: at the origin airport, in-flight, and
at the destination airport.
At the origin airport, weather can affect the scheduled flight arrival in many
ways, such as a passing thunderstorm or snow squall, or the need to de-ice the
aircraft. These normally temporary issues have lingering affects on flight
arrival & departure times. When aircraft cannot depart on-time, later
scheduled flights have to wait due to the backlog, as the spacing interval
between takeoffs is fixed and cannot be compressed (imagine cars in traffic
that have a required two car lengths between them). The net affects is that all
of the flights scheduled to arrive from the airport with the weather problems
will arrive late, as will many flights hours after the weather passed.
Many factors can cause air
traffic, and all impact both flight arrival and departure times. Congestion
isn't only a problem when you're driving to the airport. It affects aircraft as
well and ultimately scheduled flight arrivals. Weather delays cause disruptions
in normal air traffic patterns. Flights normally scheduled to arrive on time
might have to 'cirlce' around the airport area as congestion requires air
traffic controllers to hold some flights in a prescibed pattern before they are
cleared to land.
So if you check on the flight status of a particular flight within 30 minutes
of the scheduled arrival time, you may find a discrepancy, as aircraft placed
in holding patterns around the airport may be reported as having arrived, even
though the flight is still in the air.
A go-around occurs when an
aircraft is just about to land at anairport and the pilot decides it is not
safe to land. So you will see (or feel) the plane suddenly increasing altitude,
as if it were taking off again. Of course this affects the arrival time for
that flight, as it could take up to 30 mins for the aircraft to return and land
Mechanical Problems
Mechanical problems affect
arrival schedules too. If a scheduled flight has a mechanical problem while at
the origin airport, the airlines and FAA will update the flight status so
travelers know when a particular flight should land at an airport. This is by
far the greatest majority of cases - on-ground mechanical problems. However, if
the flight experiences a significant mechanical problem while in the air, the
flight might be re-routed to another airport. The FAA might not send updates
fast enough to inform travelers and service providers (such as this site) of
the change, and consequently the flight arrival status could indicate all is
well while the flight actually landed in another airport.
3.Translate into Russian:
1.weather is the most obvious, and
most common cause for delayed flights;
2.weather can affect the scheduled
flight arrival in many ways, such as a passing thunderstorm or snow squall, or
the need to de-ice the aircraft;
3.weather delays cause disruptions
in normal air traffic patterns;
5.many factors can cause air
traffic, and all impact both flight arrival and departure times
4. Say in English:
запланированный рейс; гроза,
снежный шквал, обледенение самолета; воздушное судно; интервал между взлетами
фиксирован и не может быть сжат; все это влияет как на прибытие, так и
отправление; самолету придется кружиться в зоне аэропорта; вызывать сбои в
структуре воздушного движения; приземлиться; набирать высоту; испытывать
существенные механические проблемы.
delay: These are your rights
Was your flight delayed? If
so, the airline has a duty to take care of you. This includes free refreshments
and snacks, and even hotel accommodation. If your flight is delayed more than
three hours you can claim compensation. These rights are clearly defined in the
European Union's Regulation EC 261/2004 on the rights of air passengers.
However, airlines often try to avoid paying compensation by claiming the delay
was due to "extraordinary circumstances", such as bad weather. This
means they cannot be held responsible for the delay.
Flight delay: How your compensation is calculated
If the airline is responsible
for the delay, you have the right to compensation. The amount you are owed is
calculated based on the flight route, rather than the price of the flight.
Flight destinations within the EU
§€ 250compensation for a delayed flight of up to 1,500 km
€ 400compensation for a delayed flight of
over 1,500 km
§€ 600compensation for a delayed flight of over 3,500 km
6. Find in the text:
a)Если ваш
рейс задерживается более чем на три часа, вы можете требовать компенсации.
b)Вам предложат бесплатные
напитки и закуски, и даже размещение в гостинице.
c)Авиакомпании часто
пытаются избежать выплаты компенсации, утверждая, что задержка была из-за
"чрезвычайных обстоятельств", таких как неблагоприятные погодные
Задания для внеаудиторной самостоятельной
работы (домашнее задание):
пересказ текста (task#2)
Формы и методы контроля внеаудиторной
самостоятельной работы
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